We are in need of the mbm file(s) (allow-mbmloader-flashing-mbm.bin) for the droid xyboard (MZ617 or MZ615), which we belive is contained in the archive Blur_Version.11.7.279.MZ617.Verizon.en.US. Unfortunately, all links to this archive are dead and as they are signed so we cant reproduce them. You posted on https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/xyboard-official-fastboot-files.1756100/ indicating that you downloaded this file in the past,
if you still have a copy of the files posted there please provide them to me.
We are in need of the mbm file(s) (allow-mbmloader-flashing-mbm.bin) for the droid xyboard (MZ617 or MZ615), which we belive is contained in the archive Blur_Version.11.7.279.MZ617.Verizon.en.US. Unfortunately, all links to this archive are dead and as they are signed we cant reproduce them. You posted on https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/xyboard-official-fastboot-files.1756100/ indicating that you downloaded this file in the past, if
you still have a copy of the files posted there please provide them to me.
slightly better
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uvos: too bad @ mz617, glad you're still on it :)
uvos: did you see that sigmakey thing? I'll install that after my radiocomm experiments
wonder how this works
maybe the whole thing is like the password for motorla engeniering tests
uvos: well it has the algo to generate unlock codes based on IMEI it seems
right but they must have the alg. to do this from somewhere
I uh *cough* found some activators so it works without dongle I think, going to try it
yeah, they seem to get it from everywhere, they probably have people working on that stuff fll time
get it from everywhere => support everything
the pw for engeneering tests on motorola devices is allways 000000 :P
Wizzup: yeah
I did try 000000 as unlock code and didn't work
Wizzup: yeah not for the modem
for the test apps
Wizzup: so are planing to decompile the app to find how the generate the code?
uvos: well, first I will look at radiocomm, then see if I can make the app work without paying, then I will see if the lock code gen works, and then we'll see...
it works over usb I think to usbip is also possible, set up some cloud instance and people connect their maemo device to it
uvos: but yes, that makes sense I think
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well usb passthrough to windows xp is no fun
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how can i setup usb passthrough?
< Wizzup> well usb passthrough to windows xp is no fun << do you know a link to instructions to set up a 'transparent' usb bridge between two devices
yes, free and cached are separate on linux, this has nothing to do with leste per se
can't compile stuff, for leste, in this state though
g++: fatal error: Killed signal terminated program cc1plus
curious if maybe i did something bad to cause low memory, or if there's something besides rebooting to get back to ~190MB used
upowerd has biggest RSS at 23952
again, free and cached need to be combined.
how would combining free and cached avoid or resolve the problem?
no, you need to first get a real sense of how mmuch ram is in use, and then look if that is enough for whatever you are compiling
free -m look at available
after reboot free -m reports
Mem: 995 140 646 11 208 818
reboot will also mostly clear the cache, so that will void whatever you were seeing before
818 MB available
and i can continue
which memory column in 'top' do you pay attention to?
I don't use top for that, htop is far superior, or just look at free
i would like to see what process used up all my memory
which column in htop do you observe to identify a process using too much memory?
i see same columns VIRT RES SHR.
i would like to avoid rebooting as a solution to the occasional low-memory problem in maemo-leste
no userspace application appeared to be running besides osso-xterm
16:10 < kshatriya> i would like to avoid rebooting as a solution to the occasional low-memory problem in maemo-leste
I'm pretty sure it's not leste that's causing you trouble here
kshatriya: ps aux
It could be kernel space pvr or something, but does not seem too likely
that shows only osso-xterm? seems unlikely
in any case, not sure if we need to spend more time on this
top SHR memory was upowerd buZz with 23MB
reported by ps aux
so, there -was- a different userspace application running ;)
what name should i use for applications launched intentionally by user?
my brain hurts
anything that isnt the kernel = userspace application ;)
ok i wont misuse that word anymore
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Great i got kicked off of facebook for violateing comunity guidelines
so thats the end of that for several mz617 leads
AaronBurr: there are four lights.
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uvos: how many lights do you see?
uvos: let me guess, not your real name
Wizzup: i gues i called myself carl uvos, and used the @uvos.xyz email addr so not sure how they could have known
thats some serious privacy violation if they know thats not my real name.
I did the same and they figured it out after I made some (required) photo
matching it to some university website
yeah, absolutely awful
(I wanted to keep in touch some folks who use facebook for everything, but alas)
i dont remember it being this bad when i lased used facebook (2014ish)
uvos: do you think it would be possible to run a droid4 off usb power without drawing power from battery and continuously depleting/charging it?
or is the only way to avoid battery degradation hooking up to 3.8v lab power like wizzup did
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i mean cpcap can be put into a state that powers the device directly
but we dont want to do this
beacuse android dosent and it changes electrical charectaristics of the the regulators
old motorola device could also be powered by connecting the id pin to 5v
i think d4 can too
but at that point you might as well just wire something to the battery terminals