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<arno11> Wizzup: sorry :) the answer was we can't set prio bellow 0 without root
<arno11> *nice prio
<arno11> and we can't use limits.conf: high prio only works with RT kernel iirc
<arno11> (btw if i decrease prio to 2 or 8 from xsession, it works no problem)
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<arno11> but i can't get why it works fine with mce
<arno11> *increasing prio to -9
<arno11> is mce running as root ?
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<Wizzup> arno11: probably depends on how you invoke dsmetool
<Wizzup> as which user
<Wizzup> as yes, init.d will run as root
<Wizzup> regardless of which service runs as root
<arno11> apparently yes and Xorg ofc as user. so it makes sense, we definitely can't use --nice high prio option in both init.d and xsession for processes running as user
<Wizzup> I don't think it matters that user the process runs as ultimately
<Wizzup> what user the*
<arno11> oops sorry my last answer was related to my own question
<arno11> Wizzup: 'I don't think it matters that user the process runs as ultimately
<arno11> you mean to use nice prio ?
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<Wizzup> yes
<arno11> ok but it matters iirc
<arno11> you can only set prio between 0 and 19 without root
<arno11> and between -20 and 19 with root
<arno11> and it seems to be confirmed toying with nice in xsession and init
<arno11> we already had the same issue with cmt_pulse btw
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<inky> so in conversations now we have jabber gabble and jabber haze
<inky> which works better?
* inky wonders why bionic screen looks so gorgeous.
<dsc_> use haze
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<donihalim> greetings everyone :)
<sicelo> hey ;-)
<donihalim> any N900 user here? whats your setup and usecase?
<sicelo> at present the 'biggest' N900 user is arno11 :-)
<sicelo> but there are also many of us
<dsc_> donihalim: yes, quite a few people :)
<donihalim> hi sicelo, you are active here aswell :)
<sicelo> yeah
<donihalim> dsc_: just got this N900 few days ago, just curious how people use this device nowadays
<donihalim> *typing on N900 running leste
<sicelo> arno11 has ported some games to it. you can also make and receive calls when using Leste
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<arno11> donihalim: hi, n900 user here. what do you want to know ?
<sicelo> and here's arno11 joining - the most knowledgeable about use cases
<donihalim> yes, just installing leste since this morning after bought a U3 sdcard. almost everything run smoothly
<arno11> ok nice
<arno11> sicelo: :P
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<donihalim> hi arnol1 just wanted to know what people use N900 for
<arno11> ah ok
<arno11> i use it for almost everything, excepting 'modern' web browsing which is quite impossible
<donihalim> i was planning to use N900 as secondary phone for chatting
<arno11> ah nice
<donihalim> i can use sms, matrix, irc and email just fine
<arno11> cool
<arno11> also sip, jabber, skype, facebook (not with all accounts) work
<arno11> telegram works fine
<arno11> even really fine
<donihalim> as for browsing i mainly browse simple web found on wiby.me or from other web
<donihalim> telegram really?
<arno11> ok so links2 gui should be perfect for that
<donihalim> i should try that
<arno11> yes telegram-desktop :)
<arno11> for msgs, audio msgs, file transfer, calls
<donihalim> yes im using links2 and surf2 sometimes
<arno11> ok
<arno11> links2 -g is cool (use ctl+shift+N) to disable compo for better perfs)
<arno11> for telegram: the config/settings are a bit tricky btw
<arno11> but once ok, it runs fine and smoothly
<donihalim> wait let me install telegram asap
<arno11> donihalim: btw which leste img did you install ?
<arno11> for telegram-desktop: first launch could be very very slow depending of daedalus or chimaera img
<donihalim> 240829 iirc, then dist-upgrade to devel
<arno11> ok so chimaera
<donihalim> newer than that just keep freezing
<arno11> yeah that's known issue with swap
<donihalim> what img are u using?
<arno11> good to know for 240829
<buZz> arno11: really only telegram-desktop?
<buZz> i thought there was a telegram plugin for that thingy
<arno11> donihalimi: use the last daedalus img actually
<arno11> buZz: yeah but the plugin can only do messaging
<buZz> oh right
<donihalim> how is it compare to chimaera?
<arno11> on tg-desktop, every functionalities work
<buZz> yeah i use that client on my desktop
<buZz> its fine, but its electron
<buZz> so sucks big time
<buZz> (on resources)
<arno11> donihalim: compared to chimaera, perfs are quite similar excepting qt5 OOTB and swap is wrong
<arno11> but with few tweaks that's quite nice
<arno11> buZz: ah ok
<buZz> its a bit sad that people release 'web apps' like this with electron, its a big waste of ram/cpu
<donihalim> im still deciding on which os should i use, been testing pmos and sicelo give me great help on the process
<arno11> ok great
<buZz> i like how well rounded maemo is, it feels like a alternative reality sometimes
<buZz> the phoneOS from a world where users actually wanted to use linux
<donihalim> i had to bought u3 sdcard since my class 10 sdcard cant handle leste
<buZz> in n900? bizar
<arno11> yeah class 10 is really not leste friendly
<donihalim> its 32gb sandisk extreme pro
<buZz> just a bit slow perhaps, but how much faster can n900 access a faster card really? without overclocking the bus
<buZz> quite sure i've used class10 cards for leste
<buZz> well, on droid4 at least
<dsc_> buZz: tg is not electron, but maybe you are referring to another client
<dsc_> official one is Qt
<arno11> buZz: for sdcards that's just a question of perfs with small blocks
<buZz> oh gee? then why does it suck so much
<arno11> u3 on n900 makes a huge diff
<buZz> nice
<dsc_> buZz: i'd say its a really fast client, they used QtWidgets (so not QML)
<dsc_> anyway I dont use it, using the webif
<sicelo> donihalim: i'm Maemo before pmOS. (although i've not made it official yet, i actually intend to exit as a maintainer in pmOS to focus on Leste and Debian)
<donihalim> buZz: its really slow when i tried
<sicelo> yes N900 is slow. there's no way it can get faster. but, still a very rewarding device to work on
<buZz> sicelo: well
<buZz> you could
<buZz> 'buy' that neo900 motherboard
<buZz> :P
<buZz> and get ever so slightly faster
<sicelo> no, there's no neo900
<buZz> they never produced any?
<donihalim> sicelo: whoa thats surprising, i guess ill stick with leste for now
<donihalim> since it already meet my needs
<sicelo> heh, nice then :-)
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<donihalim> arnol1: just finished installing tg, whats should i do next?
<arno11> well, a bit long to explain :P
<arno11> but first launch will be very slow
<arno11> then you need to deactivate automatic img, audio, video download
<arno11> also deactivate opengl stuff from settings
<sicelo> sounds like you could/should make a wiki page for it one of the days
<arno11> yeah i forgot to do it (as many other things btw)
<arno11> donihalim: you must create a /.config/alsoft.conf file
<donihalim> took around 2min to launc
<sicelo> my focus is still the somewhat low-level stuff - e.g. i would like to help work on getting upower/mce to work with N900/D4 fuel gauge quirks
<donihalim> so i have to sign in first?
<arno11> donihalim: yeah and 2min is normal and will take around 40-60 sec for next launch
<arno11> you can create the alsoft file first
<donihalim> whats the content of alsoft.conf?
<arno11> (it helps)
<arno11> [general]
<arno11> drivers = alsa
<sicelo> arno11: btw i should also see if in daedalus we can import the latest iio-sensor-proxy ... that would enable screen blanking during calls on the N900 as well :-)
<arno11> periods = 6
<arno11> sicelo: oh yeah indeed
<arno11> we also need to have a look @irtx btw
<arno11> ah scratch that, we are still on 6.6
<sicelo> i'll check the dependencies (iio-sensor-proxy). as long as the main libraries match what we have in daedalus, then we'll be fine
<arno11> ok
<arno11> donihalim: i forgot to mention that you should use long clicks in tg settings to avoid weird known app crash
<sicelo> arno11: looks like we will be able. the libgudev version in daedalus matches, yay.
<arno11> first 3-4 tg-desktop launches are complicated, then it is ok and smooth
<arno11> sicelo: cool
<donihalim> its $HOME/.config/alsoft.conf right?
<arno11> right :)
<arno11> needs reboot btw
<donihalim> oh wait let me reboot
<arno11> you can also renice -n -9 hildon-desktop, mce, systemui and Xorg after boot to improve responsiveness
<arno11> *on each boot
<arno11> (i really need to update some stuff in wiki)
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<donihalim> The phone keep freezing...
<donihalim> >you can also renice -n -9 hildon-desktop, mce, systemui and Xorg after boot to improve responsiveness
<donihalim> I'll try that
<donihalim> arnol1: whats the command exactly?
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<arno11> donihalim: for freeze: check wiki and see if you have sdswap or emmc. you probably still have emmc swap
<arno11> switch to sdswap to solve the problem
<arno11> for the commands: sudo renice -n -9 $(pgrep Xorg)
<arno11> same for mce, systemui, hildon-desktop
<arno11> but first you should fix the freeze on boot
<sicelo> mmm, we should ideally get these things fixed in the images themselves.
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<donihalim> Ah yes I'm still using emmc swap, thanks for pointing it out, let me switch to sdswap
* sicelo must test burning a new Leste image ... still rocking an old image, probably from beowulf days
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<donihalim> arnol1: i see emmc swap is commented on fstab but i also see /swap, should i disable it after add /swapfile ?
<arno11> could you share your fstab ?
<arno11> apparently your fstab is ok btw
<arno11> you already have sd swap with /swap
<arno11> so no need to create a new swapfile
<donihalim> 0x0.st/8mpw.txt
<donihalim> here's my fstab
<donihalim> just added the /swapfile
<donihalim> is it zramswap?
<arno11> ok so you should comment the new /swapfile or delete it as you already use /swap
<arno11> no it isn't zrramswap
<arno11> *zramswap
<arno11> so you meant that you got freeze on boot with sdswap (/swap file) activated and emmc swap deactivated ?
<arno11> if yes, that's the first time i see this
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<donihalim> yes, this happen every boot unless i let it sit for sometime
<arno11> ah ok nice :P that's perfectly normal if it is not responsive for 1min after hildon-desktop appears
<arno11> you should not click anywhere during this time
<arno11> if it is unresponsive for more than 2min, something is wrong
<donihalim> ah that make sense
<donihalim> doing renice does make a different
<donihalim> thanks again :)
<arno11> yeah
<donihalim> lets back to telegram :D
<arno11> you can also set 500MHz for min freq
<arno11> and use boost mode if you want (see wiki)
<arno11> ok @telegram :)
<arno11> to log on tg-desktop on your n900 you need the andro/ios app to scan the QR btw
<arno11> (just one time)
<arno11> then the app (and the phone) will be not really responsive until you deactive the settings previously mentioned
<arno11> that's a real PITA to be honest
<arno11> but once the setup is ok, it rocks. just the launch time is a bit long but you can keep the app always in background if needed with no problem
<sicelo> wonder if those settings cannot be pre-seeded? don't they live in .config ? or it would overwrite them?
<arno11> good question but iirc settings are not in txt file or so, but rather in weird format
<donihalim> wait, i dont experience any lag even before disabling auto download
<donihalim> but opengl already disable by default
<arno11> ah ok i see
<arno11> (that's the opposite on daedalus for the record)
<arno11> with the proper alsoft file, audio msgs should work perfectly in both directions
<arno11> same for calls but it works better with mobile data than wifi (but that's common issue with all platforms)
<arno11> and ofc depending of wifi setup
<arno11> animated stickers should also work fine
<arno11> same for file sharing, even with big files like movies
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<arno11> i tried, it is cpu heavy but it doesn't affect responsiveness too much
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<donihalim> whoa im very impresed how well this turns out
<donihalim> really, thank you very much
<arno11> NP :)
<arno11> glad to hear someone else has a rocking n900
<donihalim> as a user im glad people still maintaining N900
<donihalim> so im not really late to the party :D
<arno11> donihalim: :D oh i forgot something important btw...transitions.ini file
<arno11> (see wiki)
<donihalim> many thanks arnol1, sicelo, and all :)
<donihalim> let me check
<arno11> you should lowering radius stuff in [home]
<arno11> things will be smoother
<donihalim> do i need reboot?
<arno11> no it should be ok directly
<arno11> *smoother when navigating through hildon desktop
<Wizzup> donihalim: yeah we're working on making the n900 better through the work of arno, most of it just needs integration atm
<donihalim> arnol1: it does make things smoother, anything else i should know? :)
<donihalim> Wizzup: much thanks :)
<arno11> hmm let me check but i think that's ok now
<arno11> did you try boost mode btw ? (overclock)
<donihalim> no i havent, does it consume more battery?
<arno11> it is (just) useful now for some videos or psx emulator or stuff like telegram calls
<arno11> no real battery impact honetly
<arno11> *honestly
<donihalim> i'll try it then
<arno11> it is useful also for sip calls
<donihalim> which govenor should i use?
<arno11> ondemand is ok
<arno11> but not perfect
<arno11> with the tweaks you already have, boost doesn't make any diff now in term of overall responsiveness btw
<arno11> just useful for cpu heavy stuff
<arno11> and multitasking
<arno11> i still try to figure out for almost 2 years now why i can easely overclock my fremantle to 1GHz-1.1GHz with no problem and not over 890MHz with Leste...
<arno11> @1GHz on fremantle with no trackers and no blur, perfs are still amazing for a such old device
<donihalim> which file should i edit to change the min freq?
<arno11> /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq
<arno11> should be done @each boot
<arno11> you can create a bash script for renice stuff and min freq btw
<donihalim> do i need to change govenor each boot too?
<arno11> (sudo is needed)
<arno11> no ondemand is default one
<donihalim> alright ill put everything into shell script, thanks again :)
<arno11> you're welcome
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<arno11> let us know if you encounter any bug btw
<donihalim> sure
<donihalim> oh right, how can i make the virtual keyboard works on the conversation app?
<arno11> ah, it is supposed to work with last chimaera -devel updates iirc
<arno11> did you dist-upgrade to devel or ?
<arno11> if not, see wiki (SD Card and first boot)
<donihalim> yes i dist-upgrade to devel
<arno11> ok so iirc there is a bug: you should open input settings and check if virtual kb is activated
<arno11> *text input
<donihalim> its active and works on i.e terminal
<donihalim> but i cant make it work on the conv app
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<arno11> ok so you should ask dsc_
<arno11> dsc_: hi ! ^^
<dsc_> I'm actually not sure if Wizzup enabled vkb support in chimaera devel
<dsc_> for Qt, that is
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<dsc_> donihalim: if you hang around I will have an answer later :P
<arno11> ah ok, i actually don't use my chimaera and can't check but i'm pretty sure it was working but maybe i'm wrong
<dsc_> (not today)
<dsc_> I made the vkb support but I dont know what mechanism enables it system-wide, Wizzup did it
<arno11> ok
<donihalim> dsc_: sure i'll wait :D
<donihalim> some of the button on my pk is hard to press, hard to type fast
<arno11> donihalim: not related but you should also have a look @gnome tracker tweak in leste wiki. could help qt5 apps on chimaera.
<arno11> have to go. bbl
<donihalim> oh yes i've done it
<arno11> ah ok cool
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<kiva> donihalim: if use pk lot the hard keys will come less hard. If you another problems read this: https://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=101337&page=5
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