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<Wizzup> uvos: ok let me try the braveheart image
<Wizzup> wait, braveheart should be the same image
<Wizzup> ok, let me get an older image
<Wizzup> hm, same with an image from a month ago
<Wizzup> likely not a problem with our images :)
<Wizzup> but maybe a pinephone user here can confirm the images still work?
<Wizzup> now it boots
<Wizzup> maybe I did something wrong :)
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<Wizzup> hm... looks like apt upgrade again broke my wifi
<Wizzup> (pinephone)
<Wizzup> this is getting old
<bencoh> :/
<Wizzup> and no usbnet
<Wizzup> lol
<Wizzup> bencoh: I mean to be fair this on -devel
<bencoh> oh
<Wizzup> but still, getting typing on a vkb gets old real quick
<Wizzup> no way to transfer files etc :)
<Wizzup> no way I will type a dbus command to online the modem on that ;)
<Wizzup> uvos: I think maybe just push new sphone to stable, I don't think I can get it for you atm
<Wizzup> (on pp)
<bencoh> vkb sounds like a pain yeah
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<uvos> Wizzup: mhh
<uvos> this sucks generally because none of you me or fmg then has a pp
<Wizzup> well there's the dmesg of why wifi seems to not work for me
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<Wizzup> uvos: when rafael comes here we can poke him about it
<buZz> hmmmz, seems the wireguard connection wizard doesnt really work?
<buZz> it doesnt let me continue after entering the address
<buZz> also, wooooot at working calls on latest devel :D
<buZz> too bad gprs breaks on receiving sms now (and also calls)
<buZz> s/breaks/disconnects/
<Wizzup> buZz: is that your special gprs?
<Wizzup> it works for me I think
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<buZz> i guess? the icd2 restart, gprs tap in connections, fail, dont retry, do dhcp, have working gprs
<bencoh> damn, the droid4 is a freaking heating device ....
<bencoh> 78°C ...
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<Wizzup> bencoh: wow how
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