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<bencoh> Wizzup: playing something online (wifi) with 360p video using mpv, while closed in my pocket
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<uvos__> buZz: thats hardly suprizing as GSM dosent gennerally support data and voice at the same time
<uvos__> (iirc data and voice at the same time was added late in gsms life via an extension, no idea how wildy that was deployed before umts came around and made it moot)
<uvos__> the network stack has to be able to deal with gprs dissconnecting at random times
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<bencoh> indeed
<bencoh> on fremantle gprs data stops during voicecall, or when receiving sms
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<Wizzup> I think on 3g it works ok with the droid4 (calls and internet)
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<uvos__> yes 3g/umts dosent have this limitation
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<norayr> bencoh, how do u measure temperature? lm-sensors? or was there some maemo applet?
<norayr> on vkb: what is the technical reason that by initial design it opens a 'window' to write in and is not able to write in even gtk hildonized spaces?
<buZz> uvos__: right, i guess just reconnecting would be nice :)
<buZz> nicest*
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<bencoh> norayr: cat /sys/class/thermal/
<bencoh> norayr: cat /sys/class/thermal/*/temp
<norayr> heh
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<sicelo> Wizzup: just booted linux 5.19 on my N900 (with postmarketOS). worked right off the bat. nowadays kernel upgrade is no longer a painful ordeal (since sre and fmg fixed that display issue we used to have)
<Wizzup> I think we're on 5.18, right?
<sicelo> anyway, i don't have time atm to test all the different bits, but the modem/dma patch applied cleanly, and i hope it'll all be fine. the only thing i really never test (i'm lazy i guess) is PowerVR
<Wizzup> I suppose the modem will still cause panic, yeah?
<Wizzup> right
<sicelo> yes, suppose Leste is on 5.18, true
<sicelo> i think Danct12 got wl1251-cal working somewhat reliably a couple of months ago, so i'd like to revisit that sometime soon, and push to Leste as well
<Wizzup> cool
<Wizzup> now we just need call audio :)
<sicelo> someday i'll get to that, but my knowledge is limited ;-)
<sicelo> but yes, that's also something i really wish for, and would be happy to help work on
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