Wizzup: pinephone -devel from yesterday boots, but when it should come to desktop then only blackscreen (with backlit on), I don't think that it crash...at least going to sleep and powerbutton works.
Is there any pinephone developer for debug ^^^ ?
did you press the power button?
does it unlock?
nothing comes to screen, so hard to know
too bad, maybe take a stable image and apt-get dist-upgrade
should there be startup "wishh"- sound?
I think that's probably the charging sound that you hear
no I meant that there wasn't "wishh"-sound...And I tested now with charger too.
there is no startup sound
I have Pinephone keyboard, so is there any way to go to debug terminal before it goes to X?
you better check syslog, by using uSD->USB adapter or something
freemangordon: I think he was planning to show it today to some people, so he might not have the serial at hand
actually I show it on weekend...but I have only this day for test.
I mean: remove uSD from the device and mount it on a PC, then check /var/log/syslog
Guest224: ah ok
freemangordon: right
damm..I so hard to tear apart pinephone keyboard.
umm... keyboard?
why I didn't buy that phones-serial cable.
what I am missing here?
Guest224: ah you have the keyboard, nice
freemangordon: I think to take out microsd you also need to remove the keyboard
ah, ok :)
Wizzup: andrew davis is alive and still @ TI it seems :)
ah, what did you see?
did you see the last mail on "Re: [PATCH 3/3] drm: omapdrm: Do no allocate non-scanout GEMs through DMM/TILER"
ah, linux-omap ml
you are in CC
yeah, CC's also end up in a mailing list that I periodically check
do you see any improvements with latest ofono?
in regards to segfaults or something eles?
in general
but yeah, segfaullts
there were definitely improvements in 1.34.1, I didn't test 1.34.2 much but the pin stuff works fine, calls seem to work
not sure about delayed sms, I would have to test that specifically
(delayed sms sending)
in 1.34.2 voice iface shall re-appear after offline mode
i have a new problem with ofono it seams
ok, I will test that with flight mode momentarily
maybe, hard to tell if it wasent there before
so if the device is in a low signal area
and looses connection, it often dosent seam to want to reconnect, unless i restart ofono or kick it with qmicli
then i connects immidatly often with good rssi
also i still cant get data to work via ofono
but thats not a regression
Wizzup: actually, it seems it is "offline" mode :)
im on 1:1.34.2-1+2m7
uvos__: to me it looks like the same/similar issue as with missing MSIM
uvos__: is it possible to gather full android boot logs with "echo 0x7fffffff > /sys/module/ts27010mux/parameters/debug_level" for me?
I don't really want to spend time learning how kexecboot or whatever works
freemangordon: sure a log of what action(s) do you want
also, I have almost no idea of android boot process and if there is similar to /etc/modprobe.d
only boot
on android all modules are ussualy built in
so no
on mapphones the pvr moudle is an exception
i think they just load it via some script
but, I need the log since the very beginning
i can insert the sysfs command very early in boot
for sure
if its also a module parameter that dosent really help us
I don't know if it is possible to pass something like ts27010mux.debug_level=0x7fffffff in kenel cmdline
on los the cmdline is wierdly fixed via some hack needded by safestrap
so that could only work via stock android
and i think that has debug options compiled away
ill investigate
for sure lineage I have here reacts on echo 0x7fffffff > /sys/module/ts27010mux/parameters/debug_level
sure los reacts
but as i say its cmdline is controlled by safestrap
stock android as normal cmdline
whatever it is :)
but it wont
also pinentry is nice
no more opening xterm every boot just to enter the pin
in general things are looking much better already
after I fix ofono, I'll fix the pin entry buttons :)
uvos__: what does it mean when adb reports offline state for a device?
ok, I had to re-enable adb debug
at last I readed that pinephone syslog and:
folks do you aware, in general, if the phone is down, will it get the missed sms when it's up?
yeah thats a thing the operator dose
it has nothing to do with the phone itself really
xsession failed to start
Guest224: could you pastebin the syslog and dmesg log?
* freemangordon
is afk for a while
Guest224: also xorg log please
uvos__: thanks you.
hmm..can syslog have some phone ids, that I should not share?
sure, but its not that mutch
share xorg log first if your concerned, it dosent contain anything
at least I find WWAN/QMI device
and i think xorg isent starting for you
uvos__: how how can he see the lock screen then?
but how*
I can try the latest -devel image later today, maybe, but I have a busy day today
Wizzup: i dont think it is, he just mentioned the backlight turning on
thats just mce
@Guest224 could you specify what you see?
i gues we cant boot to recovery shell on pp
we should add that...
I saw only black screen with backlit on after boot text.
Guest224: well, without providing more information (like some logs) I don;t think we'll be able to help much :)
if you have some provacy concerns, at least share dmeasg and Xorg logs
I find syslog, but where Xorg.log should be?
we should change that
if not allready
both /tmp/ and /var/tmp/ is empty
from syslog /etc/init.d/xsession[2350]: ERROR: xsession failed to start
anything suspicious before that?
not much, but much earlier: /etc/init.d/hildon-control-panel-personalisation[2052]: ERROR: hildon-control-panel-personalisation failed to start
if X does not start, that is expected
that hildon-control-panel thing was before it even trying to get X display.
later there is text waitx[1969]: trying to get X display
I'll test the image, see what I can find, but can't right now.
freemangordon: btw..dmesg didn't have any suspicious.
I'll shut down this machine, but continue lurking this channel thru irclog. I'll be back.
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not a good password
I know, that's why it is not important
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hmm, I wonder if AT+MATR resets the SIM card. or it gets ATR
yes, the result of that is 3b9f96801fc78031e073fe2113679807020601010142
and this is a valid ATR
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tmlind: doing rmmod/modprobe of serdev_ngsm makes MSIM unsolicited messages working again
sequence is:
1. restart ofono - no more MSIM notifications on SIM removed/inserted
2. stop ofono, rmmod serdev_ngsm, modprobe serdev_ngsm, start ofono - MSIM notifications are there
all DLCs but 1 are closed, no wonder there is no data :)
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adding 1 second timeout after opening each tty device fixed it :)
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Just dreamin..It would be nice install to pinephone eMMC the OS that can read USB stick and then dd image file with that to SD-card, so not have tear apart Pinephone from keyboard-case everytime...maybe with Maemo someday ;)
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hmm..volume up+power and volume down+power boots from SD..how to force boot from eMMC?
lets hope that someday there is boot selector like in old Macs.
Wizzup: ok, we have a fix for the last d4 ofono issue known to me, please release new ofono version for -devel
er https://www.ebay.de/itm/331503392013?epid=6011377166&hash=item4d2f24550d:g:QisAAOSw2X5b0bBE&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAA4IQM4Vfj8FoS2OHAe%2BMzEnEd8B3OlHOupg8LvNFGkvV1AADivZdHViyxM4jPSzDaQzMTk%2BrAeM%2FP1TQTq6DTo4QwMd%2BDbFaJDTOPv%2B2ivfSIFZjN8Vby7JxbbFy%2BZIwYgsJbeq6%2FS%2BfYDGbmq6x3V60iTSgoFeYKW0HLYWBvruNyx6MXJ7WyU4tIrZNDbAxAzTHrziwx%2FHATLymd%2FnuLn5gFlY20XNcx8ZbyKdJZPzv%