maybe they struggled with armcc and decided to include the result in git
yeah, I am wondering if we should just use the C files
pls add the above (from irc) to the ticket if you don't mind, btw
looks like I'll have to click that 'forgot password' link on github again :D
hmpf, looks like the 'insert code' thing in github isn't great ...
either that, or I missed something
it messes the formatting
use ```
it's a bit like <pre> :-)
Ohwell, I used >
but thanks
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tmlind: do you know what the difference is between cdt.bin_patch and cdt.bin ? (looking at the dorid 4 flashing script)
don't particularly care about the real/exact difference btw, just wondering if I need to worry about the d3 not having a cdt.bin_patch
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what is the default lock code?
i am trying to enable device lock and it asks for current code. there is no code now
the leste image is the latest
had to change sdcard.
(found out that my drone has no card inside, when i was near the mountain lake, so i sacrificed droids sdcard, now flashed anew.
inky: iirc 123456, but I think the wiki mentions it
Wizzup: not sure but i think cdt.bin_patch might have some more relaxed permissions to update partition table or something like that
thanks! didn't think of wiki, sorry.
tmlind: ok, check
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Wizzup: no i dident @ bionic
im also not a fan of using tmlinds script as a general flash tool
this has you updateing mbm mbmloader and cdt etc every time
which is needlesly dangerous
if your just reinstalling android
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uvos: hmm ok
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mbm is totaly chill with booting older boot.imgs
uvos: well the net mostly just seems to recommend weird windows tools that I don't really want to install
so just update it and -loader and cdt, modem once
(or can, really, no windows here)
if your just reinstalling android just flash boot system preinstall and wipe cache and data
leave out the rest of the script
well, I will do that next time
(it's running atm)
btw, n900 kernel and wifi fixes are in -stable
ok, looks like the flashing worked, lets retry the root and safestrap then
android fs layout is so confusing to me always
I ended up using the browser to download safestrap from my website because I could not find a suitable place to adb push to
there is no sd card in this phone yet
dosent matter
and then the file manager can access it?
for legacy reasons the fat32 partition of the emmc is mounted at /sdcard
or rather /emstorage/0 or something and linked to /sdcard
yeah ofc
@ file manager
"touch the android to begin" (touches it... nothing happens)
safestrap app?
nah, just new install
it also auto switched to cdma since it didn't find a sim card
oh the wizzard
yeah you need a sim
just to continue?
verizon are idiots
(np if I need one, I do have them)
if thats a possibilty
on bonic you just need a sim
shutting down my d4 ;)
so technically, with the right dts, I could re-use my bionic rootfs, right?
pvr immidatly is ambitious
but jeah
heh ok
lol, rebooted, but still can't get past the android that wants me to touch it
the touchscreen worked before right?
oh the ts works still
thats wierd
maybe try the four coners thing
but afaik that wos introduced by moto at the same time as android 4.1
loading a youtube video that shows how to bypass it, but internet is slow atm :(
right so pess the top left corner
then top right etc clockwise
do a couple of rotations
this dosent work on bionic android 4.0
but dose on 4.1
this is 2.3.x
i know
try it but i suspect this isent implmentet yet
well, if my internet was responding at all, I'd be able to figure this out ;-)
Wizzup: so acording to yt
the top-left top-tight bottom-right bottom-left thing
is what works here
the corners being the corners of the black field with the android figure
not the screen
the bottom "corners" are in the black field below the line
below the text
let me reboot my machine, maybe that will help somehow
I managed to that trick
also internet is fine now
weird stuff
(it's some weird out of tree modem driver)
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you could use a d4 and motomodem ko
in the mode where cpcap passes the modem directly to the usb port :P
yeah, but it's not LTE :-)
I need it (kinda) for my work meetings
otherwise I could just use d4 in ap mode
uvos: hm, doesn't seem like /sdcard is a good place: adb: error: failed to copy 'Droid3Safestrap-3.05.apk' to '/sdcard/Droid3Safestrap-3.05.apk': remote Permission denied
hmm wierd
I did root it, and from adb shell I can type: /system/xbin/su
you might want to build the kernel by running make localmodconfig and changing every =m to =y
thats how the bionic bootloader kernel is built
and allows you to see whats going on if, for instance, the kernel fails to find the rootfs becuase the d3's sdcard slot is connected to a different mmc port or whatever
make localmodconfig run on some other mapphone ofc