wow /sys/class/power_supply/battery/voltage_now is giving me 3229000 and no beeps or shutdown
this is with the EB41 on droid4. maybe firmware is still confused from experimental battery.
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darnit i missed the shutdown, now i have to recharge to full, then discharge to full, then recharge to full again to calibrate battery monitor
morning Wizzup
I will look at the n900 wifi stuff today, I just need to set up my power supply and such
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what hardware are most leste-users running right now and what are you hoping them to be running it on in near future Wizzup ?
We don't really do analytics
I'd say the n900 and droid4 are common, pinephone also somewhat
I think those are also a good first bet in the near future.
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looks like linux might be possible on Tegra X1 tablets
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anyone using leste on a tablet yet?
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I had/have it working on the pinetab
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well the google pixel c would be another potential candidate, as it uses the 'X1' cpu which has linux support (same cpu as jetson nano) but i don't see anyone with a working display driver for that tablet screen
they can be had around 110 euro
deliver around 500 nits brightness with a very powerful gpu, which also has linux drivers
regarding pulseaudio / calls / automatic switching ... what kind of automagic does pulseaudio do anyway?
I think pulseaudio can act on plug events for headphone and such
it can also cork streams if certain types activate
e.g. just having mumble running can break your browser audio
mighty17[m]: in the pwm timer case, the timer is just feeding the programmed clock rate to the connected device, maybe that's considered sufficient for a backlight
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where do u get programmed clock rate
check the rate on android?
either by reading in the vendor kernel or by dumping the corrisponding registers
the internet said it might be related to WNM being enabled in debian, but I am not sure if it was disabled previously or if it is only enabled now
also I wonder if we can undo changing the mac addr of the n900
in 2.6.28 kernel both wl1251 and wl1271 are handled by wl12xx kernel driver... later in kernel ňsupport for wl1251 was forked/moved into wl1251 driver and wl1271 and new chips stays in wl12xx driver
parazyd: ok, where did we get the newer version from?
ioctl[SIOCSIWSCAN]: Inappropriate ioctl for device
sicelo: are you sure we used wext?
yes we must use wext
what starts wpa_supplicant for us (Leste)?
sicelo: I don't see wext working
sicelo: via dbus I think
i'll test my old debian sid install in a moment
and if luck permits, i can try out a Leste image too
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usbnet should work
the images in question are the ones in phoenix.* ?
ah, i see they're the same
sicelo: yes, the images are also broken
and any update to older images will also break
sure. i'm downloading newest
I checkedps xua before I upgraded, and wext was not first, btw
so I am pretty sure we were *not* using wext before
sicelo: let me know, I'm going to do something else for a bit
but I think we'll have to either bisect wpa_supplicant (and build our own with a fix), or rebuild kernel with the wl1251 code changed to debug what it thinks is 'invalid'
did you strace the ioctl that returns EINVAL?
fastboot: error: cannot get boot partition size
might need flash:raw
altho i dont think d4 needs that
are you sure its a d4? :P
lol it absolutely is
hm ok wierd
anyhow flash:raw
flash:raw works
hmm something is wrong here
uvos: sicelo: parazyd: yeah so via dbus scanning in wpa_supplicant works
its fastboot flash devtree device_tree.bin
also on newer wpa_supplicant
and wpa_cli's 'scan' not working is true for both versions
the only reason I upgraded to newer wpa is because the dbus interface does funky stuff with hidden APs
n900000: could you ppaste your mbm version
Wizzup: ah, great then
everything is working up until fastboot erase data
Erasing 'data' FAILED (remote: 'no such partition')
fastboot: error: Command failed
sure no prob, how do I get it?
sicelo: problem is not solved
but some more info was gathered
sry its userdata
n900000: second line in fastboot mode
ah ok
eg 0a.77
also fastboot oem fb_mode_clear
got it, I just rebooted and it's giving me the red motorola logo
so mbm is happy
and it booted into android
now flash utags again
(i assume you flashed kexecboot to bspw allready
kexecboot is already flashed unless the above overwrote it, yup
ok reboot into fastboot again
and flash utags again
should I let android boot up fully before going back into fastboot? It's at that red spinning logo
should not be stictly nesscary but you might break android if you just shut it down during inital boot
nvm the android setup booted up fine
ok mbm is
ok thats fine
now flash utags
it worked
ok let me put in my sd card
this pin thing is very annoying btw
perfect, booting in leste now
any idea what went wrong? I more or less copypasted the wiki instructions
also thanks a ton, I love the leste community
proububly just a single bit that got flipped in your download or inital flash
so some partition failed signature varfication
gotcha just bad luck then
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I have 2 more droid 4's we'll see how those go when I flash them later
Oh wow the capacitive buttons work
idk why everyone is so supprized by this :P
what's the actual mapping of those buttons?
the keycodes?
pretty much exactly what you'd think
to keyboard, or some hildon function?
home is multitasking back is back etc
if the back is 'Esc' it solves one of the big SDL problems
also going from PMOS to leste surprises you with how much polish leste has. The hardware acceleration definitely helps too
no back is f8
i just wrote a driver that makes those keys a keyboard
with f6,7,8 and xf86search
they are xgrabkey'd by hildon
ok, I have something that works on the n900, but now to see if it still works with hidden APs
uvos: f7/f8 are reserved
for volume keys
so please, do not reassign that to anything else
we are going xf86volup down
the back closes sdl apps but f8 doesn't close the same app on desktop. <confused>
im sorry
anyhow yes i want ot change the d4 keys anyhow
uvos: where do you do that?
i think they should be home menu etc
freemangordon: change the keys?
in dts
i am so happy it closes the apps
thanks uvos
using f7/f8 for other functions but volume
having the android keys be f* was silly in retrospect
all kinds of things use f7/f8
freemangordon: i'd let it go :)
Wizzup I was having wifi problems with the latest leste image last night and now I'm having the same thing on the droid 4
stano: no, OS uses those all over the p[lace
xf86volup / down seems right to me
n900 was just giving me a black pane when trying to scan networks
sicelo: we can;t because it is not volume applet only
freemangordon: yeah your never going to have the volume keys be f7/f8 on all devices ever
freemangordon: anyhow lets not get into this
yes i intend to reassing the android keys
uvos: lets not go into this now, but we'll have to soon or later
i don't see the argument. volup/down buttons shouldn't be mapped to f7/f8
stano: the problem is not should
stano: did you use maemo before?
n900000: the n900 wifi problem is very specific
the problem is that its hardcoded for lots of platforms to be xf86volup and xf86voldown
like x86 etc
seems good to me to have them xf86volup/voldown
so unless we want to pach lots of input dirvers
its just not going to happen
n900000: what are you seeing with the d4?
ok, lets have a separate discussion on that in 2 weeks (I am MIA starting Sunday)
but the so-called "volume keys" on android have much more functions on maemo
they have several funcitons on android too
and this isent about android
we had this discussion before I think
Wizzup I don't know if its a problem exactly, but it took a few mins after setting up the connection to actually connect.
uvos: yes, we discussed a bit
Wizzup: yeah
and thanks for working on the N900 issue, I reverted back to the 6/27 image for the time being
and I still miss the answer to the question - what will happen if you press volume keys on the BT headset?
freemangordon: can you test hidden ap stuff tonight or tomorrow for me?
Wizzup: what did you find (n900 wifi)
actually parazyd tested on android and the rezult was - nothing happened
I forgot why I switched to scanning using wpa control interface rather than dbus
Wizzup: sorry, no, too late here already
freemangordon: sure thats a stiky situation, we could have the volume applet only react to the dbus singals
and then since we want the dbus signals to be sent by mce
we can have mce filter out bt devices
I can do further tests if needed
uvos: but really, lets not discuss now
parazyd: hidden ap ones?
freemangordon: sure
volume ones :)
But on my.bt headaset nothing happened
Wizzup: bt headphones
well I'm close to ready to just stop working on hidden ap and at least restore normal func
why is that?
the amount to which this broke everything is just insane
what is "this"?
working on the hidden ap stuff
that's one of it yeah
sorry dumb question, on the n900 is there a key combo for Tab? Or am I forced to use the onscreen one in osso-xterm?
sicelo: plain and simplem the wpa control interface 'scan' never works on the n900
we should fix that really
sicelo: it does something different from the dbus scan interface
Wizzup: did you mail the list?
Wizzup: did you try wext driver?
freemangordon: yes, that does not work at all
uvos: wpa_supplicant? no
hmm, it used to
yeah we should ask for advice i think
we don't even have wext enabled
(in kernel)
anyway, I am too sleepy now to produce anything sane
so... good night guys
also sxiv works great on leste, even full screening. keyboard mapping and be remapped to work on the hardware keyboards too. I like it better than mihphoto
What do you guys use for web browsing?
works really well on d4
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(not on n900 ofc)
parazyd: shall we enable WEXT in kernel?
how about the poor n900 with it's 256mb of ram lol
the freemantle browser is actually really fast on simple webpages
your kinda sol on n900 relly surf at least starts but its too mutch for it
maybe you would have luck with link2 or dillo or something
Wizzup: I lf it's needed, sure
wft keyboard, sorry
Wizzup: i guess if you have nl80211 working with dbus, and that's what Leste uses, then no need for WEXT
yeah I expected as much, all I really need is newsboat and it works fine though
sicelo: until everything works (e.g. hidden aps), we can't say it works
wpa_supplicant acts differently over dbus than it does over control interface
sorry more dumb questions, is video playing hardware accelerated on any of these?
okay. wext is definitely far more reliable - actually 5.14 has wext enabled for the n900
hardware decoding works nowhere (pp maybe?)
hardware presentation sorta works
on d4 i have gotten it to work only in firefox
pinephone has that new gstreamer patch
hopefully we can have an mpv build that accelerated on the pp
For music I'm using MOC on the n900
anyhow hardware prestation performance is broken by the pvr setup being broken (x clients (no the comp manager) are copying frames on cpu)
with alsamixer to mute the external speaker
ahh ok, sounds like a ton of work to even attempt doing
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sicelo: I wonder why we have it disabled then
parazyd: can you add WEXT for a -devel kernel for n900?
maybe look at the defconfig sicelo mentions
yes i saw. that's why i think if it worked with nl80211 + dbus, no need to change. nl80211 is the better option long term, of course
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yes, but hidden ap does not work due to the scan dbus scans work in wpa_supplicant
due to the way dbus scans work*
I don't know what to do here really
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i mean if it works for sicelo on sid with wpa_cli then we just need to figure out what the diff is between that and us no?
could be wext
sounds like its wext
yeah, but also wpa_supplicant being such a mess in some things
parazyd: yes, I think WEXT is needed
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we could also check what changes if anny are in the wl1251 driver between 5.6 or what we have on n900 atm and 5.13 or whatever sicelo used with sid
sicelo: ^^^
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my memory is so hazy, I don't even recall why we wanted the newer wpa_supplicant
good we have irc logs
because new is better, and red is faster!
i think Wizzup was encountering a bug iirc
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yeah but I don't recall what
sicelo: with wext, can you check if you can connect to hidden wlan?
i can try, but tomorrow. have to turn myself in now. didn't have success booting debian - i really don't know why recent kernels are hit-and-miss with booting. the same kernel can boot one moment, and not boot the next :-/
I'm building libicd-network-wpasupplicant 0.1.9 now
let's hope it doesn't break wifi for folks in devel, but fixes it for n900 folks
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freemangordon: hmm, I believe that if we pass all the hidden SSIDs as arguments to the dbus scan call, maybe the hidden ap stuff can work over dbus too
I think if we want to see why the cmd one fails vs the dbus one, we can look at these calls:
ret = wpa_supplicant_trigger_scan(wpa_s, scan_params);
in both wpa_supplicant/scan.c and wpa_supplicant/dbus/dbus_new_handlers.c
could maybe use wpa_scan_clone_params
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