well that's over 2 hours of waiting down the drain :p
tomorrow then
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chimaera xz images are ~150MB larger
wonder what changed
maybe compare a du -sh /* ?
Wizzup: btw yay, celebrations
* buZz
has internet at home again
took almost -exactly- a full month
buZz: great
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may i ask - what will go wrong if the evdev/proximity interface for mce is restored, while keeping the iio/proximity interface, i.e. allow them to co-exist?
sicelo: agree it could be useful to keep around
ooo MCE can do proximity? nice
i was thinking the tklock might benefit from proximity reading, aka 'dont unlock if slide opens but proximity is VERY CLOSE' to prevent pocket-leste'ing
uvos: d4 chimaera images boot to 3g and everything, the only thing missing atm is HAM, which needs one code change and then it can work
and of course the 'extras' pkgs
I got an sms from the operator in sphone
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tmlind: freemangordon: got this just now on my lab droid - linux 6.1: https://dpaste.com/EV5CNE6BW.txt - could be related to uvos toying with screens for razr maybe
interesting what from my extras packages won't build under chimaera.
can i already test those in phoenix?
norayr: are you using the vm image to build them?
norayr: and yes, you can :)
usually i develop richt on device, but i have wm with bullseye and maemo
is there a vm image already for chimaera?
uvos: something happened to my d4 where mce didn't re-enable the touchscreen, I had to go in with serial and type 'xinput enable 7'
(which is Filtered Touchscreen)
i'll hest in phoenix first, and then if it won't build will use a vm
anyone tried to build omweather? i remember i had troubles and didn't manage to solve those.
norayr: ok, there is a vm image already built that should work fyi
it might save you a lot of time if you test on those, but feel free to use the ci
thank you!
the branch is 'maemo/chimaera' as you'd expect
norayr: got a link to omweather?
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uvos: does gps work for you?
uvos: on 6,1?
it does not work for me on beowulf-devel or chimaera I think, I'll leave my phones outside a bit longer
freemangordon: btw, let me know when you want to discuss experimental and such setup for chimaera, we're ready now I think
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Wizzup: @input this can happen if mce exits abnormaly or is killed for any reason
mce disables xinput devices while the display is off, but if it crashes or is killed it has no way of knowing which devices it disabled and which are disabled by xorg due to user config or xorg heuristics
so it cant renable them when it comes back
uvos: maybe the kernel trace is related to this then, but mce should be restarted in this case, and maybe it needs to re-enable the ts or something
restarting dose not help
see above
I don't think user config is really a problem is it?
yes it explictly is a problem on mapphones
I think it's entirely fine for mce to 'take over' when it starts up
they have a device that is disabled by xorg
(the normal touchscreen)
mce has no way of knowing which xinput devices are the ones it disabled and wich one is the one disabled by config (as required on mapphones)
same thing is true of the pocophone iirc
mce cant just "take over" all input devices
anyhow this is only a problem if mce crashes or is killed by signal 9
otherwise it just releases the input devices on exit
same problem exits on n900 to iirc
since xorg ignores the accelerometer
as this is also a evdev device
the real solution to this problem is to use replace mces input handeling with libinput
since it then shares heuristics with xorg and can use that to tell wich xinput device belongs to what
and wich are disabled by the user/config
theres also several other reasons to do this, as i have discribed at other times
but what happens here is that the device is basically locking out the user
I am not sure if mce crashed, but I can try to check the logs
btw, gps works now.
I was just impatient it seems
arg, keyboard is still disabled
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Wizzup: yes its not great, mce generaly never crashes so its not been a problem yet but yes.
well, mce is able to crash since dsme restarts it, so we might want to see if we can rescue it somehow
you're saying that libinput has the same logic as x when deciding what to enable/disable? does it read udev rules?
yes so xorg asks libinput what do disable
so if mce where to be able to check with libinput on start it would know wich devices are disabled by config
and then it can assume the mce instance that died disabled all others
anyhow mces input handing is full of holes and needs to be replaced with libinput anyhow
uvos: looks like my mc got SIBABRT
Dec 14 12:13:44 localhost DSME: Process '/usr/bin/mce --force-syslog' with pid 2526 exited with signal 6 and restarted with pid 5692
Dec 14 12:13:44 localhost systemui[3235]: Method call received from: :1.64, iface: com.nokia.system_ui.request, method: powerkeymenu_close
Dec 14 12:13:46 localhost systemui[3235]: Method call received from: :1.64, iface: com.nokia.system_ui.request, method: tklock_close
thats systemui, where is mces log?
if it aborted it presumably failed an assert
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uvos: this is a fresh chimaera image, so I don't think I have any errors from mce logged
Dec 14 12:12:18 localhost mce[2526]: tklock.c: disable_eveater: eveater disabled
Dec 14 12:13:44 localhost mce[5692]: mce-conf: Could not get config key PowerKey/KeyCode
this is the only msg before/after the restart
uvos: btw I know it's systemui, but it interacts with mce, which is why I posted it
(note that for the two mce lines there are different pids)
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uvos: btw looks like we're almost done with chimaera :)
well not the session stuff
thats a lot of work untangeling the mess of how the current session is created
since that happens in a lot of places
any bit of it running breaks all other session
right, but it's basically the same situation as on beowulf, where elogind also existed
uvos: why is the untangling necessary btw?
there are alot of assumptions made when stuff starts in relation to eatch other
init scripts spawing processes that need processes in the the session that need processes spawned by init scripts
the init scripts themselves have lots of dependancies that end up starting xorg or xsession via various depends paths
right, but how does this matter to the elogind, can't it just start the stuff the same way?
or is it a non-technical reason that you want to untangle it, into actual login sessions
well untangeling the depens is absoulty nessecary
otherwise the old system will start x
and the way the starting order works is increably fragile
and tends to break if you change anything
ie change how the session is started
theres stuff like sleep 2
(and hope the other process is started now)
so I thought you could replace /etc/init.d/xorg and /etc/init.d/xsession with tinydm
you can but you need to update the depends and it breaks the sleep asumptions because timeing
assuming that would start X and then just execute the scripts that xxession does
hm, the timing really breaks? that's odd
also the current setup starts x
dose stuff
then starts xsession
this is not possible
uvos: do you think we ought to wait with the chimaera release for the elogind parts?
I was hoping we could have it done before christmas, but it's not -required- of course
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we could also have people upgrade their way through this, I suppose
well replaceing the session stuff and haveing it work without reintall is going to be fairly painful/error prone probubly
if we release it without elogind, I suppose people would at least be able to dist-upgrade
I think it would be good if we can make it work btw, dist-upgrade, but I agree it'll be tricky
i mean repalceing the session stuff can work ok via upgrade
its just very likely it will break on manny installs for unforsen reasons
theres also the other unkown issues still
I think maybe what is best is to re-add the conflict on elogind to hildon-meta for chimaera now, and then in whatever we call the new chimaera experimental, toy around with tinydm there
and then from there we can also work on a dist-upgrade path for it
not sure what the conflict helps at all really
its not like its preinstalled
it prevents packages pulling it in, which many do
not really
try to install anything mafw
apt just drops the metapackage
it will pull in elogind and break the device
no, it won't
hildon-meta is marked 'essential
ok that new
so you'll have to type something like 'YES I AM REALLY SURE'
i allways end up with it being removed on beowulfd
by mostly silently apt
not since the new ddx driver I think
imo chimaera "stable first" was a mistake and it shows here
what do you mean?
we'd have to support a dist-upgrade no matter what, no?
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Wizzup: no i mean you want to revert the change thats a step in the session direction because the chimaera image must continue to work for users now because its stable and no devel equivalent for chimaera exists
same thing with xorg and patching away logind support
there not being a nonstable eqivalent for chimaera means i have no where to put incremental changes that facilitate the session stuff comeing together
at maybe the expense of stuff being more break happty
uvos: we don't want to build new packages for beowulf, right? since we're moving to chimaera?
the porting to chimaera was never aimed to get to elogind sessions, that was just half forced upon us
so I don't think I agree it has to happen in lock step with the migration to newer debian
sure it would be a nice, but I think we'll hold ourselves back if just stay a in-between beowulf and chimaera limbo until we get it resolved
Wizzup: ok
uvos: BTW, as you think dsme should be removed, what is the replacement?
who is going to reboot the device in case h-d fails to restart in case of a crash (for example)?
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jus fyi, i got the mz617 lp8550 mostly figured out, driver need changes. will look at the bridge driver again, seeing just dsi errors for now
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freemangordon: so systemd can do that, faling this im not opposed to dsme in pricipal it just needs to be cut back to manage only processes inside the same session it is also in, otherwise its pretty broken
also the restarting behavior of dsme is totaly broken
the most common cause of a deamon failing to restart more than n-times is some update brekaing it
or a user config change that exposes a bug
in these cases dsmes reboot behvior will break the install essentally forceing the user to reinstall
because it will go into a forever bootloop
same thing if a deamon fails to start during an update
i also dissent that rebooting is usefull behavior at all, except in the case of the kernel (where a reboot IS a restart)
if maemo bits stop working permanently a session restart should be executed instead
ofc the current setup makes restarting the session cleanly impossible
also the session restart shal be exectued only once
to avoid the whole endless session restart thing that might otherwise happen
why restart session instead of device?
no possible failure mode besides kernel failures cant be resolved by restarting the deamons and the session
ok, but you want one more layer of complexity to be introduced without real gain
few saved seconds is not really a gain
the thing is with xdg sessions this happens automaticly
dsme must only exit
the session manager restarts the session
dsme must run as root
dsme should not run as root
and session shall tell dsme about session lifecycle
it should mange session processies only
the init system should do the system proccesies
this is the cause of manny a headache
no, because dsme takes care for WDs as well
and few other things
dsme stands for DeviceStateManagementEntity
this is not session state
so, you want to introduce systemd?
its a terrible alomoration of things this is true
the point is it shal not mange system processies, and shal leave that to the init system
and the bit that manges session processies must reside inside the session in question
and then whatever is left can reside somewhere elsse
so my initial question stands - what will replace dsme functionality
as i say inside the session this is the session managers resposability
ie autologin in this case
outside its init
and who reboots the device if a critical session process cannot be restarted?
n times
no one
the session is restarted instead
and the deamons are if needed
this covers all failure modes outside the kenrel
kernel restarts iself by building it with fatal oopses
the session is restarted by autologin on the signal of dsme exiting
this is how all other linux desktops work
and for good reason
this is *not* linux desktop, but anyway, I have to run now
this is falsely axiomatic
nothing about this happening to run on a phone changes anything here
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tmlind: great news :)
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uvos: in any case, it sounds like you're ok with cutting over to chimaera with the expectation that we will still split out the sessions in a future dist-upgrade?
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Wizzup: sure
can we haz devel/expiramental branch right after? :)
yeah, I'm waiting for fmg to share with preferred names for it
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heh so the stock kernel uses dsi commands only for the bridge, it has gpio_46 usage inverted.. it need to be low to read tc358765 bridge regs with i2ctransfer when the lcd is enabled
good sleuthing
i think gpio_46 only affects the i2c control