yeah, M$ shit at its best - you can attach .docx to github issue, but not a .patch file
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freemangordon: so is abook now in a state now where a sphone module is an option?
depends on what sphone needs
what is still missing is "MyContact" stuff
it really just needs OssoABookContactChooser
to let the suer select a contact to call
it should be ready then, more or less
I need some time to finish modest/tinymail and then I'll do a release for abook
ok that would be a start
we also need a "contact editing" window,application
atho id like to do that standalone
unrelated to sphone
there is one
half of it is REed
you can use evolution for contact editing, until adressbook is ready
i use gnome-contacts
it also allows you place calls
with sphone
you are not familiar with abook interface, right?
(and sphone currently opens gnome-contacts)
gnome-contacts is EDS based, right?
it is fine then
no, I mean - from abook POV
obv sphone will keep gnome-contacts support
ill create another module
at the end of the day, you get EContact from abook as well
its more compliacted than that
well there are manny paths to invoke sphone, some go though eds some though various xdg mechs, and sphone dosent use eds internally just some optional modules use it
so there are varyous ways things are/neet to be translated
anyhow it should not be a big problem
its just more complicated than just getting a eds contact
seems overcomplicated to me, EDS/vcf is de facto standard, but ok
could you post a release of abook to devel
so that the latest code is there
sure, as I said:
(16,21,33) freemangordon: I need some time to finish modest/tinymail and then I'll do a release for abook
I can help build it
"some time" == 1-2 hours
honeycomb arrived somehow
I told them I wanted to cancel since they had zero ETA of when it would come, they said they would
and now it arrived, a week later
Wizzup: I was about to ask for help for tinymail/modest releases
tinymail is pushed to master, I would appreciate if you prepare it for build (changelog/tag)
you shouldn;t have :D
this will break modest
well, it's -devel
I can stop it if you want
anyway, I am about to push fixes for modest
no, please don't
all good :)
It will take time for it to be build
when I get home I will set up the honeycomb
(week or so from now)(
then we should have much faster builds
Wizzup: modest if pushed as well
please release for -devel once tinymail is ready
hmm, or maybe not
lemme push abook dependency
it will be cool when we use syncevo to sync contacts over from n900 to new device :)
Wizzup: abook is ready for releasing :)
please do, if you can
*can* like *have time* :)
and then modest
* freemangordon
feels excited
I have time, will do once tinymail is done
also: me too!
freemangordon: abook before modest?
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tinymail is ready
Wizzup: ^^^
doing osso-abook now
I think we shall change the versioning someday
Wizzup: umm, something is wrong in debian/changelog
Merlijn Wajer <merlijn@wizzup.org> Thu, 02 Dec 2021 17:29:26 +0100
I will fix it
unless you forgot to push
I have this change here
yeah I forgot
also, yo uneed to force-push the tag
did you push?
as I pushed a fix
pul --rebase shall be fine
too late :)
what's missing?
I can interrupt these at any time
not sure, push here was rejected
no, don't
everything is ok
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I wonder why my compiler is not telling me about those warnings :(
oh, it does, when I do dpkg-buildpackage
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freemangordon: I will be back later tonight
I will build abook when I fix it
ok :)
actually I am done
that was quick :D
uninitialized vars mostly
Wizzup: seems abook is fixed, please do modest when you have time
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