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Wizzup: do you mind if I add PVR_GLES2_EXTENSION_APPEND env var in pvr driver?
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freemangordon: why would I mind?
the bettery question is why is is nesscary, the normal mesa override envvars cant be used for mighty17[m]'s usecase?
pvr driver does not use those
not sure why you could not add MESA_EXTENSION_OVERRIDE support but can add some other envvar
seams wierd
but if it is so..
uvos: because adding support for that requires a complicated parser/logic
it is in shape of MESA_EXTENSION_OVERRIDE=+EXT_1,-EXT_2, etc
sure but the parser in mesa is used by all drivers, i gues the way the pvr dri driver is implemented makes it impossible to use common mesa functionallity
then its fine, but not ideal ofc
(to add a custom envvar)
glGetString is in the blob
and extensions are const string there
just remove it
remove what?
glGetString from the blob
why use that symbol
(instead of implmenting a foss clone)
umm... I am not sure I understand
because it is used for more stuff then just GL_EXTENSIONS
im just suggesting that maybe you could intercept the symbol and implement it in foss somewhere, (ie just re this one function)
its just a suggestion for a alternative solution
this is what I do (intercept)
but, I care only about GL_EXTENSIONS case
and leave the others to the blob
I'm up for a more simple solution since realistically this will never end up in mainline mesa
(since it relies on blobs)
might be usefull to force gles 1 on occasion
(if simple to implement on the way)
uvos: this might be already supported, no idea
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