<Wizzup> OSError: /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/rtcom-eventlogger/plugins/libchat.so: undefined symbol: rtcom_el_plugin_chat_get_group_title
<Wizzup> hrm
<Wizzup> wonder what I missed :)
<Wizzup> will check tomorrow
* dsc_ stabs cmake
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<buZz> woa
<buZz> thats about a functional FM radio in droid4 :O
<buZz> >
<buZz> There is also a TX firmware. The Droid 4's chip should support this,
<buZz> but I don't know if there is audio routing for this feature.
<buZz> wtf
<sicelo> the radio does work in android. i've used it, so it should work in linux. i did try the stuff on that page. iirc it didn't work because serdev
<sicelo> s/radio/receiver/
<buZz> i'm kinda suprised its a v4l2 device
<sicelo> what should it be? :-)
<sicelo> v4l2 is used for most media stuff that has controls (besides mixers, of course)
<sicelo> even the TX is a v4l2 device
<buZz> the FM TX?
<sicelo> yes
<buZz> oh, FM TX works in android too?
<sicelo> no idea
<sicelo> i meant, fm tx is a v4l2 function. not necessarily in connection with working on d4
<sicelo> tbh, i don't know what chip has fm tx on d4, although i've heard it mentioned.
<buZz> that thread seems to suggest the same chip
<sicelo> ah
<sicelo> that would need an antenna though
<buZz> yes, RX aswell, according to that thread
<buZz> the antenna = headphone cable
<sicelo> i mean TX ..
<sicelo> RX is usually always the headphone. but i'm not sure the same one will work well for TX
<buZz> well, wavelength is the same :P
<Wizzup> dsc_: cmake, automake, pick your poison :p
<buZz> build.sh
<buZz> :P
<sicelo> loooks like wifi is broken (at least for N900) on 6.2-rc1 :'(
<sicelo> although maybe it's not N900 per se
<sicelo> buZz: at least N900 has a separate, shorter antenna for tx
<buZz> yeah, thats really nice
<Wizzup> sicelo: any progress on the modem oops so far?
<sicelo> no. no serial :-)
<Wizzup> I'm not sure how the serial matters, it resets with a known trace right?
<Wizzup> or do you mean it's harder for you to bisect?
<sicelo> yes, not easy to bisect this if you can't see how/where it fails
<sicelo> but i'll try
<sicelo> the problem is that going back, you end up with non-working screen, and for my skill levels, things get confusing quickly at that point. i think serial will help a lot
<buZz> sicelo: do you need me to make you such a cable?
<buZz> i still need to make one for myself
<sicelo> will make it soon ... the stuff that's been keeping me too busy is almost over now. last bits should be out of the way by weekend hopefully
<buZz> but would be more motivated if second one is needed :P
<sicelo> buZz: i'll make it, but very rudimentary
<buZz> hehe is there any other way?
<buZz> fyi; the 18650 holder droid4 emptied itself over night, while connected to charger :) will replace cables later today probably
<sicelo> i mean - just putting things together so it works, at least for RX side (this doesn't need level conversion too)
<Wizzup> sicelo: I think going back to the version that worked, with the revert, adding some prints to see if it uses dma or not, and which paths it takes, is helpful
<buZz> i think i'd just make it '6 pins' so i can use those cheapass USB-UART things i have around
<Wizzup> but I do not have a good understanding of how it works
<buZz> which do 3.3V already (or is it 1.8V?)
<Wizzup> it's neither iirc
<buZz> 0.9? O_o
<buZz> 2.7V .. i think that should work with a 3.3V uart without issues?
<Wizzup> nope
<Wizzup> you'll burn the ports
<Wizzup> read the page ;)
<Wizzup> >For kernel debugging purposes one wants to have access to a serial port on embedded hardware. The Nokia N900 has such a port available, but it’s under the battery and is not 3.3 Volt tolerant (so no cheap USB-TTL Adapters can be used).
<buZz> oh, n900
<Wizzup> yes, d4 cable is trivial
<buZz> i thought it was about d4 :)
<sicelo> okay looks like the N900 wifi breakage might just be as simple as making some adjustments in dts
<sicelo> they did some work on wl1251
<sicelo> for the serial/modem, i think it would have been easier if i knew how to make mtdoops or pstore work
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<Guest47> Hello everyone, do you need to upload a new image to the SD card or is there another way to update?
<Wizzup> typically, normal updates are installed with 'apt update' and 'apt upgrade'
<Wizzup> or 'apt dist-upgrade' even
<buZz> kinda depends how old the install is :)
<buZz> but -usually- just apt update; apt upgrade; works fine
<Guest47> ok thanks
<Guest47> Is there a way to install multi-boot on the latest version from the community? (10/10/2015 - 2011/21/38-1Tmaemo11+thumb0)
<Guest47> Nokia N900
<sicelo> multi-boot?
<Guest47> Yes, downloading maemo-leste via a laptop every time is not convenient.
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<sicelo> i'm not sure i follow :-)
<Wizzup> Guest47: install leste on the sd card, then you can boot from fremantle/cssu on emmc and leste from sd
<sicelo> Wizzup: i'm bisecting now for the wireless regression. i know it was working in 6.1-rc7, and it's broken in 6.2-rc1. should i do a `make mrproper` between builds?
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<Wizzup> I honestly don't know, sorry
<Wizzup> if you have a powerful machine, then probably a good idea
<sicelo> actually,let me add wireless tree, so i don't waste time moving around unrelated points in the history
<Wizzup> to the bisect you mean?
<sicelo> i mean add a remote for one of the wireless-* repos, then bisect from that, i hope
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<Wizzup> I mean, in general it won't matter too much, but you can try
<Wizzup> it's binary so you wouldn't be taking that many more steps with a bigger history
<Wizzup> (it's binary search*)
<sicelo> ok. when i bisected the musb regression, it ended up with a drm commit being the first bad commit :-P
<Wizzup> 'bad commit' here means that the first commit where the problem also occurs, right, it doesn't mean this commit is to blame
<Wizzup> iiuc
<sicelo> yes.
<Wizzup> freemangordon: so the sip plugin works for several free accounts I have tried + the one I have at home
<Wizzup> just not for linphone
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<sicelo> < buZz> i thought it was about d4 :) ... hehe, there are lots of people working on D4
<buZz> :)
<Guest47> I want to do this but I can't install
<Guest47> 1. Install "U-Boot with kernel 2.6.28-omap1"
<sicelo> you need to be inside the old maemo. is that one still working on your N900?
<Guest47> Installed bootmenu added:
<Guest47> cat > /etc/bootmenu.d/30-maemo-leste.item << "EOF" &&
<Guest47> ITEM_NAME="Maemo Leste"
<Guest47> ITEM_KERNEL="uImage"
<Guest47> ITEM_DEVICE="${EXT_CARD}p1"
<Guest47> ITEM_FSTYPE="ext2"
<Guest47> EOF
<Guest47> but at startup the second boot option from a flash card does not appear
<Guest47> sicelo yes
<sicelo> did you run `u-boot-update-bootmenu` after that?
<Guest47> sicelo /bin/sh: u-boot-update-bootmenu: not found
<sicelo> so fix that :-)
<sicelo> forgot the pkg that contains it... probably u-boot-tools or something like that
<sicelo> how did you get u-boot-installed without this ... seems u-boot-tools is a dependency for u-boot itself
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<Guest47> The problem is that there is no U-boot for Community SSU/Thumb 21.2011.38-1Tmaemo12
<Wizzup> there should be I think
<sicelo> there isn't
<sicelo> what you do is ... install the standard u-boot, then install the thumb bootimg, and make a bootmenu entry for it
<sicelo> because you can't boot thumb kernel with the kernel that's appended in u-boot
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<freemangordon> Wizzup: great!
<freemangordon> Wizzup: BTW, antisip work in fremantle as well
<freemangordon> *works
<Wizzup> cool
<freemangordon> at least chat and audio calls
<Wizzup> so now I guess we need a sphone tp module that can deal with tp-rakia, tp-gabble and tp-ring
<freemangordon> for video calls I have to find good android client to install on my GFs android
<Wizzup> (probably mostly the same code for all)
<Wizzup> ah hehe
<freemangordon> antisip's own application does not support chat :D
<Wizzup> twinkle does
<freemangordon> ok, will install that
<freemangordon> I tried to do audio call from the VM, but seems RTP cannot pass through to it
<Wizzup> might need some NAT on your side
<freemangordon> yes, but I am not sure I want to do that
<Wizzup> agreed
<freemangordon> IIRC RTP ports are dynamic
<freemangordon> so it will not be simple
<freemangordon> so I'd rather not play with that
<Wizzup> right, if you use different qemu network, like bridge or macvtap it might be easier
<Wizzup> but I agree
<freemangordon> mhm
<freemangordon> I am using virtualbox
<freemangordon> but yeah
<freemangordon> does sphone support conference calls?
<freemangordon> and video calls?
<freemangordon> IOW - does it have a concept of those?
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<Wizzup> I don't think so, not at this point
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<freemangordon> hmm...
<Wizzup> uvos: when you read logs ^^
<Wizzup> freemangordon: I think we can just start with one to one calls, that'll be a big improvement already
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* freemangordon installs qtcreator in chimaera VM :)
<freemangordon> wow, chimaera is on qt 5.15!
<Wizzup> yes
<Wizzup> I did the port already
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<dsc_> im using another IDE but qtcreator is not bad, used it for a while years ago
<dsc_> just try to use CMake, not qmake :P
<freemangordon> I am fine with qmake, why cmake?
<dsc_> nvm
<freemangordon> Wizzup: dsc: osso_abook_contact_chooser_new() works like a charm in qt application :)
<freemangordon> this https://pastebin.com/u2d71HQx
<freemangordon> void MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked() { tst(effectiveWinId()); }
<dsc_> does it block the qt eventloop?
<freemangordon> umm, why should it?
<freemangordon> look at the code
<dsc_> what should I look at?
<freemangordon> gtk_widget_show_all(chooser); is the last line in tst() function
<freemangordon> and then it returns to qt event loop
<freemangordon> lemme just check that I can select a contact
<Wizzup> cool
* dsc_ was under the impression `abook` would move to Qt :)
<dsc_> instead we are embedding GTK
<freemangordon> re-implement aboot in qt?
<Wizzup> that seems like a sensible first step, given how large it is and we also need it in gtk
<freemangordon> dsc_: this is not the first thing gtk embeded
<dsc_> mkay
<dsc_> Yeah, I'm not superrrr interested in figuring out how to embed GTK in Qt
<dsc_> i.e: if some example code could be provided that would be cool :P
<freemangordon> sec
<Wizzup> ideally we would have libabook-qt which provides a qt pkg that we can be used to call parts of abook
<Wizzup> that can be used*
<freemangordon> Wizzup: exactly
<freemangordon> just LMK what you need first
<dsc_> freemangordon: thanks :)
<freemangordon> dsc_: this is a working example, but hacky
<freemangordon> ideally osso_abook_contact_chooser_new() (and others) should be dlsym() - ed
<freemangordon> that way no extern "C" stuff will be needed
<freemangordon> I will have some hard times wrapping OssoABookContact, but well... :)
<dsc_> right
<dsc_> so
<dsc_> the .pro includes `abc.c` as source
<dsc_> yet no file references it
<freemangordon> ummm
<dsc_> and then `extern` magically exposes it or something?
<dsc_> :P
<freemangordon> extern is a declaration
<dsc_> its like a forward declaration
<freemangordon> no
<dsc_> oh
<dsc_> I see
<freemangordon> in C all functions are exported unless declared static
<freemangordon> extern "C" void tst(uintptr_t anid); is for the compiler to know how to call it from mainwindow.cpp
<freemangordon> Wizzup: so, what is the first class we need?
<dsc_> why not use `#include 'abc.c'`
<freemangordon> because... it is source file
<freemangordon> not a header
<dsc_> well ok, `abc.h` :P
<freemangordon> because this was a quick-n-dirty POC :p
<freemangordon> "(18,12,04) freemangordon: dsc_: this is a working example, but hacky"
<dsc_> I do not have the ability to differentiate between what is needed (as in: 'the way to do it') and things that are 'shortcuts'
<dsc_> i.e: I would have ported your code as-is, under the impression this EXTERN trick is needed
<dsc_> because of <insert reason>
<dsc_> thats why I'm asking
<freemangordon> dsc_: no, my question was - what is the first *abook functionality* that we need
<freemangordon> in qt
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<sicelo> apparently sdm845 already has good/reasonable runtime PM
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<freemangordon> Wizzup: dist-upgraded my d4, not xorg wouldn't start
<freemangordon> *now
<freemangordon> is that a common issue?
<buZz> i did notice that xorg wont start if storage is full
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<norayr> where is the d4's or pp's default xkb map? there should be some file that describes the kbd, but i cannot find it.
<norayr> omg, it's in dts: arch/arm/boot/dts/omap4-droid4-xt894.dts
<norayr> i won't touch it then...
<sicelo> :-)
<sicelo> what did you want changed?
<norayr> hmmm, the pp kbd behaves differently under pmos.
<norayr> let's say the dash is right alt and 7
<norayr> and i cannot type dash symbol without onscreen kbd with pinephone at all.
<norayr> i can create a xkbmap for myself but that won't fix the problem.
<sicelo> i think it will ... keymaps live in /usr/share/X11/xkb or similar
<norayr> yes, but there are default linux keymaps.
<norayr> not pp specific.
<norayr> or d4 specific.
<sicelo> and PP kb might have a keymap already in xkb-data, although I won't be surprised if devuan has older one
<sicelo> norayr: i'm quite sure there's a pp kb in upstream xkb-data at least
<sicelo> and of course, if you come up with a nicer keymap for yourself, you can show it here, and open a PR against leste so it can be added for other pp users. or open it against upstream xkb, whichever you prefer :-)
<buZz> i think norayr is talking about console keymap?
<buZz> instead of xorg
<sicelo> xkb map, perse said ... anyway let's hear which was meant
<norayr> i need an xkb map
<norayr> let me see your link
<sicelo> buZz: at least i can see Alt + 7 => - in that xkb-data commit
<norayr> do you think 'setxkbmap -model pinephone' should work? it works now but nothing changes.
<norayr> ah ppkb it is called
<norayr> witth current map it didn't work.
<norayr> i'll try to replace the files. the file? let me see.
<norayr> btw, uvos, volume up or down doesn't trigger the onscreen kbd on pp.
<sicelo> norayr: so leste has forked xkb-data, and that fork doesn't have anything for pp
<sicelo> so i suggest that if you want to use it with leste, backport the upstream commit to https://github.com/maemo-leste-upstream-forks/xkb-data/
<sicelo> should be straightforward
<norayr> oh so that is in xkb-data package.
<norayr> thank you.
<sicelo> yw
<norayr> ok i changed those three files like in the commit you pointed out, but only this didn't help. even rebooted to make sure.
<norayr> or maybe setxkbmap -model ppkbd is not what is necessary to type
<norayr> also setxkbmap -model ppkbd us doesn't help. :/
<norayr> ok i'll think about it if i have time. now it is night and i am tired.
<Wizzup> freemangordon: I didn't have that problem, but apart from you and me, others probably should not dist-upgrade yet
<Wizzup> freemangordon: elogind installed?
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