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<mighty17[m]> buZz the thing is mer was based on different sources and halium can't use those
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<inetdragon> Wizzup, regarding the fixed wifi issue on N900, where will be the kernel fix? In which repository?
<sicelo> beowulf-devel, I believe
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<buZz> whats halium?
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<mighty17[m]> but that's offtopic here :P
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<buZz> mighty17[m]: i dont really understand the charm of keeping android running
<mighty17[m]> Got bored of mainline so tried this, tbh no reason :P
<buZz> :)
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<buZz> bored of native performance , lets add more layers!
<buZz> lol
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<mighty17[m]> ahaha
<mighty17[m]> halium is very slow tbh
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<Wizzup> lol
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<Wizzup> pulseaudio-modules-nemo will be in repos momentarily
<Wizzup> (of course, useful without proper config, but we're getting there)
<Wizzup> s/useful/useless/
<Wizzup> ah, of course, armhf needs more work...
<Wizzup> hum
<Wizzup> so is this binary-only or what?
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<lel> MerlijnWajer opened an issue: (pulseaudio-modules-nemo includes binary .a file for neon optimised code)
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<Wizzup> uvos: for bionic reflashing, did you create a script like tmlind's for the bionc?
<bencoh> Wizzup: neon-optimized code is usually ASM anyway
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<bencoh> (unless you're happy with intrinsics SIMD, but heh ... circa 2010 those were buggy as hell afaiu)
<Wizzup> bencoh: sure, I suppose, but it's not ideal
<Wizzup> (also it breaks the build, but that's probably fixable without too muhc work),label=armhf/6/console
<bencoh> Wizzup: the .a just ships a neon-optimized binary version of the .c
<bencoh> we could probably disass it and dump into a .S file
<Wizzup> bencoh: so it's a compiled version of the .c file, with some gcc flag that enables neon?
<Wizzup> I mean, yes, I got that
<Wizzup> I just don't know if it's all assembly or not
<Wizzup> and if the assembly is ommented at all
<bencoh> I wouldn't be surprised if they edited the resulting assembly
<bencoh> because as I said, ~2010 intrinsics were buggy
<bencoh> so I doubt nokia used it
<bencoh> hmm actually maybe they just compiled it in some hacky way
<bencoh> because the C code has SIMD stuff
<bencoh> maybe they struggled with armcc and decided to include the result in git
<Wizzup> yeah, I am wondering if we should just use the C files
<Wizzup> pls add the above (from irc) to the ticket if you don't mind, btw
<bencoh> looks like I'll have to click that 'forgot password' link on github again :D
<Wizzup> :-)
<bencoh> hmpf, looks like the 'insert code' thing in github isn't great ...
<bencoh> either that, or I missed something
<bencoh> it messes the formatting
<Wizzup> use ```
<Wizzup> ```
<Wizzup> foo
<Wizzup> ```
<Wizzup> it's a bit like <pre> :-)
<bencoh> Ohwell, I used >
<bencoh> but thanks
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<Wizzup> tmlind: do you know what the difference is between cdt.bin_patch and cdt.bin ? (looking at the dorid 4 flashing script)
<Wizzup> don't particularly care about the real/exact difference btw, just wondering if I need to worry about the d3 not having a cdt.bin_patch
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<inky> what is the default lock code?
<inky> i am trying to enable device lock and it asks for current code. there is no code now
<inky> the leste image is the latest
<inky> had to change sdcard.
<inky> (found out that my drone has no card inside, when i was near the mountain lake, so i sacrificed droids sdcard, now flashed anew.
<inky> )
<Wizzup> inky: iirc 123456, but I think the wiki mentions it
<tmlind> Wizzup: not sure but i think cdt.bin_patch might have some more relaxed permissions to update partition table or something like that
<inky> thanks! didn't think of wiki, sorry.
<Wizzup> tmlind: ok, check
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<uvos> Wizzup: no i dident @ bionic
<uvos> im also not a fan of using tmlinds script as a general flash tool
<uvos> this has you updateing mbm mbmloader and cdt etc every time
<uvos> which is needlesly dangerous
<uvos> if your just reinstalling android
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<Wizzup> uvos: hmm ok
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<uvos> mbm is totaly chill with booting older boot.imgs
<Wizzup> uvos: well the net mostly just seems to recommend weird windows tools that I don't really want to install
<uvos> so just update it and -loader and cdt, modem once
<uvos> etc
<Wizzup> (or can, really, no windows here)
<uvos> if your just reinstalling android just flash boot system preinstall and wipe cache and data
<uvos> leave out the rest of the script
<Wizzup> aha
<Wizzup> well, I will do that next time
<Wizzup> (it's running atm)
<Wizzup> btw, n900 kernel and wifi fixes are in -stable
<uvos> great
<Wizzup> ok, looks like the flashing worked, lets retry the root and safestrap then
<Wizzup> android fs layout is so confusing to me always
<Wizzup> I ended up using the browser to download safestrap from my website because I could not find a suitable place to adb push to
<uvos> sdcard
<uvos> /sdcard
<Wizzup> there is no sd card in this phone yet
<uvos> dosent matter
<Wizzup> hm
<Wizzup> and then the file manager can access it?
<uvos> for legacy reasons the fat32 partition of the emmc is mounted at /sdcard
<uvos> or rather /emstorage/0 or something and linked to /sdcard
<uvos> yeah ofc
<uvos> @ file manager
<Wizzup> "touch the android to begin" (touches it... nothing happens)
<uvos> safestrap app?
<Wizzup> nah, just new install
<Wizzup> it also auto switched to cdma since it didn't find a sim card
<uvos> oh the wizzard
<uvos> yeah you need a sim
<Wizzup> just to continue?
<uvos> verizon are idiots
<Wizzup> (np if I need one, I do have them)
<uvos> if thats a possibilty
<Wizzup> ok
<uvos> on bonic you just need a sim
<Wizzup> shutting down my d4 ;)
<Wizzup> so technically, with the right dts, I could re-use my bionic rootfs, right?
<uvos> pvr immidatly is ambitious
<uvos> but jeah
<Wizzup> heh ok
<Wizzup> lol, rebooted, but still can't get past the android that wants me to touch it
<uvos> the touchscreen worked before right?
<Wizzup> oh the ts works still
<uvos> ok
<uvos> hm
<uvos> thats wierd
<uvos> maybe try the four coners thing
<uvos> but afaik that wos introduced by moto at the same time as android 4.1
<uvos> *was
<Wizzup> loading a youtube video that shows how to bypass it, but internet is slow atm :(
<uvos> right so pess the top left corner
<uvos> then top right etc clockwise
<uvos> do a couple of rotations
<uvos> this dosent work on bionic android 4.0
<uvos> but dose on 4.1
<Wizzup> this is 2.3.x
<uvos> i know
<uvos> try it but i suspect this isent implmentet yet
<Wizzup> well, if my internet was responding at all, I'd be able to figure this out ;-)
<uvos> Wizzup: so acording to yt
<uvos> the top-left top-tight bottom-right bottom-left thing
<uvos> is what works here
<uvos> the corners being the corners of the black field with the android figure
<uvos> not the screen
<uvos> the bottom "corners" are in the black field below the line
<uvos> below the text
<Wizzup> let me reboot my machine, maybe that will help somehow
<Wizzup> brb
<Wizzup> rehi
<Wizzup> I managed to that trick
<Wizzup> also internet is fine now
<Wizzup> weird stuff
<Wizzup> (it's some weird out of tree modem driver)
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<uvos> you could use a d4 and motomodem ko
<uvos> in the mode where cpcap passes the modem directly to the usb port :P
<Wizzup> yeah, but it's not LTE :-)
<Wizzup> I need it (kinda) for my work meetings
<Wizzup> otherwise I could just use d4 in ap mode
<Wizzup> uvos: hm, doesn't seem like /sdcard is a good place: adb: error: failed to copy 'Droid3Safestrap-3.05.apk' to '/sdcard/Droid3Safestrap-3.05.apk': remote Permission denied
<uvos> hmm wierd
<Wizzup> I did root it, and from adb shell I can type: /system/xbin/su
<uvos> try /emstroage/0
<Wizzup> and then I am root
<uvos> or something like that
<Wizzup> /emstroage/0: No such file or directory
<Wizzup> # ls /emstroage/0
<uvos> look with adb shell
<uvos> Yeah name is aproximate
<uvos> emtstorage maybe
<uvos> something like that
<uvos> so d3 has no built in media sorgage
<uvos> storage
<uvos> interesting
<uvos> well tough luck then
<Wizzup> the root script just does this: $adb push Superuser.apk /system/app/Superuser.apk
<Wizzup> could try to do that with safestrap
<uvos> yes
<uvos> that should work
<uvos> ikd if safestrap will be ok with being a system app tho
<uvos> (this makes it run in a sighly different envirnment)
<Wizzup> well let me try something else then
<Wizzup> doh
<Wizzup> there's mass storage
<uvos> o right that was dropped with andoird 5 or soemthing
<Wizzup> ok, safestrap launched this time
<Wizzup> I guess I need to find the guides I was reading now
<Wizzup> ok, safestrap showed and I'm in the safestrap recovery menu
<Wizzup> so now I need to assemble something with aboot and have the bionic sd card ready?
<uvos> if safestrap works
<uvos> you need to create a slot
<uvos> and then use mkbootimg (part of android-tools) to make a bootimg with the kernel and dts you need
<Wizzup> ok, so for the dts I need to take the latest bionic one but change the ram
<uvos> yes
<uvos> so the stock kernel gets passed 512mb starting at 0x8000000
<uvos> but you might want to back off a couple of mb if mbm wants to shadow itself there like it dose on d4
<uvos> *in case
<Wizzup> couple of mb = ?
<uvos> 2
<Wizzup> my android-tools has only adb and fastboot
<Wizzup> no mkbootimg
<uvos> let me check
<uvos> on arch its its own package
<Wizzup> what is the package called?
<uvos> mkbootimg
<Wizzup> not in gentoo, sigh
<Wizzup> nothing ever works in computers :-D
<buZz> lol
<buZz> sue the CEO
<buZz> Wizzup: its in 'android-tools' it seems
<Wizzup> let's see what insane build system will required now
<Wizzup> oh, bazel
<Wizzup> of course
<uvos> suddenly he wishes it was at least cmake instead :P
<uvos> sure
<Wizzup> and compiled
<uvos> to be fair i think safestrap was a bit wierd
<uvos> compeard to a real andorid bootloader
<uvos> with regards to
<uvos> *img
<uvos> but i dont remember what it was
<uvos> its been so long since i used it...
<uvos> tmlind: do you remember ^^^
<Wizzup> I can also try to do the kexec thing later, assuming I can find the right compiler(s)
<Wizzup> I assume actually it's the same compilers you used for bionic, or very similar
<uvos> you can just lift the modules from the safestrap apk
<uvos> they are in there
<uvos> and its just a zip
<Wizzup> ok
<uvos> the d3 kernel is older than the bionic one
<Wizzup> ok, I think I will continue later tonight or tomorrow
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<Wizzup> uvos: hm mapphone-common has memory in there atm
<Wizzup> uvos: that might need to be moved to individual dts?
<Wizzup> uvos: btw you wrote 0x8000000, did you mean 0x80000000
<Wizzup> uvos: so this:
<Wizzup> - reg = <0x80000000 0x3fd00000>; /* 1021 MB */
<Wizzup> + reg = <0x80000000 0x1fd00000>; /* 509 MB */
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<uvos> Wizzup: yes
<uvos> Wizzup: and yes
<uvos> you might want to build the kernel by running make localmodconfig and changing every =m to =y
<uvos> thats how the bionic bootloader kernel is built
<uvos> and allows you to see whats going on if, for instance, the kernel fails to find the rootfs becuase the d3's sdcard slot is connected to a different mmc port or whatever
<uvos> make localmodconfig run on some other mapphone ofc
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<Wizzup> ok
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