in any case, this change is not on your device, so it isn't the cause :-)
let's troubleshoot ... you say charging isn't working
let's see what `upower -d` says. please send full output to a pastebin somewhere
sorry i can't: only have my n900 and low battery...
ok. power off the N900 and charge while it's switched off. whatever is broken in Leste won't affect it when switched off
yes i know that, i'll have a look quickly at upower output anyway
btw which device is relevant now ?
do you need help with kernel?
ideally you'd show us the full `upower -d` .. so we can see everything that upower sees
but if you want to show only a bit, check what `/sys/class/power_supply/bq24150a-0/uevent` shows, and `/sys/class/power_supply/bq27200-0/uevent`
Wizzup: it'd be great if kernel 6.1.80 was built for repos ... although i think arno11's issue is not related
i'll try using links
with my changes being out of sync as they are, i.e. with kernel & mce changes missing, the worst that should happen, as far as i can see/understand is - animation will go on forever, which it already did anyway
a regression would be ... it would show incorrect percentage too, because the charger will look like a 2nd battery and confuse the calculations, which is not harmful, but annoying UX of course
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on my n900 the led is green now btw, but it only appears after a long time, and I still have to update
sicelo: sorry, i can't pastebin
it's alright :-)
i can paste upower -d here btw
mmm, maybe paste in pm
it's a lot of lines, might suck to post in chan
you're doing that `upower -d` while connected to your charger?
is display device relevant ?
cause it recognizes charger plug/unplug
i mean charging/discharging
no, leste doesn't use it
from your output, some observations - 1. you're not running the latest leste-config ... otherwise you wouldn't have those twl* items
same with bq24150, but not bq27200
but the more concerning issue is .. where is isp1704/ isp1707 ...
anyway, your battery is not that low yet
so where is isp170x ... can you `ls /sys/class/power_supply` and see if you have something like that?
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100% sure to run last leste-config
isp170x is the one that actually detects the charger, then informs bq24150a, which is the actual charger
sicelo: oh..
I think gne-displace wasn't run for leste-config
let me see
regarding leste-config, do you have `/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-supply.conf` ?
yeah he won't have it
Wizzup: ah :-p
anyway, arno11's problem is deeper than that ... our changes, even with these 'accidents' ... are not touching the charger in the way observed now
arno11: please do `lsmod | grep isp17`
building new leste-config
it shows isp1704 charger
ok, and this is also available in `/sys/class/power_supply`? can you show us output of its uevent file
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there is no isp17 in /sys/class/power_supply
ok (again charger worked few min before the upgrade)
yeah, something else happened, which i hope dmesg may answer
isp1704_charger: probe of isp1707 failed with error -110
isp1704 not loading successfully will break charging and usb networking
did you try a reboot btw? :-)
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yes i tried
you could also try `apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-omap` in case something happened to your kernel. no one has touched isp170x in ages
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ok but ii didn't noticed any error, and everything else works fine
except the charger ... which is controlled only by the kernel
ok weird stuff
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currently reinstalling linux image omap...hope i have really 49% of battery lol
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you do
anyway what really matters is the voltage. it'll shutdown after you've reached 3.248V
yes i know :)
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nice little piece of Finnish engineering :-P
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kernel is ok btw
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ok the battery stuff is a bit of a mess. our fuel gauge isn't really a fuel gauge. our phy is weird too (isp17..), so yeah. it's a wonder this stuff works at all
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re: kernel ... i think so too. but i know for sure we don't have anything at all that manages (or potentially breaks) isp170x in Leste
btw what does error -110 mean
(the charger stopped working immediately after the last update, weird coincidence)
no idea for -110
ah, leste config is available, let's upgrading
Wizzup: thx
looks like it's "connection timed out"
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sicelo: it works again :)
mysterious, but glad it works now
yes, i just upgraded leste config again and rebooted...
kernel reinstall was not finished?
you mention upgrading leste-config. but prior to that, i had suggested reinstalling the kernel. did the reinstall complete, or you interrupted it and only upgraded leste-config?
well so the blacklist wasn't there
so I fixed that in leste-config
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thing is - i fail to see how leste-config could cause and, subsequently, fix the issue :-)
the blacklist you added wasn't there
so the code for the battery applet was probably looking at the wrong supplies
since you removed the blacklist there
yes, i understand the displays would be broken. but not the charging itself, and definitely not losing the PHY (isp170x)
sicelo: ah, indeed i reinstalled kernel stuff (with no troubles) and then reinstalled leste config
i didn't interrupt anything
anyway, it's almost 1.30AM here. sleeping is not a bad idea :-)
yes indeed, gn guys and thx for your help