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<Wizzup> uvos: in the new mce, does the screen still auto blank for you after some timeout?
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<tmlind> freemangordon: yup nice, your commit in mesa -devel branch works for me :)
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<freemangordon> tmlind: don;t you use mesa from leste repos?
<tmlind> freemangordon: not so far, i still use your mesa-pvr-ti branch as it's closer to the mainline mesa. but maybe i'm missing other patches too then?
<freemangordon> oh, please use leste mesa
<freemangordon> I have no idea what is in mesa-pvr-ti, it was just a branch I used temporary
<freemangordon> actually leste mesa should be closer to mainline
<tmlind> freemangordon: ok will switch to it then
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<freemangordon> tmlind: hmm, that would explain the difference in fps :)
<freemangordon> keep in mind 'my' mesa is 20.3, the one in leste is 21.2
<tmlind> freemangordon: ok i'll test terrain again when i get a chance
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<josuah> <Wizzup> there's more to come, telephony and such should be a reality soon
<josuah> such a long-term effort
<Wizzup> yeah
<josuah> the NSA black-box hardware module
<Wizzup> hm?
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<buZz> omg!
<buZz> the '4-6 minutes before 2G icon appears' was actually a hw issue! my other d4 gets online very quickly
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<Wizzup> diff in modem nvram maybe?
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<buZz> Wizzup: perhaps? not sure, can i dump that easily?
<buZz> added bonus; the slider is soooooo much more stable on this d4
<buZz> guess i'll make this one my dailydriver for a bit
<Wizzup> hw b vs hw a?
<buZz> both hw-b
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<tmlind> freemangordon: yup the m-l mesa works for me thanks, still seeing 2 fps for terrain too
<freemangordon> weird
<freemangordon> maybe kernel difference
<tmlind> hmm no idea what it could be though
<tmlind> maybe landscape vs portrait like you suggested?
<tmlind> nope, still 2
<freemangordon> the fuck, my n900 TS just stopped working :(
<Wizzup> like, across reboot and on fremnatle?
<freemangordon> mhm
<freemangordon> seems digitizer got busted
<freemangordon> lemme try to dig a spare one
<Wizzup> so I think I need ot manually call this on my bionic:
<Wizzup> mdbus2 -s org.ofono /motmdm_0 org.ofono.NetworkRegistration.Register
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<freemangordon> Wizzup: is it possible that the flat cable makes issues?
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<freemangordon> as I changed screen/digitizer and it still the same :(
<Wizzup> freemangordon: sorry, do not know, I replaced digitiser once and it only worked semi ok
<Wizzup> freemangordon: everything else works?
<Wizzup> uvos: nvm, mce does blank display
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<norayr> oh so droid4 can be hw a or hw b? how do i know whicd is mine?
<Wizzup> it says it on the back once the cover is removed I think
<norayr> btw on ebay there is droid3 for $25 and it looks strange: it has some frame around the screen.
<norayr> what's that?
<norayr> doesn't seem like the case
<norayr> look*
<norayr> but dcoid3 i have has flat screen without such frame.
<freemangordon> why is n900 100$?
<norayr> different revisions?
<norayr> true, it is overpriced i think.
<norayr> maybe 'qwerty' phones have some demand among people who don't care about linux at all.
<sunshavi> fmg: I have the same question
<Wizzup> freemangordon: you can find one on olx for less
<Wizzup> 35lv
<Wizzup> looks like it is
<Wizzup> without n86
<freemangordon> mhm
<Wizzup> norayr: looks like some plastic purple cas eyes
<Wizzup> case yes
<freemangordon> Wizzup: well, I scavenged the whole panel from some old device, so now it works
<freemangordon> but it surprised me badly 2 hours ago :)
<freemangordon> BTW, I was not able to make X crash on d4 by changing the font size in terminal
<norayr> Wizzup, good to know.
<norayr> so there was a talk about maemo motorola tablets. No news?
<Wizzup> norayr: I think most things work except for display
<norayr> sorry if this sounds like a demand. i am just thinking about a tablet for my mother and for my wife. both have use cases.
<Wizzup> freemangordon: ok, it happens for me frequently and almost always when I do that
<norayr> Wizzup, what was the name of those? Display? No picture or no touch?
<norayr> I do enjoy live wallpapers no much! I appreciate me forward porting those.
<norayr> i see the tram and the half moon.
<norayr> In the night city. So cool!
<norayr> just makes me want to use droid more.
<norayr> i need to think of scaling. On droid the screen is a little bigger than on n900,so it looks cool
<norayr> and i can see tram and clouds outside of the picture, that is funny.
<norayr> on pp it is very small.
<norayr> about quarter of screen.
<norayr> but sherman's aquarium is fullscreen.
<freemangordon> Wizzup: could you possibly capture a coredump?
<norayr> it is half moon because in reality it is half moon now.
<Wizzup> freemangordon: I can try, but it happens to me every other day
<freemangordon> sp-rich-core?
<Wizzup> hm?
<freemangordon> or just enable debian coredumps
<Wizzup> right
<Wizzup> I can try tomorrow, but it's really quite reproducible
<Wizzup> do you run it with text in the terminal?
<Wizzup> lol I made it happen like pretty much instantly
<freemangordon> yes, top was running
<Wizzup> I have it in landscape, with irssi over ssh in the terminal, and then a few quick + or - button presses crash X
<Wizzup> hmm
<freemangordon> please, provide coredump
<freemangordon> ok, going to have some sleep, night!
<Wizzup> gn
<Wizzup> I just finished a ~26 hour travel, so I'm going to do the same
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<kabouik> Wizzup: (good old Pro1 with msm8998, the one that boots mainline (with touch noise)
<kabouik> The seller is willing to sell for $500 + shipping, seems in mint condition
<kabouik> (Can be contacted on Discord directly)
<kabouik> He's on the Pro1 server
<kabouik> They*
<buZz> i'm getting a green screen on a SDL application i compiled on the droid4
<buZz> might that be the same issue why we made our own libsdl some time ago?
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