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ok, i have otg cable (hub in fact) and keyboard works. there's no terminal for me to login though :-p
must modify inittab?
sicelo: otg? if you mean a serial adapter, than yes, you have to modify the inittab as well as your kernel command-line to add the serial console
ah, i was hoping to login on the device directly, because screen is working
sicelo: oh, sorry, i thought that was possible actually but i'm no maemo expert, stick around to talk to someone who actually knows what's going on
it's a normal computing thing ... i'm just not used to setting it up myself. let me check
what do you mean by OTG cable? you mean some sort of usb->hdmi adapter?
the OTG terminology rings a bell but i'm having trouble recalling where i heard it last in this context
i have a usb hub. otg cable means roughly same thing, but only has one 'downstream' port
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sicelo: hmm leste should getty the ttys
sicelo: i gues its geting stuck somewhere before that :\
is it possible the screen is on but not directed to the right source?
i *think* it passes the getty stage fine. isn't xorg startup much later?
the kernel will be doing something to the display settings well before that though, because of the framebuffer (now on by default for regular displays too though last i checked in debian derivatives anyway)
but depending on your bootloader setup, it could even be engaging the framebuffer before the linux kernel
so just because the screen is on doesn't necessarily even mean you made it as far as linux...
and it can certainly go wrong in a number of ways at that point
you using u-boot? or... tow-boot, or something else?
make sure you don't have "quiet" in your kernel command-line
sicelo: getty is pretty late on leste
im not sure if its before or after xorg
(that way if it makes it at least as far as linux you can see exactly how far it got)
anyhow if its not coperateing i would create a new runlevel with no xrog by hand on the sdcard and boot to that and try and start xorg by hand after that
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sicelo: you can install fbkeybord from chroot/ some other host it comes with a emergency runlevel thats futher along in the process than the normal single user mode
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fun: if the librem5 goes into suspend, the SD card gets reported as write-protected. doesn't look like there's much that can be done after that
*to fix that
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seems like your kernel build might be missing something? or maybe it's a initrd issue?
leste doesn't use an initrd
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sicelo: I think if you set the softlevel to rescue or something then you might get a tty
with keyboard
uvos__: ^ right?
Wizzup: [11:03] <uvos__> sicelo: you can install fbkeybord from chroot/ some other host it comes with a emergency runlevel thats futher along in the process than the normal single user mode