i think i did everything, will continue adding new, reviving old packages, or writing new apps.
checked them off already ^_^
btw our lagrange is the best build, sincerely. lagrange is usually built for desktops, but it has mobile mode, so i build it in mobile mode.
I am dist-upgrading now
will let you know if it just works
i'll try tomorrow.
python-is-python2 is the main question
I added it to hildon-meta already
next in my list is amazfish, it should work with chimaera, maybe dino from libhandy branch and libhandy will work? who knows.
first time I tried that python2 symlink was the main problem
I don't think we need dino, we just need conversations ready with xmpp :)
I use dino on my laptop and it makes me continually unhappy
yeah, that would be cool. dino makes heavy i/o and is bad on battery.
yes, i use pidgin usually.
dino under pmos can do e2e encrypted audio/video, plus omemo encrypted group chats.
dino can call conversations of android.
yes dino 0.3.0 can do all this but the audio/video almost never works
I've had to compile the latest git head just to get audio some of the time
both with conversations.im server and my own
i prefer our conversations, of course. in fremantle and even in diablo those were very useful.
I end up using jitso or google met usually
can pidgin do voice or video?
pidgin can but not encrypted.
telepathy-gabble can
only audio.
it works on n900 *still*
pidgin doesn't know omemo.
norayr: we have funding to add omemo to telepathy using libomemo-c
but that'll be in the news post before xmas
Wizzup: to me it doesn't work on n900 because my own server doesn't want to work with fremantle's libssl.
norayr: you just need the right cipers
great great!
you mean /etc/ssl/certs or smth content?
./prosody.cfg.lua:tls_profile = "legacy"
and of course on n900 you -must- disable cert validation
well fremantle n900
aha. i'll try.
i am in this chat via my xmpp to irc gateway.
hehe nice
norayr: which one is that?
norayr: I've been wondering if we can make it easier for people to join the channel over xmpp
btw, just dist-upgrade with current chimaera seems to pull in python-is-python2 on time
upgrading my main d4 atm
super fun :)
i use room: #maemo-leste%irc.libera.chat
and conf server: bibi.spyurk.am
there are other public gateways too.
the only problem is that once you joined you also get nickserv etc notifications.
sometimes i think of writing xmpp-irc or vice versa bot, i already have my irc bot written from scratch in oberon, and i have contributed to one xmpp library, so maybe i will manage to one day.
I'd like to avoid the bots that just parrot
so spyurk is not your own? any idea what it uses?
then the gateway remains.
the software i use is called biboumi.
it is connected to prosody.
very easy in setup.
and my gw is public.
you can list some public gws on the wiki maybe.
ok, maybe I should try this
bibi.spyurk.am is my own. as well as spyurk.am jabber server.
I mean, I'd try it on my own prosody setup
yes, i just noticed i did not answer, that's why i said.
ok good night folks.
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i sometimes able to fix these things, i am thinking as well
i am thinking of uninstalling something.
dpkg --configure gconf2
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hmmm np audio on chimaera yet
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i did dpkg --configure gconf2, it failed, then i tried to dpkg --configure libgconf-2-4, it also failed, but now apt-get -f install goes.
norayr: yeah
but i see
lots of
insserv: Script zzzremove-first-boot-flag has overlapping Default-Start and Default-Stop runlevels (S 1 2 3 4 5) and (0 1 2 3 4 5 6). This should be fixed.
is that ok?
I just ignore it
ok it is generating locales, waiting.
this will take 1-2 hours
the whole process
we could disable irrelevant locales :P
ohhhh, though it was connected to the charger, the battery died and droid shat down automatically.
ok managed to put it to charge mode.
will continue in several hours, when it is charged.