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<Wizzup> uvos: radiocomm comes with a nice user manual :) RadioComm_UserManual.pdf
<Wizzup> uvos: I think radiocomm just talks to COM1 or so, so maybe it can work in wine (it doesn't even start in wine right now though, needs some .net stuff)
<Wizzup> uvos: oh nvm, also needs usb ofc
<sicelo> maybe a Windows VM, with USB passthrough?
<Wizzup> I just remembered my gf has a laptop with windows, so might try that too
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<Wizzup> tmlind: did you poke around much in radiocomm?
<Wizzup> tmlind: there is an interesting file QC_NVLIST
<Wizzup> for example 1143 there is NV_WCDMA_1900_VGA_GAIN_OFFSET_I,1143,2,
<Wizzup> and NV_RF_BC_CONFIG_I,1877,8,
<Wizzup> contains a lot of AGPS stuff too
<Wizzup> cpcap_mask_lookup.txt also looks interesting
<sicelo> Wizzup: thanks for replying on u-boot :)
<Wizzup> the reply is not the actual work
<Wizzup> hehe
<sicelo> yeah, but it's helpful to show there's still life
<sicelo> and/or interest in the topic
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<tmlind> Wizzup: have not used radiocomm at all, no idea about it. i've just used the register defines in some open source project whatever it was
<tmlind> libpst in openbst projects
<tmlind> include/qualcomm/dm_nv.h there has some version of nvram registers
<tmlind> i think the nvram agps features are not used, or it's configured to get the almanac like droid4-agps is doing
<tmlind> hmm so what's the cpcap_mask_lookup.txt file?
<tmlind> Wizzup: maybe email me QC_NVLIST and cpcap_mask_lookup.txt or post them somewhere to look at?
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<Roal-Yr> Hello fellows, I would like to know if there is a Discord server for Maemo Leste (or if it is planned)? Asking because I am not used to use IRC.
<L29Ah> i'm pretty sure proprietary chat platforms are out of the question
<Danct12> you can join through matrix and setup a discord bridge there if that's what you prefer
<dreamer> as long as we're not bothered by that bridge ..
<dreamer> (I thought those where always done with a bot shouting messages back and forth)
<Roal-Yr> That sounds even less convenient though.
<dreamer> discord would be less convenient
<dreamer> since everybody is here on irc
<bencoh> logs are public, so a discord bot / bridge / whatever wouldn't hurt here anyway
<Roal-Yr> Well, I guess IRC it is then.
<dreamer> bencoh: it would hurt if it's a bot shouting messages back and forth
<dreamer> tin-can-telephone-communication
<Danct12> if you can properly configure the bot then it just sounds like a normal irc user.. :P
* L29Ah uses IRC through XMPP
<dreamer> no idea, that's what I usually see channels do and it's super annoying
<bencoh> dreamer: it's slightly less annoying than I thought at first; someone invited such a bot in another channel
<dreamer> I tend to quit those channels
<bencoh> but obviously it isn't exactly great
<Roal-Yr> In any case, I first have to get my hands on droid 4 and see if what I purchased is functional even.
<dreamer> it's more annoying than matrix-server quits/joins
<dreamer> Roal-Yr: :)
<Danct12> i still yet to find a droid 4, it seems like vast majority of them are overseas
<Roal-Yr> I couldn't resist the temptation of owning a qwerty slider again, moreover on linux.
<Danct12> (i might as well ask someone there to buy it for me)
<bencoh> Danct12: depends on which part of the world you are I guess ... I think mine came from the USA
<bencoh> (iirc)
<Roal-Yr> I have managed to get a second-hand one for about 17$ locally. There is another one for 12$ but it is much more battered.
<bencoh> hmm, mine cost more
<Danct12> honestly, if the phone has a keyboard in landscape mode, that's the selling point for me :)
<Roal-Yr> Okay, now the important question: is the compiling toolchain there on ML? I am into coding on phone (in fact writing from Termux now), and I am interested in being able to do that if possible. I've seen Python packages, I think...
<bencoh> Roal-Yr: leste is based on devuan
<bencoh> it's basically devuan + custom repos
<bencoh> so the toolchain is devuan's toolchain
<Roal-Yr> Good-good.
<bencoh> :)
<Roal-Yr> If I can get to code in Rust on a phone from 2011 that will be very pleasant.
<bencoh> nothing stopping you from doing it :)
<Roal-Yr> I hope they support armhf? Or was it armv7?
<bencoh> armhf
<L29Ah> armv7hf?
<bencoh> yeah
<bencoh> (droid4/n900 don't support armv8, obviously)
<Roal-Yr> By the way, why OMAP devices?
<L29Ah> might be v6
<bencoh> if you ask why does two, then n900 was maemo 5 (fremantle) only platform; droid4 is quite similar to it in various ways
<bencoh> s/does/those/
<bencoh> and well, it make it pretty nice target once some people started working on it
<bencoh> (even before leste started iirc)
<bencoh> (uhg, sorry about all the typos, I keep rephrasing without re-reading afterwards)
<dreamer> potentially there are a lot of other OMAP devices that could be added (think Pandora, Pyra and others)
<Roal-Yr> By the way, did anyone of you try PinePhone? How is it? I am tempted by the fact that it may cost me just one month worth of income. Naturally I went for droid 4 as a cheaper preview device...
<L29Ah> pinephone's idle runtime is horrible for such a fat battery
<bencoh> Roal-Yr: there a few Leste demos on pinephone on youtube if you want
<L29Ah> but apparently people don't mind keeping it connected daily
<Roal-Yr> Oh boy.
<Roal-Yr> My main concern with Android is that they are closing the gaps in security and new SDK versions will prohibit compilation and execution of 3rd-party code, which means that at most one could do script coding.
<Roal-Yr> That means either staying on Android 10/11 or looking for alternatives.
<Roal-Yr> For devices as good as personal computers in terms of hardware to be so... restricted in terms of software, this is depressing.
<L29Ah> smartphones aren't even close to proper laptops wrt hardware
<L29Ah> inferior processing, inferior input, inferior memory, inferior peripherals...
<Roal-Yr> Depends on one's requirements though.
<stano_> they exceed the performance of desktops if you go back X years
<stano_> anyway, glad to have more interest and helpers to make Maemo rise from the ashes
<bencoh> <3
<Roal-Yr> It is my final PhD year, and I will be trying hard to not to fail, so I promise nothing right now, but I definitely see linux phones being as good as linux computers in the future (if we live long enough).
<Roal-Yr> And I will be glad to contgibute if possible.
<stano_> it's in a play-with-able state already, so you can familiarize yourself with it in your 'off time' and have fun, without committing yourself to impossible things
<stano_> dear leader Linus told us to "have fun"
<Roal-Yr> Absolutely.
<Roal-Yr> What else is there to do otherwise.
<stano_> the stage beyond that is 'do your duty'
<Roal-Yr> Which is equally fulfilling TBH. Balance is the key.
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<_uvos_> Wizzup: interestin @ radiocomm
<_uvos_> i only ever used it with a85x
<_uvos_> regarding the cpcap file, on d4 the 3g modem is not connected it cpcap at all, but the 4g modem is
<_uvos_> it would be interesting to also see what, if any, radiocomm has on lcm2.0
<_uvos_> maybe on d3 the modem is serviced by cpcap instead of its own pmic
<_uvos_> that would make some sense, the maybe ran out of regulators while adding the 4g modem so they added the second pmic
<_uvos_> that would also explain the non-functional modem in letste
<_uvos_> on d3
<_uvos_> maybe look at the d3 teardown and see if the quallcom pmic is included like on d4
<sicelo> Roal-Yr: and yes, not necessarily OMAP devices. if you have a QCOM with mainline kernel, it can be supported. iirc support for Xiaomi Poco F1 was merged (or stalled?)
<_uvos_> also we support pp, a non-omap device
<Roal-Yr> Oh right.
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<Roal-Yr> Disconnected... I was writing that I could possibly get 3 droid 4s for 17$ each. And looks like they are in decent condition.
<Roal-Yr> Can't be too many linux phones.
<stano_> collect them all!
<stano_> sometimes you can find a seller with a 'lot' of them on ebay
<Roal-Yr> They also have Droid Pro (non-slider qwerty) for 6$...
<stano_> never seen that
<Roal-Yr> XT610
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<stano_> the SoC might be doable but 320x480 wouldn't work well
<Roal-Yr> Well TTY should do?
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<Roal-Yr> Or simple DE like IceVM or what was it...
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<stano_> do for maemo-leste
<Roal-Yr> I am excited way too much, TBH. Gotta get this one droid 4 first and see how it goes before concluding anything.
<stano_> that's just another class of resolution which maemo UI was never designed for
<Roal-Yr> BTW, theoretically, it should support gles2 game I am making in Godot, as well as Godot editor itself...
<stano_> the nokia 770 had 800x480 in 2005
<Roal-Yr> Well, it all boils down to DPI.
<stano_> yes, just saying the body of maemo apps is landscape-centric, and targeting a larger screen, both in physical size and resolution
<stano_> it might be fun to run linux on the droid pro, but not fun to run maemo-leste
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<Roal-Yr> Well, I have had X10 mini pro in 2010, with just 2.3"... So I know how it feels.
<uvos> dont buy xt610, its unrelated to the d4
<uvos> its a sholes based device
<uvos> so no linux support of any kind
<Roal-Yr> Sholes?
<uvos> motorola phone architecture
<uvos> d3/ d4/ bionic etc are mapphones
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<Roal-Yr> Is it hardware-wise or software-wise?
<uvos> they share most chips inc. expecally omap4, mdm6600 and cpcap
<uvos> hw wise
<uvos> the xt610 is unrelated harware wise
<uvos> and uses omap3 and ti pmic etc
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<uvos> Wizzup: the d3 also contains the qcom pmic
<uvos> Wizzup: so thats not it, also this means the device dosent violate the modem "seperation of powers" as sutch
<Roal-Yr> What about raspberries?
<uvos> what about them?
<Roal-Yr> In terms of hardware are they supported? How is that hardware comparable with what droid 4 has?
<uvos> they are well supported
<uvos> but arnt phones
<uvos> obv
<uvos> any pi where you can run devuan will run leste
<Roal-Yr> I see, thank you.
<uvos> hw wise its not really comperabil
<uvos> im modern pis are mutch faster than the d4 ofc
<sicelo> Roal-Yr: regarding phones with small screens, this might be interesting - :-)
<uvos> the d4 has lots of built in peripherals the pis dont have being, you know, a real phone and all
<Roal-Yr> I assume that is what causing most trouble.
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<uvos> for supporting a new phone, yeah that adds some complexity sure. as far as the d4 is concerned tho its a solved problem
<uvos> every peripheral is supported, except cameras.
<uvos> and the lte modem
<uvos> umts modem works fine
<stano_> there's a huge stack of work to support cameras too, judging by that lecture i saw on n900
<uvos> yeah
<uvos> the omap side is mostly done afaik
<uvos> not sure how stable it is tho
<uvos> but we know next to nothing about the acctual chips
<stano_> :/
<stano_> even without a wizzbang camera app, getting to a v4l2 device would be a huge achievement
<uvos> the front camera has a out of tree driver tho, you might be able to get it going with resonable effort and the out of tree iss patches
<uvos> back camera is tough
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<stano_> not even on my wishlist really
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<Roal-Yr> Driver-specific issue? (I assume USB cameras should work?)
<uvos> there is no driver for the iss (in tree) there is no driver for the camera chips, we dont even know where the f*** the camera is connected (regulator wise, bus wise)
<Roal-Yr> Oh boy.
<stano_> fm transmitter would be more fun for me :P
<uvos> there is a fm transmitter
<stano_> yup :P
<uvos> but im going to venture a gues and say the antenna is connected no where
<uvos> so it wont ever work
<sicelo> hw mod then?
<uvos> no
<uvos> its bga and if they dident connect it thats that
<uvos> there is no where you could solder something in this case
<stano_> someone at motorola pooped on that then. n900 was sometimes usable as an in-car transmitter
<uvos> not really
<uvos> they dident want the additional cert complexity
<uvos> most likely
<sicelo> did moto ever release a phone with official fm transmitter anyway? can't recall, but of course, didn't follow all moto doings, plus lots of models didn't make it to this market
<uvos> i dont know of any reasonably modern phone
<uvos> some old moto feature phones could
<sicelo> heh
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