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<stanr> 5.11.22 #1 seems very stable. congratulations to the fixers.
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<stanr> i understand C++ about as well as a dog understands a vacuum cleaner
<stanr> and all i can do is bark angrily at it
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<stanr> figured it out. larger font theme 0.1 working on pc, not on maemo-leste version yet
<mighty17[m]> `glmark2 Score: 22` ok this is really bad i get better results with 1.17 + wayland
<stanr> what device
<mighty17[m]> Samsung Galaxy Tab 2
<mighty17[m]> with --fullscreen i get `glmark2 Score: 74`
<stanr> what cpu/gpu is that?
<mighty17[m]> Omap4430
<mighty17[m]> Sgx540
<stanr> cool
<mighty17[m]> cant understand why without fullscreen its so bad
<stanr> i think xorg is doing an extra copy
<stanr> due to compositing
<mighty17[m]> logs for both
<stanr> under hildon, you should be able to disable compositing in windowed application with ctrl-shift-n
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<mighty17[m]> no keyboard
<mighty17[m]> its a tab
<stanr> i got glmark2-es2 24 yesterday i think
<mighty17[m]> what device?
<stanr> droid4, omap4430
<mighty17[m]> oh i use droid4 rootfs :P on the tab2
<stanr> not under hildon
<mighty17[m]> very similar devices
<mighty17[m]> not under hildon > then what?
<stanr> xorg + openbox
<mighty17[m]> and maemo?
<stanr> yes
<stanr> you can switch WM's without restarting x
<mighty17[m]> wow thats new
<mighty17[m]> any pics?
<stanr> not really, they're just programs running in x
<stanr> it looks like openbox
<mighty17[m]> one can theme openbox :)
<stanr> to switch to openbox i do
<stanr> /usr/sbin/dsmetool -k /usr/bin/hildon-desktop
<stanr> sleep 2
<stanr> openbox-session&
<mighty17[m]> openbox wouldnt work well for me, no hw keyboard
<stanr> they can be purchased
<stanr> then to restart hildon i just killall openbox && sleep 2 && /etc/X11/
<mighty17[m]> i mean yes but i dont hv any reason
<mighty17[m]> openbox-session& > pretty simple :D
<mighty17[m]> i still hv to try gdm
<stanr> a computer without a keyboard is like a horse without legs
<mighty17[m]> haha
<mighty17[m]> virtual keyboard is good for me :P plus its a tab like lol
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<meldrian> Are there additional sources for the maemo leste package manager besides the ones already present after flashing the sdcard?
<uvos> no
<uvos> but apt has all of debian
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<sicelo> meldrian: you can also add/enable the -devel repository, but expect the unexpected, like you would with Debian Sid, for example
<meldrian> Thanks. expect the unexpected. I like that.
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<uvos> the -devel repo dosent conatin anything for ham
<uvos> afaik
<uvos> everything there is in extras anyhow so its not affected
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<Wizzup> mighty17[m]: how far did we get with support your device btw? what are the next steps?
<Wizzup> uvos: the -devel repo can contain stuff for ham, but I only do that for some not-well-working stuff
<uvos> Wizzup: but thats in extras-devel
<uvos> i dont thing we document extras-devel anywhere
<uvos> *think
<uvos> or not?
<Wizzup> not sure
<Wizzup> btw, wifi changes should be in stable
<uvos> Wizzup: good
<uvos> Wizzup: no issues since you implmented the workaround
<uvos> btw did you test if this happens on other devices besides the d4?
<uvos> just in case the driver is a fault
<Wizzup> do you mean the wpa interface randomly returning that it could not actually start a scan>?
<uvos> yes
<Wizzup> Not really, but it's also hard to debug.
<Wizzup> uvos - the module still logs that though (when it fails)
<Wizzup> so you can grep daemon.log
<Wizzup> grep for 'try_scan_wpa_control'
<Wizzup> Looks like the last time I had it was on July 3
<uvos> i dont really have a device with wifi i could try except another mapphone
<Wizzup> I'm saying you could also grep on your d4 for the message to see if it still happens too
<uvos> the n900 igues
<Wizzup> I can try other devices, yeah, I suppose
<uvos> but it shares a driver
<Wizzup> I am not too worried since the scan still seems to work, it's probably something in wpa supplicant socket handling for the most part
<uvos> ok
<Wizzup> (or a scan already happening, which is also not too bad, but it can't be the cause for all of them)
<uvos> could also be that kernel driver returns failure and then dose the scann anyhow
<uvos> confuseing wpa
<mighty17[m]> Wizzup: we were on making a wiki page :P
<mighty17[m]> so far droid4 rootfs is working great for me
<mighty17[m]> and another thing is omap2plus defconfig somehow doesnt work for me
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<sicelo> you can diff omap2plus with yours, and see what the differences are
<mighty17[m]> right now cant do anything, sdcard issues still not fixed
<mighty17[m]> not mmc issue but getting a reader
<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> so ongoing on your side it sounds like :)
<uvos> we could take on his device instead of mz609 if we want a tablet i gues
<uvos> i dont relish the thought of not having a serial port tho
<uvos> motorola devices are pretty mutch optimal in this regard
<uvos> mighty17[m]: you could try and compile omap2plus with just omapdrm built in instead of a module
<Wizzup> I think mz609 is not a bad target
<uvos> and see if it spits out any errors
<Wizzup> apart from the flashing stuff
<uvos> mz609 has not flashing issues
<uvos> thats mz617
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<Wizzup> ok, so what's wrong with mz609 then?
<uvos> where can i buy one?
<uvos> (they are rare)
<uvos> mighty17[m]'s samsung tablet is common as mud
<Wizzup> wait, didn't I send you a mz609?
<Wizzup> I am confused now
<uvos> Wizzup: its mmc dosent work
<uvos> it discards all wrights remember
<uvos> *wirtes
<Wizzup> I remember
<Wizzup> I am trying to understand if the mbm allow flashing stuff is for the mz609 or not
<Wizzup> I keep confusing the codenames :)
<uvos> mz609 (the small tablet) works great
<uvos> we have permissive mbm
<uvos> and kexecboot and everything ready
<uvos> thanks to tonys work
<Wizzup> ok, so that's something I can try next week when I get back to croatia then
<uvos> right
<Wizzup> uvos: ah I see, the 11 mz617 are harder to flash
<uvos> yes
<mighty17[m]> you could try and compile omap2plus with just omapdrm built in instead of a module > uvos omapdrm needs to be a module for hildon/pvr to work
<uvos> mighty17[m]: right but this would be without pvr just to debug
<mighty17[m]> samsung tablet is common as mud > indeed like it used to be top 10 in LineageOs at one time :P
<uvos> mighty17[m]: i guessing that maybe your linux cant find its modules due to your block device issues
<uvos> mighty17[m]: if you compile in omapdrm this gives the kernel a chance to complain and you to read the error
<mighty17[m]> right but this would be without pvr just to debug > uvos im missing a sdcard reader so i cant change the modules (/lib/modules/5.11.0)
<uvos> your not supposed to change that
<uvos> just compile a new tag
<mighty17[m]> oh ok like that
<mighty17[m]> also bootloader issue
<uvos> and then modules_install creates a new directoy called 5.11.0-akhfshgkjhjdsah
<uvos> just copy that into /lib/modules with leste
<uvos> yeah bootloader issue is another thing
<mighty17[m]> for now i will modify it in omap2plus
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<Wizzup> any idea what the easiest way would be to get a sfos device? to inspect the audio stack and such
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<bencoh> we could easily download an image I guess
<buZz> there's a nokia n950 port, lol
<buZz> the unobtainium
<bencoh> some leste devs own n950 :)
<bencoh> (well, they own a n950 unit, at least)
<parazyd> Yeah fmg has one that I know
<parazyd> Though more or less it's the N9
<bencoh> yeah
<parazyd> That said
<parazyd> Wizzup: You can run sailfish on the N9
<buZz> its maybe bad marketing to post tweets as maemo leste that display 'posted with twidere on android'
<buZz> ;)
<parazyd> Who's to say I'm not using Anbox :p
<buZz> right, but couldnt you spoof it? :P
<parazyd> dunnp
<parazyd> dunno
<Wizzup> I guess the pinephone might run it, but also I'm just mostly searching for where pulse config files come from
<Wizzup> how they build the rootfs etc
<buZz> ah hmhm
<Wizzup> maybe jusa will still reply, who knows
<Wizzup> the pdf seems helpful
<Wizzup> android/hal might be quite different though, but we'll see
<Wizzup> buZz: 14.9
<Wizzup> 14.9 AudioFor audio, Sailfish OS uses PulseAudio as the main mixer. For audio routing ohmd is used.TODO: Add info about audio routing configuration TODO: Add more info in general
<Wizzup> ;)
<buZz> :)
<bencoh> (talking about anbox, I couldn't get it to work on droid4)
<bencoh> (I always eventually have some anbox/android-related process stuck at 100%cpu for ages)
<parazyd> bencoh: It won't work with pvr
<bencoh> oh, seriously? :(
<parazyd> And I think 32bit in general, it's a bit messy
<parazyd> Yeah
<bencoh> well, no need to try then
<parazyd> No
<parazyd> It works well on the Pinephone
<parazyd> (with additional zram)
<bencoh> Wizzup: something tells me telepathy is too high level for the sailfish hw adaptation guide btw
<bencoh> since telepathy sits on another abstraction layer (they leverage the android RIL)
<Wizzup> bencoh: this is about pulse though, but yeah
<bencoh> oh, pulse/ohmd, right. n900 uses ohmd as well
<Wizzup> bencoh: it won't currently work with pvr at least
<Wizzup> bencoh: the n900 does? I forgot about that
<bencoh> it does, I never really understood what it did though
<Wizzup> I see it now
<Wizzup> I think I have most of what I need, I was just searching for jusa's advice/blessing :p
<Wizzup> I'll continue later today or tomorrow, work took over
<bencoh> :)
<Wizzup> I just don't know how up to date it is (I had to port the cmtspeech to newer pa for example)
<bencoh> oh, right, nemo basically went the same way 5~10y ago
<bencoh> wait, so ohmd is the one reading xpolicy.conf?!
<Wizzup> is also down
<Wizzup> bencoh: I need to verify that, I think that's pulse
<Wizzup> (I'd try harder to answer the q, but need to get back to work :) )
<bencoh> (same tbh :D)
<Wizzup> bencoh: it is pulseaudio-policy-enforcement that does it
<Wizzup> (i think)
<bencoh> ah, thanks
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<Wizzup> sicelo: I suppose a nemo n900 image would work just as ewll
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<stanr> i see maemo scummvm is using the oldstyle /opt install directories. is there something i can read to understand the reasoning for this?
<stanr> iirc it was to allow large apps to go to a larger partition than system programs
<buZz> i think there's still debate about a second partition like MyDocs
<Wizzup> yes, it has not been ported over not to use /opt
<Wizzup> that's the only reason
<Wizzup> we don't optify at this point
<stanr> thanks
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<tmlind> uvos: so i tried your suggestion of fastboot flash mbmloader mbmloader.bin on mz617 and yeah it works
<tmlind> uvos: i also extracted mz615 and mz616 motoboot files and they too are flashable on mz617, but do not allow flashing utags partition
<tmlind> i just used these for mz617 for reference to extract motoboot:
<tmlind> bin="motoboot.bin"
<tmlind> dd if=${bin} bs=1 skip=$((0x400)) count=$((0x80070 - 0x400)) of=allow-mbmloader-flashing-mbm.bin
<tmlind> dd if=${bin} bs=1 skip=$((0x80400)) count=$((0x8a8e0 - 0x80400)) of=mbmloader_ns.bin
<tmlind> dd if=${bin} bs=1 skip=$((0xa0400)) count=$((0xaaef0 - 0xa0400)) of=mbmloader_hs.bin
<tmlind> the filename and offsets are slightly different for mz615:
<tmlind> bin="motoboot.img"
<tmlind> dd if=${bin} bs=1 skip=$((0x400)) count=$((0x80070 - 0x400)) of=allow-mbmloader-flashing-mbm.bin
<tmlind> dd if=${bin} bs=1 skip=$((0x80400)) count=$((0x8aef0 - 0x80400)) of=mbmloader_ns.bin
<tmlind> dd if=${bin} bs=1 skip=$((0xa0400)) count=$((0xaaee0 - 0xa0400)) of=mbmloader_hs.bin
<Wizzup> that's good news... right?
<tmlind> then the mz617 motoboot has no mbm or mbmloader at all
<tmlind> Wizzup: well no, the motoboot files just contain yet another version of mbm and mbmloader, they are not really allow-mbmloader-flashing-mbm.bin files
<Wizzup> hmm
<tmlind> it seems that some earlier firmware might still contain the allow-mbmloader-flashing-mbm.bin, otherwise utags needs to be installed with dd on a rooted system
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<uvos> tmlind: just to carify the first ofsets are for mz616 not mz617 as you wrote right
<uvos> otherwise the rest of what you said makes no sense
<uvos> i wonder what they needed motoboot for if it contains just another mbm, its not bit identical to regular mbm.bin right?
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<tmlind> uvos: sorry yeah for mz616
<tmlind> uvos: yeah no idea what the motoboot really is, maybe it's needed to update the partition tables?
<tmlind> anyways sleepy time here, ttyl
<Wizzup> gn
<freemangordon> parazyd: BTW, may we have my tp-glib memleak patch somehow?
<freemangordon> either through devuan or leste repos?
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<parazyd> freemangordon: I think we decided to compile all of telepathy ourselves, at least for beowulf
<freemangordon> but, do we compile it?
<freemangordon> as I still see a memleak with valgrind
<parazyd> No, not yet
<parazyd> Shall I set it up?
<freemangordon> yes, but no hurry
<parazyd> ok, added for morning todo
<freemangordon> :)
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<stanr> now one droid4 is hijacking the wlan connection of another and grabbing the same IP addr
<stanr> if one disconnects a wifi manually, leste reconnects
<stanr> seems that the user has indicated "stay offline" if disconnecting a wifi
<stanr> which the system should respect
<stanr> i'll set it to 'always ask'
<stanr> but an unintended disconnection - lost connection is a different case!
<stanr> THAT should trigger a reconnection attempt!
<stanr> or we should have an option on internet connections to 'attempt reconnection to lost wifi'
<stanr> yeah i had two droid4's both thinking they had the same IP addr on wlan
<parazyd> Maybe you forgot to change one of their hostnames?
<stanr> ah that's it
<uvos> stanr: you moved the sdcard from one droid 4 to another and now both have the same mac address as the mac addres travels with the sdcard/nvs
<stanr> ohhh
<stanr> how do i reset it?
<sicelo> Wizzup: sfos device -> droid4 has a working, old port
<uvos> sicelo: that uses android hal
<sicelo> Wizzup: n900 nemo image -> that works too. phone calls worked ootb
<sicelo> uvos: he asked about an sfos device? no?
<uvos> sure but one that uses android hal for audio is very likely not what he wants
<stanr> mac address appears to be in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
<uvos> no
<uvos> its in nvs
<sicelo> < Wizzup> [16:08] any idea what the easiest way would be to get a sfos device? to inspect the audio stack and such .... he's got million d4 :)
<uvos> thats just the interface name based on mac
<stanr> ok thanks
<uvos> yeah i know what he said, but a sfos device that uses android hal is unlieky to be very helpfull
<uvos> the n900 nemo is a mutch better suggestion
<sicelo> Wizzup: you ported cmtspeech to newer pa - you did this in your recent work?
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<Wizzup> sicelo: re: cmtspeech, I didn't do much, I only ported the nemo module to newer PA
<Wizzup> sicelo: I tried to find the nemo n900 image but couldn't find it
<Wizzup> sicelo: uvos: yeah, preferrably not with android hal stuff
<sicelo> let me check. i downloaded it in second half of 2020, so should be available somewhere
<uvos> did nemo drop support for n900?
<uvos> (just curious)
<sicelo> yes, they did - and soon died too, but getting revived now
<Wizzup> what soon died too?
<sicelo> Nemo eventually kinda died. It's back now, but mostly seems to be quite different from what it was in the start
<uvos> heh armv7hl
<uvos> do we really have to specify little-endian
<uvos> who runs arm in big-endian mode :P
<parazyd> sicelo, uvos, Wizzup:
<parazyd> Wizzup: You got an N9, right?
<Wizzup> yes, it didn't have a link to the nemo images
<Wizzup> yes, I have a N9 here somewhere
<Wizzup> but this is fine, I don't necessarily want to boot it on my n900 (i might)
<Wizzup> I just need to poke at the image
<parazyd> The wiki link is for N9
<Wizzup> the link sicelo posted also has n9 images I think
<parazyd> Maybe it's still possible to build it
<Wizzup> well n950 anyway
<Wizzup> parazyd: I don't want to invest that much time in it
<Wizzup> I think I have what I need: to peek inside the pulseaudio config files
<Wizzup> the rootfs probably has tools to also let me poke around the rpm database
<sicelo> btw now you're working with PA12 you said? or 14?
<uvos> Wizzup: maybe the vbox sfos image is even better
<uvos> since its newer
<Wizzup> uvos: no, that doesn't contain the n900 stuff :p
<Wizzup> uvos: not sure if I linked this earlier
<uvos> oh ok
<uvos> i thought you where after the genreal pa setup
<Wizzup> I am, but the n900 is still easier to use here I think
<Wizzup> since the modules I am working with are basically what is in this image
<sicelo> (ah, i see Leste has PA12 - was looking at my sid laptop)
<Wizzup> sicelo: yeah, sfos is on pa14 now
<uvos> ok
<uvos> idk if we want to do waht the n900 stuff you linked back when did
<uvos> since it looks specific to the n900 hardware mixer controles
<Wizzup> can you be more specific?
<Wizzup> oh that part, well, that's just one part of a lot of this
<uvos> well it fiddels with mixer values directly if i read it correcly (i only glanced at it)
<uvos> i know
<Wizzup> if I can the other stuff going soon, that'll already be great
<uvos> well i suspect you know what you are doning
<uvos> so carry on
<Wizzup> uvos: that's kind, I am not always sure ;)
<Wizzup> I am sure things changed since nemo 2013 times, but the modules seem to be mostly the same otherwise
<Wizzup> and the sfos stuff is not documented at all, compared to the nemo/mer audio, but I assume it's mostly the same
<Wizzup> so for making policies, tagging apps and moving them to certain sinks, all that stuff, I think we're good with the current approach
<Wizzup> then the switching we can do with UCM probably, but I imagine that might not be a super tricky change
<uvos> so do you want to import voicecallmanager?
<Wizzup> uvos: not sure, but if it does a lot of heavy lifting for us, it could be useful, I haven't looked that much at it
<Wizzup> It seems to be a background daemon, if I understand correctly, not a UI
<uvos> yes
<uvos> it looks sorta like the mce call module as a deamon
<uvos> expanded a bit
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<uvos> also replaces some stuff also in sphone
<uvos> like the rinnger
<sicelo> (i was just watching the pp hwkb video by Martijn. is it just me, or with phone keyboards, you're better off with n900-droid4 size kbd, where you use only two fingers? looks to me like the pp keyboard is too big for easy "two finger" typing, and too small for all fingers)
<sicelo> anyway, still nice to have any keyboard :)
<Wizzup> sicelo: yes, more like psion keyboard (thumb typing)
<Wizzup> uvos: ok, good to keep in the back of our head, I don't know how much it depends on other sfos stuff
<uvos> Wizzup: idk if its usefull, except the abstraction that allows you to use ofono or telephathy thats need
<uvos> *neat
<uvos> Wizzup: otherwise, if we use ofono direclty we have everything i provides in other places, as far as i can tell from a brief survay of the modules
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<Wizzup> uvos: in the long term I don't think we want to rely solely on ofono - for sip we will have telepathy
<uvos> its also a qt cli application i find that akward in a otherwise fully glib stack
<Wizzup> agreed, that is true
<uvos> even though i dont like glib
<Wizzup> my thought is mostly that sailfish I think has the calling stuff nicely figured out I think, at least in the way I'd want it
<uvos> yeah
<Wizzup> sharing a lot of stuff for audio setup / audio switching / calls is likely beneficial, also since a lot of it is like maemo
<Wizzup> as bencoh said, ohmd runs on fremantle too
<uvos> no doubt
<Wizzup> anyway tangent ;p
<uvos> sicelo: i agree the pinephone kbd looks - not so great
<uvos> but idk how you would do better really
<uvos> with the contraints in place
<uvos> really the should make a kbd integrated pinephone
<uvos> but yeah that would be lots of work and expense
<sicelo> yes, hence < sicelo> anyway, still nice to have any keyboard :) -- i'm definitely not criticizing it. just noting/asking based on the video
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joerg is now known as _j
_j is now known as DocScrutinizer
DocScrutinizer is now known as joerg
Blikje has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
Blikje_ has joined #maemo-leste
Blikje_ is now known as Blikje
uvos has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]