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<arno11> Wizzup: ok, so qt5 issues have been completely solved on my device with daedalus: no more segfault, slowness or weird warnings msgs. conversations display is fine after reboot.
<arno11> for the record: we need appmenu-gtk2-module and qt5ct pkgs, few env var and particular settings in qt5ct.
<arno11> env vars: QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE=qt5ct-style and QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=qt5ct
<arno11> for qt5ct: style: maemo5, Standard dialogs: GTK2, Troubleshooing: Force raster surface
<arno11> *Troubleshooting
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<arno11> ah...conversations main window is ok but chat windows show the main window. weird. all other apps seem ok
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<arno11> hmm even if i revert my changes, conversations chat windows are buggy
<arno11> dsc_: ^^^
<arno11> in fact i didn t test conversations after very last update
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<dsc_> arno11: im silent in this channel but been actually quite busy with a large refactor of conversations
<dsc_> as for the complaints, kindly state the version :) `apt policy conversations`
<arno11> ok NP
<arno11> under daedalus
<dsc_> arno11: im inclined to think this is related to rendering as you mention the wrong content is being shown
<dsc_> but just speculation
<arno11> ok
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<Wizzup> dsc_: 7.27.1 is a revert to an earlier version
<Wizzup> arno11^
<Wizzup> I reverted it to the pre-freeze version for stable
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<arno11> conversations is ok after reboot and no qt5ct changes. everythings works fine if i do the changes after boot.
<Wizzup> so what is this qt5ct change for?
<arno11> see logs: it speeds up launching time a lot
<Wizzup> interesting, do you know why?
<arno11> not exactly
<arno11> the change which makes conversations not happy on boot is the force raster surface option
<arno11> this option is the 'game changer' on n900 lol
<dsc_> arno11: so this qt5ct, you used it to override the maemo Qt5 integration, and now it loads faster?
<arno11> a lot faster yeah
<Wizzup> well, but he sets it back to the regular integration
<Wizzup> the maemo one
<arno11> yes
<arno11> as i said, the raster surface option is the main trick
<arno11> and it is the cause of chat window rendering issue. if i activate the option after boot, no issue so far
<arno11> *with conversations
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<Wizzup> does it come at some performance cost?
<Wizzup> nothing visible I guess?
<arno11> no performance cost, memory usage is divised by 2
<Wizzup> interesting
<arno11> as i said even with tg-desktop running, i m able to launch and use several other qt apps at the same time with no troubles
<Wizzup> so it's the raster surface thing
<Wizzup> I wonder if that's also an env var
<Wizzup> I think it should be
<arno11> yeah, i have to go but will try different configs this evening and let you know
<arno11> (at least we need qt5ct env vars to make qt5ct overriding settings working)
<dsc_> arno11: so you disabled GPU hardware accel
<dsc_> and now it works (c)(tm)
<Wizzup> I don't think that's necessarily true
<arno11> i didn t do anything @gpu
<dsc_> just trying to understand what changed
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<arno11> bbl
<Wizzup> force raster does sound like it might disable opengl
<Wizzup> yeah bbiab
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<arno11> Wizzup: yeah, it uses raster graphics system instead of opengl (according to, it is indeed a way faster because of shared memory management)
<arno11> but there is not too much doc on the web about that functionality
<dsc_> cpu rasterization should not be faster
<dsc_> gpu goes brrr
<freemangordon1> I wonder if this is related to compiling shaders in $HOME and launching the tracker
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<arno11> on my device, tracker is blocked btw
<arno11> and even with no tracker it is really slow without qt5ct stuff
<freemangordon> because it compiles shaders on startup
<freemangordon> (perhaps)
<freemangordon> how is tracker blocked?
<arno11> i chmod'd -x tracker3
<dsc_> I think init.d (or whatever manages processes) will go into a loop that way
<dsc_> not sure about timeout
<arno11> i don t see any troubles
<arno11> there is no init.d or xssession for it btw
<arno11> anyway there is a specific command to block it iirc
<arno11> freemangordon: the 'main' surprise with raster stuff is memory usage (x1.5 or x2 less)
<freemangordon> how do you measure memory usage?
<arno11> just with top/htop (ok that's not ideal but gives an idea)
<arno11> anyway i can launch lot of qt stuff at the same time now without a huge swaping
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<arno11> i m currently running telegram-desktop, hamsterfiler, qalendar and playing a mp4 on smplayer at the same time
<arno11> and still able to use irssi to write stuff
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<arno11> no overclock
<arno11> htop returns 125MB of ram usage and 290 of swap (but 150 only for tg-desktop btw)
<arno11> funny that the last tg-desktop version works fine on n900 and daedalus btw. this app is incredibly well optimized
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<gnarface> arno11: hey, i just remembered something that might be important about that hardware opengl feature i mentioned yesterday; it might not actually be a good idea because the n900's GPU might generate too much heat doing it, so thereby might stress the hardware and shorten its life
<gnarface> (i don't remember for sure it's the case, i just suddenly remembered vaguely someone might have said that, or i might be conflating it with a separate issue)
<gnarface> so maybe you're better off just disabling it like you have already
<gnarface> rather than seeking to get everything using Opengl ES 2.0
<gnarface> (i could be wrong)
<gnarface> someone else around here would know for sure
<gnarface> i haven't read the scrollback yet today so maybe that's already been covered...
<arno11> ok thx for info. atm nobody knows exactly what's going on but the raster option seems to disable opengl with qt5
<arno11> and use raster instead
<gnarface> so there's still some question about whether the blame really lies with QT, Mesa, or the GPU driver itself, or some combination of all of the above
<gnarface> might not be trivial to actually diagnose fully
<arno11> yes indeed
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<gnarface> the thing is, late last night i somehow remembered talking to someone in this channel who already knew exactly what was going on, i just can't remember who
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