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buzz, seems to boot without any of those things on the back cover connected
there's a removable rubber tab next to the speaker also, i wonder what that was intended for
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Good morning aikon fellas
hi Daanct12 hows your maemo-leste experiences
Pretty ok, except for the fact that i couldn't find apps i need
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Wizzup: Could you link to the code where this advanced_show ism
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stan: the contacts in the rear frame are antennas. from memor,y the ones at the bottom are for cellular
the rubber around the speaker is for dampening ofc
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parazyd: the plugin part or the plugin loader part?
22:30 <Wizzup> parazyd: freemangordon: looks like connui plugins can have plugin->advanced_show = to have settings show up in advanced settings, so we could do that for provider
Do you think we can do anything else re u-boot but migrate to DT?
freemangordon: Hi!
keep in mind that ACM functionality won;t be affected by that, IIUC
I'm wondering how long would take them again to review patches...
and by removing dead code we can keep -mthumb disabled
there are still more n900 patches in queue
well, I guess we can put pressure now we are forced to do DT
also, I still think Tom is a reasonable guy
do we have enough space for DTB blob? and do we have space for libfdt code?
yes, we do
once we remove host and hub code
worst case we'll enable -mthumb
NOLO manages to live with it, so I am (almost) sure u-boot will do too
I do not have power for this project anymore...
they just want from us things which are not required for other subsystems, like that requirement for DT
well, we can jsut fork
and I really do not have power to discuss on this topic anymore
I did everything what was possible, but everytime they either ignore pending patches or come up with new idea how to increase work on this project, just because they can
I really do not understand this discussion as year ago we were told that U_BOOT_DRVINFOS() approach is OK
and now when we sent last patches for DM, somebody said that DTS is required
so it means that whole work which was done can be trashed and migration can start from zero again
not mentioning that these patches were waiting in queue for review for a very long time and nobody complained
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ok then, I'll make one last effort(not now though) to convince Tom their approach is destructive and if that disagree, well, not much that can be done
Pali: dont let it get yourself down :)
uvos: feel free to join the discussion on the ML
Pali: besides, its a bootloader keeping it at some old working version as a fork is not sutch a huge loss
freemangordon: i think youd rather i not :P i think the "demands" are resonable.
you can guess what happen if we invest lot of time to DTS migration...
... somebody else come up with another idea what is requirement for us and say that it must be done
and we will start again this discussion which ends up with the fact that what we did was useless...
yeah, looks like
i mean thair goal is pretty obivous, they want n900 to be as little maintaints burden as possible, that means proting to whatever is the latest mechanisum in uboot so it istent in the way of droping old mechanisums
would this be a good thing? yes! is it reasonable to make you do it? maybe no.
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freemangordon: should we have one tab per provider in advance settings, or one tab with providers? I think the former
if its causing stress i would just fork. the it seams unlikely that uboot would add any functionality we would need within the resonable usefull life of the n900 no?
freemangordon, sounds like you would be willing/able to do some of the DT migration for N900 u-boot? :)
assuming you have the time/energy for it, i guess it's worthwhile to investigate
we really have a lot of other thing we'd rather focus on though.
that we need fmg for, too
uvos: btw, using mdbus2 you can see if ofono is willing to activate context at all, I find that sometimes the call to set the context to active just times out and it never works
and I don't know why ofono does that, but then the state forever cannot be changed
it will always say "operation in progress"
Wizzup: ok
Wizzup: ill take a look at ofono, but
one thing we could consider for debugging some of this is to use the ofono path where it does everything over usb
it's a big power draw but we can rule out ofono specific bugs this way
not for production usage, of course
my current todo list looks like this 1. add a mixer controll to kernel that activates the PGA for voice 2. rebase cmake mce 3. implment minimal mce stuff needed for sphone 4. fix sphone ofono 5. look a ofno
of course
let's add mine as well then: 1. create connui-provider and learn about connui plugins 2. libicd-dummy-provider to act more like normal provider 3. wlan scan troubles 4. pulseaudio setup/integration (would give volume applet, alarms actually working, ...)
there's a lot of misc stuff too but that's my plan code wise
sounds good
If connui plugins work like how I understand they work, then it's kinda neat
thats good. so far connui has been a bit of a minefield from a users perspective
not sure if its still a thing with connui changes
would be good to check I guess
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uvos: your voice call todo list order sounds good to me :)
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freemangordon: ah, looks like connui will only allow one "plugin" per network type, so the idea of connui-provider as iapsettings plugins does not work
we'll have to add it to connui-internet or add some other plugin loading capabilities, potentially regardless of network type
so currently there can only be one active "advanced" plugin per network type
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I will turn this into connui-dummy to at least make a simple plugin to show how it can work, and then look at adding providers to connui-internet directly, I think
freemangordon: nvm, I'll debug more later
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uvos: ok yeah I can confirm that scans are started but the results aren't read by icd2 plugin somehow
will investigate that a bit later, spend quite a few hours on this connui-dummy now
uvos: oh... I think I see it
will confirm a bit later
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uvos: so one problem was in my code which checked the return code of the wpa_ctrl_request, but it also looks like wpa supplicant does not populate bss info or something
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uvos: lol, this gets better, I'll let you know after coffee
so wpa_ctrl_request often returns -1 when it succeeds
and my code was checking for it to be == 0, and it should be != 0 because of how the function returns its result, but then I got no scans at all since it always reported failure, even though it did scan
just ignoring the result all together seems to make it work just like old times (well)
I'll have to dive in a bit more I suppose, see why it's failing like this
parazyd: I think with new ke-recv the reboot problem might be gone? seems weird though, I can't reproduce anymore
stan: yw hope it helps
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sicelo: the fremantle phoneapp isn't that good anyway, in my opinion
we'll keep the rtcom-eventlogger backend and stuff, and also have tp integration eventually of course
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parazyd: connui-dummy is there, it's not of much use, but it was missing and it was good for me to learn how to do this
Wizzup: was the wifi-switcher applet left behind on purpose?
oh btw, I get 116mW on droid4 after boot and wlan0 interface down, which is nice
btw i have one otg hub that works, but the very compact one here does not for me - as soon as i plugin a device i get disconnects/reconnects on the usb hub https://www.ebay.de/itm/294134869562?hash=item447bcdee3a:g:8csAAOSwbhNgNhR4
not clearly proven, so left in devel maybe?
oh no its extras package
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looks like I have something working ... apart from the fact that it doesn't update the status applet (it should say "off" when wifi is disabled)
heh, the applet itself checks whether module is loaded or not ...
bencoh: it's possible that the current icd2 module doesn't handle the interface going off (i.e. the applet might still show connected)
I think I need to handle that wpa_supplicant dbus signal still
Wizzup: it reads /proc/modules
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I meant wrt updating the status applet
yeah, me too
but I don't unload the driver, so it's makes sense
reading specific driver name is not ideal
we could probably find out which driver owns which interface
I don't intend to unload the driver anyway, unless you think it'd be better
oh, I'm currently testing on droid4, btw
we might want to release a slightly different version for n900
on n900 it used to unload driver, I dunno if this is still required on mainline
does anyone know any sensible dummy icons?
preferrably already avail on leste
* bencoh
gives a dummy look
maybe I can use a 'no connection' icon
general_presence_offline will do
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Wizzup: wifi connection working better now - seems bug fixed. gsm internet still won't connect
sicelo: yeah, didn't work on it
freemangordon: would it be a problem to link libconnui in a icd2 provider?
I want to use it's gconf IAP config read stuff
freemangordon: in particular iap_settings_get_gconf_value
i don't know if it was mentioned, regarding the gsm issue, that it's not possible to set APN now, as clicking Next after the connection name dialog goes nowhere
alright, the good news is that the switcher works properly on droid4. but it looks like it hardly has any noticeable effect on battery use
bencoh: there are bursts every now and then
there should be a small effect
i don't recall that it had that much noticeable effect on N900 too :)
Wizzup: even with wifi off? well, glad I ported it then :)
(I mean, disconnected*)
bencoh: yes
not with wifi off
with the interface disabled I think it's the same
cool that it works
oh and, serial power management is great :)
yup, just something to be aware off when pasting
(since you lose the first char)
sicelo: thanks for testing wlan fixes btws
should I assume ifconfig is availabel on leste? (I guess no, but ...)
it is available
for the applet?
Wizzup: cool
Wizzup: yeah
that tool has been obsolete for a decade :]