sicelo: freemangordon: now I remember, hildon-meta depends on OMP from extras, and that was the problem
I'll remove OMP for now
(from hildon-meta)
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Wizzup Regarding the menus, you could try to fix the shortcuts problem. App shortcuts can only be added from home for applications that are in the hildon directory. App shortcuts should be able to be made for all applications and not just those in the hildon directory.
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diejuse: well this is by design currently
oh, you mean to the desktop
I think it might get messy if we always add all debian stuff
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in any case, function hd_shortcut_widgets_get in hildon-home/src/hd-shortcut-widgets.c - just add paths there to test it
diejuse: you can install them tothe user path
in any case yeah we can fix this, but let's see what others think
maybe you can file an issue on the bugtracker for it so we can discuss there
Ok, I Will add it
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I thought that a good solution to not see a long list would be to add a way to mark which apps from directories other than "hildon" a user wants to be added . Then only those apps would appear in the list.
yes, there could be gconf keys for this
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freemangordon: hildon-home and some other packages have a hard dep on hildon-common-strings-l10n-mr0
I think maybe we should get rid of that, so we don't have all the strings installed?