Wizzup: i guess the easylist repo wasn't created, maybe you forgot that.
and as soon as i have it, i'll tinker with rotation.
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silly question, should dist-upgrade from beowulf to chimaera work?
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norayr: ah
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norayr: done
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Wizzup: thanks!
and for Mussorgsky, let it remain yet, I may just rewrite it, or make another program which does the same but with different ui.
sometimes i think i need to port like 5 programs and only then tell you to open 5 repositories at once.
norayr: know the feeling
norayr: just do whatever is comfortable / you like
* norayr
very stupid question: i remember marina theme, when i installed it and turned on, had a green background with vertical stripes.
now it looks like the underwater with some sun rays coming from the up.
am i mixing something up?
and i have a subjective feeling that under chimaera maemo works more responsive.
aaand, pinephone doesn't have a chimaera image yet?
i'll try to upgrade it
norayr: I didn't change marine theme, just imported it
no no, i didn't say i remember how it was on n900, i mean how it was a couple of days ago. just i am afraid i messed up the settings and something changed. i liked that green background and have no idea where it went.
easylist is in repos already but i need to fix the rotation, it does not rotate.
also i just need a little time, maybe i'll write a better list app.
the portrait is just a property
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