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<arno11> Wizzup: NP
<arno11> i don't see other issues atm (i use daedalus all the day actually)
<arno11> calls, messaging, audio and ucm, video, web, majority of apps just work like in chimaera
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<arno11> remaining issues (for n900, at least without tweaks): slow qt5 launch, maemo launcher (osso games), sdl overlay troubles for emulators, emmc/sdswap on boot
<arno11> and libssl1.1 vs libssl3 for some apps
<arno11> ah, and hildon-desktop, mce, systemui and Xorg higher prio still make a significant diff in term of responsiveness and multitasking
<arno11> thx to fmg btw for the trick :P
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<Wizzup> arno11: libssl we should be able to fix easily
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<Wizzup> arno11: maybe we can just set the prio in the xsession scripts
<Wizzup> or via dsme
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<kiva> It seems that somebody ordered Pinephone Pro fr Leste:
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<sicelo> i just replied to them
<dsc_> freemangordon: btw
<kiva> sicelo, good answer
<dsc_> freemangordon: nvm
<arno11> Wizzup: @libssl: sure
<arno11> Wizzup: @prio: or cgroup ?
<Wizzup> what is your mechanism, renice?
<arno11> yep
<Wizzup> I think dsmetool has a --nice option
<Wizzup> maybe we start with that
<arno11> ah yes cool
<Wizzup> can you test that? I think you just need to modify the xsession script for the service and add --nice foo
<arno11> sure
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<kiva> I think somebody who can should help him little:
<kiva> and there will be good beta tester for Pinephone Pro.
<kiva> there any early dev images for PPPro?
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<sicelo> iirc no
<kiva> So then it would be hard to help.
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<arno11> Wizzup: others: easy stuff for mce (init.d), H-D and systemui. but i can't find the Xorg service. any tips ?
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<arno11> oh scratch that
<arno11> that's init.d as well
<arno11> weird: Xorg is already @nice -8 in init.d but it seems overrided
<arno11> it is prio -1 once H-D is loaded
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<Wizzup> arno11: does it work for the others?
<Wizzup> (not xorg
<Wizzup> )
<arno11> i didn't reboot atm
<arno11> will try in a bit
<Wizzup> maybe confirm it works for the others first, and then we can worry about xorg
<Wizzup> I think xorg is started in perhaps some different (more convoluted) path
<arno11> yeah, will reboot now
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<arno11> Wizzup: it works from init.d (for mce)
<arno11> not from xsession
<arno11> it resets prio to 0 (if i change prio from -1 to -9)
<arno11> weird
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<arno11> oh i know why
<arno11> anyway, will have a look tomorrow
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<Wizzup> he left us hanging as to the answer :( :D
<Wizzup> but yes, daedalus is also pretty good for me currently
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