ofc the radicale after the @ needs to be replaced elsewhere too if you choose to use something else
currently d=2021-07-02|t=13:21:57|i=|p=214|c=NA|b=none
(I'll try it again in ~10mn)
i cant seem to get it to work
unexpected reply from peer; might be a temporary problem, try again later
im probubly just configureing something wrong
but idk what atm
* Wizzup
going home, so back in a few hours
are you using radicale or something else?
syncevolution --print-databases backend=caldav username= password= syncURL=https://uvos.xyz:8081/cal.php/calendars/USER shows the calendars fine
follow any tutorial for baikal + syncevolution
i.e. maemo's syncevolution is not particularly special (besides the maemo backend) ... the settings that work for baikal on your pc should work with Leste (with minor modification, perhaps)
i only used it with android
that mainly just autodetects everything
i also cant really find anythign on baikal + syncevo
(or mutch on syncevo at all for that matter)
you might want to host it some where else incase i become bus-factor
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uvos: it seems like a small script, just put it on the wiki?
I would maybe also differentiate between radicale and that you tested it with baikal
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uvos: btw I hope this coming week to get the audio stuff going
Wizzup: nice :)
i think the flaky wifi scanning issues are pretty delapidating btw so it would be great if you could look at that. ofc i understand if you want to do what seams the most interesting to you.
uvos: might need your help some
uvos: it's not just about interesting, it's just blocking stuff, and I agree wifi regressions are bad
uvos: also wondering if ^ could be due to connui changes
probably not I bet
but we changed a lot at once
Wizzup: idk maybe
Wizzup: yeah @manny changes at once
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interesting, I turned on my pinephone today, and it connected to the wifi automatically
as it should :P
uvos: I think it is Wizzup who should look at it (provisioning), unless I am missing what the issue is.
uvos: could you please explain in the issue what you are trying to achieve and what is the result.
Wizzup: said that you wrote libicd-conectivity-cellular (or is it -mobile)
I did the initial work, IIRC, lemme check
freemangordon: so i inserted a sim, installed the stuff as shown in the bug and then i expected to be able to create/select a gprs/umts internet connection
this worked previously
but now the connection never appears
the device still connects to the network as evidenced by the 3g and bars in the status as well as the operator name
connecting to gprs is possible manualy via ofono
hmm: what is status 6?
; ))
I moved to moscow, will test 4G with the carrier here again
and "wifi sharing" too, with hostapd
freemangordon: I did investigate that
let me read the logs
11:48 < uvos> i can make voice calls after all
11:48 < Wizzup> so we need to figure out why ofono_start_search_finish gets a non-successful status
freemangordon: ah, so it relies on the behaviour of ofono when that pkg is installed
maybe, I don;t remember
still not sure if this would cause the problem
but I guess I put that note there for a reason
we don't see "Deactivating chosen context" I think
ok so i installed the pkg
and killed icd2
uvos: restart ofono
maybe we can add some more traces to libicd-network-ofono ?
and i has made no change
ok ill just reboot
uvos: could you set BP in search_operation_check() and report the code path taken
did I really write all this code ?!?
good for me
apart from the context activation that is blocking
uvos: I removed the IAP with gconf --recursive-unset and it does work for me
uvos: so it's not entirely broken
ok i rebooted
and nothing changed
do you have gconf entry for the IAP?
freemangordon: no
just to be sure here the gprs connection is just supposed to appear in the connection dialog right, i dont have to create a connection (that dosent work either) i dont quite remember how it worked previously
also this is now the same sim
it worked with before
yes, it should just appear. do you have any other GPRS connections there?
no wifi only
uvos: could you set BP in search_operation_check() and report the code path taken
break point?
let me install debug symbols
maybe clone the source and install -dbgsym package
uvos: I'll stop with the suggestions now but GNU screen can be helpful here too
i know i know :D
hmm, could it be that flightmode is activated on your device?
i just started gdb on device without thinking gosh :P
ok so i dumped md at line 81
any thing else?
yes, trace the flow
in that function only
so condition at line 90 is true
97 is false
and I guess iap_id is NULL
so is 100
parazyd: freemangordon: looks like connui plugins can have plugin->advanced_show = to have settings show up in advanced settings, so we could do that for provider
conditon on line 100 is false
so is if on line 108
as suspected
so, it calls ofono_modem_set_online(), right?
uvos: ok, let's try this: reboot, then wait 2-3 minutes, then /etc/init.d/ofono restart
it seems icd2 doesn;t get sim properties in that case
wait for missing sim icon to go away
uvos: then issue 'startup-pin-entry'
and then try to connect to the dialog
(just to confirm, this is what I do)
not saying it's not a bug, but this works for me
shal i enbale-modem?
since ofono thinks is not powerd
btw, while at it, we should fix the context activation not blocking
or rather, make it not-blocking
freemangordon: unrelated but connui-wlan plugin is the one that adds the "Other" tab to advanced settings, apparently conn_set_iap_ti_adv_misc is "Other"
a bit confusing :)
but I now have enough info to make plugin for providers tab
btw the missing sim icon dose go away as soon as i enterd the pin via ofono
so something in the maemo stack realizes the sim is there
uvos: no, this is ofono not reporting it properly
(when i online the modem by hand)
and you kicking it makes it wake up
Wizzup: I think we have bugs in libgofono as well
freemangordon: possible, there might also be a newer version
but you said spn was empty on the previous try?
freemangordon: maybe we shall add more tracing to the code at the DEBUG level?
if (!sim->spn || !*sim->spn)
that condition was false yeah
now it is true, right?
could yout trace the flow now?
its still false
it jumps directly to line 124
no, actually this means we have SPN
does ofono_modem_get_last_internet_context() finds ctx?
value has been optimized out
Twig has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
that means it can be null, no?
or it's not set yet?
and after line 124 the fuction just returns
thats it
uvos: break in ofono_modem_get_last_internet_context()
to see if it finds context
uvos: can you show the context properties using mdbus2 if not too hard?
freemangordon: know the file thats in?
for example: mdbus2 -s org.ofono /motmdm_0/context1 org.ofono.ConnectionContext.GetProperties
i dont have the source cloned
and gihub has bad search
freemangordon: is it possible that either apn/password/username are not set, and this causes it to not set status finished?
yes, could be
now it just had the conecction in the dialog
and a break point in ofono_modem_get_last_internet_context never triggerd
yeah so perhaps the method I outlined helps get ofono in the right state, and then it created the connection last time, but you didn't see it yet, maybe?
* Wizzup
its possible
let me reboot and start over
so I have noticed that when I online ofono without restarting it, I believe it doesn't get the contexts in dbus
/motmdm_0/context1 shows fine for me
that happens on d4 only?
on first start
freemangordon: yes
of ofono
uvos: yes, but we are not notified
so icd2 is not aware of context changes
well ofono starts first
it gets info async
like the sim presence reporting comes in late
thats just the modem
being the modem
maybe we shall try newer libgofono
uvos: no. dmesg shows the info coming in and ofono does not act on it
but that is just for sim presence in any case
I don't think the problems are in libgofono
we know d4 ofono is buggy
we need to fix it
even just different ways (and times) of starting it make a difference in its state
what it takes to fix it?
wel now i cant repoduce the sate before because i cant get the now sim icon to go away
anyway, I am out. Night guys.
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uvos: so the no sim icon not going away is for me really a question of uptime >~ 2 mins
and then 1-3 ofono restarts and it will pick it up
yeah it eventualy did it
now i unlocked the pin
and clicking on the vodaphone connection just allways fails
anyhow i have had enough of this for today :P
uvos: ok so
all good
just: it's expected that that fails
for the simple reason that it doesn't block on activating context
oh ok
it just returns right away and tries to get IP
it should block, show it's busy (with timeout), and then return
I need to see why I did it that way at the time
probably it was like a 15 mins hack tbh
ok :)
i lost my android device the other day and was low key hoping i could just use leste for a few days
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if you try again now it might work
but then voice call audio dident work and data dident either
we're getting there I feel
btw src/link.c has this:
if (!ctx->active) { OFONO_DEBUG("Context is not yet active, activating"); ofono_connctx_activate(ctx);
and that just doesn't block at all
i have a reasonable idea how to fix voice calls now :)
so should be soon
it probably needs another pending operation group, waiting for the context property to change
still fails
oh well. tomorrow :p
I've been using data for many months
just didn't fix the rough edges
i now have a dedicated sim for the device too
cool :)
I also have one, with a monthly contract actually (I kept buying prepaid but then forgot to do anything with them)
I'll probably and get some sleep soon - got up at 4am today to catch the catamaran
well sleep tight then - but not too tight :P
ill be off then too gn8
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Droid4 question, on the back shell in teh battery compartment, there's a metal plate on the right side (seen with camera on top) - is that some kind of temperature sensor for battery?
it seems to connect to mainboard via three contacts
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i do believe there's no thermometer inside the battery