it looks like the "canberra-gtk-module" that's possibly missing.
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hmm, cellulard cannot be .launcher
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so whats happening from sphone there, going by the trace, is that hildon_stackable_window_new(); fails
and gtk_window_set_title(GTK_WINDOW(g_calls_manager.main_window),"Active Calls"); segfaults because g_calls_manager.main_window is invalid
sphone should check for that, but you probubly broke it by running it as root without xauth allowing gtk to create a window or DISPLAY set wrong
its possible that im interpreting it wrong, but thats what i expect is happening here
sfa: run as user 'user' and with run-standalone.sh
Wizzup: with cellulard, I get PIN UI dialog as soon as hildon-desktop appears
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freemangordon: on d4 or n900?
freemangordon: that's weird since the MSIM doesn't appear until 120s in
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Wizzup: d4
no, it is weird, as if modem is online, notifications come almost immediately
*it is not weird
freemangordon: so the modem finds the sim faster if you online it vs keeping it powered but not online?
freemangordon: in any case that's amazing/great :)
* Wizzup
mutters something about cloning freemangordon
let me reboot and capture a video
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Wizzup: is it better to create openrc startup script or sysvinit one?
I think that's the RSSI 'out of order' one
yeah, could be
great work so far :)
that should be easy to fix
I hope that today or tomorrow I can fix the cellular context working on first connect (barring privisioning problems) and having it reconnect when network is not avail for a little bit
(and pick up when ofono does give up on the context)
BTW I see no GPRS connection option in connections dialog
is this the same issue?
freemangordon: that happens when icd2 starts before modem is online or even present I think
service icd2 restart should fix that
that's a different problem
what I am talking about is:
but it receives "added" events
1. if you active context when it's not active, the code will not wait for it to become active, so it fails right away
then the second time it might work, if you wait long enough, but it also has no way to report on actual failures
that's (1)
2. when you lose context for any reason (cross borders, no ceullar for a bit, etc), icd2 doesn't realise that yet and take the iface down
I will fix both
the issue you're describe I think is more related to the search/provisioning
but it is there
yeah I know :)
ok :)
I didn't look into the why
please do
but it's not related to the (1) and (2)
it happens in VM as well
lemme upload the video
yeah, I have to try to understand your code there
it does someting that I don't quite understand yet
just enable traces and you'll grok it
either that or we preinstall them and allow users to remove them
how you will remove if you have a dependency there?
but yeah I suppose we maybe do not need -extra
well you would remove the meta pkg clearly :)
I think it is better to opt-in through HAM
but well...
not really sure how it is in fremantle
I can remove the -extra pkg now if you want
I think it is better to remove it
btw: pushing out hildon-meta update to stable for adding addressbook app
(and volume applet apparently)
what about clutter/mesa/h-d/h-h?
and then I will push update to -devel to update hildon-connectivity-mobile and introduce hildon-connectivity-rtcom, and then change hildon-meta in -devel to depend on them
so that way just switching to devel will just install all our cellular ode
sound ok?
cellular code*
yeah clutter/mesa/etc will do after
for now we dont want haze to ever be installed or?
since it just hangsup all ofono calls
breaking sphone
(this is absurd selfish behavior anyhow imo, ofono can have more than one client)
umm, I don;t think haze is related
what you mean if telepathy-ring :)
i got them mixed up
yeah ring
which we'll install at some point either ways :p
well not with that behavior, its hardly acceptable
Wizzup: oh btw i wanted to push sphone to stable
Wizzup: but could not
nvm was my faul
sfa: btw i cant repo your crash, both running sphone as root and running it with no DISPLAY works fine (well it just exits but thats as intended/ no segfault)
sfa: was this on pp?
sfa: could you provide the full log that shows what modules where linked in
uvos__: I guess you have different plugins
or 64bit
uvos__: yes, ring is not yet installed
the bt really loks like hildon_stackable_window_new si failing
but i dont know why that would be
with C, it could be many things :)
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freemangordon: yeah I also get the pin dialog now
on d4
I think I forgot the presence status applet in the meta
* Wizzup
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isn't that rtcom-presence-ui ?
freemangordon: I think we also need telepathy-gabble in the rtcom meta
or do we install nothing by default?
without gabble and idle installed, the cpa bugs a bit
freemangordon: hm also looks like the idle rtcom ui lacks translations on one of my devices, not sure which mr0 I need
will check later today
I'm going to add gabble and idle to the rtcom meta
Wizzup: we need libaccounts plugins I would say
not telepathy ones
those are in rtcom-accounts-plugins, no?
but those don't pull the telepathy packages
I kn ow
the point is that one may prefer purple over gabble
bot provide jabber
I think just installing both is better imho
it's not like they do much more than take up 50kB of disk space
(for this we also need telepathy-haze btw)
I don;t see what is the issue if those are installed by the user, but ok
well right now with just rtcom-accounts-plugins installed the accounts cpa applet contains a null entry and just gtalk
and it's not obvious at all what users have to do
unless we plan to repackage the tp plugins just to have them show up in ham
this is why I wanted the meta pkg for rtcom protocols (or extra)
fremantle also had this "additional chat plugins" (or so) pkg
ok, do as you think is appropriate
that added msn and others
we can fix it afterwards if we see it broken
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Is there possible that somebody compile new -devel image for Pinephone with hildon-connectivity-mobile included? I can make some heavy beta testings tomorrow.
tmlind_: g_at_chat_clone() is the nasty one that leads to RSSI ofono segfault
the received clone has group id that's different than the non-copy
so later on g_at_chat_unregister_all on original fails to match the callback
I have possibilty show up Pinephone to some mediaeducation people and I don't want show it with another OS.
Guest224: do you need the image to show it off?
tmlind_: I think g_at_chat_ref() shall be used instead of g_at_chat_clone()
Guest224: we just started including -mobile and -rtcom by default in the meta pkgs, but I have to kick the image generation VMs again
I can try to it...
hmm...what you think how much time takes with -rtcom...when you make new -devel image anyway?
I just rebuilt the meta pkg
I'll look at a one-off pinephone build
Wizzup: There is plenty time for tomorrow :)
Wizzup: could you please release ofono for -devel? that commit shall fix most (if not all) of the segfaults
uvos__: what is "Unable to transmit dial number via ofono" error message is supposed to mean?
sphone that is
oh its missing an or
it should be Unable to transmit or dial number via ofono
ie could not give ofono the nummber
or ofono refused to dial it
maybe I have telepathy-ring
I don;t
this could be because: 1 you dialed a invlaid nummber 2 ofono is not ready because the modem is not online or no operator is available
so neither I can call nor sphone rings when dialed
3. the operator refused the call for some reason
ofono is ready, I see 3g in status bar
try dial-number via scripts
and/or look at sphones log output
dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod: Method "Dial" with signature "ss" on interface "org.ofono.VoiceCallManager" doesn't exist
this happens when the operator dose not provide voice calls
(maybe because you have a data only sim)
hmm, what card is that?
* freemangordon
the status bar might also be wrong
and holding old info
it is not
(ie the modem is not connected to the operator)
it is
check wich scripts
already did
then idk
but its on ofonos end :P
Status = registered
there is no voice ofono interface for some reason
ofono provides only the interfaces it can service
so no interface in some category ususaly means ofono thinks it dosent have hw/modem state to do so
or it does not re-init properly after disable/enable
freemangordon: ok, will do @ release
freemangordon: I have that kind of SIM that has data only...although it can ring if you try call to it.
no, this is not data only
uvos__: after ofono restart the voice interface appeared
so it is some ofono bug
freemangordon: wierd
freemangordon: some but with ofono quering modem state/capabilites
*some bug
or rather enable/disable sequence
will see what it is
anyhow the error message typo missing word also needs to be fixed
ill do that whenever i do something with sphone that needs a release
yep, doing disable/enable results in missing voice interface
Wizzup: wait for the release
this needs to be fixed
tmlind: ^^^ any hint where to look at?
freemangordon: can you dial via at commands?
ie is just ofono unhappy or also the modem?
ofono might be picking up that the modem is not happy via qmi
ah yes I remember seeing this
i gues since it works after restarting just ofono
sometimes there is indeed no call interface
for no good reason
its unlikely that the modem is really unhappy
a similar thing happens I think to contexts
* freemangordon
is looking through logs
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freemangordon: ok let's hope your patch works, no idea on the disappearing voice interface
my patch works (no more segfaults)
nice :)
sometimers the modem firmware boots the modem to some incomplete state where only usb interface is active, but that sounds like a separate issue
freemangordon: btw celluarld or ofono, the modem on mapphones needs CFUN=0 when there is no sim
otherwise it dosent sleap
so you mean to set it not to online?
hmm well if ofono disable really shuts down the firmware, i guess it could be the same issue on starting it to an incomplete state
Wizzup: yeah but the bootstate is high power
Wizzup: and ofono dosent do anything about that
Wizzup: it should
if no sim is there
at least
with sim the modem calms down by itself
not really, we should be able to do emergency calls
well online the modem before a emergency call then
the entire device is kept awake with the modem with no sim atm
thats no good
well, I think thats an exercise for the future
lets fix the more nasty bug first
but imo most current leste users have terrible battery life on d4
because of this bug
since i venture most use the device with no sim