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Wizzup: uvos: someone shall create .osso-abook user directory, but I am not sure who
also with contents?
no, just the directory
I guess it is osso-addressbook that creates it
(the executable)
but I wonder if I can implement directory creation in the library
probably better as postinst or something
I suppose library can do it
it would just feel a bit weird perhaps
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postinst is not an option
this needs to be in $user $home
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Wizzup: btw, modest with abook support is in the repo, please upgrade and share impressions :)
you need to create .osso-abook user by hand, otherwise you won;t be able to "add contact" from modest
ups, a crash :)
should I copy it from n900?
which one? .osso-abook?
freemangordon: it says I have no contacts :)
well, do you have?
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no :)
well... :)
please upgrae, I just fixed a nasty bug
doing so
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Wizzup: and...?
freemangordon: sweet :)
I added some contacts from modest
we need the real UI, but it is actually usable as it is
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freemangordon: going to toy some more with it now
how much firmware does the droid4 need to function? I was trying to help assess someone the amount of fw, I could mostly think of wifi/bt and the 3d stuff
going to try to sync contacts
freemangordon: is this still a valid path for contacts? file:///home/user/.osso-abook/db
hmm, this has never been afaik
hm, ok
I am trying to find out how people sync contacts via syncevo
no idea
never used
but, I guess you can export from n900 in vcf
and import through evolution
maybe ask on #maemo
I think it used to work
could be
never used it
for sure I got syncing from my n900 to my thunderbird working
What is the question exactly regarding syncevolution? I do use it on my Fremantle N900, to sync with my Android phone over radicale (and DavX on the Android phone)l
do you sync contacts?
Yes, sync contacts and calendar, that's what I use it for