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<inky> i got those updates in ham, was able to do on one phone, on other it hunged, i booted to emergency shell, realized there was not enough space, removed some files
<inky> ran apt-get -f install
<inky> dpkg --configure -a
<inky> but it didnt seem to do anything
<inky> just after freeing space the ui loaded
<inky> i dont understand what updates did, apt complains about pin.daedalus files it /etc/apt/performance.d directony
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<inky> or how to check if update on that device which hanged went fine
<inky> ham doesnt show me updates anymore
<inky> and i did apt-get upgrade and dist-upgrade
<inky> but it looks like chimaera, it's not daedalus, right?
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<arno11> Wizzup: dsc_: jib pull in modemmanager, weird no ?
<arno11> and btw maemo weather actually can't be installed because of missing libssl1.1 (not available anymore in bookworm)
<arno11> *i mean in daedalus
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<arno11> inky: by default, yeah chimaera. you can ignore pin.daedalus msgs iirc
<Wizzup> arno11: are you sure it does?
<Wizzup> I did see modemmanager being pulled in but it doesn't run
<Wizzup> good point @ weather
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<arno11> Wizzup: yes it does according to HAM
<arno11> *for modemmanager
<arno11> (but yeah ofc it doesn t run)
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<gnarface> libssl in daedalus might not be mutually exclusive with earlier versions, you might get away with just installing the beowulf or chimaera ones concurrently as necessary
<gnarface> on my daedalus desktop here i seem to have... literally every prior version of libssl still installed
<gnarface> (maybe not literally but there's a lot of them, including libssl1.1)
<gnarface> arno11: ^
<gnarface> (not that this is necessarily a good idea from a security perspective, but if you want to get a old weather app working and don't care, it's probably that easy)
<arno11> ok good to know, but i was talking about a pkg from h-a-m so it is not really user-friendly if one needs to install additional pkgs by hand
<gnarface> oh, is ee
<gnarface> *i see
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<Wizzup> arno11: btw all the reports are super helpful, ty
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