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< dineshraj01> while running all the tests using 'mlpack/build/bin/mlpack_test -t", I am getting this error--------- "error: chol(): use of LAPACK must be enabled
< dineshraj01> unknown location(0): fatal error in "LogisticRegressionTest": std::logic_error: chol(): use of LAPACK must be enabled"
< dineshraj01> I did install lpack and blas
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< rcurtin> dineshraj01: maybe you check the logs so you'll see this message... you need to compile Armadillo with LAPACK and BLAS enabled
< rcurtin> one thing to do could just be to install Armadillo with your package manager
< rcurtin> if you're using ubuntu, you could just do 'sudo apt-get install libarmadillo-dev'
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< rcurtin> dineshraj01: I responded to your question, see the IRC logs:
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< dineshraj01> yeah, got your response :)
< rcurtin> ok, great, hope it helps
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< dinesh_> @rcurtin, surely it did, building armadillo from source with flags ARMA_USE_LAPACK and ARMA_USE_BLAS set as true worked for me.
< rcurtin> dinesh_: great, yeah, that works too
< dinesh_> Also I tried refactoring range_search_model code to include boost variant. Code compiles fine and RangeSearchTests are also fine. What other tests I require to make sure rs_model is working fine?
< rcurtin> if the tests are working fine, then there are probably no issues and you should go ahead and open a PR
< rcurtin> thanks for taking the time to do that! it will be a nice improvement
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< dinesh_> okay :) I'll open a PR as soon as I add some more comments to the code.
< rcurtin> great, thanks
< rcurtin> I have a few PRs to review... I will try and get to them today or tomorrow
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< nish21> hello there! Interested to contribute. Out of curiosity, is mlpack participating in GSoC '17?
< rcurtin> nish21: yes, we will send off our application shortly
< nish21> Okay, thanks! Looking forward to contribute. My man interests are neural networks and deep learning :)
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< travis-ci> dineshraj01/mlpack#3 (rsmodel-boost-variant-visitor - 964d5de : dinesh Raj): The build failed.
< travis-ci> Change view :^...964d5de1aa78
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< dinesh_> @rcurtin, I have opened a PR, my first PR :) kindly review.
< rcurtin> sure, I saw the email, I'll take a look when I have a chance
< rcurtin> don't worry about the travis build error---I saw that was just a failing test that your changes have nothing to do with
< dinesh_> oh I see, okay.
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