uvos: ^ now you just need the right debian/rules override to enable/disable
uvos: oh lol that stderr stuff should go 1s
commit is fine
want me to commit that patch then?
I tested both --enable-libprofile and --disable-libprofile
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Wizzup: won;t have time today, most probably
freemangordon: yeah, all fine, I just wanted to answer the questions I didn't have an answer to
basically in the Advanced settings, there is a Providers tab, and you can select a provider there.
no worry, as soon as somebody knows how it works, its all fine :)
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yeah, I think that's what we agreed upon back then
yeah, I just forgot.
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tmlind: could we throttle the cpcap battery low interupt?
tmlind: i have a problem where the d4 gets notably slower and also consumes a lot of power when close to empty due to the interupt fireing many times every second
due to it triggering on noise
from a functional perspective i dont see why we should not just disable the interupt for 5 sec every time i fires but the battery voltage is to high to nessecsitate a shutdown
uvos: heh ok sure using some timer there makes sense
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i am rebuilding photolightmeter, updated it.
the build is in progress on phoenix.
just first thing i did before that, was i clicked 'play' on photolightmeter-repos, and that thing failed.
then i clicked 'play' on photolightmeter-source, that worked.
and now it is in progress, i clicked photolightmeter-binaries.
ok, looks like amd64 version already built.
You just need to start the -source job
Everything else is a pipeline
btw i don't remember where was it taking version from.
indeed, yes, i did not click -binaries, i clicked -source
so does it take version from changelog?
The version comes from debian/changelog, and the repo has to have a corresponding git tag
i think i did not use git tags. let me see if that is a problem.
well i did git log to see if i used, before pushing
Yeah you need to add a 1.3.1 tag
and whether git log doesn't show that, or i didn't use tags. but now you said i think i was using tags
ok thank you!
Or whatever version you're building
You also have to merge master branch into maemo/beowulf branch and push it