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< Kirizaki> Hi
< rcurtin> Kirizaki: hi there!
< Kirizaki> anyone have compiled mlpack with mingw?
< Kirizaki> under Windows
< rcurtin> I know someone did a while back on the mailing list
< rcurtin> they posted their findings
< rcurtin> but I am on a phone right now so searching is hard for me :(
< Kirizaki> yes, but I'm looking for someone who have it already for tests :3
< Kirizaki> I'm using only VS15
< rcurtin> oh, ok, I don't think I am helpful more than that then :(
< rcurtin> I have to run, it's time for lunch---see you later!
< Kirizaki> no problem
< Kirizaki> bye!
< rcurtin> Kirizaki: back now, I found what I was looking for:
< rcurtin> and also it seems like someone has built a package for mlpack to build on mingw:
< rcurtin> both of those are for 1.0.12, but should be adaptable to the latest version
< Kirizaki> MLPACK MINGW <- I will look for this in IRC channel history if I will like to compile by myself
< rcurtin> :)
< Kirizaki> I was hoping that someone have it already to let me test something via RDP
< Kirizaki> :P
< Kirizaki> <lazy_bastard>
raphael29_ has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!]
Kirizaki has quit [Quit: Live long and prosper \v//]