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<Wizzup> freemangordon: I suppose I could make some fake pkg that provides all these translations, just for a small image
<Wizzup> right now /usr/share/locale is like 150MB mostly because of these files I think
<Wizzup> but without it, I have a ~700MB image which should fit on the mz617
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<Wizzup> tmlind: ok, have my mz617 set up again, will look at what you mentioned re: cable being a problem
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<uvos> Wizzup: sure, ill try and remember for next time
<uvos> i gues having a bunch of stuff built into the kernel and not as kernel modules might bite us eventually
<uvos> it would be good if it fits onto the n900s boot partition for instance
<uvos> and n900 uboot did have some small kernel size limit that was a problem in the past
<uvos> not sure if that was lifted
<uvos> i imagine btrfs is pretty large, given its featureset, but dont know how large in absolute terms
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<sicelo> on n900 the u-boot sits on the kernel area. kernel itself can sit anywhere. i believe it's the same thing on D4. IOW, the size of actual kernel isn't really an issue for N900
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<uvos__> sicelo: it is if you want to append the kenrel
<uvos__> D4 can have any size kernel yeah
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<Wizzup> uvos__: well as a module we can't use it as root
<Wizzup> unless we start making initramfses
<sicelo> where are we planning to use btrfs
<uvos__> sicelo: mz6xx
<uvos__> to span the partitions
<Wizzup> well to span it we would still need a initramfs
<Wizzup> in any case I did build a ~700MB ext4 leste image with the image builder that boots fine
<Wizzup> (stripped down ofc)
<Wizzup> so that is enough for mz617 to install to userdata
<Wizzup> (which is like 13GB at least)
<uvos__> you sure we need initramfs to span?
<uvos__> i think just root=/one/device/of/the/span should work
<uvos__> or could work at least
<Wizzup> uvos__: doesn't work, tried that
<uvos__> :(
<Wizzup> btrfs doesn't scan for devices in kernel
<Wizzup> it needs userspace to scan somehow
<Wizzup> I agree it's dumb
<uvos__> well now i dont know what we need btrfs to be built in for
<uvos__> its not really a good filesystem for small flash volumes
<Wizzup> compression is still useful
<uvos__> neither is ext4 but ok
<Wizzup> root@devuan-mz617:~# df -h
<Wizzup> Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
<Wizzup> /dev/mmcblk1p20 13G 2.1G 11G 18% /
<Wizzup> this is default image with ext4
<Wizzup> er btrfs
<Wizzup> but no compression
<uvos__> yeah sure
<Wizzup> so it's not too bad space wise atm
<uvos__> but the problem is user_data cant be flashed directly or
<uvos__> that was one that could only be erased?
<Wizzup> neither cache nor preinstall nor user data can be flashed directly
<uvos__> cache can be flashed directly
<Wizzup> but from android you can write an image to cache
<Wizzup> well my cache can't I seem to remember
<Wizzup> in any case,
<Wizzup> I flashed user data from my tiny leste on cache, which I dd't from android to cache
<Wizzup> if we can flash directly to cache with fastboot that would be nice, and I'll probably try it some time soon
<uvos__> ok but cache was where we originally placed fastboot because that was flashable
<uvos__> er kexecboot not fastboot
<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> cdrom is my kexecboot
<uvos__> im not sure of the others
<Wizzup> well I can try this now that my userdata works
<uvos__> preinstall for sure can be flashed too but that could be singed
<uvos__> user_data cant be flashed at all, not evenby a signed image
<Wizzup> I made some image-builder changes with the hildon-meta-core split, and we can get pretty tiny images with just keyboard,wifi,h-d,cpa,ofono btw
<uvos__> great
<Wizzup> locales are still 150MB, but without that it's like 750MB
<uvos__> that seams pretty large still
<Wizzup> (that is the debian translations)
<Wizzup> yup, mesa is *huge*
<Wizzup> libllvm is like 70MB or so
<uvos__> yeah gpu drivers can get absurldy huge
<Wizzup> There was some other low hanging fruit that I tackled, like not adding iphbd or dkms, which pulls in gcc, and removing some pkgs devuan image builder installs that we don't need (htop, zsh, etc)
<uvos__> (cires in 4GB AMD libdevice_opertions.so)
<Wizzup> but <800MB is enough for the mz6xx purposes I think
<Wizzup> yeah that's probably some deeplearning stuff
<uvos__> i think htop can go everywhere
<uvos__> i was allways puzzeled why this was preinstalled
<Wizzup> devuan imagebuild does it
<Wizzup> and yes it can go away
<Wizzup> I think having vim or htop preinstalled is nice for users of the regular image
<Wizzup> it shows something in the debian submenu
<uvos__> yeah
<uvos__> i gues vim is needed for strict posix compat
<uvos__> htop is just useless
<Wizzup> it has a certain hackery feeling to it :P
<Wizzup> btw, I'm going to add razr and mzxxx images
<Wizzup> I was thinking of what we go through every time
<Wizzup> leste-config can do in the xyboard "Section" I suppose
<Wizzup> for mzxxx
<Wizzup> (since we made different ones for all the other devices)
<uvos__> yes
<Wizzup> I wonder if we need more specific meta packages or leste-config's for the different mz61x
<uvos__> well we dont know yet
<uvos__> the accels could be oriented differently
<Wizzup> and what do we call mz607,mz608,mz609 and what do we call mz615,mz616,mz617 - mz60x, mz61x ?
<uvos__> for one thing
<uvos__> mz60x and mz61x? :P
<uvos__> oh yeah
<Wizzup> ok
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<Wizzup> I would like to prevent buildimg images for all of the different submodels if possible (because the image building is inefficient)
<uvos__> yeah
<Wizzup> so I could name it either specifically, like mz617 or mz616, or mz61x)
<uvos__> hopefully this wont bite us
<Wizzup> I suppose they will need a different inittab
<Wizzup> (/boot/ on mz617 is really android /system)
<Wizzup> if you keep the standard inittab it will error on boot and ask you to type in the root pw or ^D
<uvos__> yeah
<Wizzup> (since it wants to check /dev/mmcblk1p1 but can't)
<uvos__> also what about the variants with sdcards
<uvos__> i think sdcard images for those would be usefull
<Wizzup> yes
<uvos__> i know this gets messy
<Wizzup> so maybe we can manage /etc/inittab with leste-config
<uvos__> you also need to change boot.cfg
<Wizzup> I think for mz616 we can safely assume people will probably just use sdcards and not te internal emmc
<uvos__> sure and if not mz617 is presuambly compatable
<Wizzup> the one thing lacking for mz61x images -now- is the kernel
<Wizzup> yeah I think we'll find it all to be very compatible
<Wizzup> I haven't found any differences at all really
<Wizzup> (apart from modem presumably)
<uvos__> well mz60x is for sure different in varous ways
<uvos__> but yeah the sub variants are presumably very samey
<Wizzup> yeah that is what I meant
<Wizzup> btw, please ack that you saw my sphone changes
<uvos__> i did
<Wizzup> I pushed to master only a minor debian/ change but then the build failed so I just decided to push a build fix to master
<uvos__> dont worry, i hired the hitman already
<Wizzup> :D
<uvos__> so otherwise you know what to do right?
<uvos__> for sphone
<uvos__> add a config to leste-config for it
<uvos__> and tell me, i can then drop the maemo stuff from the default config
<Wizzup> oh, so you mean the divert the default sphone.ini ?
<uvos__> no, add a 20-maemo.ini or so
<Wizzup> ok, I thought we couldn't change the module load line there, did you change that?
<uvos__> you can change anything
<uvos__> do tell me if it dosent work
<uvos__> but anything in sphone.init should be changeable
<Wizzup> ok, so if I add the comm-voicecallmanager via leste-config as a 20-maemo.ini it should work?
<uvos__> yeah i mean you need to copy the whole modules= line
<Wizzup> same for qtloop?
<uvos__> and overwrite it
<uvos__> yes
<Wizzup> ok, I'll try that
<Wizzup> thanks!
<uvos__> and you can disable the sms feature to
<uvos__> theres a value for that
<uvos__> (and dont load the sms ui modules to save some ram)
<uvos__> for recents to be the entry point (as you would like)
<uvos__> you need to change the .desktop file atm
<uvos__> need to figure out how to deal with this
<Wizzup> yeah that's tricky
<Wizzup> btw, for new kernel, I think tony pushed our some more stuff recently, we still have the cpufreq issue with it not showing up right?
<uvos__> have not tried it recently, sorry
<uvos__> could be fixed yeah, no idea
<Wizzup> okay, for the mz61x images themselves we'll need a new kernel build I think
<uvos__> yes
<Wizzup> if you could re-add the droid3 dts in there too, that would be good
<Wizzup> I have a local change for it on maemo-6.6-buildeb that I could push somewhere
<uvos__> it needs to rewirtten because the layout of the dts files changed alot
<uvos__> but yeah
<Wizzup> since 6.6?
<uvos__> no to 6.6
<Wizzup> I did this
<uvos__> lots of stuff moved around
<uvos__> great
<Wizzup> let me push this somewhere
<Wizzup> it also updates this scripts/package/builddeb thing, but maybe you did have that already
<uvos__> yeah
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<uvos__> btw mesa
<uvos__> we build or own mesa for pvr anyhow
<uvos__> we could disable all the drivers besides prv to make it pretty tiny presumably
<uvos__> why have a drivers for all the desktop dgpus in there, its not like leste devices have pcie slots
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<Wizzup> right we need to rebase on mesa-amber right?
<Wizzup> well we do need mesa with other drivers for other devices
<Wizzup> pinephone for example
<Wizzup> or the librem soon (looks at sicelo :D)
<Wizzup> and yes, we could make a special pvr mesa, but it actually costs a lot of time
<Wizzup> even to just upgrade mesa and deal with the packaging mess
<uvos__> Wizzup: we need to split pvr mesa anyhow
<uvos__> pvr mesa needs to be amber
<uvos__> while the gallium3d drivers (like for pp) must not be amber
<uvos__> so special mesa pvr is inevitable
<Wizzup> right, ok, well, shall we do that for daedalus, or is there a need to do it sooner?
<Wizzup> because I'm not kidding if I say it takes me 1-2 full days to switch us to new mesa, even with no code backporting :p
<Wizzup> btw, I think we took a bunch of notes on atrix2 to make some dts changes, I think you hosted those somewhere, right?
<uvos__> i dont think i have ever hosted any notes
<uvos__> i only have the related files hosted
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<Wizzup> yeah that counts I guess
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<inky> gsmarena has this info about mz617: it has gsm connectivity, but it cannot do neither voice nor sms. what does that mean? (i personally won't put a sim card in it anyway).
<inky> also, i think it doesn't list the ram size.
<Wizzup> it means that you can use it for data
<tmlind> cool tablet install images sounds great :)
<inky> Wizzup, oh thank you. but why sms won't work? just curious. or will (should) it work under linux?
<inky> also if you work on it now, what's the ram size?
<inky> and the graphics card is powervr?
<sicelo> inky: there are data only modems ... e.g. what's inside those 'mifi' thingies.
<sicelo> of course it may also just be that there's no software for it :-)
<Wizzup> tony said the modem or tablet hung when issuing sms or call commands iirc
<Wizzup> uvos: I pushed one more commit to the 6.6 builddeb
<Wizzup> but I think this is an older version, without droid3 stuff, not that it matters
<buZz> Wizzup: searched for those carmounts yet?
<Wizzup> buZz: can only find droid3 ones
<buZz> aw :(
<Wizzup> but I am going to the US in ~4-5 days, so ...
<Wizzup> freemangordon: ping
<sicelo> < Wizzup> or the librem soon (looks at sicelo :D)
* sicelo looks outside the window :p
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<Wizzup> :p
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<Wizzup> uvos: experimental has the latest 6.6 based on your work with the d3 stuff mixed in, no btrfs yet
<uvos> Wizzup: check
<Wizzup> it's not the latest 6.6 code or anything
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<Wizzup> sicelo: today on my mz617 I also did not find the usb0 interface on the tablet to be up
<Wizzup> it did expose the rndis interface, but did not bring it up nor assign an ip
<Wizzup> I guess I should check if pcsuite-enable.sh fails or something
<Wizzup> tmlind: thinking about it some more, I think it's pretty unlikely that both my tablets have damaged cables wrt ts not always working
<Wizzup> tmlind: I could bring in a third one that I haven't opened up to see how that works
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<buZz> Wizzup: whats the 'so...' ? :D you think that there might droid4 ones on/in your archive.org desk?
<buZz> +be
<Wizzup> buZz: no but we could order
<buZz> ah, yes, probably :)