Danct12: eventually we'll also make it work through the application manager
ui-fonts seams like a not so great name for that package
hildon-ui-fonts or leste-ui-fonts or something would be better
"ui-fonts" is way to generic an prone to a namespace clash
jesster1234: hi :)
* buZz
was promoting maemo leste a bit in ##freenode today
* jesster1234
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Wizzup: on the VM, I updated _only_ ke-recv via apt and it went fine.
With apt update && apt install ke-recv
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i proubly tires to use some serivce that has not finished starting up yet and crashes du to insufficant error checking
this can happen with mce and gconf btw
mce will just segfault if gconf is not available because of insufficant error checking
(this is fixed in my branch)
so it would only happen if you upgrade some other deamon at the same time....
Quite possible, yeah
The thing with the reboot is that dsme tries to spawn it 10 times and then quits
Maybe there should be some interval between retries
Right now I think it's just without any waiting
like the 10 one being 30 sec later
Yeah like incremental
dsme should just try and respawn and and then give up and notify the user really
the reboot behavior is more detrimental than benefical
as seen offten by us allready...
I agree, and it's kinda risky
right it breaks apt
For now it just renders unconfigured apt
But it could be worse
It is a "clean" reboot, so files should sync, but still...
And no-lg-reboots doesn't help here btw.
there are several reboot reasons yeah
lg file just stops one
not the hartbeat one either
anyhow btw i have ke-recv half implemented in mce, since they both do mostly the same stuff (abstract some kernel interfaces, they even do the same ones partially) i can just finish that and then we can drop ke-recv
btw regarding ke-recv it dose these things: 1. sense for keyboard slide state 2. usb state and 3. memory state
1. mce allready dose too 2. i need to finish implmenting 3. ke-recv code dosent work on mainline kernels and in sfos they implmented this interface as a mce module we can mostly just cp
There's a bit more, but yeah
AFAIK it also does OTG and camera
And there was some FAT implementation, but I think that isn't necessary anymore.
right btw im talking about the kec-recv binary not the repo, that contains a bunch of other tools
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so maemo being permanately landscape
seems like the perfect distro for the pinephone keyboard when that comes out
jesster1234: leste can do portrait
or even portait only if you ajust /usr/share/hildon/transtiton.ini
its just the n900 thats perma landscape
(because of bugs in its pvr driver)
also the keyboard loks like `onboard` is that just a coincince?
freemangordon: you can answer that we can do full board conversion after u-boot reduce size of usb dm code and also after reduce size of all dts components as it currently is too big and cannot be enabled for n900
freemangordon: also you can write that because full board conversion is not simple task and reviewing/merging simple patches for n900 took more than year, it means that full board conversion would not be merged into u-boot sooner than in the end of year 2022
it is simple reality
that discussion does not make sense
either they want to remove n900 board code and do everything for it
I'll ask
or want to move forward, and the easiest way is by simple steps
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like that your patch
small patch = less review = sonner merge
thats is why I really like your patch!
it is elegant solution for this issue, how to migrate code to USB DM without need to rewrite everything
based on fact how much time took reviewing and merging last n900 patches, I'm very sceptical that full board migration patches would be merged sooner that in 12 months
plus, this work is non-trivial and I guess developing and testing would take lot of time too
so 1.5 year horizont is really real
... but the main question is, why to do full board conversion at all?
this is not required, and there is no plan to remove boards without dts
so why it should be requirement for n900? and why now?
also... I do not think that your patch is hack, it is designed in the same way like other uboot drivers with those #ifdefs
Pali: I can't do much more, if my last mail don't convince them... well,I guess I'll vent a bit, but not sure it will help
freemangordon: thanks for this!
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