if you look at what it does, on n900 Russian is a kind of hack (according to my limited knowledge on how keymaps work)
but again, that's not related to gtk
for gtk3 we obviously need IM plugin
I'm about to say something silly, but what about leveraging ibus?
and add a (custom?) touch-friendly virtual keyboard to ibus?
it would work pretty much everywhere, and allow changing the hw keyboard layout through ibus as well
how we will show it on edit field entered?
you're basically asking if ibus can make it pop upon clicking a text field?
no idea
forgive my ignorance
I dunno either
I don;t really know how all this is supposed to work
I think it would be better to improve him first
h-i-m that is
right :)
I usually ibus on various computers, both for hw layout (latin and non-latin) and semi-virtual input (like japanese / anthy)
and the anthy module has some kind of UI
bencoh: and you have a window with that kbd somewhere all the time, no?
for japanese? no, basically you change the input mode, start typing, and it changes your input on-the-fly, and allow you to choose the correct input (hiragana/katakana/kanji, japanese stuff)
I was talking about vkb
vkb I haven't tried with ibus, that's what I think we would have to add
which brings us back to my initial question - how does it know when to pop :)
freemangordon: if I can help with the gtk3 im, lmk
I'd love to get that in place some time soon, it's a big thing for us
(and re: vkb implemented with ibus, looks like it's not really a thing, quite the opposite, they kinda expect 3rd-party non-ibus vkb to be used if anything)
(someone proposed adding a virtual vs physical keyboard hint to ibus)
(so just ignore my first question :) )
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raising vkb on field click in all toolkits is prosible via at-spi
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sphone dosent do video calls (and imo video calls should probubly be handed by a different application since the required ui is so different)
sphone dosent do multi party calls, atho it sorta dose, you can have any number of call objects at a time, and the ui will present a list of calls. really this is intended to support call holding, but nothing prevents a backend haveing multiple endpoints active this way in a conference style call
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uvos: "for instance clicking on a field will raise the vkb only once, after closing to vkb again you need to click somewhere else before you can raise it again on the same field" sounds good to me
since one can always raise the vkb manually as well
so user might want to select (copypaste) something from said field without vkb getting in the way
sure but that pr is still more of a proof of concept, there are a lot of things it still needs
atspi dose for instances allow you to get the content of an input field
and this would allow you to then edit in in him
but this is not supported
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