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<freemangordon> Wizzup: building a version which flushes cache before scanning for a hidden AP
<freemangordon> however, I think there might be some issue in icd wpa plugin - it seems to try to connect forever to a hidden AP which is non-existent
<freemangordon> I tried the same on fremantle and it gives error dialog in 10 seconds or so
<freemangordon> that could be part of the issue that connui dialog has to be closed if first connection attempt fails
<freemangordon> you can easily trigger that by entering wrong ssid for a hidden AP - wifi icon will start blinking forever
<freemangordon> also, it is a good idea to mask psk and others like it when logging from the plugin
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: ok, it's possible I lack some timeout
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<diejuse> apt install xfce4-appfinder
<diejuse> it works and looks perfect on MLeste
<freemangordon> how does it look?
<freemangordon> I mean - screenshot please :)
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<diejuse> freemangordon: There is the image.
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<freemangordon> diejuse1: yeah, looks nice
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<freemangordon> Wizzup: what about ?
<freemangordon> this seems to fix "connecting forever" bug
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: sorry, in plane now, will check later tonight, pls ping me if I do not look at it tonight
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<freemangordon> Wizzup: no hurry, also, the patch seems to break normal connections
<freemangordon> lets have a look/discussion when you have more time
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<mighty17[m]> Would you guys like adding support for another device (omap4430) ofc I'll do the porting and stuff, but I need directions
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<Wizzup> mighty17[m]: what device?
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<mighty17[m]> <Wizzup "mighty17: what device?"> Samsung Galaxy Tab 2
<mighty17[m]> Iirc I asked before but that was in freenode channel
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<Wizzup> mighty17[m]: sure, if you have display, wifi and usb or something working, we can start looking at building an image for it
<Wizzup> I assume you don't have powervr working yet
<mighty17[m]> <Wizzup "I assume you don't have powervr "> in pmOS i do!
<Wizzup> ok, cool
<Wizzup> which ddk is that?
<Wizzup> mighty17[m]: I am thinking what makes the most sense perhaps is for you to download a droid4 image that we have, and then modify the kernel/modules and a few other things to fix your device
<Wizzup> we have this for device specific config:
<mighty17[m]> <Wizzup "which ddk is that?"> 1.17
<Wizzup> ok, for leste you'll want an older one
<Wizzup> I'd suggest to use the one we use for the d4
<Wizzup> (the latest one does not support X)
<mighty17[m]> 1.9 as it supports X
<Wizzup> yes
<mighty17[m]> i use the linux_openpvrsgx kernel anyways, it requires some patches for charger and touch (and dts ofc)
<Wizzup> great
<Wizzup> so maybe start with a droid 4 or bionic image, add your own kernel+modules, and check leste-config for other files you might want to tweak
<Wizzup> and then we can look at adding a leste-config package for it, and then auto build images for it
<mighty17[m]> i was checking droid4 and the entire seems unneeded for tab 2 (henceforth called as espresso/3g)
<Wizzup> does the tablet have a rgb status led?
<Wizzup> and does it have an ambient light sensor?
<Wizzup> and vibrator, etc?
<Wizzup> sometimes you need to provide a sysfs path for those kind of things
<Wizzup> of course for an initial port this does not matter
<mighty17[m]> no led, light sensor is still not working (i cant get gpadc working)
<Wizzup> but you''ll probably want some kind of nce.ini.d
<Wizzup> not even a charging led? ok
<mighty17[m]> <Wizzup "of course for an initial port th"> yeah for now i will do what u said, use d4 img and my kernel
<mighty17[m]> <Wizzup "not even a charging led? ok"> yup not even that
<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> well, you can omit it and see how it goes
<mighty17[m]> a lot of things need to be omitted xD
<Wizzup> exciting nonetheless
<mighty17[m]> ```
<mighty17[m]> /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/40-ts.conf.leste
<mighty17[m]> /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-omap.conf.leste
<mighty17[m]> what are these two
<Wizzup> is this in leste-config-mapphone ?
<mighty17[m]> yes yes found it
<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> not sure about 40-ts.conf
<Wizzup> I don't see it anymore in leste-config
<mighty17[m]> <Wizzup "not sure about 40-ts.conf"> its in pinephone folder somehow
<mighty17[m]> pocophone*
<Wizzup> well, various devices could have had such a ts.conf
<Wizzup> mighty17[m]: I suggest (later, when submitting a PR) that you create a new directory for your device rather than modifying the droid4 one
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<mighty17[m]> <Wizzup "mighty17: I suggest (later, when"> yes ofc, i wanted to copy it now and do changes but t'was too much work for initial port
<Wizzup> :)
<mighty17[m]> <Wizzup ":)"> now what, how do i build it, (suggestion add dummy device package)
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<uvos> mighty17[m]: note that leste-config-droid4 is NOT a compleate or sufficant device specification for leste
<uvos> mighty17[m]: only the combination of leste-config-mapphone and leste-config-droid4 has everything needed for the d4
<uvos> your device is not a mapphone so it dose not have the cpcap devices assumed by *-mapphone packages
<mighty17[m]> correct
<mighty17[m]> i think i removed then
<mighty17[m]> them*
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<uvos> to create a new device you must
<uvos> 1 provide a seris of kernel patches that apply to (sorry about the bad name of this repo)
<uvos> best base your patches on upstream 5.11 then they will apply to this branch
<uvos> these patches must be of resonable quality that they can be upstreamed to the mainline kernel.
<uvos> 2. you must add your device to
<uvos> 3. you must provide the package list needed by your device to
<uvos> 4. you must provide a pr on leste-config that creates a package in leste-config (an be minimal or even empty)
<uvos> if you do that you device will be supported as a "experiamental" device
<mighty17[m]> <uvos "best base your patches on upstre"> is 11 necessary, i have a driver which was added in 5.12
<uvos> mighty17[m]: yes
<mighty17[m]> ok i will add it as a patch
<mighty17[m]> also my cpu is clocked to 1GHz compared to 1.2 on d4
<uvos> mighty17[m]: so? your dts should specify this
<mighty17[m]> <uvos "if you do that you device will b"> seems like quite a lot
<uvos> or use omap4 defaults whitch are 1.0
<mighty17[m]> <uvos "mighty17: so? your dts should sp"> what? doesnt the omap4.dtsi specify that
<mighty17[m]> ok nvm
<uvos> mighty17[m]: yes it dose we override that for mapphones
<uvos> mighty17[m]: but as your device is a omap normal speed one its fine as is
<uvos> if you want your device to be marked "supported" you must achive functionality somewhate close to the droid bionic see the table here:
<uvos> and you must test the device regularly and at least one other active persion in the comunity must also have the same device
<mighty17[m]> thats quite a lot
<mighty17[m]> mostly i wont be working on 3g/modem
<uvos> on a tablet that fine
<uvos> your device is a tablet right?
<uvos> no modem is perfecly fine
<uvos> functionaliy is also not so important as regular testing really
<mighty17[m]> <uvos "your device is a tablet right?"> yes
<mighty17[m]> <uvos "functionaliy is also not so impo"> i think i know a person who can do testing
<uvos> anyhow lets get you into experiamental state first :P
<mighty17[m]> indeed xD
<uvos> i have a driver which was added in 5.12
<uvos> what driver was this btw?
<mighty17[m]> yas530
<mighty17[m]> magnetometer
<uvos> oh
<uvos> dont patch that in
<uvos> just drop it in 5.11
<mighty17[m]> like cp the driver lol
<uvos> dont do this, just leave the magnetometer broken in leste untill we move to 5.12+
<mighty17[m]> <uvos "1 provide a seris of kernel patc"> ?
<uvos> no
<uvos> just patches on top mainline 5.11 or droid4-pending-v5.11
<uvos> with droid4-pending-v5.11 prefered
<uvos> if you have patches to the pvr driver please provied thos (and only those) on top of droid4-pending-pvr-omapdrm-v5.11
<uvos> i ment with mainline v5.11 prefered sorry
<mighty17[m]> <uvos "if you have patches to the pvr d"> Oh I thought that was the kernel (like openpvrsgx)
<uvos> no
<uvos> same with openpvrsgx
<uvos> its the kernel
<uvos> tree
<uvos> but in reality we just merge that in
<mighty17[m]> Ah okay
<uvos> and delop on top of mainline
<mighty17[m]> Basically fork of openpvrsgx
<uvos> right we develop on the droid4-pending-* branch and merge in droid4-pending-pvr-omapdrm-v5.11 just before compileing
<uvos> so our commits are never at risk of dependancies to the pvr driver/patches
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