apt install audacious works, needs a 'ctrl-p' to change the layout to 'winamp' and then a 'ctrl-d' to get pixeldoubling, although we might need pixeltripling :P
yeah worth try pulling, hopefully no bad merge conflicts
tmlind: for the testing, shall I just do git merge?
<freemangordon> "OTOH, if I hack mesa - one..." <- Well right! Wlroots it is then, iirc I tried the patches from tmlinds tree but that crashes wlroots whenever i started an app
Broken bus error iirc
mighty17[m]: give me some time to finish what I am doing, I'll get back to meas
uvos__ likes that patch too, so as I said, I may reconsider
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freemangordon: i mostly maintain the mapphone kernel for us. so i remerge the kernel from feature branches for every major release and just merge in .y regularly
so yeah merging in .y is fine
I am doing it ATM
since thats what i do anyhpw
but, I do pull --rebase :p
i should probubly also rebase on 5.19 since 5.18 is eol
but at this point it might make sense just to wait for 6.0
also usually i wait for tmlind to rebase his stuff first
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in drivers/power/supply/cpcap-battery.c
<freemangordon> "mighty17: give me some time to..." <- Coolio, till then I'll reapply the patch and get proper logs
uvos__: do we still need 7d58bfa7fbdb5e332d8aeb64723649ec78c25315?
the only difference I see compared to .y is that one time warning
I am going to drop that patch
tmlind: I guess we shall drop 4d3cc4fad55a53a879ae101079096ef0f3c6ff15 as well
but you can temporarly drop it for testing if you want (its not enabled on leste anyhow)
umm, the code it is already in linus tree
ok then sure, you can drop it
as I said, the only difference is missing one time warning logic
i often forget what i pushed upstream allready
no_nvmem_warned that is
thats fine
it just uses warn once function
ok, dropped
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tmlind: I am going to drop d3ceddc76538c8b104ef1e751022a59e9db31ea4 as well
yay! rebased :)
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freemangordon: hmm isn't that commit needed for the serdev functions?
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yes, it is, forward-porting ATM
I kept your comments and sign-off, hope you don;t mind
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does not boot :(
but is not dead either
I think we 'typically' only rebase when going to a new stable (non-point) release, although if you had any conflicts I guess they would have happened anyway
arg @ not boot
well. it boots...
still booting
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freemangordon: have serial?
but display is inited
should i make and send you a serial adapter?
it waits for 6600 usb to initialize
its tirivall after all
I think I have dmesg
it is alive, just not booting
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* Wizzup
mumbles something about merging in fixes when just trying to fix a specific issue
ok, I got shell
eh we should keep the kernel recent, for sec fixe if nothing else
seems udevd waits forever
freemangordon: maybe moddep wasn't run or something
maybe run moddep -a
no, it is anotehr issue
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let it finish powering off
I'll post dmesg log
uvos: I agree we should, but I wouldn't mix it with fixing specific issues first
anyway w/e :)
Daanct12 is now known as Guest1343
Daaanct12 is now known as Daanct12
ps: I submitted two talks for the openfest2022 call for papers https://wizzup.org/sub.png - let's see if they accept one
it happens when the command fails ... so check your current readout command. it doesn't return non-zero (fails)
it might have to do with calibration
that if i didnt hit 'fully charged' from that boot, the current readout doesnt work?
like battery percentage aswell, iirc
yes current should always be there (even on bq27200 driver which is very fussy about calibration)
ahhh indeed, i was trying to | bc -l "" something , but without success thusfar :P
just 'battery percentage' is empty when not hit a fully charged mode
well, and 'battery charge'
hmmm, with last updates i now have 2G icon visible from ofono registration (i guess) , but cant get my iap to appear for gprs with my old methods
maybe i should delete the iap and have it be reprovisioned?
no idea i cant get it to work either
even when its provisioned in ofono
ah, i guess i dont have all the latest updates, lets see
one droid 4 thing that i see often nowadays is 'sudden death'
just now i was doing `apt update`, and while looking away, it just died and rebooted
i see these kinds of reboots often
maybe a loose battery connection? i havent had that really
not battery, of course. device was sitting on a table, securely
what was the room temp during that?
hmmf, nope, even last ofono updates dont give me the gprs iap back
heh, this week is cold :-)
let me look at logs and see if i can pinpoint something
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sicelo: sounds like a HW issue. you said you have a custom battery?
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