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<inky> oh, what about d3 support in kernel? did i miss something important or it's the same yet?
<Wizzup> same.
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<freemangordon> hi there, /me was on a small vacation, did I miss something?
<Wizzup> hi!
<Wizzup> glad to hear you're back, I was getting worried :D
<Wizzup> freemangordon: I highlighted you a bunch of times, let me find it
<Wizzup> One highlight was about 32bit qemu for image builders, we stopped doing it, but the EINVAL error is still there in scandir, but the images seem to work ok
<Wizzup> the other thing was for a PR for hildon-desktop, https://github.com/maemo-leste/hildon-desktop/pull/23
<Wizzup> Another question was about thoughts on perhaps not having all the -mr0 translation packages installed for -all- languages at all times (I think it's about 150MB), and I was looking at making smaller images, but currently our various packages hard-depend on the -mr0 packages
<freemangordon> yeah, ok, thanks, will have a look as soon as I have some spare time
<Wizzup> :)
<freemangordon> not today though, I just came home from 10 hours driving
<Wizzup> greece?
<freemangordon> sure ;)
<Wizzup> :D
<freemangordon> corinth
<Wizzup> oh yeah that's quite a drive
<Wizzup> I'll be in the US for 2 weeks starting this weekend, but will be available
<freemangordon> we took the kids (well, the youngest of them being 18, but still) to see the acropolis, the ancient corinth, the epidavros, etc
<freemangordon> a nice journey
<freemangordon> ok, great
<Wizzup> :)
<freemangordon> I will resume my work on ofono/connui-cellular
<freemangordon> we made a deal with ofono maintainer that he will took a patch in call forwarding code that breaks the API if I write it :)
<freemangordon> so yeah
<Wizzup> sounds good
<freemangordon> ok, have to unpack stuff, ttyl
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<sicelo> heh, postmarketOS just started releasing systemd-based device images
<Wizzup> with musl?
<Wizzup> doesn't seem like alpine linux supports it still, does it
<sicelo> i haven't looked yet to see how they did it
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<sicelo> so they packaged systemd outside of Alpine, and patched it to work with musl.
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<Guest7281> hello how is pinephone support?
<Guest7281> i see old kernel in the wiki
<Guest7281> >Kernel version 5.15
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<Wizzup> sicelo: lol
<sicelo> it's because of KDE and Gnome ... which they have users for. both appear to be a pain to use without systemd
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<sicelo> s/because/partly because/
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<Wizzup> sicelo: sure that's intentional I am sure
<Guest7281> is the pinephone wiki updated?
<Wizzup> Guest7281: the wiki might be out of date
<Wizzup> as for the kernel version, we do update it some times, but not -super- regularly
<Wizzup> I have a pinephone here, and rafael2k also does regular work on it, he's working on pinephone pro atm
<Guest7281> no FDE?
<Wizzup> no, no fde currently
<sicelo> well it seems alpine themselves are second-guessing their usage of openrc, https://social.treehouse.systems/@ariadne/112044941290779320
<Guest7281> mobian/debian have osk-sdl. does maemo use dracut rtoo?
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<sicelo> Guest7281: no
<Guest7281> what does it use?
<sicelo> nothing :-)
<Wizzup> we don't use initramfses yet
<Guest7281> I thought that you need to have something
<sicelo> no, kernel can boot all the way and directly handover to the regular userspace
<sicelo> there are things, such as FDE, that sort of require an initramfs, or that work better with it, yes
<Guest7281> does Devuan have it? they have FDE
<sicelo> devuan? i don't think they have images for pinephone. sure you can build something for yourself if you want to
<sicelo> btw Wizzup, do we have a bigger reason (other than manpower/time) for not using an initramfs?
<Guest7281> isn't Maemo based on Devuan?
<Guest7281> that's why I asked
<sicelo> it is based on Devuan ...
<sicelo> maybe rephrase your question :-)
<Wizzup> yes, we do want to do FDE eventually, yes, initramfs would be good, also for splash screen, btrfs boot, etc, but it does complicate some matters
<Guest7281> does Devuan have initramfs?
<Wizzup> I'm totally in favour of people adding this
<Guest7281> no btrfs?
<Wizzup> btrfs raid boot
<Wizzup> multiple device
<sicelo> ok. maybe a github issue should be created, so someone can hopefully pick it up someday
<Wizzup> it's not a matter of whether devuan supports initramfs (it does), but rather of the specialised nature of mobile phones and their boot processes being a bit more ... special
<Wizzup> it's not -super- hard, it just hasn't been a priority
<Guest7281> wait pmOS betrayed Alpine creed/philosophy by using systemd?
<sicelo> hehe,
<sicelo> but Alpine is also no longer sure about their own stand on that .. https://social.treehouse.systems/@ariadne/112044941290779320
<sicelo> of course that's just a developer's viewpoint, not the project as a whole. that's core dev though
<Guest7281> just one dev so
<sicelo> yes, point is - maybe openrc isn't living up to the promise (or hype?)
<sicelo> anyway, not really relevant for us here
<Guest7281> can you use runit here?
<sicelo> if you put in the work, i would say, Yes
<Guest7281> i mean by default as Devuan
<sicelo> actually someone made Leste to run systemd. unfortunately they went MIA before they could share their code
<sicelo> i don't run Devuan myself, so i don't know what init systems it provides. i suppose it should support runit
<Guest7281> yes it does
<Guest7281> *fortunately
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<Wizzup> sicelo: that post reads as systemd made up so many new apis that it's hard to support all the systemd specific apis
<Wizzup> not a suprise there, but openrc does tings just fine as an init system
<Wizzup> but if you expect it to be systemd, well, it's not
<Wizzup> in any case the init system doesn't really matter to leste as much
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