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<stano_> our Xorg has no drm, right?
<stano_> [23592.937652] PVR_K:(Error): PVRMMapRemoveRegisteredArea: psOffsetStruct 0x1469965d for memory area 0x0x6fdec8bd is still mapped; psOffsetStruct->ui32Mapped 1 [1754, rivers/gpu/drm/pvrsgx/1.9.2253347/services4/srvkm/env/linux/mmap.c]
<mighty17[m]> Yeah this is error in 5.11 iirc
<stano_> i see you noticed something similar
<stano_> well mighty17[m] did you see i had it ppsspp working for a brief time?
<stano_> :))
<stano_> performance was okay! amazingly
<stano_> so we can have all the important RPG emulators: Genesis, SNES, PSX and PSP
<stano_> at least performance-wise
<mighty17[m]> wait rly? like how does it run with gpu?
<mighty17[m]> stano_: idk but doesnt seem to be working for me :(
<mighty17[m]> also amazing getting ppsspp!!
<stano_> it's a big project. the cmake-generated makefile itself is 450kB
<stano_> the binary with debug symbols is 183MB
<stano_> you should be able to wget any 0x0 link mighty17[m]
<mighty17[m]> omg 183 mb :0
<mighty17[m]> stano_: i am on mobile data now, limited GBs
<stano_> ok it is 4.7MB maybe more than you want to spend
<stano_> i still have the binary that worked, but it doesn't work now. it would be best to learn why.
<mighty17[m]> Oooh nice dude
<mighty17[m]> The perf seems also pretty great
<stano_> not for action stuff but for rpg's fine
<stano_> i was a bit surprised though
<mighty17[m]> It's a binary, debugging that, have fun :P
<stano_> well i compiled it
<mighty17[m]> Didnt expect it to run? :P
<stano_> it didn't for a couple months, then i got it to run
<mighty17[m]> Need to check how much diff 1.17 ddk makes
<stano_> would be nice if some graphics guru would be with us
<mighty17[m]> well even getting it run on such ancient devices is an achievement xD
<stano_> cat /sys/devices/platform/omapdrm.0/driver/module/initstate returns 'live'
<mighty17[m]> yeah drm works
<mighty17[m]> atleast for my device it does
<stano_> what can i do that tests it
<mighty17[m]> as in? also what device?
<stano_> well there's mpv -vo drm
<mighty17[m]> pretty sure if gpu works u have working drm ig
<mighty17[m]> hardware accl wont work for omap coz it has different ducati subsystem
<stano_> drm as an xorg extension doesn't require openGL at least
<stano_> do you have a working mpv media player you can try -vo drm with?
<mighty17[m]> not now, we can just apt get vlc or smth
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<mighty17[m]> there is also openmediaplayer
<stano_> mhm ppssppsdl generates about 1000 lines of errors in /var/log/messages
<stano_> that stuff you posted earlier with Jul 18 08:21:06 ml1 kernel: [29898.947723] PVR_K:(Error): PVRMMapRemoveRegisteredArea: psOffsetStruct 0x24887c7e for memory area 0x0xb820ff45 is still mapped; psOffsetStruct->ui32Mapped 1 [1754, rivers/gpu/drm/pvrsgx/1.9.2253347/services4/srvkm/env/linux/mmap.c
<mighty17[m]> yeah that error is kinda known, we still dont know why it happens in 5.11 and not 5.10 kernel
<mighty17[m]> git bisect needs to be done for that
<stano_> maybe that's why i had running ppssppsdl earlier! thanks
<stano_> thank you that might BE it
<stano_> i will celebrate this with some food. bbl.
<mighty17[m]> haha enjoy!
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<uvos> drm is not a x extenstion
<uvos> your thinking of dri
<uvos> -vo drm dosent help you unless you want to view video on ddk1.17 in console
<stano_> ok
<tmlind> Wizzup: on pvr blobs, i agree with uvos we should just fix up things to use ddk 1.17 as then the same setup should work for n900 and droid4 with mainline kernel
<mighty17[m]> How about trying 1.17 with different ui/de?
<uvos> sure
<uvos> anything wayland should work on it
<uvos> but thats off topic here..
<mighty17[m]> Yeah, makes sense we would want Hildon working :D
<uvos> Wizzup: parazyd: ntp seams broken again.
<mighty17[m]> uvos: on the topic of videos, do videos run well ie without the hw accl we have
<uvos> Wizzup: looks like latest devel wifi works fine on xt875 and xt894
<uvos> mighty17[m]: ?
<uvos> mighty17[m]: thats not a awnserable question, in pure software some low res/ lightly compressed videos will work
<uvos> every thing is a lot faster on wayland ddk1.17 incl gl video presentation
<uvos> sw video presentation is the same ofc
<stano_> x265 960x540 works great with -tune fastdecode
<stano_> just great. up to ~1500kbps sustained, 2500kbps peak at 24fps
<Wizzup> tmlind: ok @ kernel
<Wizzup> uvos: good
<mighty17[m]> Ohk thanks uvos!
<mighty17[m]> Tbh I tried pmos with ddk1.17 and phosh and them maemo with 1.9 Hildon, well feels like maemo is faster
<mighty17[m]> For benchmarks I can't run glmark on pmos as it crashes the GPU :(
<uvos> mighty17[m]: pmos pvr (mesa + ddk1.17) setup underperformes compeard to pure pvr
<uvos> but not by that mutch
<uvos> also yes glmark crashes on this setup
<uvos> no idea about phosh never tried it
<Wizzup> uvos: ok, rooted the device with motofail
<uvos> the root method included in clownboot liekly works too btw
<Wizzup> $ adb shell
<Wizzup> root@cdma_solana:/# id
<Wizzup> uid=0(root) gid=0(root)
<uvos> what android and kernel version is this?
<uvos> 2.3.4 and 2.6.41?
<Wizzup> root@cdma_solana:/# uname -a
<Wizzup> Linux localhost #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Aug 12 22:19:20 CDT 2011 armv7l GNU/Linux
<Wizzup> 2.3.4 android
<Wizzup> I think it's just stock, per most websites
<uvos> it never got upgraded afaik
<uvos> (smooth move motorola btw one device gets 4.1 and another with the same hw never gets upgraded)
<Wizzup> see section "Stock ROM"
<uvos> ok looks like your set
<uvos> as thats the kernel with the los kexec modules
<mighty17[m]> uvos: for pmos i think the issue is musl?
<tmlind> at least glmark2-es2-wayland behaves just fine for me with plain alpine, on v5.13 kernel
<mighty17[m]> hm thats weird
<tmlind> that's with the patches from jonathan bakker for wlroots and scripts to install the pvr blobs
<mighty17[m]> indeed, even i used his patches
<stano_> it seems glmark2's suite of tests isn't a bad match to the omap4's gpu
<stano_> in terms of general amount of geometry it spins around
<mighty17[m]> it gave around 70+ish score with maemo which actually beats mali 400 :P
<stano_> nice
<stano_> first spinny horse gets me 24fps under hildon on droid4
<stano_> 46fps under plan x
<stano_> plain
<stano_> ./glmark2-es2 --fullscreen gives diagonal lines, like it's not getting proper screen dimensions or stride
<uvos> its 100% cpu limited on x due to cpu shuffeling the frame around
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<uvos> it gets 176 fps on plain drm on ddk1.17
<uvos> tmlind: its broken on pain drm, on wayland it works
<Wizzup> "The application safestrap has stopped unexpectedly" :/
<stano_> well this isn't openpandora so fps is less important than rendering apps properly
<stano_> but games tweaked for droid4/leste would enjoy optinally bypassing that x stuff uvos
<mighty17[m]> it gets 176 fps on plain drm on ddk1.17 > whaat!! thats like more than double of what i managed once in pmos
<mighty17[m]> pmos = 1.17ddk*
<stano_> what hardware mighty17[m]
<mighty17[m]> omap4430
<uvos> mighty17[m]: your display is higher resolution no?
<stano_> things slow down a lot on hdmi at higher resolution
<uvos> also pmso uses jonathan bakker mesa
<uvos> this underperforms
<uvos> Wizzup: hmm :(
<mighty17[m]> uvos: its 1024x600
<Wizzup> uvos: maybe I need a different one
<uvos> maybe
<uvos> i gues you could also install safestrap by hand
<uvos> not fun tho
<uvos> any misatke and your reflashing everything in fastboot and starting from scratch
<uvos> same thing with clownboot, if it dosent work your flashing motorola android and starting from unrooted android
<uvos> i had to do that soooo many times for bionic
<Wizzup> let's first see if I got the right one
<Wizzup> many links are dead
<mighty17[m]> also pmso uses jonathan bakker mesa > is that slower? iirc he took the chromium mesa
<mighty17[m]> i can try using different mesa (ie one maemo uses?)
<uvos> "[11:28] <uvos> this underperforms"
<uvos> can you at least read the next line under the one you just mentioned
<uvos> no ofense
<mighty17[m]> 😅 erm sorrry
<Wizzup> as in they're not dead
<uvos> follow this for full performance pvr
<uvos> Wizzup: ok
<uvos> Wizzup: ich drücke die daumen, ttyl
<uvos> *dir
<Wizzup> ttyl
<Wizzup> safestrap 2 also is unhappy
<Wizzup> that's too bad
<Wizzup> this seems helpful
<mighty17[m]> follow this for full performance pvr > ohk thanks a lot!
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<Wizzup> uvos: so I think I got most of the roms downloaded from the net (see above link), saved it all, and I guess I'll reflash later and root it again
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<tmlind> uvos: nice summary for issue 524, maybe also the link to jonathan's pending patch for wlroots-0.12 patch?
* tmlind goes back to patching cabin roof
* Wizzup is having trouble setting rpath for libs
<Wizzup> sigh
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phanes is now known as brabo
<stano_> i see quick flashing of charging light now (2x/sec) i didn't used to
<stano_> now it stopped :)
<stano_> modrana wont letme select 'home' position - it goes somewhere in eastern europe
<stano_> another case of a programmer not doing the freaking obvious of starting the application in last state when closed
<stano_> Psion's OS was good at that
<stano_> Epoc
<stano_> "Thanks for a great app, but I have to second nas's question: is it possible to set the default coordinates to somewhere besides Brno?
<stano_> I fully support using your hometown as default city in your own software, but I still hope that it is not hardcoded onto C++ source :)
<stano_> I checked modRana's config files, and I didn't find anywhere a default value, so if it can't use the last saved GPS, or even the last position modRana had before closing it, I could set it manualy at my city, and be able to see traffic at the moment I run it, and not have to wait GPS signal or to go to point my street.
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<buZz> i so wish modrana had offline maps
<buZz> and vector maps
<stano_> mhm
<stano_> nice finger-gui though, laudable easy to read and tap
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<Wizzup> buZz: I think it does, doesn't it?
<Wizzup> (offline maps)
<buZz> yeah but with a weird method of preloading tiles
<buZz> which seems to have some issues with caching failed downloads :D
<sixwheeledbeast> only if you already have the tiles and the offline monav stuffs
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<stano_> what's your favorite movie that not many people know about?
<stano_> oops wrong chan
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<mighty17[m]> Can I ask about powervr downstream here?
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<buZz> mighty17[m]: you may ask anything ;)
<buZz> ^ @stano_ , Tekkonkinkreet
<buZz> :D
<mighty17[m]> Soo well I'm trying to run test_hwcomposer and seems like some powervr file is missing, and it being blobs I have no clue what file is it
<buZz> you could run it through strace to see which file
<buZz> oh you did :P
<buZz> whole lotta /vendor/lib ?
<mighty17[m]> And logcat snippet
<buZz> libhydris? lol
<buZz> yeah no clue about android
<buZz> i dont think maemo leste has a /vendor/lib
<mighty17[m]> Yeah android, maemo works awesome! :D
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<buZz> :)
<buZz> mighty17[m]: not sure who is the biggest powervr expert in here
<mighty17[m]> Well downstream is rly a mess
<uvos> Wizzup: so did you get safestrap to work?
<buZz> mighty17[m]: yeah powervr in general seems to be :)
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<mighty17[m]> buZz lolyes xD idk who to ask so i asked here
<buZz> whats your target device?
<mighty17[m]> Well it's Samsung Galaxy Tab 2
<buZz> is that a exynos?
<buZz> oh, a omap?
<buZz> 4430, sweet
<buZz> mighty17[m]: if i had to guess, libhydris doesnt release the powervr for any use by your tools
<mighty17[m]> Should work tbh, as mer does work and libhybris/mer are close
<buZz> right, but is mer using powervr over libhydris?
<buZz> hybris*
<mighty17[m]> Yes indeed
<buZz> couldnt you poke around in that fs for powervr files?
<mighty17[m]> In libhybris?
<buZz> in the mer setup
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<Wizzup> uvos: no, I think I will flash android stock, root it, etc
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