i moved the file away -after- to get around the issue
buZz: I don't have the problem
can you be more specific, it's not clear at all
because the apt message suggests it didn't work out.
yes , the paste-debian error was what apt update/upgrade gave me at 3am
i fixed it by doing dpkg-divert myself to remove it
is that specific enough?
that's extremely weird
apt upgrade just worked for me
and the new version specifically does not have this conflict
can you run apt update and install both those packages?
sure, doubt it'll have the issue now, but i can try
its l-c-mapphone and l-c-d4 , right?
leste-config-mapphone is already the newest version (1.80-2+2m7).
leste-config-droid4 is already the newest version (1.80-2+2m7).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.
eh, what was it, forceinstall ?
reinstall, works fine now
but the issue is only on upgrading both, i guess?
because of their dependencies on each other, but overlapping divert?
I think the issue is you didn't 'apt update'
but I might be wrong
i did
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Wizzup: I have fixed mafw compilation, but there are lots of warnings in test cases compilation, will fix them too
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freemangordon: great
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ja, you can totally feel the extra weight of der premium akku
calibrated at around 1532mah
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freemangordon: ok, ty, will take a look
tmlind: the e960 battery?
Wizzup: yup :)
if somebody has a controllable battery charger device it would be interesting to know how much cpcap coulomb counter is off for the capacity between 3.3V to 4.2V compared to the charger..
Wizzup: hmm? I wull fix the test cases, it is just that there are hundreds of lines to fix
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~250 more lines to fix :( , will do later or tomorrow
freemangordon: lots of tests eh
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tmlind: sure ill do that, will start rn
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_uvos_: did you try tinydm rules patch?
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not yet
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