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<uvos__> i wonder if preemtrt would help with the hard realtime requirements of the voice codec
<uvos__> then again it would distroy the battery most likely
<uvos__> to bad omap3 dosent have the m3 cores of omap4
<uvos__> those are allmost predestined to deal with the kind of problem that shuffeling around the voice audio stream in real time
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<Wizzup> uvos__: yeah
<Wizzup> well, even if we get it with a delay, that'd still be a big step forward
<bencoh> I just tested twinkle on droid4 .... UI-wise it's horrible, but apart from that looks like it works :)
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<Wizzup> bencoh: yeah
<Wizzup> it keeps running when you close it jfy
<Wizzup> jfyi
<bencoh> yeah :)
<bencoh> I wonder if we could/should make a generic tray for hildon-status
<Wizzup> uvos made it
<Wizzup> please test it :)
<Wizzup> (iirc)
<bencoh> builtin? not as a plugin?
<Wizzup> looks like
<bencoh> let's ...
<bencoh> since I'm here, do we have any shortcut to move between windows? fremantle had ctrl+backspace
<bencoh> (I don't even remember if that was configurable/where)
<Wizzup> I think it should work?
<Wizzup> well ctrl+backspace brings expose I think
<bencoh> here it doesn't
<bencoh> (stable)
<Wizzup> maybe it's a different keyboard for the droid4 because of the touch key that we have
<Wizzup> s/keyboard/keybind/
<bencoh> wow, it works, awesome :)
<bencoh> for some reason, hildon-status-menu doesn't treat SIGTERM properly, so I had to SIGKILL it, and now half of the plugins are gone
<bencoh> I'll try rebooting
<bencoh> unrelated, but is that expected? (uart kernel trace upon reboot)
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<bencoh> alright, so ... the status icon works, the application-specific status menu works too, but once the menu has been used, restoring the application from the icon breaks, until next application restart
<bencoh> but it's nice :)
<Wizzup> bencoh: yes, status has a thing where if it hard crashes, it only loads afe plugins
<Wizzup> if you restart it again, then it will load all again
<Wizzup> bencoh: yes, this trace is still known
<Wizzup> it's related to detaching kernel console and pm iirc
<Wizzup> bencoh: that seems like good feedback for uvos :)
<bencoh> yeah ... do you know of another application readily available for comparison?
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<Wizzup> bencoh: not really, I hadn't actually tried the PR yet :)
<Wizzup> maybe pidgin ?
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<uvos__> bencoh: Wizzup: i made a generic tray for hildon-status
<uvos__> it just never got merged
<uvos__> ah got mentioned
<Wizzup> yeah bencoh tested it
<bencoh> uvos__: yeah, it's super nice :)
<uvos__> bencoh: "alright, so ... the status icon works, the application-specific status menu works too, but once the menu has been used, restoring the application from the icon breaks, until next application restart"
<uvos__> what app is that?
<bencoh> uvos__: twinkle
<uvos__> ok ill try it later
<bencoh> :)
<uvos__> i use it all the time with telegram-desktop btw
<uvos__> if you want something to try
<bencoh> wait, telegram-desktop works for you?
<uvos__> yeah fully
<uvos__> why whats happens on your end?
<bencoh> with telegram-desktop? I get an outdated app error message on laptop (debian stable)
<uvos__> since I'm here, do we have any shortcut to move between windows? fremantle had ctrl+backspace"
<uvos__> "since I'm here, do we have any shortcut to move between windows? fremantle had ctrl+backspace"
<uvos__> its ctrl+backspace on all devices except the mapphones
<uvos__> on mapphones its the home key
<bencoh> yeah, but I was looking for a hwkbd shortcut :)
<uvos__> yeah there is none
<bencoh> (hmm, I might really be using an outdated version of telegram actually .... looks like I have an old package installed)
<Wizzup> I am not sure if hildon-desktop supports multiple keys for the same shortcut
<uvos__> its a limitation of the way i made hildon-shortcuts configurable
<uvos__> sorry about that :P
<bencoh> :)
<uvos__> so telegram worked fine for me like last weak
<uvos__> i just use debian package
<uvos__> its very old, but it did work
<uvos__> maybe the servers started rejecting it really recently?
<uvos__> i dont have the d4 on me rn to test
<bencoh> nah, it really was my fault, I updated the package and now it works on my laptop :)
<bencoh> thx for the info
<bencoh> (hmm, I doubt leste's telegram 1.5.11 would work if the 2.6 one refused registering)
<uvos__> its allso possible it just works here because i registered it a long time ago
<uvos__> dunno will check later if it still works
<uvos__> and yes debian 10 is getting really long in the tooth
<bencoh> regarding pidgin, looks like it appears in the status area, but I'm not sure if it uses that new tray thing, or if I ported the pidgin plugin for maemo :]
<Wizzup> oh
<Wizzup> not sure, was just a potential
<buZz> devuan has backports too, we could grab something from there?
<Wizzup> uvos__: we'll move over in few months :)
<Wizzup> uvos__: but we're so close to stable calls and conversations, let's do that first before we break things
<uvos__> "calls" "stable"
* uvos__ squints at ofono
<buZz> one of my issues still -> app menu -> contacts -> tap a contact -> tap phone number -> nothing happens
<buZz> yet, people tell me that does work
<buZz> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<uvos__> buZz: no thats broken
<buZz> well, its working for some people
<uvos__> all hildon mimes are broken
<uvos__> because they dont use xdg mimes
<uvos__> but only thair own stupid dbus interface
<uvos__> (im not salty at all)
<uvos__> buZz: it cant possibly work for anyone
<bencoh> uvos__: tbh it made me sad as well on fremantle
<buZz> i dont know, some people in here told me it works
<uvos__> you can click on a phone nummber on anything not maemo
<uvos__> and that will work
<uvos__> and open sphone
<uvos__> but not maemo apps
<buZz> 'anything' ?
<uvos__> any desktop linux application etc
<uvos__> i for one use gnome-contacts
<uvos__> but links in ff for instance work too
<uvos__> tel://123456789
<buZz> ah ok, like that
<uvos__> thats how gnome contatcs works too
<uvos__> you press call on a contact it xdg opens tel://number
<uvos__> that pushes gets opend with /usr/bin/sphone
<uvos__> and /usr/bin/sphone informs the running sphone instance
<buZz> similar, 'opening' http:// links -does- open a browser for me (qtwebbrowser) but that -doesnt- open the page
<buZz> might just need some wrapper, i guess
<uvos__> works ok with firefox as default browser
<uvos__> i gues the .desktop file has a bug in it
<uvos__> (i might have written that)
<buZz> right, but thats not 'the maemo' browser
<uvos__> right
<uvos__> try and see if qtwebbrowser https://something works
<uvos__> in terminal
<uvos__> then check if the .desktop file hast the %F monkier at the right place
<bencoh> (I just realized I never tried qtwebbrowser)
<Wizzup> uvos__: yes, ofono also needs work before it is :)
<Wizzup> uvos__: btw I can set up maemo/chimeara in jenkins in case people want to start
<Wizzup> chimaera or however it is spelled
<uvos__> sure just knowing what packages build without issue would be good
<Wizzup> the problem with that is that it will get 'out of sync' and then we have to check all pkgs again to make sure they are in sync
<Wizzup> like, if you port it, to do you commit ot master?
<Wizzup> and what if we then want to do another beowulf release
<Wizzup> it just gets a bit complicated
<uvos__> Wizzup: huh i thought thats what the maemo/beowulf-devel is for
<uvos__> Wizzup: ie we would simply have a maemo/chimaera-devel branch
<uvos__> for most things commiting stuff to master isent an option anyhow
<uvos__> due to the way maemo stuff is increably interdependant you cant really port a part to gsettings for instance without porting everything at the same time
<uvos__> since otherwise everything will break
<uvos__> and then theres the af-services mess...
<uvos__> point is changeing stuff in a way that it will work on deb 11 and current 10 settup at the same time wont work in manny cases anyhow
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<kabouik> Wizzup: just in case you are interested, someone is going to sell their mint Pro1x sealed next week when they get it (they got the tracking number), for around 600€. I don't think you'd be so much interested in the Pro1x with sd662 while the one that can boot mainline is the Pro1 with msm8998, but never know. And Techwizz on Discord said he's planning on working towards mainlining sd662, but I don't know what they have
<kabouik> in mind exactly in terms of workforce.
<uvos__> this is the problem with modern phones, foss wise. they are all non-standard and by the time mainline works half way resnoably they are hopelessly obsolete & out of production :(
<uvos__> doubaly exacerbated if its a tiny production run device
<kabouik> I do intend to maintain my Pro1 alive for as long as I can
<kabouik> For that matter I think it's the phone that can be the closest to the N900; its keyboard makes it a good candidate for Linux controls, and it has a community
<kabouik> Problem is it can't be produced anymore, but that is the same quickly enough even for big brands
<uvos__> i mean droid 4, but yes its more recent.
<kabouik> To be honest I own both Pro1 and Pro1x and my Pro1 still has bright days ahead, especially with more advanced mailining and better hdmi-out capabilities. The Pro1x with its extra RAM can come in handy too though, but I just secretely hope they both end up mainlined at one point in the future.
<uvos__> mailining and better hdmi-out capabilities? huh?
<uvos__> Droid 4 is still the best or close to the best supported phone in real mainline (ie, what extra hdmi-out capabililities dose it have? higher resolutions than 1920x1080?
<uvos__> Propper LTE support would be a good argument instead
<uvos__> ah versus the pro1x
<uvos__> the problem is that just are so little of those devices and they thus cost so mutch
<uvos__> anyhow ofc it would be nice to have support even if its very niche
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<kabouik> The N900 was very niche too (and expensive with the cost of life at the time), but indeed many more devices were produced
<kabouik> Yeah I was comparing Pro1 and Pro1x. Pro1 boots from mainline (but not as in yet I believe), Pro1x not quite
<kabouik> And Pro1 can output to 4K I believe, no the Pro1x
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<Wizzup> uvos__: yeah we can have a devel branch, but we also need to agree on what to do with tags
<Wizzup> uvos__: those can also conflict
<Wizzup> kabouik: thanks, I will check
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<_uvos_> telegram-desktop 1.5.11 on d4 still works fine
<_uvos_> so maybe only logging in dosent work anymore, but im not going to test that theory by logging out of obvious reasons
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<norayr> i am wiping data on droid3
<norayr> will try again
<norayr> and i don't understand point 4:
<norayr> 4. firmware VRZ_XT862_5.5.1_84_D3G-66_M2-10_1FF_01a.xml installed on the device - if you have an older version please update to this version first - if you have a newer version plese follow instead
<norayr> how do i know which version do i have? it says in 'about phone'
<norayr> system version: 5.7.906.XT862.Verizon.en.US
<norayr> android version is 2
<norayr> good
<norayr> maybe uses mount command wrongly
<norayr> Usage: mount [-r] [-w] [-o options] [-t type] device directory
<norayr> cp: /system/etc/kexecboot: Read-only file system
<norayr> failed on '/system/bin/logwrapper' - Read-only file system
<norayr> cp: /system/bin/pvrsrvinit: Read-only file system
<norayr> cp: /system/bin/logwrapper: Read-only file system
<norayr> cp: /system/bin/busybox: Read-only file system
<norayr> Unable to chmod /system/bin/logwrapper: Read-only file system
<norayr> Unable to chmod /system/bin/busybox: No such file or directory
<norayr> yes, running adb shell "su -c 'mount -o remount,rw /system'" brings a message that mount is used not properly
<norayr> mut the mount command looks ok... maybe didn't succeed. but i didn't notice anything worrying, everything seemed to be successful.
<norayr> ok i ran again
<norayr> and the only problem i see
<norayr> is
<norayr> root234/su: 1 file pushed, 0 skipped. 111.3 MB/s (22364 bytes in 0.000s)
<norayr> link failed File exists
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<norayr> now doing factory reset from inside the phone. then will try again.
<norayr> from inside the os i mean