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tmlind: re: mz617 ts, I think it's not a hw problem, since the ts itself works well for me, and I see it on two different devices
you don't see this problem occur at all on your mz61x I assume?
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Wizzup: i was mostly busy just getting framebuffer to work, have not tinkered with the gui much so far. seem like some simple issue if reloading the module helps, won't have any time this week to look at it though
ok :)
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Wizzup: by service icon I mean "email", "message", "call", etc, no matter the particular application
don;t understand why we shall care if email was on your google or your microsoft (just an example) account, we shall display "missed email" icon, no?
the same comes for messages: you have new message, no matter the channel
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Diejuse: Wizzup: got Modest working in proot :)
now HAM tries to update with no error but something seems wrong with sources.list
i'll have a look this evening
(Wizzup: to get dummy network working with maemo apps, i have to run an additional dbus-send command. i found the trick in TMO: that was a well known issue with libicd)
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@arno11 can you type the additional commands you run in the launchMaemo script?
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diejuse: yes, sure
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first: add 'dbus-launch' before '/etc/init.d/dbus start', and move '/usr/sbin/icd2 -l2 &' just before '/usr/sbin/ke-recv &'
then add 'dbus-send --type=method_call --system /com/nokia/icd string:DUMMY uint32:0' at the end of the script
on my device, apt is broken currently so i can't check if hildon-application-manager works correctly
but should work for you
Now we must improve xsession stuff in the script
ah i forgot something important
you must delete /var/lib/apt/list.old directory and
and add extra chimaera repo inside (just that one)
back in 5 min
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diejuse: ok, i still have troubles with apt but HAM works fine, have been able to install and run OMP (open media player)
@arno11 app manager working, genius!
one note: /var/lib/apt/list.old directory did not exist
I will upload an update script to github updating
ok cool
so OMP recognize the songs? What directory have you put them in?
try /home/user/MyDocs/.sounds
have to go. bbl
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@arno11 After your instructions HAM worked but apt also broke. Solved with rm -rf /etc/apt/sources.list.d and rm -rf /var/lib/opt/lists/lock Now both HAM and apt work.
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freemangordon: some things could work 'work message' as opposed to 'maemo irc message', I think that is relevant
arno11: did you figure out the cummy network
arno11: ok yeah looks like you figured it out icd2 / dbus wise
Wizzup: disputable, but still this is not the application/channel. And we don't have a way to assign custom category/type to email/message/call
conversations knows
arno11: could you link to the TMO post, if there is an issue we shall fix it
or, could know
but yeah I don't care for now, but I think we should do it, but we can talk about it later
I just wanted to *try* it but Maemo said "no"
Wizzup: something to think of - how do you distinguish 'work' messages from 'personal' messages coming on your gmail account?
or, work missed calls from you GF missed calls
like - if we have categories, I think they should be applicable to everything, not to IM only
freemangordon: I don't on gmail
but slack is work
xmpp is friends
but that's your usecase
you may have more than one xmpp accoun, no?
I think you'll find that nobody uses slack for social comms for the most part
one for work and another for friends
so, how do you know which one is which?
just based on the icon you wouldn't, I assume we'd group them
I don't think it would be impossible to show more on the tklock scree nthough
like people could assign some tag
sure, but that would require more API/UI support than we have now
my point is that is not about it being app centric I think
yes it would
it's more about use case centric I guess
also, I am am not sure you can assign random metadata to TP account
so we'll have to keep another db
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yes, conversations
etc, etc
this is already necessary for auto rejoining channels
won;t work for emails though
sure, but those are different concepts also on fremantle
yes, but not on the lock screen. anyway, you have a point, but I think we are far from that
I mean latest conversations has some issues/bugs still but it's getting there :)
didn;t try it yet
I'm super happy with the vibration/led/sound/notifications working
don't, there's still some crash to fix
we'll make a release
will do soon, I want to see how fb chat works
ah, ok
well yo can, the crash is for joining channels nad then reconnecting
will wait
anyway I have enough other things to do
diejuse: with last -devel upgrade, it doesn't work without stuff in sources.list.d (on my device)
i had troubles with apt before tweaking HAM btw
diejuse: btw, i deactivated mce and ke-recv on boot: far more stable ATM
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arno11 Ok. I have placed songs in different directories but OMP does not recognize them. Have you managed to get them recognized? What extra commands have you executed?
ok i'll have a look later and let you know (tracker stuff is missing)
if you want to check before, have a look at mafw-tracker-source iirc
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arno11: great
Wizzup: so i just did the mz616-32 micro-sd cable to mz616-16 swap, and at least mz616-16 detects micro-sd cards, so seem like soldering the cage should be enough. it's picky about the micro-sd cards though, only a 64gb card showed up on both of them so far
another larger 256mb micro-sd card i tried with did not show up
will try also on mz617 when i get a chance, a stiff guitar pick helps a lot..
yeah I'd like to know if this works for the mz617
but that would be great...
weird that it didn't work in my swap test...
looks like mz616-32 micro-sd cable does not work on mz617
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on mz617 the card detect interrupt seems to trigger but card is not detected
maybe mz616-16 has different version of the mobo too if your swap test did not work
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ok i see at least three components not populated on mz617 compared to mz616, looking at the hole on the cage above lcd cable
diejuse: i can't get mafw/omp working properly atm but seems the same on my n900 so we should ask freemangordon for that. anyway not a proot related issue
Wizzup: it seems we can run almost everything inside proot
what is funny is that leste cpu/ram usage is not really perceptible on a recent android phone
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arno11 have you managed to get conversations working? I was now trying to read and send IRC and Telegram messages but I don't know how to configure it.
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Wizzup you have time to take a look at the hamsterfiler bug of not showing hidden files? I would like to access files within ~/.config ~/.local...
i doubt ... they're a bit busy :-)
sicelo Well, I have to try. :P
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do you know some C++? i'm guessing it's Qt
tmlind: your picture isent of good enough quality to make out what is or isent populated in the area you highlited
diejuse: conversations is the next challenge. i'll have a look tomorrow and let you know. (you need to add specific plugins to run different type of services through conversations, most of them are still experimental btw)
but judgeing by the large inductor and caps in that can it would venture that it contains regulators the difference in populated componants are probubly related to the suply bus for the microsd
diejuse: but first of all we need to check if all necessary pkgs are installed
for hamsterfiler, that's probably 'permission related' because it works fine on my n900
ah great. saves me taking time to look at the source :-p
arno11 Yessss. Btw now I am trying to configure my Gmail account with Modest but I am not succeeding at the moment.
that's normal
that's a bit tricky now with new 'security' stuff from google. there is a thread on TMO explaining the right process iirc
iirc there is something to do on your gmail account to allow an external app like modest
i can have a look tomorrow as well. time to sleep now. ttyl
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you need to set an application password
and use that instead of your normal account password
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ok sicelo I am going to try
diejuse: maybe dsc can help with hamsterfiler
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folks, i found out that palm pre has the omap chipset and powervr video. i guess it would be a good target for leste.