uvos: in the new mce, does the screen still auto blank for you after some timeout?
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freemangordon: yup nice, your commit in mesa -devel branch works for me :)
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tmlind: don;t you use mesa from leste repos?
freemangordon: not so far, i still use your mesa-pvr-ti branch as it's closer to the mainline mesa. but maybe i'm missing other patches too then?
oh, please use leste mesa
I have no idea what is in mesa-pvr-ti, it was just a branch I used temporary
actually leste mesa should be closer to mainline
freemangordon: ok will switch to it then
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tmlind: hmm, that would explain the difference in fps :)
keep in mind 'my' mesa is 20.3, the one in leste is 21.2
freemangordon: ok i'll test terrain again when i get a chance
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<Wizzup> there's more to come, telephony and such should be a reality soon
such a long-term effort
the NSA black-box hardware module
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the '4-6 minutes before 2G icon appears' was actually a hw issue! my other d4 gets online very quickly
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diff in modem nvram maybe?
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Wizzup: perhaps? not sure, can i dump that easily?
added bonus; the slider is soooooo much more stable on this d4
guess i'll make this one my dailydriver for a bit
hw b vs hw a?
both hw-b
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freemangordon: yup the m-l mesa works for me thanks, still seeing 2 fps for terrain too
maybe kernel difference
hmm no idea what it could be though
maybe landscape vs portrait like you suggested?
nope, still 2
the fuck, my n900 TS just stopped working :(
like, across reboot and on fremnatle?
seems digitizer got busted
lemme try to dig a spare one
so I think I need ot manually call this on my bionic: