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<stanu> 162MB used on maemo-leste right now, 12 terminals open. Wish my other systems were so frugal.
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<stanu> is the hdmi1 using some plain framebuffer driver? seems pokey
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<freemangordon> Wizzup: We shall ask jusa for "module restore" as well (why it is needed and shall we bring it in leste as well)
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<freemangordon> :)
<parazyd> <3
<parazyd> freemangordon: If you also look at compiling osso-addressbook, you'll see some missing functions from osso-abook
<parazyd> This is where I stopped further work
<freemangordon> parazyd: no need to look, I know they are missing
<freemangordon> but thish should not stop you, I am nin it
<freemangordon> *on it
<parazyd> I made TODOs in actions.c
<parazyd> ok
<freemangordon> soon or later they will appear
<parazyd> Thanks
<freemangordon> we need to do our meeting though
<parazyd> Yes
<freemangordon> maybe tomorrow evening?
<parazyd> I'm available
<parazyd> oh wait, that's thursday
<parazyd> I'm busy between 7:30 pm to 10pm
<parazyd> CEST
<freemangordon> hmm, maybe on Saturday then
<parazyd> That should be doable
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<bencoh> ץ*!
<bencoh> woops
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<stanu> calendar also has some white background text entry fields now
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: great @ commits
<freemangordon> more comming :)
<freemangordon> *coming
<Wizzup> :D
<bencoh> :)
<Wizzup> btw, it looks like spiriion is not here (mer ngfd and mce guy?), he was here before, maybe we should ask him if he wants to join again
<Wizzup> he might have more direct contact with some mer folks too, wrt audio or telepathty
<Wizzup> telepathy*
<bencoh> sounds like a good idea
<lel> bencoh opened an issue: ([REQ] wifi-switcher)
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: re: module restore, let's see if he answers first
<bencoh> wtf
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<Wizzup> worth noting these protections do not exist in the us at all
<Wizzup> and we'll see if it actually passes and also the legal challenges brought forward already
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<lel> parazyd created a repository:
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<parazyd> bencoh: Nice, seems it worked :)
<bencoh> :)
<lel> bencoh closed an issue: ([REQ] wifi-switcher)
<Wizzup> there is ##leste-ci but it can be spammyu
<Wizzup> spammy*
<stanu_> doom3 on droid4 :P
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<buZz> stanr: at what fps?
<stanr> bout 0.5 in opening scene
<buZz> lol
<stanr> that's not at all the appropriate port
<stanr> there's an iphone one, one for 3DO etc
<buZz> doom3 for 3DO?
<stanr> it was just neet to see it render without errors
<stanr> yes
<uvos> no
<buZz> O_o
<uvos> no way
<jkepler> Hello, I'm trying to install maemo-leste on my N900. I've got a working freemantle install, so I'm following the instruction on the wiki ( However, after step 1. Install "U-Boot with kernel 2.6.28-omap1", the application installer says, "!!!U-Boot with kernel 2.6.28-omap1 breaks the 3rd party package policy."
<buZz> 3DO is what, 1991?
<uvos> the 3do can bearly do 3d
<uvos> there was a (bad doom port for the 3do)
<buZz> jkepler: yes thats correct, we break nokia's 3rd party policy :)
<Wizzup> jkepler: how are you installing it?
<jkepler> In details, it says its missing "kernel modules (=2.6.28-20103103+0m5)
<uvos> the d4 should be capaable of doom 3
<uvos> maybe try on android for referance
<uvos> the pvr setup on leste underperforms drasticly
<buZz> stanr: thats doom1
<jkepler> So, how do I tell my N900 to ignore Nokia obviously now outdated policy?
<stanr> oh right
<uvos> even doom 1 on the 3do is an achivement
<buZz> they couldnt even render doom through doom's engine :P
<stanr> :)
<buZz> had to rewrite big parts, from what i see
<uvos> yeah well the 3do has no cpu you have to use the support chips
<uvos> anyhow off topic
<uvos> lets not get into this here
<stanr> uvos do you know any scummvm GUI theme with double-sized fonts?
<stanr> we could surely one for maemo-leste scummvm
<uvos> no
<bencoh> jkepler: what if you install power-kernel first?
<buZz> wait, doesnt scummvm have 'double pixels' by itself already?
<stanr> not gui
<bencoh> (I don't quite remember in which order that should be done, but iirc I never had any real issue installing uboot)
<buZz> pixel-doubling, only for games?
<buZz> sad
<jkepler> Thanks bencoh, I'm gonna read through and hopefully start things moving forward.
<uvos> jkepler: what are you trying to achive?
<Wizzup> uvos: install u-boot on fremantle so that he can boot leste on sd card I would guess
<jkepler> uvos, I'm trying to follow to install leste alongside my existing freemantle, but got an error that step 1. violates 3rd party policies.
<uvos> so extract the kernel and append the on pc?
<uvos> instead of installing via fremantle? (im no expert on this subject)
<uvos> *append the kernel on pc
<sixwheeledbeast> What version of fremantle do you have at the moment?
<Wizzup> uvos: I think we want our instructions to encompass instructions for users to install it on fremantle
<Wizzup> also while keeping fremantle intact
<Wizzup> so we might need to expand the instructions to install power kernel first, if that is what is required
<uvos> Wizzup: sure but if it dosent work atm the route that goes by just taking the freemantle zimage and appening that to uboot on pc works fine
<uvos> i did that recently
<uvos> if appended kernel_2.6.28-20103103 is fine with you i can give you the image
<uvos> @jkepler
<sixwheeledbeast> installing from a base system of stable/testing/thumb and then kp/non-kp I expect to have different results.
<sixwheeledbeast> I suppose wiki expects cssu testing?
<Wizzup> uvos: well if one doesn't care to keep fremantle working it becomes a different story sure
<uvos> Wizzup: ?? i did keep freemantle working
<uvos> you can just append the kernel from the kernel .deb for fremantle, if you choose the right .deb everything will work fine
<uvos> once you flash the resulting uboot image via 0xffff
<jkepler> How do I find out which version of cssu I'm running?
<uvos> uname -a would be sufficant for your purposes
<uvos> (to find out what kernel to append)
<Wizzup> uvos: ok, it just sounds more involved and risky than fixing our wiki instructions is what I mean
<jkepler> So Wizzup, if I understand correctly, 0. install the power-kernel from the freemantle application manager, then follow steps 1 - 3 to install maemo leste alongside my cssu, yes?
<Wizzup> I think so, there is a dedicated u-boot thread on the forum somewhere, I've also had this trouble in the past but I do not remember what it was exactly
<Wizzup> I think you need to install the power kernel and then pick the right u-boot entry from HAM (if you see multiple)
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<sicelo> uvos: the 3d underperfomance is a Leste issue or powervr+mainline?
<sicelo> jkepler: CSSU version is stated in Settings > About Community SSU
<sicelo> as for your issue, install the modules it is asking for - should be safe to do it from `apt-get install` in XTerminal
<jkepler> ah, I didn't realize that I could overrule the app manager with the terminal - I use apt all the time on my Debian stable installation.
<sicelo> you can, and most of the time it's safe. However, of course you want to read all warnings and act accordingly
<sicelo> do check your CSSU version for sure, especially to know if you have thumb, for which you'll need to be just a bit more careful with setting up your u-boot scripts if you intend to use them
<uvos> sicelo: ddk1.14 + wayland performs better maybe not quite android par
<bencoh> sicelo: iirc thumb is unusable with srtock kernel
<uvos> sicelo: its mostly ddk1.9 + xorg that underperforms vastly
<uvos> sicelo: for some really wierd reason ddk1.14 plain drm also underperforms vs wayland
<uvos> no idea why
<uvos> *ddk1.17
<bencoh> has anyone tried suspend on droid4 with powervr?
<uvos> dident work last time i tryed but not sure if its pvrs fault
<bencoh> (I know it worked decently without, at least back 1~2y ago)
<sicelo> bencoh: yeah, hence the need to know before one sets up automatic boot. the boot script must specify the thumb kernel in that case
<bencoh> uvos: oh :(
<Wizzup> I think I did suspend and it went ok, but X segfaulted on wakeup
<Wizzup> iirc
<bencoh> shit
<bencoh> back then I used to do it all the time with X open, and it didn't crash
<sicelo> wayland on ddk1.17 works quite alright indeed - phosh runs well enough ... not perfectly
<bencoh> Wizzup: I think someone already tried disabling it but I'm unsure ... I wonder if disabling the hdmi regulator (currently always-on) would help with power
<Wizzup> bencoh: no 3d in use and no powervr specific ddx perhaps
<Wizzup> bencoh: good point, not sure about the hdmi regulator
<mighty17[m]> <sicelo "wayland on ddk1.17 works quite a"> Does it crash a lot on d4?
<mighty17[m]> Plus patch wlroots
<bencoh> Wizzup: for my working suspend test? yeah, that was an old custom ddx, with no 3d/powervr
<Wizzup> bencoh: that's probably it tbh
<bencoh> (suspend just happened to work iirc, I didn't do anything for that)
<bencoh> I'm starting to think it might be the only way to achieve better battery life on droid4 :(
<uvos> bencoh: hmm not sure why you would want to suspend a mapphone
<uvos> bencoh: since battery life is pretty good idle allreadt
<uvos> y
<bencoh> (we currently get at most two days idling with everything disabled)
<bencoh> uvos: err .... n900/fremantle idles at ~10mW with modem on
<uvos> sure so dose android
<uvos> it dosent suspend
<uvos> and uses like 15mW
<bencoh> android on droid4 idles at 15mW?!
<uvos> just improve kernel support :)
<Wizzup> bencoh: I think OFF mode would be key here
<uvos> yeah
<bencoh> oh and, android uses suspend
<Wizzup> uvos: is that with modem on?
<uvos> (with no modem to be fair)
<uvos> bencoh: no
<uvos> bencoh: not on d4
<uvos> it dose not suspend
<uvos> ever
<uvos> it uses off mode
<bencoh> hmm
<uvos> Wizzup: with modem its more
<bencoh> (I didn't get great battery life on lineage/droid4 either btw, so I'm a bit puzzled anyway)
<uvos> linageos has many wakeups
<bencoh> Wizzup: I thought droid4 already hits OFF mode?
<uvos> no
<uvos> it hits RET
<bencoh> ah
<bencoh> I see
<uvos> omap4 lacks support for off in mainline kernel
<bencoh> alright then
<sicelo> mmm
<bencoh> hmm, was that the part where kernel complains about a missing something in firmware to enter OFF mode?
<sicelo> omap3 has support for what? OFF? RET? or both?
<uvos> both
<uvos> bencoh: all the drivers need support to reload the registers after off
<uvos> bencoh: there might be other stuff missing to
<uvos> bencoh: tmlind likely knows more details
<stanr> d4 is tolerant of any extended battery you wire up, even in android
<buZz> bencoh: is twodays idle 'not great battery life' ?
<uvos> buZz: well no
<uvos> buZz: compeard to motorola stock android that really bad
<buZz> ah ok, i didnt try that
<bencoh> uvos: that wouldn't be the most difficult part, considering I had pm_suspend working (without pvr)
<bencoh> buZz: it drops pretty quickly to less than a day overall once you start using it a bit
<sicelo> mighty17[m]: it did crash, but i think yours is more crash happy - i could use phosh reasonably ok on the droid4.
<buZz> bencoh: yeah i know
<buZz> imho thats still pretty ok
<buZz> but well, longer would be very welcome obv :)
<bencoh> that's more than enough for a dev phone and playong around yeah :)
<bencoh> it's great already, but ... still :)
<uvos> the real problem is that it uses way to much power while using the device (imo)
<uvos> this is related to pvr
<bencoh> (tbf 8Mm amazed at the progress that was done there)
<uvos> the cpu ends up doing a lot of rendering work and has to copy the frame around
<uvos> so while scrollin in android the cpu remains idle on leste its hammerd 100%
<uvos> also android is way more agressvie with gateing sgx while the display is on
<uvos> it will gate sgx between frames
<mighty17[m]> <sicelo "mighty17: it did crash, but i th"> i mean many apps dont work :P
<sicelo> or i'm more patient ;-)
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<mighty17[m]> oh damn i have been replying sorry irc
<mighty17[m]> i mean many apps dont work :P > well idk whom to blame pmos or sgx
<stanr> spexking of sgx, what are you seeing with glmark2-es
<stanr> ./glmark2-es2 --fullscreen
<bencoh> uvos: is redrawing rate capped, or does it get as high as possible?
<stanr> though for visible results you need to dsmetool -k hildon and run it without
<uvos> its capped to 60 but it dosent matter it never acchives this with a gles2 client
<bencoh> hildon compositing counts as gles client?
<uvos> no - sorta
<bencoh> (I have scrolling in mind)
<uvos> hildon gets a special path
<uvos> the xclients that are not the compositor get hammerd
<mighty17[m]> ./glmark2-es2 --fullscreen oh rightt i forgot about this
<uvos> because the dri2 buffer flip path is broken
<uvos> (it causes high cpu use - very likely the cpu i copying the frame)
<uvos> *is
<stanr> well we get strange results with a lot of fullscreen gles2
<stanr> like it's getting the wrong resolution
<stanr> but it's faster than windowed/composited
<mighty17[m]> gimme a sec, i hv diff powervr device
<stanr> i get glmark2 score 34 on hdmi
<stanr> most tests top out at 42-43 fps though which is odddly consistent
<jkepler> Duh! Just realized that this N900 (I have two) is the one I *didn't* upgrade to CSSU. Gotta do that first, then power-kernel, then U-Boot with kernel 2.6.28-omap1, so I can use Freemantle CSSU and Maemo Leste. Thanks for the help!
<uvos> jkepler: you can just use my image then thats with stock freemantle kernel
<uvos> or apppend yourself
<uvos> no need for cssu
<Wizzup> jkepler: great, maybe cssu should be mentioned as requirement on the wiki if not already
<uvos> (unless you want it ofc)
<buZz> i thought CSSU was already mentioned on it?
<jkepler> @buZz I though so too, but I remembered incorrectly, confusing this n900 with my other one. I recently moved and this one was in storage, so its been a while since I'd picked it up.
<buZz> :) glad you found the issue then
<buZz> cssu isnt mentioned on the wiki!
<buZz> jkepler: if you want, you could be making your first addition to maemo leste today!
<buZz> :D
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<buZz> lol
<buZz> i scared them off, didnt i
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<buZz> wb
<jkepler> So if I get maemo leste installed with CSSU that's something others haven't done? Or is it more that its not yet been documented?
<uvos> its been done
<uvos> its just poorly documented maybe
<buZz> i think whoever wrote the documentation didnt consider that n900 might -not- be using CSSU ;)
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<buZz> geebus
<uvos> buZz: maybe he just hates you
<uvos> :P
<buZz> understandable
<buZz> must have spoken to my gf
<uvos> :D
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<stanr> modifying a scummvm theme removes it from the themes list. i can't even.
<buZz> :D
<sicelo> CSSU is not a requirement. Even stock/vanilla can handle u-boot just fine
<jkepler> @buZz do you have some reasons you prefer running Freemantle without CSSU? I used CSSU on my other N900 for years, so I don't recall if plain freemantle has any advantages, particularly in 2021.
<sicelo> there's no good reason to
<sicelo> but, if you flash the standard image, you have non-CSSU, and if you're itching to play with u-boot right away ... there's a reason
<jkepler> I want to start using maemo leste to the extent that I can, as I really like the idea of the project. My main phone rune LineageOS (without any Google services), but I'd much prefer having a mainline GNU/linux kernel and standard tools on a command line with a pocket-sized physical keyboard.
<stanr> it very fun to have the same base OS on phone as rest of my devices
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<bencoh> Wizzup: I doubt CSSU is a hard requirement
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<stanr> 'i'll just quick make a large font SCUMMVM theme', he said...
<bencoh> haha
<bencoh> is there a way to disable HAM automatic repository update?
<sicelo> yes, at least there was in Fremantle
<sicelo> well not disable - more like, defer :
<bencoh> ah, this might be enough, thank
<bencoh> +s
<bencoh> we'll see if it works on leste
<Wizzup> should work
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<Wizzup> bencoh: I disabled wifi with the switcher but I am still able to connect to wifi it seems?
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<bencoh> Wizzup: hmm, what do ifconfig/wpa_cli say?
<bencoh> oh and, I just saw wpasupplicant and friends got an upgrade today when updating repos ... I hope it doesn't enable the interface now
<Wizzup> bencoh: it doesn't enable the interface
<bencoh> then if you were still able to connect, it means the applet didn't disable it (?)
<bencoh> are you able to reproduce it?
<bencoh> oh and, I might have an idea
<bencoh> apparently the script doesn't get a parameter from the applet, but instead toggles the interface based on its current status
<bencoh> so if the interface was disabled manually (not updating the applet status), then you tried disabling it from the applet ...
<bencoh> it will actually enable it (I think)
<uvos> bencoh: maybe try /dev/rfkill (isent in leste kernel you need to compile a kernel with support for this) then nothing can unblock the interface except your widget
<Wizzup> bencoh: I was connected to a wifi ap when I tried to disable it
<Wizzup> uvos: I don't think we necessarily want rfkill?
<uvos> Wizzup: why not?
<uvos> Wizzup: the widget is to disable wifi no?
<uvos> i thought
<bencoh> Wizzup: can you reproduce it?
<Wizzup> bencoh: I think maybe the iaps were cached
<Wizzup> that's why they showed up in the scan dialog
<Wizzup> I suppose I could flush more quickly
<Wizzup> probably should
<bencoh> Wizzup: did you really manage to connect though?
<uvos> the widget is just bringing down the wlan0 interface or?
<bencoh> uvos: ifconfig wlan0 down
<uvos> dose that even prevent scanning? or monitor mode for that matter?
<bencoh> I think it should, unless I missed something
<bencoh> at least I don't get any scanning result after ifconfig down from the connections dialog
<bencoh> uvos: is rfkill even supported by our driver(s)
<bencoh> ?
<Wizzup> bencoh: I think so, kinda weird
<Wizzup> uvos: it does prevent scanning
<uvos> bencoh: probubly
<uvos> bencoh: not that i tried
<uvos> Wizzup: why would that be wierd?
<Wizzup> uvos: because the interface is down and wpa_supplican cannot use it
<uvos> Wizzup: that dosent disable scannin per say
<Wizzup> uvos: try it
<uvos> wpa just dosent use down interfaces
<Wizzup> it doesn't work
<uvos> right but is that wpa
<uvos> or kernel interface
<uvos> im not so sure
<Wizzup> pretty sure it's kernel iface
<uvos> ok
<uvos> i dont see why you think rfkill is wierd
<bencoh> he was referring to the fact that he still connected, not to rfkill :)
<uvos> oh i missread
<uvos> nvm then
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<lel> MerlijnWajer closed an issue: (ScummVM segfaults on launch)
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