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<dsc_> freemangordon: nice :)
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: ping, I am available if you wanted to talk about h-a-m
<Wizzup> ok, so at least the latest droid4 chimaera image boots fine
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<arno11> Wizzup: do you have time to have a quick look @u-boot stuff in daedalus n900 ?
<Wizzup> yes
<Wizzup> downloading now
<Wizzup> I wonder if it is daedalus related or somehow tmpfs related (which I added)
<arno11> ah ok
<arno11> btw assistant said it could be permission or directory related
<arno11> (from irc logs)
<Wizzup> ha
<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> I need to make a call, after that I will look in more detail at your msgs
<arno11> ok
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<Wizzup> arno11: looks like the last chimaera build also had this error:
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<arno11> oh
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<arno11> (dd daedalus img again)
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<arno11> maybe something went wrong yesterday
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<Wizzup> I am dd'ing now as well
<arno11> ok
<Wizzup> I am adding a mkdir -p for the u-boot.img
<Wizzup> but let's see
<arno11> yep
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<arno11> trying to boot
<arno11> oh
<arno11> it seems boot logs are not activated
<arno11> lol
<arno11> it works, after waiting one min
<arno11> it is quite fast
<arno11> but console says 'cannot change locale en_GB, no such filr or dir
<arno11> settings menu is...weird
<arno11> it is emmc swap
<arno11> but no issue with it at the moment
<arno11> almost no software
<arno11> no wifi, no clock, almost no settings
<arno11> so i can't test anything else
<Wizzup> ok, let me check as well
<Wizzup> what image did you dl, just to confirm
<arno11> but the UI itself is fine, i mean H-D is very responsive for a first boot
<arno11> last one
<arno11> 20250206
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<Wizzup> it might be a tiny img, I'll check
<Wizzup> certainly sounds like it is
<Wizzup> brb, 20 mins
<arno11> ah yes ok
<arno11> ok
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<arno11> yeah indeed, there is almost no usual software in the img
<arno11> but at least, it boots fine
<arno11> H-D, xorg and gpu seems ok
<arno11> and 6.6.53 with emmc swap is ok with no freeze...
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<Wizzup> strange, it should not be a minimal image
<Wizzup> checking
<arno11> ok
<Wizzup> aaah
<Wizzup> I forgot to push a commit I think
<arno11> ok
<Wizzup> silly shell mistake
<Wizzup> but yes, it also boots for me
<Wizzup> it should do wifi though
<arno11> wifi 'works' apparently but the menu is not usable
<Wizzup> yeah the tiny images are not meant to be super usable but to be < 700MB
<Wizzup> so I suspect this is also btrfs then
<Wizzup> ah, no, it is ext4
<Wizzup> interesting
<Wizzup> maybe that was mz617 only
<Wizzup> anyway, I will build a new image now
<arno11> ok cool, you should check @d4 img too, as it seems similar
<arno11> @tiny img, it could be useful to test trixie imo
<Wizzup> well, there's a lot more ot build before we can do that
<Wizzup> even the tiny image has a lot of deps
<arno11> ah yes ok
<arno11> git submodule seems to timeout again btw
<arno11> even with timeout=30
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<arno11> scratch that, it works
<Wizzup> :)
<Wizzup> I bought two 2TB SSDs to run this stuff on
<Wizzup> but then one of them dropped off the sata bus and I am ~2000km away from the machine
<arno11> omg
<Wizzup> I will try to get someone to be close and restart it, and then we can move it to ssd again rather than hdd
<Wizzup> so now it's on hdd, not ssd
<arno11> okay
<Wizzup> I didn't want it to be on a single ssd
<arno11> indeed
<Wizzup> I managed to bring the ssd back with a sata reset / rescan
<Wizzup> I'll check later today if I can move some ephemeral stuff to it and see if it doesn't brek aagain
<Wizzup> bbiab
<Wizzup> break again
<arno11> ok, btw now building seems ok, i see conversations, calendar stuff
<arno11> bbl
<sicelo> that uboot*.img thing looks wrong. we don't need to build uboot for n900. we only need a boot.scr (generated via `mkimage`)
<sicelo> yes looks like it's building uboot. it shouldn't. in fact n900 was dropped in uboot upstream
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<Wizzup> sicelo: I think we build a specific release
<Wizzup> and we do need a u-boot for people who want to flash it
<Wizzup> directly
<Wizzup> with 0xFFFF
<Wizzup> although I guess we have u-boot here
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<freemangordon> Wizzup: sorry, I am doing other (non-leste) things now, maybe tomorrow
<Wizzup> np
<Wizzup> from my pov, we mostly need to sort out upower, otherwise we're ok, at least for daedalus images and dist-upgrade
<freemangordon> yep
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<freemangordon> just to think about, re HAM: what about if on every update I distribute packages without domain to the respective one? based on where the package was installed from.
<Wizzup> I'll think about it, but from my pov I want to minimise the amount of 'hacks' required for ham to work like apt
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<freemangordon> Wizzup: no change in apt
<freemangordon> by 'update' I mean 'HAM update'
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<Wizzup> arno11: we probably also disabled parallel apt updates
<Wizzup> that I expect also really helps with usability
<Wizzup> see the latest leste-config changes
<arno11> yes i saw them
<arno11> btw n900 stays usable during update/install when H-D, mce, xorg and systemui are renice'd (without overclock)
<arno11> (i'm currently installing jib, no slowdown during the process)
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<sicelo> Wizzup: already experiencing issues with upower?
<Wizzup> sicelo: sure, I have to disable it on mz617
<Wizzup> it immediately seems to force a shutdown
<Wizzup> it's sad to be honest :D
<Wizzup> but we can build a newer version I guess
<Wizzup> the cpio performance on loopback that is backed by tmpfs is surprisingly slow
<Wizzup> and it failed, huh
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<sicelo> yeah, guess for daedalus we need to fork the latest upstream upower, and ship a customized UPower.conf
<arno11> Wizzup: argh, build failed
<Wizzup> arno11: yes, but the good news is that I am looking into the IO issues
<arno11> ok :)
<Wizzup> I think somewhere the no cow (copy on write) bit got lost so the performance just went to hell with btrfs raid
<Wizzup> I'm defragging the file and will set +C
<Wizzup> (which disables copy on write)
<arno11> ah ok
<Wizzup> tl;dr I probably shouldn't run this on btrfs with copy on write on for the file, but it's what I have raid wise
<Wizzup> but I think I cna make it work ok
<arno11> cool
<Wizzup> I hope things will fly after this, but we'll see
<Wizzup> I suspect that this is also why git was timing out
<arno11> ah yes
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<Wizzup> almost done
<Wizzup> and yes, filefrag showed a rather unfortunate fragmentation
<arno11> ok cool
<Wizzup> let's see
<arno11> yep
<arno11> no more big timeout on git submodule :) so good start
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<Wizzup> yeah, I bet it'll be much faster now
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