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<n900000> hi
<n900000> am I doing something wrong or is wifi broken on the latest n900 image?
<n900000> the select connection popup is empty
<stano> hi n900000
<stano> idk
<stano> does it need calibration?
<n900000> calibration?
<n900000> I'm dd'ing the 6/27 img right now, lets see if it works on that one
<stano> i don't know if n900 needs calibration. droid4 does
<n900000> yeah nothing about calibration on the n900 page
<n900000> I guess most people using leste moved on to the droid 4?
<stano> quite a few still use n900
<stano> did you flash uboot with 0xFFFF?
<stano> r install it with fremantle?
<stano> maybe you can point me to getting n900 going
<n900000> flashed with 0xFFFF
<n900000> my freemantle won't install uboot for some reason
<stano> how long do you wait before sliding the unit open?
<stano> the leste image on microsd has to be inserted *before* doing 0xFFFF?
<stano> here i just made a fun ring tone
<n900000> you have to boot with the keyboard open
<n900000> and yes put the sd card in first
<stano> k
<n900000> Ok wifi works on the 6/27 image
<n900000> I think the latest one is broken then
<n900000> no idea how to file that as a bug though
<n900000> ah I don't have a github account
<stano> have you been using leste on n900 for a while?
<stano> or are you new to it
<n900000> completely new
<n900000> I just got my n900 today lol
<n900000> I have a droid 4 on the way too
<stano> congrats! :)
<n900000> and waiting on that pinephone keyboard
<n900000> thanks
<stano> do you know if flashing the n900 can be done with it connected to a usb hub?
<n900000> I was planning to use PMOS on it but I wasn't happy with the performance
<n900000> I've been connecting it straight but it should probably work
<stano> pmos on n900 or droid4?
<n900000> n900
<stano> didn't know it was ported to n900 wow
<n900000> I'm gonna stick with leste for both most likely
<n900000> even mpd was stuttering on PMOS
<stano> would you perhaps test some emulators on n900
<n900000> games? sure
<stano> ok that helps motivate me
<n900000> back in the freemantle days I remember seeing people running snes and PS1 emulators on it
<n900000> when the phone was $800 lol
<stano> drpocketsnes is made for 16 bpp screens
<stano> pcsx is closer to ready
<n900000> nice
<n900000> There's a thread on the maemo forums with one of the leste devs running pcsxr on his droid 4
<stano> i wouldn't say he's a developer. tinkerer maybe.
<stano> developers actually write software
<n900000> I dont care lmao
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<sicelo> n900000: yes n900 wifi broken on leste, it seems
<sicelo> might be as simple as wpa_supplicant version, etc.
<n900000> it worked on the 2nd to latest image
<n900000> 6/27
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<n900000> is there a way to only have audio go through headphones?
<n900000> when I plug headphones in the audio plays on both the n900 speakers and the headphones
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<stano> that's certainly what should happen n900000
<n900000> is there a way to route it to just the headphones? I installed pulsemixer and none of the output settings change the default behavior
<stano> i seem to recall without the pulseaudio stuff, i could use alsamixer to turn up and down headphones vs speakers, on the droid 4
<stano> maybe nobody has gotten around to setting up pulseaudio correctly for n900 yet
<n900000> yup ended up doing it through alsamixer
<n900000> just muting the speaker function channel
<n900000> weird how the volume rocker doesn't adjust the volume too
<stano> considering it's a few guys making this stuff for a handful of non-paying customers, it works amazingly well :P
<n900000> I completely agree
<stano> pulseaudio is more or less the only way to handle dynamic audio routing for things like phone calls
<stano> if that's not on your requirements it can be disabled
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<stano> wow /sys/class/power_supply/battery/voltage_now is giving me 3229000 and no beeps or shutdown
<stano> this is with the EB41 on droid4. maybe firmware is still confused from experimental battery.
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<stano> darnit i missed the shutdown, now i have to recharge to full, then discharge to full, then recharge to full again to calibrate battery monitor
<Wizzup> morning
<stano> morning Wizzup
<Wizzup> I will look at the n900 wifi stuff today, I just need to set up my power supply and such
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<stano> what hardware are most leste-users running right now and what are you hoping them to be running it on in near future Wizzup ?
<Wizzup> We don't really do analytics
<Wizzup> I'd say the n900 and droid4 are common, pinephone also somewhat
<Wizzup> I think those are also a good first bet in the near future.
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<stano> looks like linux might be possible on Tegra X1 tablets
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<stano> anyone using leste on a tablet yet?
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<Wizzup> I had/have it working on the pinetab
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<stano> well the google pixel c would be another potential candidate, as it uses the 'X1' cpu which has linux support (same cpu as jetson nano) but i don't see anyone with a working display driver for that tablet screen
<stano> they can be had around 110 euro
<stano> deliver around 500 nits brightness with a very powerful gpu, which also has linux drivers
<bencoh> regarding pulseaudio / calls / automatic switching ... what kind of automagic does pulseaudio do anyway?
<Wizzup> I think pulseaudio can act on plug events for headphone and such
<Wizzup> it can also cork streams if certain types activate
<Wizzup> e.g. just having mumble running can break your browser audio
<Wizzup> (there's a lot of info on this online)
<bencoh> wait, what?
<bencoh> (the plug events is possible in-kernel with alsa, and doesn't sound impossible to replace in userspace)
<Wizzup> yep
<bencoh> Wizzup: ah, the class thing, yeah
<bencoh> I have to admit that is handy
<Wizzup> need to for a bit, bbl :)
<Wizzup> (sorry)
<bencoh> :)
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<mighty17[m]> hello, is there omap gptimer support in mainline, asking as gp timer creates a pwm signal for the backlight of my device
<tmlind> mighty17[m]: yes grep for ti,omap-dmtimer-pwm
<mighty17[m]> yeah just found out its called dmtimer and not gptimer
<mighty17[m]> tmlind: any ideas how i can get a correct value for the pwm?
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<tmlind> mighty17[m]: in the pwm timer case, the timer is just feeding the programmed clock rate to the connected device, maybe that's considered sufficient for a backlight
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<mighty17[m]> where do u get programmed clock rate
<uvos> check the rate on android?
<uvos> either by reading in the vendor kernel or by dumping the corrisponding registers
<Wizzup> I see this on n900:
<Wizzup> nl80211: Scan SSID
<Wizzup> nl80211: Scan extra IEs - hexdump(len=10): 7f 08 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 40
<Wizzup> nl80211: Scan trigger failed: ret=-22 (Invalid argument)
<Wizzup> wlan0: State: SCANNING -> DISCONNECTED
<mighty17[m]> 32kHz to ns doesnt seem to work
<Wizzup> the internet said it might be related to WNM being enabled in debian, but I am not sure if it was disabled previously or if it is only enabled now
<Wizzup> could it be this?
<uvos> why would that appear on n900 only tho
<uvos> it uses the same driver as d4 no?
<uvos> wl12x
<Wizzup> this suggests it might be the 'mac randomisation'
<Wizzup> (which NM does, but we also do that, don't we?)
<sicelo> No, n900 uses not wl12x
<Wizzup> wl1251_spi 16384 0
<Wizzup> wl1251 69632 1 wl1251_spi
<uvos> ahit wl1251
<uvos> *ah its
<uvos> i thought n900 has wl1271
<uvos> right totally different driver then
<uvos> carry on
<Wizzup> the above link seems likely
<Wizzup> to be the cause/fix
<Wizzup> parazyd: do you know the old version of wpa_supplicant, before we got the new one?
<parazyd> What about it?
<parazyd> It's upstream from Debian
<Wizzup> yes, and it looks like the bug might be either in the config they (now) use, but I need to know what versions we used and what they now have
<Wizzup> also I wonder if we can undo changing the mac addr of the n900
<Pali> in 2.6.28 kernel both wl1251 and wl1271 are handled by wl12xx kernel driver... later in kernel ňsupport for wl1251 was forked/moved into wl1251 driver and wl1271 and new chips stays in wl12xx driver
<Wizzup> parazyd: ok, where did we get the newer version from?
<Wizzup> ok, newer is 2.2.9
<parazyd> Newer is 2.9
<parazyd> I think unstable
<Wizzup> bullseye I think yeah
<Wizzup> well I don't know WTH to do
<parazyd> All is here so you could see git log
<Wizzup> I guess I can try to build custom kernel and see what changed
<Wizzup> but I wonder if 2.2.9 is built with WNM enabled whereas 2.2.7 had it disasbled
<Wizzup> disabled*
<uvos> any one know where wpa's bugtracker is
<uvos> seams not to have one
<Wizzup> no, looks like WNM is still disabled
<uvos> maybe one shoult dry wpa git first to see if its fixed, i find it hard to belive that you cant ask the kernel if WNM params should be added
<Wizzup> mac addr randomisation is the other potential reason
<Wizzup> uvos: this is CONFIG_WNM in wpa_supplicant, not in kernel
<parazyd> We currently have rules to make a persistent mac
<Wizzup> both 2.7 and 2.9 have it disabled it seems
<Wizzup> parazyd: yes, so we change it from the 'default' on, whatever it could be
<parazyd> The default is random
<uvos> Wizzup: yeah i know but having to do what suggests seems wrong
<uvos> the kernel should have some whay to tell you what the interface supports...
<Wizzup> parazyd: that's uncommon I would say amongst most wifi devices
<Wizzup> parazyd: where can I disable the randomisation / custom setting of mac addr?
<parazyd> That's how the n900 kernel driver worls
<Wizzup> yes, please tell me how I can disable the userspace call
<parazyd> Because IIRC the mac is saved in cal?
<parazyd> It's somewhere in /etc
<parazyd> Not at home rn, sorry
<Wizzup> looks like it's 00mac
<parazyd> Ah yes
<Wizzup> lol it sources a file that doesn't exist on my n900
<Wizzup> /etc/network/n900-staticmac
<Wizzup> how does that even work
<parazyd> It should be created after the first time
<Wizzup> well I've used this for 1+ year
<Wizzup> so that can't be the issue
<sicelo> Btw, when I was running sid on n900, I didn't have issues with wifi. Can't remember what version it was though
<parazyd> So first it creates a random mac
<parazyd> And then saves it
<parazyd> Subsequently it should load the created file
<Wizzup> yes, and the file does not exist
<Wizzup> so something is quite wrong
<Wizzup> I'll reboot and see if I can figure it out
<parazyd> It should run on pre-up iirc?
<parazyd> So no need for reboot
<uvos> well previoulsy the permanent setting was broken but wifi still worked see
<Wizzup> well, the interface went online just an hour ago when I did the update
<uvos> (permanent mac setting that is)
<Wizzup> uvos: yes, but it is possible that the new version broke there somehow
<uvos> sure
<Wizzup> this is so annoying
<Wizzup> wl1251 has no params, great
<uvos> this enableing the use of hidden wifi thing is really expensive eh?
<uvos> :P
<Wizzup> yup
<Wizzup> I'm mostly just annoyed not at the bug but that we shipped something that broke everyone's n900 wifi and there seems to be no simple fix
<sicelo> Just to be sure ... the recent images still have rfkill in kernel?
<parazyd> note-to-self: Provide also a generic runlevel without hildon for debugging
<Wizzup> sicelo: I did apt update
<Wizzup> didn't reboot
<Wizzup> restarted icd2 and wpa_spplicant
<Wizzup> and wifi broke
<Wizzup> so this is not related to kernel
<Wizzup> (changes)
<sicelo> Ok
<Wizzup> that's what google gave me at least
<Wizzup> well, I suppose all there's left to do is mail their ml
<Wizzup> so a kernel recompile/build is in order I suppose
* Wizzup bbl
<Wizzup> parazyd: we can just get the old wpa_supplicant pinned for n900 or something stupid?
<Wizzup> I'd then upgrade the icd plugin to work with it
<sicelo> What's the version right now?
<parazyd> uh
<parazyd> That's possible
<parazyd> But we can't do a downgrade
<Wizzup> so the only option left ahead of us/me/someone is to bisect wpa supplicant on the n900
<Wizzup> I think
<sicelo> Mmm, looks like bullseye has same version as sid according to that page. Worked (with linux 5.12)
<Wizzup> sicelo: how is wpa_supplicant started for you?
<sicelo> systemd
<sicelo> Mmm, no, connman
<parazyd> So what happens on the n900 generally?
<sicelo> Or both :-)
<Wizzup> sicelo: I mean in 'ps xua'
<parazyd> If you manually start wpasup
<Wizzup> parazyd: are you asking me?
<parazyd> Yes
<Wizzup> what happens is simple:
<Wizzup> > scan
<Wizzup> OK
<Wizzup> <3>CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-FAILED ret=-22
<Wizzup> 100% of the time
<Wizzup> -22 = EINVAL
<sicelo> One more thing to check ... did we perhaps lose -wext in wpa-supplicant cmdline?
<parazyd> ugh
<Wizzup> so the kernel rejects the scan request because the scan requets contains invalid scan data
<Wizzup> sicelo: we have both wext and the other
<Wizzup> root 3023 0.0 2.1 7244 5496 ? S 20:54 0:00 /sbin/wpa_supplicant -s -P /run/ -i wlan0 -u -D nl80211,wext -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
<sicelo> Try putting wext first
<sicelo> Ahead of nl, that i
<Wizzup> ioctl[SIOCSIWSCAN]: Inappropriate ioctl for device
<sicelo> *is
<Wizzup> <3>CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-FAILED ret=-1
<Wizzup> sicelo: are you sure we used wext?
<sicelo> yes we must use wext
<sicelo> what starts wpa_supplicant for us (Leste)?
<Wizzup> sicelo: I don't see wext working
<Wizzup> sicelo: via dbus I think
<sicelo> i'll test my old debian sid install in a moment
<sicelo> and if luck permits, i can try out a Leste image too
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<Wizzup> usbnet should work
<sicelo> the images in question are the ones in phoenix.* ?
<sicelo> ah, i see they're the same
<Wizzup> sicelo: yes, the images are also broken
<Wizzup> and any update to older images will also break
<sicelo> sure. i'm downloading newest
<Wizzup> I checkedps xua before I upgraded, and wext was not first, btw
<Wizzup> so I am pretty sure we were *not* using wext before
<Wizzup> sicelo: let me know, I'm going to do something else for a bit
<Wizzup> but I think we'll have to either bisect wpa_supplicant (and build our own with a fix), or rebuild kernel with the wl1251 code changed to debug what it thinks is 'invalid'
<uvos> did you strace the ioctl that returns EINVAL?
<Wizzup> seems to be this:
<Wizzup> 3130 sendmsg(5, {msg_name={sa_family=AF_NETLINK, nl_pid=0, nl_groups=00000000}, msg_namelen=12, msg_iov=[{iov_base={{len=52, type=0x17 /* NLMSG_??? */, flags=NLM_F_REQUEST|NLM_F_ACK, seq=1626378496, pid=3720350778}, "\x21\x00\x00\x00\x08\x00\x03\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00\x08\x00\x2d\x00\x04\x00\x01\x00\x0e\x00\x2a\x00\x7f\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00"...}, iov_len=52}], msg_iovlen=1, msg_controllen=0,
<Wizzup> msg_flags=0}, 0) = 52
<Wizzup> 3130 recvmsg(5, {msg_name={sa_family=AF_NETLINK, nl_pid=0, nl_groups=00000000}, msg_namelen=12, msg_iov=[{iov_base={{len=36, type=NLMSG_ERROR, flags=NLM_F_CAPPED, seq=1626378496, pid=3720350778}, {error=-EINVAL, msg={len=52, type=0x17 /* NLMSG_??? */, flags=NLM_F_REQUEST|NLM_F_ACK, seq=1626378496, pid=37
<Wizzup> maybe we're somehow telling it to scan a specific ssid? seems weird to me though
<Wizzup> nl80211: Add NL80211_SCAN_FLAG_FLUSH
<Wizzup> maybe this is the problem somehow?
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<n900000> hello
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<n900000> having a small issue getting kexecboot running on my new droid 4
<n900000> I followed the wiki to update android, and to install kexecboot
<sicelo> root@devuan-n900:~# grep WEXT /boot/config-5.1.21
<sicelo> # CONFIG_CFG80211_WEXT is not set
<n900000> but on boot it just goes straight to fastboot with "boot failure" at the top
<n900000> happens with or without a leste flashed sd card inserted
<uvos> mbm determined that you violated mbm signature varification
<uvos> how did you upgrade?
<n900000> I just followed the "Upgrade Android" section of the wiki
<Wizzup> hmm....
<n900000> could get past the initial setup out of the box because I don't have a SIM card sadly
<n900000> couldn't*
<uvos> hmm
<n900000> fastboot also says that the device is locked with status code:0
<n900000> is that relevant?
<uvos> no
<uvos> did the new android boot before you installed kexecboot?
<n900000> yeah I got the little android logo with the loading bar
<uvos> i dont know remeber what the bootlogo for moto android looks like
<uvos> i think you might be describing the recovery
<uvos> did it boot to android fully
<n900000> maybe yeah
<uvos> what do you mean maybe
<n900000> I could try reflashing the update and let you know
<uvos> no
<n900000> maybe that was the recovery
<uvos> wait
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<uvos> so first lets erase utags again
<uvos> fastboot erase utags
<n900000> ok
<uvos> i assume you left allow-mbmloader-flashing-mbm.bin installed
<n900000> yeah I had it installed
<n900000> ok utags erased
<Wizzup> here's something funny.
<uvos> ok so grab
<Wizzup> I reverted back to the older wpa and libicd plugin
<Wizzup> and if I type 'scan' on wpa_cli, it fails the same way
<Wizzup> but the dbus scan call does not
<uvos> heh
<uvos> fun
<Wizzup> of course, neither mdbus2 or dbus-send can actually send a{sv} args
<n900000> yup re-downloaded it
<uvos> ok
<uvos> unpack it
<Wizzup> (because why would likfe ever be easy...)
<uvos> and then fastoot flash boot boot.img
<uvos> fastboot flash system system.img
<uvos> fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
<uvos> also device_tree device_tree.bin (might not be the right name sec)
<uvos> then fastboot erase data
<uvos> and fastboot erase cache
<uvos> and fastboot reboot
<Wizzup> actually mdbus2 can: mdbus2 -s fi.epitest.hostap.WPASupplicant /fi/w1/wpa_supplicant1/Interfaces/1 fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1.Interface.Scan "{'Type': 'active'}"
<n900000> Hmm when I try to flash boot.img
<n900000> I get
<n900000> fastboot: error: cannot get boot partition size
<uvos> might need flash:raw
<uvos> altho i dont think d4 needs that
<uvos> are you sure its a d4? :P
<n900000> lol it absolutely is
<uvos> hm ok wierd
<uvos> anyhow flash:raw
<n900000> flash:raw works
<uvos> hmm something is wrong here
<Wizzup> uvos: sicelo: parazyd: yeah so via dbus scanning in wpa_supplicant works
<uvos> its fastboot flash devtree device_tree.bin
<uvos> btw
<Wizzup> also on newer wpa_supplicant
<Wizzup> and wpa_cli's 'scan' not working is true for both versions
<Wizzup> the only reason I upgraded to newer wpa is because the dbus interface does funky stuff with hidden APs
<uvos> n900000: could you ppaste your mbm version
<sicelo> Wizzup: ah, great then
<n900000> everything is working up until fastboot erase data
<n900000> Erasing 'data' FAILED (remote: 'no such partition')
<n900000> fastboot: error: Command failed
<n900000> sure no prob, how do I get it?
<Wizzup> sicelo: problem is not solved
<Wizzup> but some more info was gathered
<uvos> sry its userdata
<uvos> n900000: second line in fastboot mode
<n900000> ah ok
<uvos> eg 0a.77
<uvos> also fastboot oem fb_mode_clear
<n900000> got it, I just rebooted and it's giving me the red motorola logo
<uvos> great
<uvos> so mbm is happy
<n900000> and it booted into android
<uvos> ok
<uvos> great
<uvos> now flash utags again
<uvos> (i assume you flashed kexecboot to bspw allready
<uvos> )
<n900000> kexecboot is already flashed unless the above overwrote it, yup
<uvos> no
<uvos> ok reboot into fastboot again
<uvos> and flash utags again
<n900000> should I let android boot up fully before going back into fastboot? It's at that red spinning logo
<uvos> should not be stictly nesscary but you might break android if you just shut it down during inital boot
<n900000> nvm the android setup booted up fine
<uvos> ok
<n900000> ok mbm is
<n900000> 0A.77
<uvos> ok thats fine
<uvos> now flash utags
<n900000> done
<n900000> reboot?
<uvos> yes
<n900000> eyyyyy
<n900000> it worked
<uvos> great
<n900000> ok let me put in my sd card
<n900000> this pin thing is very annoying btw
<uvos> yes
<n900000> perfect, booting in leste now
<n900000> any idea what went wrong? I more or less copypasted the wiki instructions
<n900000> also thanks a ton, I love the leste community
<uvos> proububly just a single bit that got flipped in your download or inital flash
<uvos> so some partition failed signature varfication
<n900000> gotcha just bad luck then
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<n900000> I have 2 more droid 4's we'll see how those go when I flash them later
<n900000> Oh wow the capacitive buttons work
<uvos> idk why everyone is so supprized by this :P
<stano> what's the actual mapping of those buttons?
<uvos> ?
<uvos> the keycodes?
<n900000> pretty much exactly what you'd think
<stano> to keyboard, or some hildon function?
<n900000> home is multitasking back is back etc
<stano> if the back is 'Esc' it solves one of the big SDL problems
<n900000> also going from PMOS to leste surprises you with how much polish leste has. The hardware acceleration definitely helps too
<uvos> no back is f8
<stano> k
<uvos> i just wrote a driver that makes those keys a keyboard
<uvos> with f6,7,8 and xf86search
<uvos> they are xgrabkey'd by hildon
<Wizzup> ok, I have something that works on the n900, but now to see if it still works with hidden APs
<freemangordon> uvos: f7/f8 are reserved
<freemangordon> for volume keys
<freemangordon> so please, do not reassign that to anything else
<uvos> nope
<uvos> we are going xf86volup down
<stano> the back closes sdl apps but f8 doesn't close the same app on desktop. <confused>
<uvos> im sorry
<uvos> anyhow yes i want ot change the d4 keys anyhow
<freemangordon> uvos: where do you do that?
<uvos> i think they should be home menu etc
<uvos> freemangordon: change the keys?
<uvos> in dts
<stano> i am so happy it closes the apps
<stano> thanks uvos
<freemangordon> using f7/f8 for other functions but volume
<uvos> having the android keys be f* was silly in retrospect
<stano> all kinds of things use f7/f8
<sicelo> freemangordon: i'd let it go :)
<freemangordon> volume/zoom
<n900000> Wizzup I was having wifi problems with the latest leste image last night and now I'm having the same thing on the droid 4
<freemangordon> stano: no, OS uses those all over the p[lace
<stano> xf86volup / down seems right to me
<n900000> n900 was just giving me a black pane when trying to scan networks
<freemangordon> sicelo: we can;t because it is not volume applet only
<uvos> freemangordon: yeah your never going to have the volume keys be f7/f8 on all devices ever
<uvos> freemangordon: anyhow lets not get into this
<uvos> yes i intend to reassing the android keys
<freemangordon> uvos: lets not go into this now, but we'll have to soon or later
<stano> i don't see the argument. volup/down buttons shouldn't be mapped to f7/f8
<uvos> stano: the problem is not should
<freemangordon> stano: did you use maemo before?
<Wizzup> n900000: the n900 wifi problem is very specific
<uvos> the problem is that its hardcoded for lots of platforms to be xf86volup and xf86voldown
<uvos> like x86 etc
<stano> seems good to me to have them xf86volup/voldown
<uvos> so unless we want to pach lots of input dirvers
<uvos> its just not going to happen
<Wizzup> n900000: what are you seeing with the d4?
<freemangordon> ok, lets have a separate discussion on that in 2 weeks (I am MIA starting Sunday)
<freemangordon> but the so-called "volume keys" on android have much more functions on maemo
<uvos> they have several funcitons on android too
<uvos> and this isent about android
<Wizzup> we had this discussion before I think
<n900000> Wizzup I don't know if its a problem exactly, but it took a few mins after setting up the connection to actually connect.
<freemangordon> uvos: yes, we discussed a bit
<uvos> Wizzup: yeah
<n900000> and thanks for working on the N900 issue, I reverted back to the 6/27 image for the time being
<freemangordon> and I still miss the answer to the question - what will happen if you press volume keys on the BT headset?
<Wizzup> freemangordon: can you test hidden ap stuff tonight or tomorrow for me?
<sicelo> Wizzup: what did you find (n900 wifi)
<freemangordon> actually parazyd tested on android and the rezult was - nothing happened
<Wizzup> I forgot why I switched to scanning using wpa control interface rather than dbus
<freemangordon> Wizzup: sorry, no, too late here already
<uvos> freemangordon: sure thats a stiky situation, we could have the volume applet only react to the dbus singals
<parazyd> Yeah
<uvos> and then since we want the dbus signals to be sent by mce
<uvos> we can have mce filter out bt devices
<parazyd> I can do further tests if needed
<freemangordon> uvos: but really, lets not discuss now
<Wizzup> parazyd: hidden ap ones?
<uvos> freemangordon: sure
<freemangordon> volume ones :)
<parazyd> But on headaset nothing happened
<parazyd> Wizzup: bt headphones
<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> well I'm close to ready to just stop working on hidden ap and at least restore normal func
<freemangordon> why is that?
<Wizzup> the amount to which this broke everything is just insane
<freemangordon> what is "this"?
<Wizzup> working on the hidden ap stuff
<freemangordon> wpa_supplicant?
<Wizzup> that's one of it yeah
<n900000> sorry dumb question, on the n900 is there a key combo for Tab? Or am I forced to use the onscreen one in osso-xterm?
<Wizzup> sicelo: plain and simplem the wpa control interface 'scan' never works on the n900
<uvos> we should fix that really
<Wizzup> sicelo: it does something different from the dbus scan interface
<uvos> Wizzup: did you mail the list?
<freemangordon> Wizzup: did you try wext driver?
<Wizzup> freemangordon: yes, that does not work at all
<Wizzup> uvos: wpa_supplicant? no
<freemangordon> hmm, it used to
<uvos> yeah we should ask for advice i think
<Wizzup> we don't even have wext enabled
<Wizzup> (in kernel)
<freemangordon> anyway, I am too sleepy now to produce anything sane
<freemangordon> so... good night guys
<uvos> gn8
<n900000> also sxiv works great on leste, even full screening. keyboard mapping and be remapped to work on the hardware keyboards too. I like it better than mihphoto
<n900000> What do you guys use for web browsing?
<uvos> firefox-esr
<uvos> works really well on d4
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<uvos> (not on n900 ofc)
<Wizzup> parazyd: shall we enable WEXT in kernel?
<n900000> how about the poor n900 with it's 256mb of ram lol
<n900000> the freemantle browser is actually really fast on simple webpages
<uvos> your kinda sol on n900 relly surf at least starts but its too mutch for it
<parazyd> Wi
<uvos> maybe you would have luck with link2 or dillo or something
<parazyd> Wizzup: I lf it's needed, sure
<parazyd> wft keyboard, sorry
<sicelo> Wizzup: i guess if you have nl80211 working with dbus, and that's what Leste uses, then no need for WEXT
<n900000> yeah I expected as much, all I really need is newsboat and it works fine though
<Wizzup> sicelo: until everything works (e.g. hidden aps), we can't say it works
<Wizzup> wpa_supplicant acts differently over dbus than it does over control interface
<n900000> sorry more dumb questions, is video playing hardware accelerated on any of these?
<uvos> no
<sicelo> okay. wext is definitely far more reliable - actually 5.14 has wext enabled for the n900
<uvos> hardware decoding works nowhere (pp maybe?)
<uvos> hardware presentation sorta works
<uvos> on d4 i have gotten it to work only in firefox
<n900000> pinephone has that new gstreamer patch
<n900000> hopefully we can have an mpv build that accelerated on the pp
<n900000> For music I'm using MOC on the n900
<uvos> anyhow hardware prestation performance is broken by the pvr setup being broken (x clients (no the comp manager) are copying frames on cpu)
<n900000> with alsamixer to mute the external speaker
<n900000> ahh ok, sounds like a ton of work to even attempt doing
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<Wizzup> sicelo: I wonder why we have it disabled then
<Wizzup> parazyd: can you add WEXT for a -devel kernel for n900?
<Wizzup> maybe look at the defconfig sicelo mentions
<sicelo> yes i saw. that's why i think if it worked with nl80211 + dbus, no need to change. nl80211 is the better option long term, of course
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<Wizzup> yes, but hidden ap does not work due to the scan dbus scans work in wpa_supplicant
<Wizzup> due to the way dbus scans work*
<Wizzup> I don't know what to do here really
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<uvos> i mean if it works for sicelo on sid with wpa_cli then we just need to figure out what the diff is between that and us no?
<Wizzup> could be wext
<uvos> sounds like its wext
<uvos> yeah
<Wizzup> yeah, but also wpa_supplicant being such a mess in some things
<Wizzup> parazyd: yes, I think WEXT is needed
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<uvos> we could also check what changes if anny are in the wl1251 driver between 5.6 or what we have on n900 atm and 5.13 or whatever sicelo used with sid
<uvos> sicelo: ^^^
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<Wizzup> my memory is so hazy, I don't even recall why we wanted the newer wpa_supplicant
<Wizzup> good we have irc logs
<bencoh> because new is better, and red is faster!
<sicelo> :-)
<uvos> heh
<uvos> i think Wizzup was encountering a bug iirc
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<Wizzup> yeah but I don't recall what
<Wizzup> sicelo: with wext, can you check if you can connect to hidden wlan?
<sicelo> i can try, but tomorrow. have to turn myself in now. didn't have success booting debian - i really don't know why recent kernels are hit-and-miss with booting. the same kernel can boot one moment, and not boot the next :-/
<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> I'm building libicd-network-wpasupplicant 0.1.9 now
<Wizzup> let's hope it doesn't break wifi for folks in devel, but fixes it for n900 folks
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: hmm, I believe that if we pass all the hidden SSIDs as arguments to the dbus scan call, maybe the hidden ap stuff can work over dbus too
<Wizzup> I think if we want to see why the cmd one fails vs the dbus one, we can look at these calls:
<Wizzup> ret = wpa_supplicant_trigger_scan(wpa_s, scan_params);
<Wizzup> in both wpa_supplicant/scan.c and wpa_supplicant/dbus/dbus_new_handlers.c
<Wizzup> could maybe use wpa_scan_clone_params
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