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< rcurtin> zoq: I think some of the travis time issues will be fixed with the bindings commit; it will allow boost::program_options to not be included, which should help
< rcurtin> at the same time it will now build a bunch of python targets... so any gains may be useless in the end if the python build takes too long...
< rcurtin> (although, for the travis build, it'd be easy enough to just disable the python bindings build, we could do that on jenkins)
< zoq> rcurtin: okay that sounds nice, just wanted to see if switching to trusty helps in some way.
< rcurtin> yep, definitely if it does merge it in :)
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< palashahuja> I just wanted to know whether momentum is implemented for neural networks ?
< zoq> palashahuja: I guess you mean momentum for SGD? If that's the case, the answer is no.
< palashahuja> and what about adaptive learning rates ?
< zoq> palashahuja: For SGD? Unfortunately no, but you could use RMSProp or Adam. Both method adjusts the learning rate while training.
< palashahuja> I actually wanted to try rmsprop with momentum, is it possible in mlpack ?
< zoq> hm, Adam already includes momentum and bias-correction, so yes.
< zoq> But it would be great to see momentum for the SGD optimizer.
< palashahuja> so, adam optimizer is a bit like rmsprop ?
< zoq> Yes, the difference is mainly that Adam also keeps track of the past gradients, which is basically what momentum does.
< palashahuja> ok, cool
< palashahuja> also, what about nesterov momentum ?
< zoq> Would be nice to have :)
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< zoq> rcurtin: 37 min 52 sec to 49 min 5 sec not bad ... let's restart and see if the time stays the same.
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< rcurtin> ah, I guess I did not see the finished time before you restarted
< zoq> 36 min 27 sec looks good
< rcurtin> I agree, big improvement!
< zoq> Now each build runs in an isolated Google Compute Engine virtual machine instead of a container on a shared host via Docker. The disadvantages: it takes longer to start the job after a commit.
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