<buZz> 21:37:15 < rafael2k> Go Maemo!
<buZz> w0000
<buZz> :D
<buZz> lol
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<rafael2k> lets see if I can get it right now
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<buZz> rafael2k: sun6i = pinephone?
<buZz> i guess so :P
<buZz> rafael2k: do you have a d4 yet too? :P
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<rafael2k> yes, pinephone
<rafael2k> buZz: not yet
<rafael2k> :P
<buZz> rafael2k: asked Wizzup for one yet? :P
<rafael2k> want to ask a PPP to him
<rafael2k> :P
<buZz> both
<rafael2k> I read it has better kernel compilation times...
<rafael2k> eheheheheheh
<buZz> lol i think d4 is more likely
<buZz> its so cheap
<buZz> and mad well supported now, near mint
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<rafael2k> D4 seems a very cool phone indeed
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<norayr> rafael2k: would you write a wiki page about full disk encryption?
<norayr> hm, msid-repos build failed but apparently i got the update on device.
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<Wizzup> norayr: that happens if it fails only for some arches
<norayr> oh
<norayr> will see
<norayr> build for all three architectures is finished with success.
<Wizzup> is the package written in C?
<Wizzup> it looks like one already had the src pkg with tag registered
<Wizzup> did you increase the version?
<rafael2k> norayr: I coulđ... but is mostly just set u-boot for initrd... the rest Debian/Devuan tools take care
<rafael2k> I can do it, after I get proper support for camera in PP
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<unege[m]> Hey guys, starting from maemo 5 1.2 i need some help installing ML and running from sd, if at all possible. The “getting started” on the wiki is a bit too brief for my liking. Do i need some additional firmware? CSSU 1.3? Can I somewhat follow the pmos dual boot wiki?
<unege[m]> Nokia n900 ofc
<unege[m]> Did dd onto SD, just can’t choose to boot from sd
<dsc_> win 19
* dsc_ waves
<unege[m]> ?
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<sicelo> unege[m]: what step are you stuck at?
<sicelo> I haven't run leste on n900 in a rather long time now, but maybe i can possibly help
<unege[m]> So I got an N900 with PR1.2, I added some of the mirrors that are still active to the repos and installed “backupmenu”
<unege[m]> Did a full backup, so in any case I could return to this state, assuming it works like that.
<unege[m]> Now I dd’ed the latest image of ML to an SD card as the wiki states, and I presumed it would be possible to select the sd card as a boot option during startup but this appears not to be true
<unege[m]> What do I do?
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<uvos> unege[m]: whay are you trying to achive?
<uvos> *what
<uvos> oh install
<uvos> the getting started page is the wrong page
<uvos> since of there isent one install process
<uvos> its different for every device
<uvos> look at the leste wiki page for the n900
<unege[m]> At least it says that u-boot (as stated on the pmos wiki) in the app-center requires some kernel modules not present, do i need to upgrade to PR1.3 first?
<unege[m]> Yes install, preferably run from sd though, having M5 next to it.
<uvos> no idea about installing uboot from meamo5
<unege[m]> Is that feasible?
<uvos> i just flashed it via 0xfff
<uvos> unege[m]: i gues if the repos still work
<uvos> the difficulty doing it externally is apending the kernel
<uvos> if your not on cssu but just on regular last maemo 5 version
<uvos> you can use this one with it allready appended:
<uvos> as described on the wiki you can also just flash uboot with no kernel appended
<uvos> thats easiest
<uvos> but you loose the ablility to boot maemo 5
<unege[m]> Could you break it down in a bit smaller pieces? If possible i want a dual boot, maemo 5 and ML. Does it indeed help to be on cssu as you state?
<uvos> if you want to dual boot you need uboot with appended ainchent m5 kernel
<uvos> you can do this from within maemo 5 cssu if the package repos are still around or you can flash it via pc
<uvos> i hear installing cssu is quite hard now
<uvos> because of broken links etc
<uvos> but no idea on that front
<uvos> if your on stock maemo 5
<uvos> you can just flash the above uboot
<missMyN900> oh I see unege is online again
<missMyN900> I was just reading yesterday's log
<uvos> instructions are here https://leste.maemo.org/Nokia_N900
<unege[m]> missMyN900: Haha yes :))
<uvos> btw
<missMyN900> norayr: actually, the original Pinebook (no longer sold) also has an A64 like the Pinephone. It is the Pinebook Pro that has the RK3399 like the PPP
<uvos> do the Bootloader (U-Boot) setup Quick
<missMyN900> basically all Pro devices have RK3399 (including RockPro SBC)
<uvos> with the above file
<missMyN900> non-Pro have A64 (or for SBCs can also have RK3328 or H6)
<missMyN900> unege[m]: I have a Pinephone (3 GB/32 GB edition) and have run Maemo Leste on it
<missMyN900> in addition to pmOS
<missMyN900> I cannot recommend it all for daily use
<missMyN900> only as a dev device
<uvos> dev device with no keyboard
<uvos> eh
<missMyN900> it is definitely good that there is an affordable, easily available globally and good dev platform available to move mobile (free) Linux forward
<missMyN900> well, it can have a keyboard, uvos
<missMyN900> one that likes to fry itself, but I disgress...
<missMyN900> but I cannot honestly call this is a usable daily driver phone
<missMyN900> in fact, I am selling mine
<sicelo> unege[m]: sorry we're on and off. you should be able to install u-boot on PR1.2. but installing PR1.3. is just as easy too ... there's a flashable image
<missMyN900> unege[m]: however, you are lucky to be in Europe
<missMyN900> which means that either 2G or 3G will likely live on in your area
<missMyN900> so mapphones (such as Droid 4 or Droid Bionic) can be a good option as a daily driver for you
<missMyN900> and they have good battery life
<missMyN900> unlike the Pinephone
<missMyN900> me, living in the US, I am moving back to an Android without Google stuff
<sicelo> missMyN900: the OP already made a decision to buy a specific phone
<missMyN900> oh nvm
<missMyN900> I hadn't finished reading the logs yet
<uvos> also idk about 2g only being enough for a daily driver really, depends on what you expect
<missMyN900> got a bit too excited when I say OP was online again
<uvos> (not much browsing the web i gues)
<missMyN900> I guess
<missMyN900> but it is still a lot better than not being able to receive calls at all
<missMyN900> like in the US
<uvos> 3g is gohne or with a sunset date in all eu countires
<missMyN900> 2G is already gone and 3G is getting shut down in the US
<missMyN900> at least for T-Mobile
<missMyN900> but every network here is moving in that direction for sure
<missMyN900> I am not up to date on the current state exactly
<missMyN900> but it is clear that you should not buy a non(Vo)-LTE phone currently
<unege[m]> <uvos> "you can just flash the above..." <- Allright, thanks, just to be sure, that still allows for dualboot? I was currently walking the cssu path, think if I end up at a showstopper Ill attempt the proposal, thanks for being so helpful
<missMyN900> I guess unege decided to get an N900?
<unege[m]> missMyN900: Haha yes, easy to obtain, would be interested int the d4 though
<sicelo> unege[m]: you don't even need cssu to install u-boot on maemo fremantle. of course doing so is highly recommended for other reasons
<missMyN900> unege[m]: Droid Bionics are also readily available in the US, even new, on eBay
<missMyN900> you can import them
<missMyN900> norayr: I have to disagree with you that mostly everything works on the PP unfortunately
<missMyN900> latest pmOS 22.06 is very unstable on my PP
<missMyN900> something is going wrong in the graphics stack
<missMyN900> I don't know if it is Plasma or Wayland
<unege[m]> missMyN900: Concerning your username, how big of an effort would it be to upgrade the n900? LTE module, usbC, possibly a bit faster soc? I read some stuff on a neo900, but that appears to have ended somewhere…
<missMyN900> well, I mean
<missMyN900> I think neo900 was quite far along
<uvos> unege[m]: theres no point to that really
<missMyN900> so if that has died
<missMyN900> then there is not much hope really
<unege[m]> So sad
<uvos> the droid 4 is vastly better speced than the neo900 would have been
<missMyN900> yep
<missMyN900> yep
<uvos> and that was a pip dream anyhow
<uvos> *pipe
<sicelo> unege[m]: http://repository.maemo.org/extras/pool/fremantle/free/u/u-boot/u-boot-tools_2013.04-2_armel.deb ... install this. if you enter that link on maemo browser, it should offer you an install
<missMyN900> neo900 was still Cortex A8
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<missMyN900> just a version of the OMAP that was still sold
<missMyN900> and a nice frequency boost IIRC
<sicelo> this might require other packages, but will handle that as needed
<missMyN900> also, they had a similar modem setup to the PP IIRC
<missMyN900> before the PP even existed
<uvos> or the d4
<missMyN900> I don't know if PP was inspired by it
<uvos> really the d4 has the same kind of modem setup
<missMyN900> does it have a kill switch?
<uvos> in effect yes
<uvos> the omap controlles a gpio that kills power
<missMyN900> hmmm
<missMyN900> I wonder if all early LTE phones have that
<missMyN900> such as Galaxy Nexus
<missMyN900> because they all had a separate LTE modem
<uvos> probubly yes
<uvos> or at least most
<missMyN900> I think Samsung Exynos phones also had a separate modem for a long time
<uvos> but some modems might be able to do dma
<missMyN900> Qualcomm really is the worst
<uvos> or controll the pmic / other hw devices
<uvos> the d4 kinda is unique in that the modems cant do anything really
<bencoh> samsung's design is some kind of hybrid (I work with samsung SoCs at $job)
<missMyN900> that is why I will never like SDM845 devices, no matter how well mainlined they will be
<sicelo> unege[m]: you might need these repositories, http://maemo.cloud-7.de/maemo5/et_al/HAM-catalogs/ . just clicking the links should work straight from the maemo browser too
<bencoh> the main SoC has a communication processor alongside the main application processor, but the radio part lives in a separate chip
<sicelo> missMyN900: you will, when there's no longer any omap4 with decent performance :-p
<sicelo> s/omap4/omap/
<missMyN900> sicelo: there are still alternatives that I prefer but I won't get into that here
<sicelo> ah, yes. i was referring to something running mainline kernel. i think the alternatives you mention are ... something else
<bencoh> provided you don't add a radio chip, and keep the communication core(s) off, you should be "okay" (regarding modem/radio issues)
<bencoh> (meaning you could use an external usb modem with your samsung SoC)
<missMyN900> bencoh: so it is basically as if the Cortex A7 of the Quectel EG25 is integrated into the A64 but the Hexagon DSP is still isolated?
<bencoh> missMyN900: pretty much, yeah
<missMyN900> I don't know if that is really all that great
<missMyN900> because I think the A7 is the "dangerous" part
<bencoh> it's not that great, but it means you could design a phone with a separate modem
<bencoh> provided the A7 is off and has no way to talk to the outside world
<missMyN900> I guess if you can run open "firmware" on the "A7" Biktorg's then it is okay ;)
<missMyN900> *like
<bencoh> obviously samsung wouldn't allow that, they won't give you any kind of documentation or sdk for that :)
<missMyN900> yes, because regulations etc
<bencoh> you could poke with jtag if you really wanted, but that's it
<missMyN900> same for Qualcomm of course (as Quectel EG25 is still Qualcomm)
<bencoh> so you just turn it off from the main core, and bring an external modem
<bencoh> qualcomm is a bit more of an issue, since the modem part has more control over the way the chip boots
<bencoh> and the radio is builtin, so you can't really take it out
<missMyN900> sicelo: you are correct in intuiting that my alternatives are not mainline devices ;) But when the situation gets that desperate, well, you have to have priorities IMHO
<sicelo> yeah
<sicelo> mainline is my priority ;-)
<missMyN900> as I have said before I am not a hard core open source or Linux person
<bencoh> if you *really* care about those modem issues, I think the only options right now are the pipephone, librem (errr), and droid4/n900
<bencoh> (available for now at least)
<missMyN900> bencoh: depends on if you trust all modems equally ;)
<sicelo> unege[m]: let us know if that info helps, and please feel free to adjust wiki as needed. it will help the next person with an N900 in a drawer
<uvos> missMyN900: the pps modem with foss fw is def best
<bencoh> missMyN900: that's the point, you can't trust a modem unless you now what runs on it
<bencoh> (ie, unless you have the full code)
<uvos> missMyN900: unfortionatly the motorola modem in the d4 dosent work, since its significant parts of its fw is foss
<missMyN900> bencoh: I think this gets back to threat modeling as r3boot_ mentioned yesterday
<bencoh> yeah
<uvos> missMyN900: the qualcomm modem is not as open
<missMyN900> but I thought Wizzup was using it?
<uvos> sure
<uvos> but its firmware is very closed up
<missMyN900> so how can it not work?
<uvos> Wizzup uses the qualcomm modem
<bencoh> main threat on current phones is that some vendors actually leverage their design to provide ISP and/or govs with SDKs to have access to user data
<uvos> not the motorola one
<missMyN900> D4 has two modems?
<bencoh> and take over part of the system
<uvos> yes
<missMyN900> 2G/3G and LTE?
<missMyN900> hmmm
<uvos> one for 2g and 3g and one for lte
<bencoh> (it's not just theory, those are fact, qualcomm did that and sold it)
<missMyN900> I thought it only had Motorola
<uvos> no
<bencoh> droid4 has two modems
<uvos> the motorola modem is interesting in that it runs android and gives you root access more or less out of the box
<bencoh> which is pretty funny when you think of it, and compare it to modern design
<uvos> you can just log into it via telnet and get a root shell
<missMyN900> bencoh: I think you can certainly understand my point then about not trusting all modems equally ;)
<bencoh> uvos: wow, so they squeezed a complete android system there? fun
<uvos> yes
<missMyN900> bencoh: actually Quectel also runs Android
<uvos> android 2.1 with no gui but otherwise compleate
<missMyN900> it was first described as running Linux
<missMyN900> but later I discovered something that implied it was actually running Android
<unege[m]> sicelo: Yeah thanks, i am trying to record the steps, must say i have forgotten half of it already. So excited anyhow still.
<uvos> it runs a kernel from the same tree as the droid 1 funny enougth
<missMyN900> makes sense since they are using fastboot to flash the alternative open "firmware"
<uvos> it also runs the droid 1's mbm
<uvos> (bootloader)
<uvos> its kinda a droid 1 shoved into the droid 4 xD
<missMyN900> so Droid 4 and PP are actually quite similar wrt that aspect
<missMyN900> uvos: yes, it is also interesting that the Quectel Cortex A7 is more powerful than the CPU of my first smartphone
<missMyN900> (600 MHz ARMv6 MSM7227)
<missMyN900> uvos: I am installing Mobian on my PP eMMC before selling it
<missMyN900> apparently they are using something called tow-boot now
<missMyN900> you need to install that first to the eMMC
<missMyN900> it is a uboot fork
<missMyN900> if you don't it won't boot the installer from SD card as I discovered :(
<missMyN900> can ML work with this towboot thing?
<uvos> missMyN900: yes if it can boot linux you can make it work with leste
<uvos> missMyN900: its just the pp is not a huge focus
<uvos> look into it if you can
<unege[m]> missMyN900: When would you be willing to unsell it?
<sicelo> missMyN900: towboot just handles boot, so yes, you can run any OS afterwards.
<missMyN900> sicelo: well, yes, I don't doubt that it is possible for ML to work with it but it sounds like it is not currently compatible
<missMyN900> so basically if I wanted to actually use my PP with current Mobian installed to eMMC (instead of pmOS) and ML running from SD card like I have been, that would not be possible
<missMyN900> seems like a mess to me
<missMyN900> more fragmentation is not a good thing
<sicelo> there's no fragmentation here :-)
<missMyN900> it is not coming from ML, no
<missMyN900> I am definitely not blaming ML
<sicelo> they're unifying the PP efforts, to the point of using same kernel everywhere
<missMyN900> but Mobian is essentially forcing you to ditch uboot
<sicelo> just, as uvos mentioned, ML has chosen to prioritize D4 for now
<missMyN900> and use their special thing
<missMyN900> which does not work with other distros until they add support
<missMyN900> that is what I am currently understanding of this situation
<sicelo> towboot is NOT a mobian special thing. it's a universal thing instead
<sicelo> if you were not selling your pp, maybe you could help get ML working with it :-)
<missMyN900> well, I think that depends on how you define "special"
<missMyN900> it is not proprietary, no
<sicelo> missMyN900: Mobian did not write towboot
<missMyN900> I thought that was probably the case but they are still adopting something that is incompatible with what all the other distros are using
<sicelo> which other distros?
<missMyN900> ML, pmOS probably
<caleb[m]> neato fact Qualcomm are back to running Linux on the modem with the x55 and x65 5G modems (in the OnePlus 9 and other phones of that generation), some folks already have mainline booting on the modem so would be neat to have mainline + FOSS userspace on the modem side AND the host side :D
<missMyN900> don't know about manjaro
<missMyN900> and nemo and all the others
<sicelo> missMyN900: pmOS has towboot working
<missMyN900> that is good news
<missMyN900> caleb[m]: I assume those 5G modems are also LTE compatible?
<caleb[m]> yeah I'm pretty sure
<sicelo> i dare pmOS would be even happier if all supported phones could run towboot
<sicelo> s/dare/dare say/
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<missMyN900> sicelo: how is it better than the current situation with uboot and pmbootstrap?
<caleb[m]> sicelo: that would be pretty nice, in the long term we'll likely end up chainloading tow-boot on sdm845 devices
<caleb[m]> the SHIFT6mq (sdm845 with no secureboot + active support from vendors) will hopefully end up with something a bit nicer, ie having tow-boot be more "permanent" rather than using hacks to trick the stock bootloader into thinking it's booting Linux
<sicelo> missMyN900: see :-)
<caleb[m]> it makes it actually feasible to do things liiiike let the user revert to a previous kernel, multi-boot, etc without having to do it via Android specific hacks
<uvos> something something kexecboot :P
<missMyN900> uvos: SFOS is a lot nicer than LineageOS, c'mon ;)
<missMyN900> and it is still closer to typical desktop Linux than Android
<uvos> its less foss
<missMyN900> even though it may have parts of the "new" desktop Linux that I don't personally like (systemd, Wayland)
<missMyN900> the UI is proprietary
<missMyN900> but I don't think that Jolla is using that the spy on me
<uvos> also some other stuff
<uvos> on device
<missMyN900> it is not comparable with Google's massive data collection operation
<missMyN900> and what they are using it for
<uvos> los dosent have any sutch tracking
<uvos> unless you install google services - which you just dont
<missMyN900> I would probably run SFOS on an Xperia if it was legally/officially available in the US
<missMyN900> but it is still Android
<missMyN900> do you also believe that running an imaginary proprietary desktop environment on Debian is worse than using LineageOS on a phone?
<uvos> yes
<uvos> idk what the fear is with android
<missMyN900> ok then...
<uvos> its fully foss
<uvos> theres nothing wrong with it really
<missMyN900> it is not really about fear in this case
<uvos> its just not linux
<missMyN900> but you are depending on Google ultimately
<uvos> not really
<missMyN900> and it is very far from typical desktop Linux
<missMyN900> no GNU stuff at all
<uvos> since again its fully foss if google dosent cooperate
<missMyN900> not even busybox by default
<uvos> it gets forked
<missMyN900> but who is funding the development?
<uvos> (and los people have forkt lots of stuff)
<missMyN900> and where does that money come from?
<uvos> where dose the mony come from for the linux kernel?
<uvos> same thing
<missMyN900> I guess you could make that argument about the Linux kernel itself to some extent
<missMyN900> at least that is diversified
<missMyN900> and it is not to the same degree
<uvos> all major componantes of desktop linux are massively funded by coperate interests
<missMyN900> yes, you do have Google and Facebook contributing
<missMyN900> hardware vendors are still better than Google and Facebook
<missMyN900> even Red Hat is still better than them
<missMyN900> and I am not a Red Hat fan at all to say the least
<uvos> the point is using foss software dosent make you a dependant of the person who wrote the sw
<uvos> thats the whole point of foss
<missMyN900> I guess but it still feels a bit strange to me
<missMyN900> to depend to such a large degree on one entity or person that is antagonistic towards you
<missMyN900> especially for something that needs constant (security) updates
<missMyN900> if it is some library or application that is "finished", that is one thing
<missMyN900> you can also replace it eventually
<missMyN900> I guess I need to continue with installing Mobian
<sicelo> my view: los is perfectly fine for average use. sfos has an edge though if one is used to regular desktop linux and wants something closer to it on their phone
<missMyN900> towboot has been installed
<missMyN900> uvos: xt1602 has even worse specs than the PP
<missMyN900> I think that SDM845 devices would still be better then
<uvos> well its gpu is mutch faster
<missMyN900> if you are going to go with Qualcomm-based devices anyway
<missMyN900> I guess
<missMyN900> but 1/3 of the RAM
<uvos> and its cpu can idle
<missMyN900> 1/4 of the eMMC
<uvos> 1/3?
<uvos> pp has 3g no
<missMyN900> mine does ;)
<uvos> xt1602 has 2
<missMyN900> 1 according to GSMArena
<uvos> there are different versions
<uvos> thats xt1601
<uvos> xt1602 has 2x the flash
<missMyN900> I have a 3 GB/32 GB Beta Edition
<uvos> and 2x the ram
<missMyN900> last version of the original PP
<uvos> of the one you linked
<missMyN900> hmm that is better then
<missMyN900> 2 GB RAM is acceptable
<missMyN900> but how likely is that idle to actually ever work with mainline?
<uvos> no idea really
<uvos> the kernel is quite active
<uvos> so maybe some day but i dont active follow it
<sicelo> missMyN900: btw N900 *has* idled before with ML. just bitrot because only one person has worked on it so far, and they're stretched thin
<uvos> well not with all drivers loaded
<missMyN900> that is good, I was never discussing the N900 though?? ;)
<uvos> if you load nothing
<uvos> it sill idles
<uvos> but you dont have any devices then
<uvos> anyhwo the plus points of xt1602 are: its cheep as chips (30 euro street price), volte, well supported by mainline, sill removable battery.
<missMyN900> I doubt that VoLTE works in America though
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<missMyN900> because I have heard of even G7 not being supported
<missMyN900> I don't know if that is with all networks
<missMyN900> or just one
<missMyN900> the whitelists are really nasty
<uvos> well idk what insane us carriers are doing
<missMyN900> I am glad T-Mobile does not have one
<uvos> in eu it has volte
<missMyN900> AT&T has a whitelist
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<missMyN900> they won't allow any device that is not on it
<missMyN900> does not matter what it can do
<missMyN900> theoretically it could 6G already
<uvos> that must really fuck with tourists then
<missMyN900> they do not care at all
<missMyN900> they are actually kicking existing customers off
<missMyN900> I don't know what kind of business strategy that is but whatever
<missMyN900> well, you already need to pay attention that your phone even supports American LTE bands
<missMyN900> I don't know if those bands are also used in Latin America
<uvos> sure but thats easy
<missMyN900> or only in US/Canada
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<missMyN900> some low-end Android phones apparently do not
<missMyN900> they will only work well in Europe and Asia
<missMyN900> I have been doing some limited research lately
<missMyN900> I discovered that some countries are using completely different bands
<missMyN900> some Europe/Australia oriented modems are completely useless in the US
<missMyN900> so basically we are back to the bad old days
<missMyN900> when you had dual band GSM phones
<missMyN900> that were not suitable for worldwide use
<uvos> yes us has allways had silly incompatabil cell networks
<missMyN900> you need to pay more to get the LTE equivalent of a "quad band" phone
<uvos> cdma anyone? :P
<missMyN900> Korea was also using CDMA though
<missMyN900> and some other countries
<uvos> sure, was quite rare really
<missMyN900> it is similar to ATSC
<missMyN900> and DVB-T
<missMyN900> of course, with digital television there are even different standards in Asia
<missMyN900> Korea and Japan have their own, China probably too
<uvos> sure
<uvos> dosent make it less silly
<missMyN900> it made Qualcomm *a lot* money though
<missMyN900> and gave them a lot of power in the market
<missMyN900> why do you think that my North American BB Z10 has a Snapdragon when the international version had an OMAP4?
<missMyN900> "Because they have to pay ATT to have their phones whitelisted. Many phone manufacturers decided that they don't want to pay to have their older or unpopular models whitelisted. Many others simply didn't want to pay ATT for the whitelisting."
<missMyN900> you literally could not come up with something worse than this...
<missMyN900> be glad that this is not happening in Europe
<missMyN900> and fight hard to keep that from changing
<missMyN900> because this will totally kill any alternative phone project
<uvos> if they tried this in europe the eu would probubly nuke them from orbit with anti-trust
* sicelo should try LOS again on the d4
<missMyN900> "You cant. And the work around wont work permanently, because phones are not included or excluded only by the IMEI. At&t sweeps imei regularly. I was able to get VoLTE on 6t, but a few weeks later it was kicked out."
<missMyN900> they are actually actively policing what phone their customers are using
<missMyN900> if this mentality spreads, then all alternative phone (OS) projects can start converting themselves to (WiFi) tablet projects...
<missMyN900> 6T is of course the OnePlus 6T
<missMyN900> so these are not old or obscure devices even
<missMyN900> 6T is by the way also a relatively well supported pmOS phone
<missMyN900> I think it maybe an SDM845 device actually
<missMyN900> *may be
<sicelo> yes it is
<sicelo> both 6 and 6T have really good mainline support
<missMyN900> at least we have Verizon and T-Mobile in the US, for now...
<missMyN900> norayr: by the way, have you tried GNU Jami? I have heard of it but never used it
<sicelo> don't those also lock phones?
<missMyN900> it is not about locked/unlocked
<missMyN900> sicelo: you can have a fully VoLTE compatible, unlocked phone and they (AT&T) won't allow it on their network because they haven't been bribed by the manufacturer for that specific model
<missMyN900> AFAIK, it is possible to unlock your phone anyway, idk
<missMyN900> I have never had locked phones, except for my Z10 (and Galaxy Nexus that I gave away) but I don't have a SIM in those anyway
<missMyN900> actually I do not know if the Z10 is locked
<missMyN900> I know it is Canadian, ex-Rogers (GSM)
<missMyN900> it could maybe on T-Mobile US
<missMyN900> don't think it does VoLTE though
<missMyN900> sicelo: like the 6T example, that person could have bought it directly from OnePlus (unlocked) for all I know
<missMyN900> still they do not allow it
<missMyN900> locked phones are really a lesser evil compared with this
<missMyN900> like locked (but unlockable) bootloaders
<missMyN900> one of those things that we used to complain/cry about in the past
<missMyN900> but they have been surpassed by far greater evils since
<sicelo> ah, still got los on my droid 4 after all. just needed to change slots :p
<missMyN900> :)
<missMyN900> but why run Lineage on it?
<missMyN900> aren't there much better devices for that?
<missMyN900> seems like a waste of a D4 also
<sicelo> what else can i run on it?
<missMyN900> ML
<missMyN900> pmOS maybe
<missMyN900> it should be able to run sxmo+pmOS well
<uvos> note that los on a safestrap slot is quite a bit slower than installing it natively to the main system partition
<uvos> (on d4)
<sicelo> i do
<missMyN900> oh wait is sxmo wayland?
<uvos> wayland works fine on d4
<missMyN900> hmm that wouldn't work well on PowerVR...
<uvos> well mostly
<uvos> PowerVR has perfecly complinant drm drivers
<sicelo> uvos: meaning install over the stock android?
<missMyN900> actually, is it not time to beg Imagination to release the source code?
<uvos> sicelo: yes
<missMyN900> Do you guys know they are open sourcing their Rogue (6000 series) driver?
<uvos> yes and they went to the effort of reimplmenting the driver
<sicelo> i thought overwriting stock was risking a bricked phone. did things change?
<uvos> instead of releasing it
<uvos> sicelo: that was never the case
<missMyN900> so those Mediatek (and Allwinner) devices will be freed
<sicelo> missMyN900: i have run phosh on the N900
<missMyN900> it is great news
<sicelo> i mean, droid 4
<missMyN900> hell has official frozen over
<uvos> so they went to the effort of reimplementing the rogue driver
<uvos> so they clearly cant release the current one
<missMyN900> I would never have imagined that even Nvidia and Imagination would go down this path
<missMyN900> uvos: yes
<uvos> the nviida "open source" driver
<missMyN900> it is something
<uvos> is less open source then the powervr driver
<uvos> the "closed source" one
<uvos> and less compliant
<missMyN900> AMD still has a proprietary driver component
<uvos> only fw
<missMyN900> amdgpupro it is called
<missMyN900> no
<missMyN900> not just fw
<uvos> no one uses that
<missMyN900> it is for certain standards
<uvos> its wors perf and worse compliance
<uvos> its only exists for cad certs
<missMyN900> hmm
<uvos> amd has service contracts with cad vendors
<uvos> that require the maintiaince of the gl pipeline
<uvos> this forces the existance of amdgpu-pro
<uvos> even amd dosent really want it
<missMyN900> still, ATI used to be horrible
<missMyN900> people forget that
<missMyN900> so Nvidia can change too, theoretically at least
<missMyN900> and now we have Imagination as an example too :)
<uvos> ati was apathetic nvidia is hostlie
<missMyN900> libv (Luc Verhaegen) would beg to differ
<uvos> (even when ati was maintaing the close source driver they did release specs/ datasheets for foss devs)
<uvos> sure
<uvos> not this radionhd shit again
<missMyN900> you disagree?
<missMyN900> I was reading some of his stuff yesterday
<uvos> lets not go there
<missMyN900> because I did not know anything about that history
<missMyN900> anyway, according to him ARM was also actually really hostile
<missMyN900> don't know if that is true
<missMyN900> I guess I need to read some different points of view as well
<missMyN900> but yeah it is not a big priority for me honestly
<missMyN900> there is enough in the present, after all
<missMyN900> this TowBoot stuff is really confusing
<missMyN900> apparently there are three different ways to install Mobian with it
<missMyN900> and for one option the wiki says "Pinephone Pro"
<missMyN900> so now I don't know if it is just outdated or if that option actually only works on the PPP
<missMyN900> I guess I will have to try...
<missMyN900> I should charge extra for this service of installing all this stuff...
<sicelo> maybe don't do it :-)
<missMyN900> what?
<sicelo> what if the buyer wants to run ML? or Manjaro
<missMyN900> from what I have heard, Mobian runs the best currently
<missMyN900> so I think that most people will want that
<missMyN900> personally I have a dislike of GNOME/phosh
<missMyN900> but for the people who want a Linux phone that works as well as possible
<missMyN900> which is probably the majority
<missMyN900> the number of people who want to run ML is very small honestly
<missMyN900> ML needs better advertising
<missMyN900> but yeah, as long as the PP is not a priority for ML, it is maybe better to keep it this way
<missMyN900> rather than getting a negative reputation
<sicelo> unfortunate
<missMyN900> it is for sure
<missMyN900> but it is just one of many distros listed on the Pine64 wiki
<sicelo> i only learned about these priorities today too
<missMyN900> only reason I tried it is because I know what "Maemo" is :)
<missMyN900> because I am an ex-N900 user
<missMyN900> for the newer "generations" it is different
<missMyN900> first time Linux phone users
<missMyN900> or maybe people who have only used Jolla or Ubuntu Touch
<sicelo> plamo and phosh for those
<missMyN900> or run SFOS on Xperia
<missMyN900> maybe I will still buy a DB eventually to replace my Z10 as music player, if there is a good deal
<missMyN900> for now, I would rather save the time and money
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<missMyN900> I already have so many devices
<missMyN900> it is working
<missMyN900> PP eMMC shows up as /dev/sdd
<missMyN900> now I am just going with the old dd method and not this newfangled bmap stuff, whatever that is
<missMyN900> because otherwise I will have to download the bmap image first...
<unege[m]> <sicelo> "unege: http://repository.maemo...." <- Thanks! This helped out, did a apt-get u-boot- tools and flasher and now I am om Leste as a dual boot! Will try to summarize on either of the wiki pages.
<missMyN900> unege[m]: did you already have an N900?
<sicelo> unege[m]: yay!
<unege[m]> No bought it yesterday
<missMyN900> congrats
<missMyN900> is it in good condition?
<unege[m]> Worth it already
<missMyN900> also, I read of some people using an external charger and never using the microUSB port
<unege[m]> missMyN900: Subliminsl
<missMyN900> wait I need to download the normal mobian image...
<missMyN900> sigh
<sicelo> i'm sure they could easily help you in the mobian chat. i don't have pp, otherwise i'd try
<missMyN900> I do not like that towboot does not even provide a checksum either
<unege[m]> missMyN900: Yeah lets see, i might check if i can solder on a usb c
<sicelo> all i know is PP is working very well for many people with mobian and pmos. and we also know it's working very well with ML for rafael here, as it did for parazyd at least
<missMyN900> but I mean, I can't be the only person with horrible battery life?
<missMyN900> Wizzup was complaining about it as well, actually
<sicelo> i know :-)
<unege[m]> missMyN900: So many pieces of normie software don’t, and asking for it somehow does not make sense to most. Plain lame.
<missMyN900> I used to never bother with it until I became more educated
<sicelo> i don't have pp, nor do i think i'll ever have one. and yes, it doesn't do idle like the droid 4. but the suspend works for myriads of other people. sounds good enough to me
<missMyN900> it is also the hardware issues that have scared me frankly
<missMyN900> it is one thing with a device like my $20 Z10
<missMyN900> or a $40 DB
<missMyN900> but $200 is still a decent amount of money
<missMyN900> it is not just one thing
<missMyN900> it is a lot of little things stacked on top of each other if that makes sense
<missMyN900> that led me to decide to sell it
<missMyN900> I just think I can get something less risky and a lot more usable for that money
<missMyN900> that is all
<sicelo> np
<unege[m]> Guys where do I post any feeback?
<missMyN900> I just reported it here :)
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<sicelo> wiki, or talk.maemo.org
<missMyN900> I did file one issue on the ML github
<missMyN900> but yeah of course for Maemo 5 it is different
<unege[m]> Nah ML
<missMyN900> TMO ML section seems kind of dead to me
<unege[m]> Tmo?
<missMyN900> talk.maemo.org
<sicelo> unege[m]: what kind of feedback btw?
<unege[m]> Minor usability stuff
<missMyN900> it is acronym that us "old timers" use
<unege[m]> Lol
<missMyN900> *an
<missMyN900> even though I am not old and was far from the first to get an N900
<missMyN900> only got mine in 2012
<sicelo> unege[m]: elaborate a bit
<unege[m]> unege[m]: And possibly some more
<missMyN900> I would say do I like I did
<missMyN900> post it here first
<missMyN900> then if someone ask if you can file an issue do so on GH
<missMyN900> *asks
<missMyN900> unege[m]: even back then N900 was already showing its limits
<missMyN900> actually I only bought it as a stop gap until the Jolla became available
<missMyN900> since I was following them from the very beginning
<missMyN900> but I ended up using it longer than expected ;)
<missMyN900> not that I ended up minding that
<missMyN900> I actually look back to it more fondly than I do towards my Jolla
<missMyN900> even though the Jolla was not at all a bad device overall
<unege[m]> missMyN900: It shows
<missMyN900> but yeah back then with things like web browsing it was already showing its limits
<missMyN900> not comparable to the current situation of course
<missMyN900> I was mostly using Opera Mini or Mobile
<missMyN900> that worked pretty great except for the outdated standards support
<missMyN900> I would have a ton of tabs open
<missMyN900> back then I also did not have mobile data
<missMyN900> so I would use an Opera feature to save tabs for offline reading
<missMyN900> I also used MicroB, the Hildon browser, sometimes but not nearly as much
<missMyN900> Fennec was pretty useless IIRC
<missMyN900> it was already really outdated
<missMyN900> and also slow/too bloated for the N900 IIRC
<sicelo> i got mine in 2011, and i'm still using it today (for calendar, alarms, and music playback). modem has died, otherwise i'd still be using it as a phone too.
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<missMyN900> I would still be using mine today probably if I had not sold it thinking that it was slowing down my WiFi network...
<missMyN900> then, I would never have bought the Galaxy Nexus and Z10
<sicelo> :-D
<missMyN900> I would have used it for music at least
<missMyN900> it is almost painful to think of it
<missMyN900> I would have come up with lots of cool uses for it
<missMyN900> and it would have saved a lot of time
<missMyN900> compared to having to buy the Galaxy Nexus and Z10, flash them, set them up etc
<missMyN900> I could have done awesome things like run NetBSD in QEMU
<missMyN900> I think ARMv7 already had virtualization extensions
<sicelo> recently i have less free time, but i really want to spend some of it hacking away on the N900's bluetooth, power mgmt, etc.
<missMyN900> I have discovered my Apple AirPods (yes, I do cringe typing that) work really well with my Z10
<missMyN900> despite the Z10 being much older ;)
<missMyN900> Galaxy Nexus did not support the minimum Bluetooth version
<sicelo> aren't airpods just bt headset?
<missMyN900> basically, yes
<missMyN900> although they do have some nice features that only work with iOS devices
<missMyN900> but overall it works really well with BB10
<missMyN900> I resisted Bluetooth headphones/earbuds for a long time
<missMyN900> still do not like them
<missMyN900> but it is still *really* convenient sometimes
<missMyN900> I can use them when I could never use my big headphones
<missMyN900> especially those with a heavy coiled cord...
<missMyN900> sicelo: but yeah if they weren't just BT earbuds there is no way they would have worked with the Z10
<missMyN900> since BlackBerry had no way of knowing that they would be invented/released when they were designing the Z10
<missMyN900> or when BB10 10.3.1 was released