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<mighty17[m]> does maemo not support qt5?
<parazyd> It does
<parazyd> Could be a bit buggy. What are you seeing?
<parazyd> You might need the qt-platform-maemo package?
<mighty17[m]> didnt know about that
<parazyd> Maybe no. Wizzup do you know? ^
<parazyd> There's also qt5-style-plugins
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<uvos> mighty17[m]: you need to install the maemo qt5 style
<uvos> not sure how it got lost, since you used a d4 image
<uvos> or unset QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE=maemo5
<mighty17[m]> yeah thats what i did
<uvos> well teh other errors are unrelated to qt5
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<uvos> flatpack need systemd maybe
<uvos> (idk)
<uvos> but looks like
<uvos> or polkit at least
<mighty17[m]> or is it llvm issue?
<mighty17[m]> same with eglfs
<uvos> no its just using big gl probubly
<uvos> so its stuck with llvm
<uvos> thats "fine"
<mighty17[m]> ah okay thats fine
<mighty17[m]> polkit wont work anyways right
<mighty17[m]> plus thats just a warning
<mighty17[m]> `Unable to find target for this triple (no targets are registered)`
<uvos> well i have no idea what io.mrarm.mcpelauncher is so cant help you
<uvos> hmm Wizzup whats the qt style package called
<uvos> i cant find it
<uvos> the style is not in qt-platform-maemo
<uvos> and apt search qt maemo comes up dry otherwise
<mighty17[m]> something more verbose -
<uvos> parazyd: did this go missing in the repo somehow? that would explain why mighty17[m] with a recent(ish) d4 image dosent have it
<uvos> ah its in qt5-style-plugins
<uvos> mighty17[m]: have that installed?
<mighty17[m]> uvos: qt5-style-plugins is already the newest version (1:5.1.4-1+2m7.1).
<Wizzup> doesn't flatpack often packs it's own dependencies and env vars?
<uvos> oh yeah your right
<uvos> its loading some qt version not compatible with the plugin
<mighty17[m]> nvm it works without flatpak, seems like flatpak issue
<Wizzup> yeah flatpack and all that stuff is awkward
<Wizzup> :-D
<mighty17[m]> indeed :P
<uvos> yeah people who want to snap /flatpack /appimage everything: pls no
<uvos> altho appimage can be ok in niche situations
<Wizzup> mhm
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<mighty17[m]> truee
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<freemangordon> :)
<bencoh> \^.^/
<bencoh> (sorry, I can't draw better one-line text avatars, but you get the idea!)
<freemangordon> :)
<sicelo> oh wow! it's public now
<freemangordon> hmm, what do you mean?
<sicelo> i thought this code was 'private' before
<parazyd> osso-addressbook is
<parazyd> This is the library
<sicelo> ah, right
<freemangordon> I am REing it for ~years now
<freemangordon> *~2 years
<freemangordon> ah, I got what you mean
<freemangordon> yeah, application is still in private
<freemangordon> parazyd: BTW, you may want to pull latest master and see if you get less errors when building the application
<parazyd> Yeah, will do
<parazyd> Thanks
<sicelo> (OT: an interesting, weird thing with my S7/Android8 is that when i'm in a GSM call, it seems network packets stop flowing, because after the call, things start reconnecting, even though I was on WiFi)
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<uvos__> sicelo: wierd let me try this on xt1602
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<uvos__> sicelo: interesting on xt1602 los 17.1 /android 10 during wifi data will work, but downloads via lte wont but if you switch to utms data and voice will work at the same time
<uvos__> *during call
<Wizzup> I've seen that happen on my gf's phone as well
<Wizzup> to the point that she blocks her dad from calling, because he always seems to call during online exams when she uses her phone as AP
<Wizzup> (during exams anyway :p )
<Wizzup> yeah I don't think the modem can do lte and gsm at the same time
<Wizzup> so 2g data could work
<uvos__> yeah but its doing volte
<uvos__> so voice is over lte
<sicelo> haha @ "wrong timing" dad
<uvos__> via ip packets
<uvos__> so its wierd
<uvos__> might be a network limitation
<sicelo> uvos__: i don't have volte, but i guess in the volte case, probably phone switches APN?
<sicelo> s/phone/phone or network/
<uvos__> sicelo: yeah or they block packets on purpose so volte dosent drop frames
<Wizzup> sicelo: yeah they fail you if you disconnect from an exam these days
<Danct12> good midnight all
<Wizzup> \o
<sicelo> good morning :)
<Danct12> how are you doing
<Wizzup> stuck in meetings :(
<Wizzup> you?
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<Danct12> Wizzup, was having fun with my fxtec pro1
<Danct12> parazyd, would definitely gets turned on when he sees the device :)
<Wizzup> He saw it at my place a while ago :)
<Danct12> ah
<parazyd> Before mainline Linux :p
<Danct12> that's cool, didn't know that someone was already spoiled
<Danct12> lol
<parazyd> Danct12: Do you have mainline running on it?
<parazyd> It's some of the branches here:
<Danct12> right now not, the touchscreen has a very annoying issue on mainline
<Danct12> ghost touches and stuffs
<parazyd> Ah, but you got it working?
<Danct12> yep
<Danct12> according to angelo, they cheaped out by using a noise reduction chip instead of diodes
<Danct12> but that's the best we could expect out of a startup that has only entered the market for only a year
<parazyd> I see
<Danct12> anyway i'm currently running android on it, with a arch chroot installed on the device
<Danct12> it runs i3wm, that's all i need
<parazyd> Cool :)
<Wizzup> parazyd: it has mainline now?
<Danct12> pretty sure you have seen the pictures of it now :P
<stanr> would you approve if i found how to add F[0-9] (function keys) to the keyboard layout?
<parazyd> Wizzup: Still not upstreamed
<Wizzup> nice that display works
<Danct12> i love mine, using it for a few days now
<Wizzup> parazyd: at least it's avail now (the code)
<parazyd> Wizzup: Yeah since a few months it's been on github
<parazyd> Like, in a solid state
<parazyd> (That's why I told you I'm going to order one :p)
<Danct12> parazyd if you're going to order one, that kernel isn't compatible with the new sdm662 (pro1x)
<parazyd> I know
<Danct12> pretty sad that their old supply chain screwed them off
<Wizzup> parazyd: ok, I could give you mine if you're planning to do leste stuff on it
<Wizzup> (I got it for free after all for leste devel...)
<sicelo> stanr: i thought they (F-keys are already there)? anyway, if not, i'm sure you can ... probably OK+number key
<parazyd> Wizzup: I'll take it :)
<parazyd> Unsure when we can meet though
<parazyd> Can discuss that in pm
<stanr> sicelo: i do not get them with my up-to-date device. you can test by ssh-ing into the device and running xev
<stanr> 1 is keycode 10, f1 is keycode 67
<sicelo> okay. i would guess you can make pr - which key combo did you have in mind? (OK+ number key sounds sane to me)
<stanr> yes, that
<stanr> however we need to patch sdl to map OK+ mappings
<stanr> which may be more controversial.
<stanr> either that, or repackage every sdl app
<stanr> maemo-enhanced sdl is really the long level for a lot of apps, for example giving us ctrl-backspace minimizing of them
<stanr> *long lever
<stanr> ah i see it's in /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/motorola_vndr/droid4 already nice. but i'm not getting results for some reason
<stanr> sicelo: do you have a line like key <AE01> {[ 1,exclam, F1, F1 in that file ?
<sicelo> right - i do recall it being done. can't check what my droid4 has - it's flat
<stanr> flat battery?
<sicelo> yeah
<stanr> ok i found my source of confusion
<stanr> xev reports translated keycodes as XKeysymToKeycode returns keycode: 67
<stanr> but the 'raw' keycode is still 10
<stanr> which is fine, but sdl needs to get translated keys
<stanr> same deal with 'Esc' XKeysymToKeycode returns keycode: 9
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<uvos__> sdl is just extreamly stupid and thinks that all keyboards are pc keyboards
<uvos__> instead of asking xorg what the key means like its suposed to
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<stanr> it provides a translated result but most apps don't use it
<stanr> .pc/x11_keytounicode.diff/src/video/x11/SDL_x11events.c:Uint16 X11_KeyToUnicode(SDLKey keysym, SDLMod modifiers
<stanr> so maybe we could add an environment variable to return translated keysyms instead of raw keysyms
<stanr> but that's an issue with keydown/keyup events. you need to pass that keydown, but then pass a secondary keydown when the combo is detected
<stanr> however one hack would be to make SDL ignore the 'OK' key keydown in this mode
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<stanr> not all fun and games with 3.7v li-ion powersource -- cpcap_battery cpcap_battery.0: Battery empty at 3175mV despite being on usb hub
<sicelo> powersource == psu?
<uvos__> d4 needs the suply to have very low ir
<stanr> internal resistance?
<stanr> usually works fine, going to get those polarcells uvos talks about though
<stanr> events/SDL_events_c.h:#define DEFAULT_UNICODE_TRANSLATION 0 <- setting to 1 might be in order
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