[ 91922.038] (EE) OMAP(0): ERROR: waitForBlitsCompleteOnDeviceMem: PVR2DQueryBlitsComplete failed with error code: -8 (Blit not complete)
[ 91922.540] (EE) OMAP(0): ERROR: waitForBlitsCompleteOnDeviceMem: PVR2DQueryBlitsComplete failed with error code: -8 (Blit not complete)
freemangordon: also getting this
(with X frozen, but ssh etc works)
Wizzup: not much I can do, it is either something in the kernel driver or in uKernel
yeah, just confirming
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Wizzup: please perform the dependancy changes, id rather not touch this, i dimmly remember parazyd explaining why the depend in leste-config works this way, i think it might have something to do with postins order or something
so id rather someone else touch this.
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uvos: ok
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uvos: probably tomorrow though
in -experimental ?
Wizzup: is it fine to have a leste kernel config instead of using omap2plus? after all, it's not like we're using vanilla omap2plus either (which doesn't have PVR)
we could, we had it before
what do you imagine?
i'd like to request that we use that config then :-)
sicelo: not sure what your asking
that we take the omap2plus_defconfig as it is now (ie modified) and rename it leste_defconfig?
i dont think the gain from doing this is massive
now if we where to start changeing omap2plus_defconfig more severly it would be more warrented
sicelo: are you volenteering to write a more tailored defconfig?
we'd have to update/rebase the config too
.confg? gets regenerated anyhow
uvos: we had a working config, until recently. now we're having to redo a lot of what was already working, and this wastes a lot of valuable time. right now, as you noted, n900 vibration isn't working. reason: missing kernel config
sicelo: afaik we allways used omap2plus_defconfig
at least during my tenure
sicelo: but great whats it called? the missing module
doesn't matter whose tenure it was. point is ... now we're wasting time, and breaking stuff