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<Daanct12> joerg: interestingly, maemo forum flagged my ip as a bad bot somehow lol
<Daanct12> sorry for the wrong ping if this isn't the right person :)
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<joerg> Daanct12: the forum uses its own noforumspam stuff. I don't know details how to get unbanned, except by "changing your IP"
<buZz> we have a forum?
<buZz> oh i guess
<joerg> I guess
<Daanct12> weird, it seems to have unbanned me
<Daanct12> yup,
<buZz> :)
<Daanct12> i guess my tablet\ was cursed then
<buZz> many leste users there?
<Daanct12> i'm going to count myself as one :)
<buZz> hehe
<buZz> typing this on my d4 on -devel
<Daanct12> i got another n900 for a good deal, unfortunately the open/close cover is kinda broken so it's always in the keyboard mode
<Daanct12> :(
<Daanct12> at least it still has the sd card magnet, so that's cool
<buZz> get a d4, man :)
<Daanct12> i will :)
<Daanct12> but
<Daanct12> i have a fxtec pro1 and 1x as well
<Daanct12> i can hear Wizzup noise
* joerg wonders where to find some ultra-tiny magnet for a replacement. It seems it's _always_ the magnet that got lost
<joerg> wait, when it's always in kbd mode then I have a very good idea where the magnet must be
<joerg> ;-)
<Daanct12> is it the motherboard?
<Daanct12> i removed the back cover, it's still doing that
<Daanct12> so i dont think it's the sd card magnet
<joerg> yes, there's a hall-switch on the PCB, iirc above the O key
<Daanct12> damn, that's really complicated construction lol
<joerg> the magnet is supposed to stick in a "bay" on the bottom side of the display slide
<Daanct12> no wonder why they the thing was too expensive back in the day and they had to cut some cost with the n9
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<Daanct12> joerg: hmm, so you said that the magnet was most likely misaligned?
<joerg> I think the magnet got loose from the display slide and sits near the hall-sensor now
<Daanct12> i dont want to disassemble another n900 :) i already caused some noise issue to the touch screen
<Daanct12> on my other n900
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<Daanct12> joerg: hmm, then it's most likely what happened
<Daanct12> that make sense
<joerg> disclaimer: all this is 10 years old possibly foggy memories. I might be wrong regarding the magnet's fixation on display slide
<Daanct12> well i'm just going to leave it in kb mode then
<Daanct12> i still hate plugging back that display flex cable, i think i most likely have damaged that cable in process
<Daanct12> which pretty much caused the noise issue
<joerg> btdt
<joerg> that connector is a bitch, and broken by design
<joerg> I ruined my first N900 exactly same way you probably did: broken flex cable connector or more specifically I suspect the vias there are the culprit
<Daanct12> i guess that issue could've been got rid of if they just use metal contacts or something
<Daanct12> which, is not possible with that design
<Daanct12> i still dont think you can find brand new flex cable on ali :(
<Daanct12> anyway, Wizzup i got a pro1 and 1x :)
<Daanct12> i think im going to boot leste on it
<Daanct12> very soon
<Daanct12> joerg: btw, my other n900 isn't exactly ruined, but it has noise on the screen that shows up when you move the cursor on the middle top of the display
<Daanct12> so i dont use it for leste, and stick with fremantle for the touch apps
<joerg> yes, I had display artifacts as well, green lines and garbled display
<joerg> afk, cya
<Daanct12> cya, gn
<tmlind> mighty17[m]: yeah so if you add a new driver, you should also add yourself to the maintainers file, that's a separate patch
<tmlind> mighty17[m]: i'd also stay away from the renames for the same reason as discussed on the list, and additionally they also add extra dependencies for getting your other real changes merged :)
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<_uvos_> Wizzup: more like fix hildons notifiy implementation
<_uvos_> its there but somehow very broken
<_uvos_> libnotify clients dont work, but randomly some others do
<_uvos_> like gpodder
<Wizzup> _uvos_: hm, it works well in modest it looks like
<Wizzup> I don't know what specific problem(s) you're referring to
<_uvos_> hildon implements a interface with xdgs notify names
<_uvos_> but they dont behave right
<_uvos_> breaking spec apps
<_uvos_> also not everything is implemented at all
<_uvos_> even for the earliest spec
<_uvos_> modest probubly dose special things to get it to work
<_uvos_> but as stated some desktop apps also work
<_uvos_> like gpodder
<Wizzup> it looked like hildon_banner_show_information would do it
<Wizzup> yeah sure it does special things
<_uvos_> well fixing the xdg interface would bring more joy
<_uvos_> and would ot only make sphone work
<_uvos_> *not
<Wizzup> it's not the banner btw, let me find some other examples
<_uvos_> i know
<_uvos_> try gpodder
<_uvos_> it dose a persitant xdg notification
<Wizzup> so the gpodder window turns yellow?
<_uvos_> that dose work
<Wizzup> in the overview?
<_uvos_> no but it gets a special window and blue hildon button and so on
<_uvos_> and it uses the xdg interface
<_uvos_> useing the same interface via libnotify is broken
<_uvos_> and i tried driveing it via dbus-send and its quite broken
<Wizzup> I think h-d implements an interface that works, but probably not the new one
<Wizzup> I confirmed the maemo one works for sure
<_uvos_> it also implements the generic one
<_uvos_> sorta
<_uvos_> imo i proving that makes more sense than pushing the nih one
<_uvos_> *improving
<Wizzup> the 'nih' one did work fine for over 10 years
<Wizzup> if it's functionally the same, then sure, it makes sense
<Wizzup> if it's not functionally the same then that's a problem
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<freemangordon> _uvos_: I think hildon implements correctly the reported version
<freemangordon> maybe we shall implement newer version, but that's another story
<freemangordon> BTW, this is not that bad idea, I may work on that
<freemangordon> it should be relatively easy for implementation
<freemangordon> so, I think those that are broken, just assume the implemented specs version, without verifying
<freemangordon> might be wrong though
<freemangordon> _uvos_: could you point me to what exactly libnotify call is broke?
<freemangordon> *broken
<freemangordon> maybe I shall just use libnotify tests
<freemangordon> and compare ubuntu<->leste
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: right but for example the yellow window indication something happened
<Wizzup> freemangordon: sphone doesn't even keep a window open for it
<Wizzup> so I don't think that relates to h-d implementing some notifications
<freemangordon> Wizzup: you mean that sphone doesn't have visible window?
<freemangordon> I don;t think it is necessary
<freemangordon> like, it might assume that notification server implements "actions" or somesuch
<freemangordon> see, I am not saying that hildon is at fault
<freemangordon> do you know shpone code that calls libnotify?
<freemangordon> do you know which code is that
<freemangordon> umm...
<freemangordon> I don;t think sphone uses libnotify at all
<Wizzup> freemangordon: I think to see a missed call there needs to be a window showing you missed one
<Wizzup> no?
<freemangordon> sure
<freemangordon> but that window is created by hildon itsel
<freemangordon> itself
<freemangordon> you just need to tell hildon to show it :)
<Wizzup> ok
<freemangordon> now I see sphone does not call libnotify, I am not sure what _uvos_ have in mind
<freemangordon> I thought it calls it but there are issues
<freemangordon> obviously that's not the case
<Wizzup> in any case, my remark was just on the fact that I didn't notice my mom called me :)
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<Wizzup> also the date for the missed calls is 1970-01-01
<Wizzup> freemangordon: do you know how to long different evolution server data sources
<Wizzup> how to list
<Wizzup> freemangordon: I will import maemo-ringtones-mr0_1.1+0m5_all.deb then?
<Wizzup> also I wonder if it makes sense to make some other repo or so for all the imported packages
<sicelo> re:1970 missed calls - your ancestors calling. 😃
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<Wizzup> so abook is .local/share/evolution/addressbook/system/contacts.db ?
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<Wizzup> _uvos_: have you tried to see if the .aac tunes plan?
<Wizzup> s/plan/play/
<Wizzup> looks like it works with gst-launch
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: maemo-ringtones-mr0 is in the repos, I'll add it to a meta pkg
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<buZz> lately it seems, receiving a call or SMS gets my modem completely unable to re-online itself :(
<buZz> until i reboot
<buZz> restarting ofono and/or icd2 has no result
<buZz> oh, it does after waiting some time
<buZz> at least, appear as 2G icon
<buZz> yeah not sure , that 'lately it seems' must have been something else
<buZz> (oh, i swapped my d4s)
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<_uvos_> freemangordon: i have a private branch with a notify module. ill dig it up some time, but thats not the point
<_uvos_> the point is libnotifys own utils dont work
<_uvos_> and i checked the dbus interfaces by hand and they dident work as expected an where very incompleat
<_uvos_> sure this may be because they where written before the 1.0 release of the spec
<_uvos_> buzz: please check if the version of the modem fw is the same
<buZz> sure, how?
<_uvos_> there is a way to check this on leste via the modem if
<_uvos_> but i dont qute remember rn
<_uvos_> maybe just boot android
<buZz> i'll dig later
<buZz> urf :)
<_uvos_> it shows in the settings ap
<_uvos_> app
<_uvos_> Wizzup: mces timeouts most deffinatly work fine for me
<_uvos_> could you please report what the issue was there
<_uvos_> and if you still observe this problem
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<_uvos_> besides the known problem in systemui
<sicelo> buZz, _uvos_ - i suppose ofono's GetProperties on the modem should show firmware version
<buZz> btw, lately on diskIO (SD io) i seem to be hitting a lot of hanging/timeouts
<buZz> but no errors in dmesg
<buZz> just a 'stuck' xterm on stuff like 'ls'
<buZz> takes 5-10 seconds, then just continues like nothing wrong
<buZz> i'll try using a different SD card soonish (this one is just 16GB , getting a bit too small)
* buZz checks if 128GB microsd is still 10 euro :P
<buZz> 16.99 , meh
<buZz> :P
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<Wizzup> uvos: I reported earlier that I can see the timeouts work
<Wizzup> uvos: one or two days ago
<Wizzup> uvos: btw there's the rtcom branch for sphone when you have some time
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<freemangordon> uvos: I am almost sure v1.0 of the interface is implemented correctly. I f you find a bug, please LMK how to repro
<freemangordon> and I'll fix it
<freemangordon> and I think it is more productive to be more precise, like, instead of saying "Nokians are stupid, hildon is FUBAR and the end of the is near", just explain what exactly does not work or file an issue
<freemangordon> *the end of the world
<Wizzup> well there's many bugs, it is hard to always be precise :)
<freemangordon> agree
<freemangordon> anyway, re libnotify - I will start executing all of its tests on leste and fix/implement whatever needed
<freemangordon> that spec is not really a rocket science
<freemangordon> also, what are those "known problems in systemui"? They are not known to me, otherwise I would have already fixed them. Could you file issues?
<freemangordon> and assign them to me
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<_uvos_> Wizzup: with the date
<_uvos_> sphone just takes the date that ofono provides
<_uvos_> maybe something is wrong specifcily with missed calles
<_uvos_> ofono likely logs/can be set to log calls itself
<_uvos_> that would be helpfull to see where the issue is comeing from
<Wizzup> _uvos_: are you seeing the same?
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<buZz> could just be timezone issues?
<Wizzup> 1970-01-01?
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<Wizzup> doubt it
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<buZz> hehe
<buZz> true
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