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Wizzup: NP
i don't see other issues atm (i use daedalus all the day actually)
calls, messaging, audio and ucm, video, web, majority of apps just work like in chimaera
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remaining issues (for n900, at least without tweaks): slow qt5 launch, maemo launcher (osso games), sdl overlay troubles for emulators, emmc/sdswap on boot
and libssl1.1 vs libssl3 for some apps
ah, and hildon-desktop, mce, systemui and Xorg higher prio still make a significant diff in term of responsiveness and multitasking
thx to fmg btw for the trick :P
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arno11: libssl we should be able to fix easily
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arno11: maybe we can just set the prio in the xsession scripts