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<parazyd> Wizzup: pong
<sicelo> may, or may not be useful here ... dunno
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<Wizzup> sicelo: I assume that's without X then
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<uvos> sdl2 on x works fine for me (for eg. charging-sdl) so idk why we would need anything else
<uvos> im not sure there is a good testcase for sdl2 on leste
<uvos> eg. a gles client
<uvos> maybe we could try compileing supertuxkart with the gles2 backend
<uvos> or something along those lines
<uvos> to have a good sdl2 test case
<uvos> actually neverball uses sdl2 - and i have a gles version that works fine for me
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<Wizzup> uvos: cool, yeah the debian one is not gles iirc
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<inky> uvos, what if you disallow typing several strings with the keyboard?
<inky> i cannot use pidgin with pinephone
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<inky> it is impossible to send messafe
<inky> enter does eol in current text, doesnt send pidgin message
<inky> what if you wait for the first enter and close the keyboard?
<inky> and send also enter to the window?
<uvos> "uvos, what if you disallow typing several strings with the keyboard?" not sure what this is supposed to mean
<uvos> enter types a new line in the vkb, him then sends XK_Return to the application for eatch '\n' in the utf string
<uvos> so idk why pidgin wouldent work
<inky> if i type in pidgin window
<inky> well i dont type right in window, right?
<inky> i type in onscreen kbd window
<inky> it allows me to press enter
<inky> then i get miltiline text
<uvos> inky: yes
<uvos> in the vkb you type a string
<uvos> this string can include '\n'
<inky> if i get out of vkb
<inky> i see in pidgin window
<inky> tdat i typed several lines
<inky> but i need enter to send it
<uvos> once you close the vkb that string gets sent to the application by decomposing it into several x keycodes
<uvos> the '\n' in the string gets decomposed to XK_Return
<inky> pidgin gets the whole bufyer with lines
<uvos> no
<uvos> it dosent
<uvos> so pidgen gets XK_Return
<uvos> and lots of other key presses
<inky> it gets several lines
<inky> and no way to send the message
<uvos> no
<inky> shell i make a video? (:
<uvos> no
<uvos> it gets XK_Return how it reacts is a different story...
<uvos> it might react by adding a newline to its input field
<uvos> or sending the message
<uvos> this has nothing to do with the vkb
<inky> but on droid if i press enter on hwkbd
<inky> it sends the message
<uvos> so if i type "ab\nc" the app gets sent XK_A down, XK_A up, XK_B down, XK_B up, XK_Return down, XK_Return up, XK_C down, XK_C up
<uvos> you can see this in xev
<inky> wait
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<uvos> here is what xev gets from him for ab\nc
<uvos> as you can see if your app isent registering enter as you would like it dosent look like it could possibly be hims fault
<inky> i understand, what is the difference then between droid hwkbd and vkbd?
<inky> when the enter gets send?
<inky> you say that pidgin
<inky> would send severar messages
<uvos> depends on your pidgin config
<uvos> you can have it send on shift+enter i think
<uvos> havent used pidgin in a long time
<inky> no config for that, seriosly
<inky> minute
<uvos> if it works with just return on the hwkbd
<uvos> then idk
<uvos> thats me typing a b return c on the d4 hwkbd
<uvos> its the same as the him output
<uvos> except him types veery fast ofc
<uvos> there might be bug in pidigin
<uvos> that triggers when you type so fast that the timestamps dont change
<uvos> since the timestamps are in ms you cant ever press and release enter within on ms in normal cases
<uvos> but him can
<uvos> but thats not hims fault either really
<uvos> thats the only thing i can think off
<inky> please look at it
<uvos> inky: oh your using the hildon backend
<uvos> yeah thats buggy with apps not desinged for it
<uvos> use the x11 backend
<inky> oh how?
<uvos> open the vkb with search
<uvos> maybe you cant get to the input field tho
<inky> waih
<inky> its default
<inky> i just reflashed droid's sdcard
<uvos> hmm what is default?
<inky> backend
<inky> yessss
<inky> when opened with search
<inky> it sends enter
<uvos> right
<inky> but when i touch the text box
<inky> it doesnt
<uvos> it uses the libhildon him backend if you touch the box
<inky> how to change the kbd to always use x11 backend?
<uvos> and uses the x11 backend if you use search
<uvos> the way normal hildon him works is pretty fundamentaly broken
<uvos> it wont work right if the app wasent designed with it in mind
<inky> on pinephone i hope it'll use the volume button
<uvos> yeah should work
<inky> welr if i use the volume button
<uvos> right
<inky> it would open vkbd wihh x11 backend
<uvos> yes
<inky> why are you keeping hildon backend?
<inky> why not get cid of it and always use x11 backend?
<inky> cid/rid
<uvos> the x11 backend has no way of opening on touch
<uvos> (of an input field)
<uvos> atho you could implement this
<uvos> no way i could ever remove the backend either way, every one here will be out for my head for breaking legacy maemo applications
<uvos> desktop gtk2 apps will just be sorta broken forever
<inky> ok i see
<inky> dont know what to do
<inky> but cannot imagine that cegular user may want to be informed about two different backends
<uvos> if you wait long enough desktop gtk2 apps will all disapear
<uvos> and the problem goes away
<uvos> or you can go around patching absouly everthing like they did on fremantle
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<marex> hey, I was going through the wiki, but there is one thing I cannot find
<marex> is there some howto or some such thing on building the whole maemo from scratch ?
<marex> say, I have a stock debian installation with build-essentials, so, I would like to download the sources and build the packages, likely in some order ?
<marex> why I'm asking is because I was pondering whether it would be possible to build maemo with OE, there is some meta-maemo already, it is just for maemo4 (i.e. ancient)
<marex> so, I was pondering whether there is some document where to start with such a build
<uvos> marex: no stuch guide exists, currently you cant run leste on debian because we lack systemd .serivce files / general setup
<uvos> marex: would be great if you could change that ;)
<marex> uvos: OE allows me to pick whatever init system I might need, that doesn't really impact me much
<marex> so the init system bit is not really important
<uvos> marex: its all also really debian specfic, lots of packages install files via /debian directory
<marex> uvos: I can imagine how that can be reasonably easily converted to bitbake recipes
<uvos> sure
<marex> so I think what I am looking for is some sort of from-scratch bootstrap guide
<marex> it seems the CI is already running from some pre-bootstrapped system and just rebuilding packages in that
<uvos> right
<uvos> as far as what to compile in what order, i dont think we have sutch a thing
<uvos> rebootstraping leste at this point would be quite the mess afaik, but parazyd is more knowlageable here ^^^
<marex> lets see what crops up, thanks
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