it's interusting, how hildonized gtk app would behave if run under sxmo or just i ion't know, windowmaker, mate or gnome3.
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uvos: I don;t see anything terribly broken when executing libnotify tests
there are some issues (like, it seems test-replace-widget does not work correctly), test markup does not work as it should, but in general it is more or less fine
could you please share the code that does not work correctly for you?
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norayr: I don't think it would behave well at all since it relies on hildon window manager to draw all the things and manage interactions
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nice! found my uSD card with Leste (N900). still has kernel 5.1
i wonder if upgrade will be seamless
should be, assuming the dsme no lg reboots file exists
I mean you'll have to reboot for sure after the upgrade
n900 battery depleted. i'll look shortly
yeah fwiw the n900 I have here is without battery, but I have a serial
I -think- I brought my lab psu
have to check
otherwise I can't test for you right now
but I am pretty sure this just worked on the n900
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yes beowulf. oddly, wlan not working at all, i.e. nothing showing up even with scans
but will let it charge a bit and tinker further
there was a problem a while ago, but like 1+ years ago
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Wizzup: forgot now, but what to do with "The following signatures were invalid: EXPKEYSIG 2700BD8E6604EC2E Maemo Leste Extras Signing Key <spam1@wizzup.org>"
now going to fight with the pvr changes, mmm
ah, will do that one. for now was updating the other stuff (kernel, etc.)
looks to be working. thanks
hildon-meta-n900 is held back though. safe to force install, or i should let it be?
sicelo: you must always do dist-upgrade
sicelo: I don't know what would hold it back, but you want it
man, those locale files warned that "Generating locales (this might take a while)...
and it is really taking a long while :p
ok, hildon-meta's problem:
The following packages have unmet dependencies: hildon-meta : Depends: hildon-desktop (>= 1:2.2.182) but it is not going to be installed
weird though, as my h-d is higher version than that
sicelo: yes, it looks like some -dev pkgs would perhaps make this happen
I think I helped someone with this in irc a few months ago
I don't remember my conclusion :(
it's still that ti-omap3-sgx issue actually. ended up force uninstalling it (ti-omap3-sgx), which nuked a number of packages including h-d itself. then hildon-meta-n900 installs fine and reinstalls the nuked packages
sicelo: meh, ok
huhu, x won't start :-p
sicelo: and all upgrades complteed?
i have usb-net, so i suppose it's a resolvable issue
~$ cat /etc/powervr.d/hildon-desktop.ini
this is correct?
let me check
well actually, what is the error from X
check in /tmp
sicelo: I have that file and it boots ok for me
sicelo: it's loading a driver that should not exist
remove the pvrsvg ddx
xserver-xorg-video-pvrsgx ?
yup nuke it
ok. any way to start h-d now without reboot of whole device?
su - user
but reboot is probably easier :)
well, that assumes X is running
you could try to type 'openrc' and hope it does the right thing
(as root)
i already rebooted, and h-d is up now. thanks
oh man, i'm so hyped
next week i'm receiving my BT receiver chip for my headphones
the current one has the range of a wet blanket
so hopefully that will improve, but the new BT radio also does MP3 playback from SD , and FM receiving :D :D
gonna add a telescopic antenna i think ^_^ just for lolz
I should try to sit in my car one of these days and connect the d4 over bluetooth to it
would be kinda fun to make it work on some levels
oh it works :P
i used 'blueman' to connect it earlier
I think the module isn't even loaded right?
and then there's call audio routing which probably involves capturing it on cpu and then rerouting it
yeah not sure, the alsa(pulse?) mixer does show something can be routed -to- BT
or from?
not sure if that just works, unlikely :)
never know until we try :P
btw what's the contacts application? want to install it on the n900
I'm adding it to the meta (already made the change locally)
Wizzup: so yes, list-operators doesn't work on N900. mmm
but i saw it works on d4
so the breakage is probably in ofono's isimodem side
whats a list-operator in osso-addressbook context?
sicelo: what about the mdbus script?
err using mdbus2*
buZz: think it's unrelated
sicelo: how does it error?
sicelo: what if you run Scan first?
oh, ok
(to scan for operators)
it doesn't error. it just doesn't return anything :-)
mmm, now it works. wut!
sicelo: yeah so maybe you just need to tell it to scan first
i was scanning before too (in pmOS)
maybe it just takes some more time?
btw, looks like some unnecessary kernel configs have been enabled for N900. there's now bq27000-battery/ , twl4030_ac/ , and twl4030_usb/ in /sys/class/power_supply/
it's a shared kernel
all of them aren't needed (nor do they work)
(with droid4, etc)
yes @shared. but d4 definitely doesn't need them either :)
i'll check modem again on pmOS
i wonder what makes white LED keep showing up in Leste now.
I think it's an omap2plus defconfig thing
sicelo: leste userspace probably?
* sicelo
checks LED settings
sicelo: I mean, when do you see it?
I think by default it will do the blinking to show it's online
s/online/turned on/
yes. i have turned it off now
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the bluetooth call audio might work
its implemented in hw with no cpu involvement
its just a question if the register state is correct
i use bluetooth all the time on d4 for headphones
is that documented somewhere?
the main issue i have is that it blocks idle
i dont think so
but its just a matter of modprobeing the module
and using it via bluez/pulse
i also use blueman, but you could use any ui/cli
btw, another thing I forgot, although I think you thought about it, we haven't implemented 'mute' yet for calls
the mute button dosent go anywhere at all
freemangordon: try using org.freedesktop.Notifications with a button array
iirc the code in h-d looks like it should do it
but it just dosent do anything
with 'actions'?
I don;t think actions are supported
the main problem with me describing the issues with it
is that i was playing around wiht it like 1 year ago
I can;t imagine how an array of buttons shoudl look like in task switcher
the window just has buttons?
sure, but it is tiny
even on d4
a window with actions becomes "real"?
this yellow note
the yellow note is wrong for a presistance message anyhow
this is a 'window' created by hildon-hom,e
no, why is that?
if you mean the banner
the toast
not the banner
not sure what the yellow window is for you
but the note in the switcher the size of a window rhumbnail
h-d opens a "fake" window
for a notification
hit is h-h, but yeah
*it is
its not yellow
yes but it is typically on top of another window
and it doesn't support interaction other than activating it
well, depends on the theme
it's yellow in the normal theme but yeah
and yes, as Wizzup said
anyhow, this window could simply be interactive
if actions are set
it is
if you click it, it executes the 'default' action
besides dissmissing it/ activateing the primary action
if no action was set
yes i know
not sure how this would work UX wise
ok, but how do you imagine, UI wise, to have multiple action in that window?
you activate it, and then you get a dialog?
Wizzup: exactly my point
it becomes a "real" window with some text (the desciption)
and x buttons
ok, this is 'good to have' feature, but I don;t see the lack of it as critical
well sphone kinda needs it
really i dont linke this way of notification anyhow
but thats a different issue
for missed calls?
or, why it needs multiple actions?
but you need to be able to reply or ignore a sms for isntance
you ignor it by clicking the 'X'
that really dosent work well
sure it does
the x is way to small without a stylus
not really
(wich is a whloe nother issue)
imo it is
what does sphone need it for?
tasknav is smart enough to know when you wnt to click on the X
i want to/have (in a branch) replaced the sms recived window
with a notification
n900 phone app didn't need it, and I never felt like I missed something
i think this is a really bad way of going about it
its missing a lot if you come form another plaform
uvos: no, really, it works ok
well in our case conversations would just handle all texts
notifications can be really ritch there
uvos: sure, but that's another story
like, we may consider re-writing maemo notifications, but we first have to define what we want, then do UI/UX, code, test,etc
I don;t really see that as such a high prio now
the questions is - can sphone live with current implementation, albeit not the best one around
does it lack some functionality?
not how its implemented atm
because it uses actions :P
how many?
this is supported
'close' and 'click'
yeah but not those
since those 2 dont map well to other notification servers
the only thing that is defined in specs is the 'default' action
yes i know
but adding multiple actions to the array in the dbus call
causes all other notification servers to add buttons
maybe there is a bug
sorry, but that's how they implement it
yeah but that causes issues
I was not able to find any UI guidelines in the specs
for any app that wants to be cross platform
well you need to support more than 2 actions anyhow
per spec so....
why is that?
not sure how your going to do that
besides adding buttons
not really, only the 'default' is a must
lemme check
"The server will provide the specified actions to the user. Even if this cap is missing, actions may still be specified by the client, however the server is free to ignore them. "
ok fine its optional
still, in practice its used alot
but yeah, I understand...
ok, I will have a look at the code, maybe there is a bug if you specify actins in the dbus call
uvos: still, does sphone need more that 2 actions?
and if yes, what are those actions
not atm, atho i was thinking to also remove the special rinnging window
I need usecase to be able to think of UI/UX
and replaceing that with a notification
not really a good idea
that needs at least 3
if it does the notification, do we that in tklock too?
why not? it would work pretty well on desktop
no, that's really bad idea
(sphone also targets desktop)
this is not desktop, but phone
no its linux
you should be able to pick-up immediately
sphone is a generic linux application and it will stay that way
and why, excatly?
sure, but that does nto change the fact that we are talking phones here
also wdym pick-up immidatly?
you can on any notification server i know
(besides hildon)
uvos: sorry, but this is not that simple
since you get a raised allways on top window
there are gestures, for example
how do yo pick-up or mute if you count on notification server?
if you put the phone face down it will mute
or, if you rais, it will answer
i will never support that
this is more than convenient
"how do yo pick-up or mute if you count on notification server?" ?
the server pops up a window with Person, call, accecpt, mute, hangup
and a basic feature since middle 90s maybe
i dont want sphone to have to deal with sensor input
and it mapps poorly to the range of devices i want it work on
ok, so you want laptop, not a phone
no i want an app thats scalable and maintainable
and clse to useless
how is this different from earpiece sensor btw?
sphone dosent have to do anything wiht the earpiece sensor
you mean proximity?
its not in sphone at all
mce dose this on its own
anyhow the cancle via fliping over
and the notification server has nothing to do with eatch other
some utility could very well hangup the call on flip while useing a notification server
for the rinnging ui
ok, for me is hard to imagine a dialer that does not control its own "pick-up/hang" UI/UX
idealy it would handle the least possible
speaking of witch
nice to have: xdg dbus menu spec support
that would allow telegram, network manager and the like to how native looking dialogs (like icd) when activated with hildon-status-menu
that way nm-applet would be a perfect native looking replacement for icd
if desired
uvos: a side of that: do you recall that qt5 issue where there is a white background in one of the widgets insted of teh correct color?
freemangordon: yeah so it looks like the hildon themes/ elements violate qt5's color spec
there is also text colours being wrong
in the notification text for example (if you set an alarm this is obvious)
I think in qalendar
clock ui also works
its allo over the place
Wizzup: so, this is what I meant
so whats happening here
is that hildon stuff uses BaseText over windowColor
wich is wrong
sec let me pull up the doc
I think we can fix these widgets, we control them in our plugin
QPalette::Text must be used over QPalette::Base
freemangordon: no
freemangordon: mainly in qt4 it was different
that's what I am saying
as we ported from qt4
QPalette::WindowText needs to be over QPalette::Window
but hildon widgets use transparent backgrounds often
this messes this up
Wizzup: do you want to look at this?
uvos: back to libnotify: how do you think, if a notification gets updated, do we want another...ummm..how it is called... that 'note' that appears for a few seconds?
not sure what you mean
are we talking tost notifications or presistant ones?
A Toast is a non modal, unobtrusive window element used to display brief, auto-expiring windows of information to a user. Android OS makes relatively heavy use of them.
(yellow banner)
(in hildon)
by note you mean that thing that flies into the hildon button?
just a sec to provide you with a video, maybe
ugh, VM got busted
maybe just discrbe what you mean, or provide a dbus call that shows it
yes, I will provide dbus call, need a minute to restart the VM
freemangordon: the yellow banner has the problem too, it might be a good test
thats wierd anyhow
why dose the application render the text at all
for couple of seconds a notification pops
then it get hidden and task switcher button starts to "breathe"
so, my question is about that notification
if a notification get updated (title/body/icon gets changed), shall I re-display that short notice?
probubly not, but i cant think of a real usecase atm
16:29 < freemangordon> Wizzup: do you want to look at this?
maybe a countdown timer?
I can add it to my list, not sure if I will look now
freemangordon: def dont want a new flying notification thing for that
that would be annyoing
this is how it behaves now (no new flying window)
sounds sane to me, unless you find a usecase
just the content of the yellow (or whatever) not window gets updated
*note window
ok, I will try to fix the markup as well
freemangordon: i would also argue btw
that non persistant notifications with a short expiry time
ought to be the yellow banner things, maybe
they are, afaik
that dosent work then
try notify-send -t 100 test
ok, will do
where to find notify-send?
libnotify-bin: /usr/bin/notify-send
uvos: I see flying wondow for a split second
freemangordon: yes
freemangordon: i was suggesting a yellow banner instead
ah, no
yellow banner is another story
to me flying window is consistent behaviour
ok, i was just mentioning that i think its more appropritate for this type of notification
so maybe it would be nice to have it switch according to the input it gets
if you do notify-send -t 1000 test you will see it is fine
sure yeah
100ms is not really a good use-case
i never said its wrong
well but a 1000ms or so thing is pretty ususal
ok, lemme push what I have done so far
and mostly the yellow banners are used for those
so switching it for <5sec or so would make desktop apps beahve more like hildon ones
but, I think for 1000 ms case it behaves correctly
yeah, maybe not a bad idea
not, it will break UX
for what?
the are hildon UI guidelines
what you mean is hildon note
desktop apps dont follow those anyhow
so idk if its relevant
yeah, but hildon-home (the server) should
could you like the relevant section
im not sure how hildon-home would do so
it just depends how its used then no?
the point is that notifications specs are implemented with that flying window
hildon native API allows for those yellow banners
also, those flying windows are actually clickble
so are the banners
they are
anhow sure but i find that for low timeout notifications having the window is a bit wierd
no, I meant "dunno if this is agood idea"
but its not a huge deal
well, but that windows is a flying one :)
well, yellow banners are dialogs actually
so, still 'window'
i mean the window after the flying one
ok, lemme see if I can fix the markup
having that for a split seciond is a bit wierd
no, it does not appear while we have a flying window
sure but if the timout is just longer than the animation
also other notification servers will display the message to the user for exactly timeout amount of time
only after that flying winde is gone, we have a window in the task-switcher
while the annimation here is fixed
and then the message is hidden
it is not
it gets hidden after the timeout
try with 1000
flying window gets shown for 1s and then it flies away
and no window is created in the task switcher
hmm but its wierd
try with 10s
I see no UX/UI issue with how it behaves
this is how it is supposed to :)
i gues there is some maximum
what for?
after which is turns into a window
like a persisant notification
thats a bit wierd
seams to be about 3s
its not a big deal however
still i think it would make hildon and non hildon apps behave more consistantly if we had some heuristic (the 5sec maybe) that is displayed as a banner
uvos: did you see bencoh's feedback on it?
Wizzup: where?
in irc, I'll have to search
he tried it out and had some feedback IIRC
starts at '11:50 < bencoh> I just tested twinkle on droid4 .... UI-wise it's horrible, but apart from that looks like it works :)'
12:29 < bencoh> alright, so ... the status icon works, the application-specific status menu works too, but once the menu has been used, restoring the application from the icon breaks, until next application restart
that I recall
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* bencoh
i cant repo that
with twinkle
it works fine here
bencoh: I'll ping you these days for instructions how to test, ok?
also works fine with all other apps i have tested so far
so not sure whats happening on your end
freemangordon: regarding that status menu thing? sure :)
its provides nothing that the glib envvars dont also provide
and is really a dozy when debuging modules
since you have no idea why you have no output
is it part of the same PR?
im asking you do do this
*to do
ah, sorry, I misread what you asked for
ok, sure thing
uvos: I wonder if we want to support makup in notifications
probubly yes
but its not cricitaly important atm
in order to properly support it, I shall add either libxml dependency or some other parser
at least strip formating
which means parser :)
formatting is not an issue
issue comes with hyperlink, or rather the fact that pango markup parser fails when string sontains hyperlink
but well, ok, I will see if I can do it with GMarkupParseContext
as specs say that unsupported tags shall be stripped
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uvos: what do you think, does "Notification servers that do not support these tags should filter them out. " mean that tags themselves shall be filtered or both tags and text in between?
this is about markup
and specifically about hyperlink
if it is about <a>link</a>, shall I remove both 'a' tag and 'link' text or only 'a' tag and leave teh text?
I read that like both 'a' and 'link' shall be removed, but want someone to confirm
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i would say tags only
"<a href=''>Click here</a> to continue" becomes meaningless if the text is gone with the tag
freemangordon: i agree that the spec saies to remove the entire block shal be removed
but i also agree with sicelo that removeing just the tags is probubly more usefull in practice
*freemangordon: i agree that the spec saies to remove the entire block
I'm not sure if we want to do any parsing if we can avoid it