I wonder why upower ignores POWER_SUPPLY_CAPACITY_LEVEL=High
when upower decides that shutdown should happen, it sends a request to logind for that. so a quick hack would be to request a shutdown inhibit lock through logind
but we alredy do
or, I thought so
freemangordon: they say CAPACITY_LEVEL only matters for peripherals (they're wrong, and wouldn't budge)
but, upower maintainership seems to have changed since then, so we could have a go at this conversation with them
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we shouldhave logind ignore all of this
the key names changed perhaps
Wizzup: seems not
bbl, dinner
they changed on my gentoo laptop recently
i'm also not in a position to check atm, but under normal circumstances (upower aside), i think we do want logind to respond to shutdown requests. e.g. users should be able to `loginctl shutdown` (which is basically the same request upower makes). leste currently works fine with this
what i would need to confirm is - who actually makes the request to shut down the system (Leste) atm - is it MCE, after receiving appropriate signal from upower, or the shutdown request goes directly from upower to logind
most stacks simply let logind (and upower) handle this stuff on their own. in our case, afaiui, we want mce to control system shutdown, etc., so it would seem mce needs to start holding inhibitor lock against shutdown operation
i use that config under pmos with an udev rule that initiates shutdown when kernel sends uevent to say CAPACITY_LEVEL = Low/Critical, thus completely bypassing upower for making shutdown decisions
upower 0.99.20-2
won't fly
maybe we shal jump to upstream upoerw anyways
what glib2 is in daedalus? this upower needs at least 2.66
then upower will never try to shutdown the system. obviously, that needs the shutting down decision to move somewhere else. i went with udev, but we can do it in mce perhaps
sure, no rush :-)
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ugh, will have to build mesa on device :(
i wonder how long that'd take on N900 ... a week? :-D
freemangordon: why not on the armhf vm?
I'll directly build in ci
the bug is abvious
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Wizzup: BTW, we will have to set DPI
RN everything is tiny on d4 :)
that's new
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I think we were doing something about DPI?
don't remember, now in leste-config I don't think
yes, but here it seems dpi is taken into account
by who? gtk? h-d?
*everything* is tiny
looks like xorg changes more than we think :)
254mm = 2.5cm - that seems wrong, no?
wait, 25cm
that's also wron
yes, it is
but that's reported by xdpyinfo
it this in dts?
is this*
that means dpi 96
I think it is nowhere
and xorg assumes dpi of 96 by default
and then simply multiplies the resolution
a wild guess
you can set it with xrandr --dpi I think
no efffect
or when starting X, or in config, or setting in dts I guess
ok, but how?
By default, Xorg always sets DPI to 96 since 2009-01-30. A change was made with version 21.1 to provide proper DPI auto-detection, but reverted.
and this is X app,not some wayland stuff right?
oh, wait
lemme test something
but other than this, if I build an image now, will h-d and icons and osso-xterm look ok?
I will do that tomorrow then
I got up at 4am so it's bed time for me :)
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> they changed on my gentoo laptop recently
> ttyl
wow fellow gentoo folk. (:
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afaik 96dpi is hardcoded default; no auto-detection took place
(i've had to set it manually for some time now, but i don't know if it's always been wrong or it's just recently that my available displays have had extreme enough native dpi to notice a problem)
basically for years i just happened to be using a 96dpi display
then more recently i got my hands on a couple pine64 devices with really super high dpi, and a projector with a really super low dpi, and that's when it became apparent no auto-detection was taking place and i would have to specify it manually
but it's possible that sometime before that it was also off but i just didn't notice because my older display's native dpi at the time wasn't that far off the default 96dpi value
...but when your display is pushing 300dpi you're gonna have issues rendering fonts right in gtk
(i think some of this complication may have also stemmed from changes to fontconfig)