but status panel said fully charged
and necessary status not shown in uevent
same applied on my other droid4, which keep plugged in for 2 days now..
maybe I need to do a new cycle
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thats weird , i'd like to see your /uevent when its fully charged but green led on
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re-blacklisted omap_hdq last night, seems that it also was eating quite some batterytime
I mean, we have it blacklisted, no?
yes, by default
for the nvmem tests i needed to unblacklist it
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uvos have you send me DMs? it seems my browse based IRC crashed and I haven't received from you. my client only show your username in sidebar indicating you might send me something...
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buZz : my current phone were stopped charging and discharged for one day now, I have another one which connected to my router constantly charging.
SuperMarioSF: yeah i did
ill repeat here:
Btw could i ask a favor? so i have a motor controller from these guys http://www.wx-jinghui.com/, this one: 72V18管加强型免线. id like to replace it, but have no way of knowing the pinout of the side connectors. the email of these guys on the website dosent work, and ofc my chinese is non existant, maybe you could find some documentation?
SuperMarioSF: so the fully charged state dosent last long on d4
it stops charging for a short while and then charges again
for callibration the device must be disscharging while the battery is very low
the best way to achive this is for the device to be empty, you boot it via usb and then remove the usb leat for 1-2 sec and then replace it
then charge it fully untill the led turns off once (it will turn on again right after but that dosent matter)
uvos : about the motor controller, there is no documents on that website. The whole website is just a product catlog.
maybe we need to find the documents elsewhere.
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yeah when fullycharged , it turns off charger, then discharges some, and turns it back on
its not SO short, but short
longer with screen off and SIM loaded, vs wifiand screen on
i didnt even notice it going off with screen and wifi on
SuperMarioSF: i guess thats important, do these phone have sims installed (dont even have to work/have functional contracts afaik)
there are SIM cards inside both my d4.
one has no-service but chip works, one if functional
*one is functional
and wifi is disabled?
WiFi is enabled.
and usually connected to AP.
so I need to remove SIM cards and connect to WiFi with keep screen on as long as possible?
screen on?
as in battery life while the display is on?
discharging and keep screen on to discharge faster
battery life is best with a sim card in and wifi unconnected
but with screen on thats really marginal
or can I just switch to Android side, make battery discharge faster to meet calibration requirement?
fastes way to discharge would be to use stress
so apt get stress ;)
SuperMarioSF: no android dosen callibrate at all
I means switch to Android side to drain battery, and back to Leste to calibrate after that
you could but im not sure
uvos: i usually just do a mpv -loop 0 -fs bla.mp4
stress works great
hmmm I have an idea
install firefox
BUT discharging under heavy load causes calibration to measure lower
login to youtube
SuperMarioSF: works ok-ish, chromium works faster
play some H.265 media in 1080P with software decoder
that will be laggy but drain battery really fast
qtwebbrowser can do youtube.com too btw
buZz: if he just discarges until empty and then dose what i said, no
I know, but the only pain about that browser is I can't hide title bar...
ah ok
I tried that browser, just a little problem of that.
yeah its a bit shitty
otherwise I'd love to use that browser daily.
its also pretty slow
firefox is much faster
i tried getting the zoom to also be able to make it -smaller- but nogo thusfar
but UI for firefox is a bit kind of too big on screen...
uvos: chromium works so much faster on my install
I also tried Gnome Web
than firefox, seems firefox uses gpu to render UI, which lags some
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and there was a icon too big made the whole toolbar 3x bigger for no reason
the bookmark icon seems too big for that toolbar
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SuperMarioSF: yeah many toolkits act weird when presented with the d4 screen and size :D
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if that icon size can be reduced to, like other normal icon, it will be much useful.
often env variables exist to lower size, like the hidpi people use
anything is possible with enough motivation :D
the whole toolbar only has that one button with a big icon, other icons are normal size.
so I guess someone messed up in UI layout.
"but UI for firefox is a bit kind of too big on screen..." you can make it work by messing with it and about:config
SuperMarioSF: not sure if that tag isent from the reseller
Actually I joined this channel hoping for someone I knew to show up and because sometimes I read chat logs to find out why there's so much interest in the N900.
SuperMarioSF: i only know its from wx-jinghu because its sais so on the pcb when you take it apart :)
OK I found the exact part
Livio: many people like 1) having root on a device 2) having 'real linux' 3) having a qwerty keyboard
Livio: n900 is extra cool because it has 'weird stuff' like ; FM transmitter, TV out, decent USB host
Okay, buZz. But what about spare parts? Is there a way to clone the N900?
but also ancient, based on a TI platform that kinda no longer exists (beaglebone/board is kinda the current TI version it)
Livio: eh, some people try, like the 'neo900' tries to replace the motherboard
but costs 1000eu?
Huh, I got the old PandaBoard ES2 that's an OMAP440. Probably it got deprecated too.
isn't neo900 dead?
Livio: get a Motorola Droid4 :P almost same hw to N900, just more/faster cpu , more ram , higher res screen , thinner/lighter device, newer
Livio: yeah the whole OMAP line is cancelled out, btw modelnumbers are 4 digits ;)
humpelstilzchen[: ah, RIP
Well, I hope to find a free bootloader and no binary blobs there.
And the Pandaboard is also dead since... years. 2013 or so
on droid4? no bootloader is closed, but we can exploit it well
I was actually interested in the PinePhone.
I planned to get one as soon my S4 gets unusable.
hmhm me too
until i played with one :P
well, i have one on loan here now
its amazing that droid4 being such a old device runs soooo much smoother (with leste)
and afaik pinephone has some weird bugs , like the modem cant tell the OS that there's a call incoming or something?
or SMS, cant remember
pinephone pro should be faster. Have not tested
Yeah... Is not easy at all to design a smartphone nor making a project compete with mainstream proprietary devices.
well we dont supprt it (ppp)
would be nice to do so
Livio: imho its worse with a device that says 'we will not write software for it!'
a phone with no blobs dosent exist
That's why it's important to make one.
the pp is your best bet so far
if no blobs is very important
the droid4 an n900 also do very well
if you can live with no 3d
Still, I know that probably I will get a partially usable device that can hardly the common smartphone.
uvos I checked some information on the web, it seems there is no single standard for the connector. If you can give me about the cable colors on each pin maybe I can figure out which pin do what.
Livio: i think you'd be amazed at how well a Droid 4 works with our current setup
for a 10yo device, running amazingly current software plus 'old nokia foss'
SuperMarioSF: ok, thanks for trying
i can write down the colors some other time
but rn i dont have access to it
uvos: or a photo? :)
there are many information in video vlog form, but really little in text or graphic form.
buZz: sure both
Livio: wait, 'that can hardly the common smartphone' ? hardly what?
and those vlog were recoded by technician who repair the bikes.
Hardly replace the common smartphone is average everyday life.
ok yeah that makes sense
to bad no real documentation is findable
Livio: oh, no idea, what does a smartphone do to you?
Actually I own a Samsung Galaxy S4 with LineageOS 18.1 in it.
But I don't use any of big G services nor I'm in common social networks too.
Since I tuned-up my old netbook I tend to use the smartphone less than before.
so what does it do?
So actually it's used for email, file sync, and minor utilities like emulation or maps.
Other than calls and sms ofc.
Livio: i need a new phone buZz: just but a laptop allready
Well, uvos. If I had the chance to bring my laptop everywhere with a 3G modem in it I'll probably not use the smartphone at all.
huh? :D
emulation, maps, minor utils (and major ones), syncing (does rsync count?), email , all work
Syncing is made with Nextcloud.
at least, i couldnt get gmail syncing , but i think its do-able, but pop3/imap works
nextcloud isnt a product, is it? just a collection of other tools?
* buZz
hasnt really paid much attention to it
Oh, I have a tutanota account too but just for radio contacts. It doesn't use pop3 or imap since it got his secure client
the desktop tool of nextcloud (if foss?) can just be run on leste
if that client is foss too , you could build it , even on the droid4
( people here always complain when i use droid4 to compile stuff :P )
Uh, sorry for being ignorant but... Can maemo-leste used on a virtual machine?
isnt buying one of those tiny x86 devices that are in the style of the pyra generally better?
at least those have foss gpu drivers
Lattepanda boards maybe?
the gpd devices? steamdeck if you strech the deffinition a bit?
theres other
uvos: i dont know how to define 'better'
Yeah I checked different GPD win devices. But I never wanted one. Forgot what was the killer here
uvos if you had chance, you can take a picture of your controller's PCB, maybe there already have marking on each pinout.
SuperMarioSF: unfortinatly no, but i can still make a pic
buZz: less cost, more performance, real mainline support (omap5 is in rough shape upstream, pyra uses ti based kernel), more foss driver support
I'm unable to make sense of many terms, but usually the right side connector is for hall sensors.
center connector for various functions, like crank signal, gear select, or something.
that makes sense yeah
left connector is usually for onboard alarm system
ill take some better photos & maybe take it apart again
but not today
thanks :)
btw the left and right side connectors, left side to battery (Red=+ Black=-)
right is for motor
sure yeah thats clear
those are labled on the device
center connector usually won't populate every pin there. so what cable on it is important.
i dont think any of the the 3 connectors are fully populated
maybe you can figure out most by just testing contiunity with each pin.
its pretty hard beacuse you would have to take the entire vehicle apart
but yeah
uvos: yeah afaik pyra has -1- person doing 'all' the OS work
right connector usually have 1 pin not connected.
if all else fails
not really the best situation imho
left one and center one not sure.
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btw I had 3 GPD devices.
uvos: but i dont know, pyra was made specifically for openpandora lovers that find the device a bit too old
my fav linux handheld wont ever run leste, i'm afraid , as its only got 32MB ram ;)
which is?
Zipit Z2
something like Zaurus?
kinda yeah , but WAY cheaper and not as desired globally
and OS has actually gotten some attention since device was relevant
zipit z2 runs a somewhat modern OpenWRT build
while zaurus is mostly still on ancient angstrom/openembedded?
i imported 16 zipit z2 new in box from US , sold 10 of em for cost price (25 euro a pop)
battery inside is completely shit , but replacing with 'what fits from aliexpress' gets you ~2x battery capacity ;)
which gets you ~12hr wifi + screen on
+ ssh
someone even remixed the bottom half of the case to 3D print with space for 3x 18650 , should get you 30+ hrs of screen+wifi+ssh
25 euro? That currency must really had value back then. Inflation sucks
sounds neat
uvos: if you want? i still have a couple new in box iirc
i think three
but i dont "get" why you would want one over a d4 or so, i gues im not a device collector :P
its smaller, lighter
buZz: no but thanks :)
weirder to onlookers
buZz: ah ok
yw uvos__ :)
and 'just 25 euro so what do i have to loose by soldering directly to pcb'
droid 4s used to be 25 euro too :(
still want to try to replace the screen with a 640x480 one, which supposedly is max of the lcd interface inside the pxa270 it runs (which is intel's last ARM cpu before their current restart)
untill this dutch guy came along and bought all of them xD
at least he's sinterklaas and hands em out to us drooling nerds
uvos__: maybe we're so cool (maemo) that we made the d4 prince increase
hehehe , like those youtubers that review old retro tech, suddenly making them 100x more expensive
those two guys increase the price of SO MANY nice toys :(
smells like we can do a pump and dump
yeah maybe we can tokenize them
ask dsc
Wizzup: im sure thats what your telling your SO
"these are an investment, baby"
Livio: if you want, have, or prefer the pinephone, Leste support for it will get better with time. if not, you do have a wide choice of OSes for it, that perform excellent
one of my pet annoyances on droid4 is that still the camera doesnt work :(
lol , put droid4 in output of my AC , 26.3C now
uvos: :D nah she makes fun of me usually ;)
feels more like 10C
my SO mostly is jealous that i have a qwerty keyboard for irc-ing
mobile irc-ing*
Wizzup: sounds fammiliar
although she types amazingly fast on touchscreen
-and- she refuses to take my second droid4 as 'testdrive' for a month
uvos: :D
buZz: maybe when it's more ready :)
lol, IT WONT EVER BE READY, i hope!
did someone ever go to ask motorola for cad drawings of droid4 case from a official email address? :D
and you can see something named : droid4-kexecboot.img
flash this into bpsw
on 'current' :)
i think it is... the kexecboot itself.
github show symlinks only path as a text, not a directory...
i mean i think mine is old
what kexecboot version you have?
latest is v.0.6
no no
i first installed kexecboot (and then only changed sdcards) in january-february 2019.
thats the version of the menu ui
its unrelated to the image which is an entire rootfs with lots of binarys
i wrote image to bpsw
should i also flash utags?
you will never have to update anything except bpsw
oh that reminds me that i want to try bcache on leste
using one of the mtd partition as writeback cache for the SD :D
-should- potentially help lower load of IO a bit
I mean, there's already the ram to cache to, no?
I wouldn't suggest to use the non replaceable mtd as cache
mmcblk1p21 quietly leaves
Wizzup: i just like hotrodding ;)
and anything is replaceable with enough motivation :D :D
android uses mmcblk1p21 as cache and i dont think we have ever come across a d4 with broken mmc
so they seam fairly durable
(for now)
I suppose, but didn't you get the mmc for sd cards to be quite fast too?
also the emmc is very fast in read
but its slow in write
so im not sure it will help much
without the overclocking of sd cards?
or spi bus
on sequential reads the emmce saturates its bus
on random reads i dont quite remember, but it was decent
on writes it was worse than the sdcard with half the bus width
there are 2 chips used in d4's btw
i only tested the later one most often used in HWB devices
lol, leste said '20% battery' , hook up usb cable, '60%' within 1 minute, ehhhh :D
uvos: which 2 chips?
i mean, what do they do ? 2 emmc chips?
motorola changed the emmc chip supplier at some point in the production run
(seeminly some time after improveing the keyboard for hwb)
ahhh, like that
what is hwb?
second production run
improved keyboard/ case plastics
hw A , hw B
all my d4 seem hw B
hwb seams genneraly mutch more common
im sure Wizzup has a clear picture of freqency
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I have quite a bit of hwa too
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does anyone use the wireguard stuff? we have such a server now but i cant seem to use the GUI config of it
wondering how other ppl use it
I use it
the config GUI is a bit klunky
the integration itself should be pretty solid
does the wiki article help?
ah, with manual config then? the gui didnt let me save a new entry
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maybe something wasn't filled in?
i'll go read it :D
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ok i'm back home
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Wizzup: on https://leste.maemo.org/File:WireguardCPA2.png , it should just be 'enter a address' like space.nurdspace.nl , and press 'generate' and 'apply' should then be enabled?
its not :(
hmmmm... HTOP battery gauge seems not showing anything. because this required for a calibrated battery?
SuperMarioSF: probably only supports ACPI battery info
which we dont have as of now
maybe someday we can make a translate layer
make sense...
and there won't be an actual ACPI support anywhere soon.
quite unlikely :P
i don't recall, even on pc, seeing battery info in htop
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buZz: you also need to fill in the keys
buZz: you can also have it load from a config file
Wizzup: arent the keys filled in when i press 'generate' ?
they seem to be for me ..
buZz: yeah
i guess i should just make a config file then
+ file a bug :)
uvos: interested, now I also don't get a newly provisioned gprs
(with a new sim)
now I do, hm
uvos: btw you say the 'hang' in charge mode is a drm bug? I'm reporting that it happens with 100% consistency lately
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sicelo: well its a hang that i have observed, dosent mean its the only possible hang.
sicelo: maybe check the state via serial port
sicelo: i dose happen very often, ie more often than the same hang in x
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Question for the community:
buzz, my home is mounted over wireguard
and nfs
on laptops
I’d considering buying a Motorola Droid 4 in order to try Maemo Leste on a device with a physical keyboard, but I have a few questions:
1. How useable is the Droid 4 without the proprietary drivers?
Wizzup, uvos, folks, yes, please please test/try the droid3. Mine boots and if i don't touch it at all, it survives for some time.
if i touch it
2. What are the odds that we’ll see open source drivers for the PowerVR hardware in the next year or two?
it sometimes torerates touches
but i guess touches is what makes it restart.
i was never able to type in my wifi password.
3. The WiFi and Bluetooth module requires proprietary firmware. Does that module have direct memory access to the CPU and RAM, or is it connected via something that isolates it?
4. Does the cellphone baseband have direct memory access to the CPU or RAM?
Keeblo, i tried maemo back when it had no graphical drivers integrated on droid4, and it was unusable.
Basically, I’d like to minimize the number of drivers and/or devices-with-proprietary-firmware that have direct me with access 🙂
you would click and wait some long time
Thank you, norayr. That answers question #1
Keeblo, do you have droid4?
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Or u consider to buy some hw, and not sure what to choose?
Norayr, I don’t have it. I’m considering buying one. They are really hard to find, so I’m trying to decide while I can still get one
I would really, really like a small device with a physical keyboard that I can use as a pocket terminal
I would be more concerned about not open source parts of wifi drivers. Probably there is firmware or blobs. Didn't check though.
I really enjoy using droid4. I also have pinephone with keyboard. But it's not as usable as droid4.
The FAQ says that there is closed WiFi firmware and closed PowerVR drivers. So long as the WiFi hardware is isolated from main CPU/RAM I
I’m not that concerned
So long as the WiFi hardware is isolated from the CPU/RAM I’m not that concerned
because if i am on the go or somewhere on a sofa i hesitate to open pinephone and type. Droid is very small and convenient to open and type anywhere.
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uvos explains that omap chipsets have best support in mainline kernel.
so droid works for long time? And proprietary graphics driver is very fast and makes it very responsive.
That wasn't a queshion mark, but a point.
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Norayr, Does the Droid 4 work well as a mobile terminal?
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pinephone, i guess has open source graphics driver, but it is noh good, and it is slow, which reaves the feeling that everything is slow.
though pinephone is much more powerful than droid it is hard to feel that.
pinephone's main problem is power mangement, it drains battery very fast. And people say, very little hope that this will improve.
pinephone is getting hot under not much load, droid doesn't.
maemo's biggest problem is onscreen keyboard but if you mostly use latin, you don't encounter these problems.
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frozen bubble plays on droid very smooth, on pinephone with low fps and balls go very slowly.
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and pinephone feels like tamagochi, that you always need to feed it.
my droid has problems with battery. If it's close to zero, my only way to start it, is to unscrew the battery, charge it exhernally.
otherwise i need always to make sure that it won't go close to zero. But people say it's not usually that bad.
it doesnt start to get the charge before some part of system is loaded. And it needs to have some charge to boot to that point.
but as i understand today droid4 is the best device for running mainline linux.
maybe pinephone has free graphics driver, but keepinc it always charged is painful, and with the keyboard it is bulky and u don't want to open it that often as droid.
theoreticall pp's hw keyboard has 6000 amp battery
and it charges the phone's main battery on the fly
still rocking my n900
but my version of the kbd has a hw bug, which limits how much charge it can give to pp
So pp spends more energy than it gets from the kbd.
had to glue a keyboard cap on today and this is my backup keyboard :(
very cool. My both n900's are dead bcs of usb hw bug, when it breaks, it is pcactically impossible to fix it.
tried using my pp while gluing and typing on it is a pain :). Still not reliable for emergency use.
xmn but do u run leste on it?
well one of my project is to fix my main n900 back to working. the usb port is wonky. so I moved to my back up.
Keeblo, yes i would sy it is an amazing mobule terminal
no leste yet
I have opened ssh sessions on ih
i mount my server's file systems to it
as it's my main phone, so I need it to be less problematic .. well as little as a linux phone can be :D
eh. (:
I love terminal on both devices
My main was n810 (i know it's not the phone but i don't use sim cards) then n900,then they broke, so i got jolla, then xperia xa2 with sailfish, now i carry around mostly droid4 and sometimes pinephone with keyboard.
that some journey
I might do a sailfish phone till my pp get better. I'm afraid I'll get spoiled to the speed .. :(
I think my n900 is really on it's last legs.
It such a great size though, I will miss it.
or use it as my home voip phone :)
pmos wiki has a manual to reinstall jolla to pmos. i should try it. Probably it'll be very slow with pmos. i have it in backpack usually and i will loose camera functionality if i install pmos. also i can control canon camera with jolla via android app.
sony xperia is not usable now. the place where battery connects to the board degraded.
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so it sometimes disconnects, and it is necessaly to disassemble it and connect and glue it again.
so i just keep it off in a drawer.
Norayr, which part disconnects?
Norayr, you’re talking about a Droid 4, right?
so the battery has this scarf(?) on it and its end connects to the board.
there is a connector
i ordered a new battery
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but the connector on the board also degraded.
that's where it disconnects.
No no, sony xperia now.
not droid.
Droid has a removable battery and it is not necessary to glue anything.
xmn, just install sailfish on pp.
yeah I have it on there already and it ran REALLY good to me. But it wasn't fully functional for what I needed. But could be a replacement for most thing maemo if needed.
My plan is to run sailfish on gifted android device, while things continue to be worked on for the PP and hope at that point to update my maemo with leste.
If it get good enough on the PP and they come out with a daily drivable keyboard I would try the PP-meamo too
I just need something as reliable as my n900 for every day. ideally without sacrificing too much freedom or privacy.
Thats how I landed on sailfish + some one plus one device
i had two things that tie me to sailfish till recently.
foilauth and foilnotes apps.
because sailfish apps are not portable and require sailfish qt classes.
so i managed to export data of sailauth and now i use
oathauthtool for 2fa.
now foilnotes remain.
probably i'll just copy/paste everything manually. but it's a lot of work.
and then nothing will tie me to sailfish anymore. i have it currently on pp, but never boot into it.
i always boot to maemo. i just copied those files of encrypted notes.
so i can open those.
* norayr
remembers that it is necessary to port amazfish to maemo. it works with regular qt as well, the dev, piggz, prepared also pure qt interface.
that's why it works under pmos.
amazfish is a software which works with many smartwatches.
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